Bladder Cancer

Just heard from my doctor's nurse...she said that my creatinine levels have gone down a little, but not as much as he would like to see. She said he will call me tomorrow or Friday. I think he will probably have me get a scan of some sort and go from there.

I am trying to stay positive, but it is difficult not to worry a little. The nurse told me not to worry, so I am keeping that in mind. Thanks everyone again for such great support, and as always when I know more I will share it here.
At least the creatitine levels are going in the right direction. :thup: The body needs time to heal. The question is, how do you feel? If you're feeling good, I wouldn't worry or sweat over every lab test. They tend to over test here in the states anyway, IMO. So relax and keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you during my EE session. :hug2:
Lilou said:
At least the creatitine levels are going in the right direction. :thup: The body needs time to heal. The question is, how do you feel? If you're feeling good, I wouldn't worry or sweat over every lab test. They tend to over test here in the states anyway, IMO. So relax and keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you during my EE session. :hug2:

I agree with Lilou's sentiments. Take care of yourself, Angela. :hug2: :hug2:
I must say that today I am feeling a bit more confident that all is going to be alright. My doctor called me yesterday and said that my creatinine levels had gone down, but not as much as he would like. He also said that he doesn't think we have anything to worry about, but it is his job to prove that nothing is wrong. As far as doctors go, he is top notch! He has scheduled me for a Renal Lasix Scan for next wednesday. If it looks like my kidneys are draining properly, then there is nothing to worry about and we will probably do more frequent blood work.

I asked him if eating a predominantly "meat" diet would have anything to do with it, he said no, and I could keep doing what I am doing. I was very thankful for that, I thought that I would have to change my diet.

There were a couple moments that I got to feeling pretty low, but knowing I could share here kept me from stressing over it too much.

I had a dream last night that my doctor told me that I was going to die. I woke up a little shaken by this, but I believe that dreaming of your own death has a different meaning than an actual physical death.

Looking forward to next week!

Take care everyone :)
From what I read, I like your doctor too, Angela :) I am glad that things are looking better. OF course if anything is the matter with your kidneys, it will be good to find out so you can work on healing them, but we will deal with it when and if it comes. So far things sound good.

Angela said:
I had a dream last night that my doctor told me that I was going to die. I woke up a little shaken by this, but I believe that dreaming of your own death has a different meaning than an actual physical death.

I dreamed that I was going to die or actually died, quite a few times in my life. My aunts (and people in general where I come from) say that this means that something negative in you dies when you have such dreams. It's a very subjective interpretation of course, kind of an urban legend, so take it with many grains of salt ;)

Hugs to you and keep up truly taking care of you!
Angela said:
I had a dream last night that my doctor told me that I was going to die. I woke up a little shaken by this, but I believe that dreaming of your own death has a different meaning than an actual physical death.

Yes, such dreams usually refer to a symbolic death. Having a cancer is a powerful experience that changes you, either you want it or not, either you're aware of it or not.

After such a challenge you don't see the world in the same way. You give more importance to the really important things, real friends, being alive, seing the beauty of the world, solidarity... and you loose interest in some petty things.

So, surviving a cancer is indeed a symbolic death, the death of many illusions, the death of one part of your old self.

Maybe one day you'll think that going through this cancer was not such a bad thing and it helped you learn a lot about you and the world.

Anyhow, I'm very happy you got some good news from your doctor and if you keep on having good nutritional and psychological hygiene, I don't see any reason why you should get any bad news :flowers:
Belibaste said:
Maybe one day you'll think that going through this cancer was not such a bad thing and it helped you learn a lot about you and the world.
That's a great way of looking at it. It's good to know you are doing better, Angela, and keep up this great attitude! :hug2:
Belibaste said:
Yes, such dreams usually refer to a symbolic death. Having a cancer is a powerful experience that changes you, either you want it or not, either you're aware of it or not.

After such a challenge you don't see the world in the same way. You give more importance to the really important things, real friends, being alive, seing the beauty of the world, solidarity... and you loose interest in some petty things.

So, surviving a cancer is indeed a symbolic death, the death of many illusions, the death of one part of your old self.

Maybe one day you'll think that going through this cancer was not such a bad thing and it helped you learn a lot about you and the world.

Anyhow, I'm very happy you got some good news from your doctor and if you keep on having good nutritional and psychological hygiene, I don't see any reason why you should get any bad news

This makes a lot of sense, thank you so much for putting this in to words. I have looked at this cancer as a blessing