Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

I'm actually very happy that Trump is out and Biden is in. This return to the "normal" feels reassuring to me because there will be so much material with which to excoriate this bunch of psychopaths, just like the good old times.

When you require a clear indication to be sure that a quote is parody, you know that you're not dealing with parody but truth.

Probably not a popular opinion, but from a certain point of view, the biden-harris regime with all its totalitarian excesses, which have already started, was meant to happen. Trump's presidency was a respite, an extra time for people to see and de-align themselves from the lies of the elites. How many could do so is difficult to estimate. Trump's mission is complete, he exposed the power structures and their evil lies. All that is left to the individuals is to prepare to what's to come given the knowledge they have been given the chance to gather.
The march towards a full spectrum totalitarianism has been building up for a very long time and it didn't start last week. It can be delayed for a short while but it cannot be reversed, because the process is beyond the control of individuals, even among the ruling elite.
The Q operation, through its lies and manipulation, has prevented people from doing what had and has to be done: organizing local networks and communities to survive the storm. Hope however is not lost. It just doesn't reside in any institutions, representatives, or super secret patriotic armies. Hope resides in communities of non-pathological individuals who have not been programmed by the media and their otherwordly overlords.
The biden-harris-new normal-big tech pathological regime will collapse by its own hand. The only unknown is when.

One of Biden’s First Acts is To Ensure White House Website Asks For Correct Pronouns​

Well, priorities ARE priorities!!!! :whistle: :rolleyes:
This gender nonsense business exist for more than 5 years. Despite all the media hype, many companies didn't change their gender codes in their computer systems from traditional list of Male and Female. It is not even 3 days since Biden came to power, we were told to change all IT systems to accommodate 50+ genders. I guess it is only a start.
I got about 2 minutes in. Sounds like a bunch of nonsense.


In this short video McInerney hangs up when asked about Mary Fanning, etc. You'd have to dig around the George Webb material for context. So far I haven't found more re: Webb's take on McInerney, Mary Fanning, etc.

Speaking of, I've been listening to a recent chat with George Webb, his compadre, John OLoughlin (of McDuff Lives), and someone by the name of Professor Hamamoto.

Since a critique of source comes up, namely Q Anon, and Monkey Werx, I thought this could be helpful material, so I transcribed some of Webb's commentary below.

As I've heard him state before, Webb claims Q Anon does offer some classified materials, which they decided to release, but that the rest is throw away. And so he's focused on weeding through the misleading material, and making use of the valid stuff. Given the nature of his investigative reporting, which does involve intelligence, he's in a better position to do this than many out there.

Speaking of, Webb offers a critique of Monkey Werx, and explains his considerable popularity in terms of the extreme preoccupation with video games.

George Webb [re: Monkey Werx who typically falls for Q Anon manipulation]: "When I started hearing about these planes circling Washington, and how there wasn't going to be an inauguration, and Trump's going to be coming in with the Tenth Mountain [infantry] -- and these people are getting unbelievable numbers of views, Monkey Werx had some 500,000 view shows; Jeff Prather -- I love him to death, like a brother I love him -- but he kind of got into this where, you know, Trump's not going to let it happen. And, Jeff [Webb says, as if addressing him], you worked at 4th Psych Ops, you know better, you know that this is false hope here, right?"

"There's a lot of people that really felt like there was something afoot. This 13848 [Executive Order] was going to be implemented. So, I don't hold that against them, and I take them at their word that they meant the right thing."


Webb [again re: Monkey Werx, and his lacking deep background information]: "If you have a dark weapons program, and all of a sudden Nixon says, hey, move it off shore, the closest place to take it to is Canada. And move it to NATO. At some point the NATO countries want to sign the agreement for biological weapons, BWC, and they move it to Ukraine. So, I've done a lot of work with showing how that would happen. And there's a network, and you have to learn the blackberries [encrypted blackberries being germane to Webb's earlier investigations, playing a role even now], and Kolomoysky -- the names are hard -- but it is going to be the answer to the test because [Joseph] Cofer Black [former Director of CIA’s Counterterrorist Center] runs Burisma. This is the administration that's now in power. So, we have to get to the point where it's okay to do puzzles again. You don't have to do video games all the time. Watching all the planes circling, having Monkey Werx saying, oh, [unclear -- something about their landing], literally one day ago, not six months ago, it's like watching a video game: hey [Webb whispers] Trump's gonna win!"

So, yeah, Monkey Werx and others have some serious homework to do if they want to really be of value to people. Even if you say to yourself you can use his flight map software for raw data that you yourself can analyze -- it's probably going to be difficult to use it correctly without some further context.

A few other topics that came up:

Webb cont'd [visuals shown of Portland]: "Shots of Portland here. John, I think you may be right... after January 6th in Portland, they flew the Antifa guys out there. Two days before that they were at Josh Hawley's house, the senator from Missouri, because he was going to vote for the election fraud examination. Same orange hats. And I think there's going to be some theater now. Show Biden's tough on Antifa -- to set distance between him and Antifa. Use it as a tool. Bust all the windows for nine months. Tell everybody now you have to forget about that. And now you're the domestic terrorist. And now [they'll] show Biden's tough."

Professor Hamamoto, meanwhile, sees an attack on the agricultural infrastructures (including meat production) as being the next move. An article from the New York Post comes up on screen with the headline (which I believe was brought up on the "election" thread) "Bill Gates is now the largest farmland owner in America."
One such 'black swan' event, taking the last C's session into account, could be that the virus mutates into a much more virulent and deadly form (the mRNA vaccine may facilitate this) and there is actually a real-life pandemic waiting in the wings and not this scamdemic we went through in 2020 and into 2021. If such a thing were to happen, the state of the economies worldwide would, imo, be in serious question given how much fear they have induced in people and how many people in the US they have alienated with this election business. When you breed chaos and think you control it, then chaos may have its way... FWIW

I am more inclined to think that the viral disaster will come from the vaccines. I suspect a 6 month breading ground within the surviving-jabbed will unleash the uncontrollable shit-show. The multiple ways that the various vaccines manipulate the immune system can open the Pandora's Box of viroapocalyps. Kinda like being hoisted on their own petard!

This is how I see the horror show of how Vaccine-Joe will save us all!!!
I am more inclined to think that the viral disaster will come from the vaccines. I suspect a 6 month breading ground within the surviving-jabbed will unleash the uncontrollable shit-show. The multiple ways that the various vaccines manipulate the immune system can open the Pandora's Box of viroapocalyps. Kinda like being hoisted on their own petard!

This is how I see the horror show of how Vaccine-Joe will save us all!!!
Either way it’s a case having created ones own reality.
That fear and focus will/has create/d exactly that which was sold as the thing avoided. A new super bug which was paid for in freedoms, living sacrificed for life (supposedly). In the end perhaps both will be sacrificed.
The Q operation, through its lies and manipulation, has prevented people from doing what had and has to be done: organizing local networks and communities to survive the storm. Hope however is not lost. It just doesn't reside in any institutions, representatives, or super secret patriotic armies. Hope resides in communities of non-pathological individuals who have not been programmed by the media and their otherwordly overlords.
As as wrote on another thread, so if Q is fully an STS operation, this usually means that they focused on one short-term aspect but forget to analyse better its further consequences. I doubt that without Q such a large amount of peope would have shared so fast information at a country level, and on the local-community side, this would not be much different than now without Q.

What i say here is based on what i observed and continue to observ here in France with the main french Q source. Thursday evening they were 35k watching a live which was even not scheduled. It depend a lot of the leader, and he's a good spirit one (or if i miss, then i'm really gonna have a big lesson to learn ^^). But what i want to say is that all these people following this new online movement/group/community are scathered among the country, and they can inform each others, meet, motivate or help each other to create vilage/town/region communities.
Just an estimation : 35k live mean +/- 50 to 60k people watching, and how many are watching the (recorded) live another day ? So i would say that a community from 150 to 200k to be rough just formed mainy in France (+ Belgium, Quebec & some in Swiss). Question is : what would have happened without the Q psyop ?
Also, what about the spread of some truths on our world ? I followed many of their "live" and they went quite far in that domain : pedophiles, mass political corruption, worlwide mafia,... it's simply remarkable. One year before, i would never have thought to see a so fast spread of truth on our world to a so wide number of people, or better say : to see this debated and demonstrated in some live video and with so many people, rapidly growing in number. If my estimations are good, let's say 150 to 200k french people learnt many truths in only 6 months (they really started in August), and this continues to grow.
And at least, what happened to these people following here ? They learnt a good lesson no ? (and a good part of us here too, me included of course ... i never miss a good lesson :lol:)

I mean, if Q helped them (the STS) to get the US election, on the other side, it gave, to my opinion, a strong boost to the general people awarness. Like speed bonus +100% (or even more)

Let's see how these Q communities will evolve. What is ... sure, or evident, is that the PTP will try to stop and/or infiltrate them.
Maybe later this would be interesting to open a new post on Q communities, that would not be placed anymore in cointelpro (as Q would not exist anymore, but that, who knows ?). I mean, with so much "new" people having recently learnt/understood some truths (we mainly all know here), following them, each ones country by country, could be worth it.

And i can help to add : i think that one of the final 3D stage of humans before ... something big happens ... is to ... kinda unite SDA-candidates communities, or try to ... no ? :rolleyes:
Trump was a strong proponent of vaccines as well, and it looked like this event was something that was going to happen in either timeline. I had wondered if this is what would end Trump, because he is quite culpable for unleashing the plague. Biden will try to make it mandatory, so more people will probably get it in this timeline. Since he is president now, will the Biden administration get all the blame for unleashing vaxxageddon instead of Trump? Is this the universe's idea of throwing a saving grace to Trump? Sounds to me like they're both in the soup because the truth frequency isn't high enough in either one of them to meet the expectations the universe requires for the new world.

So how big a deal is the real pandemic going to be? Depopulation has been on the agenda of the PTB or some faction of them for a long time, and a killer flu pandemic has been the subject of continuity of government game theory sessions everywhere. Looks like they're finally getting what they've been striving for. Is depopulation going to happen "too soon" from the perspective of the PTB? They very well may have to rush certain plans which could lead to gaffes, but it seems like this event could easily be spun into the whole agenda of herding everyone to a much finer order of control and turning Earth into a giant Borg cube where there is no possibility of freedom or independent thought. In a real pandemic lockdowns are actually kind of justified, and would have to be enforced much more strictly than now to be effective. The PTB could then say "see, we told you so," and then provide a laundry list of transhumanist solutions as the only way of ending the terror of the pandemic. A 30-50% reduction in population should be survivable, but if the thing really gets out of hand like that "Survivors" series Laura had us all watch a while back, then that is a different animal entirely. An interesting twist on this whole scenario would be if it is mostly the PTB's army of authoritarian followers who gets the vaccine and the plague, while most of the "rebels" are left standing at the end and the PTB suddenly have to run for the hills because they destroyed their own power base and have no forces left with which to intimidate anyone with.
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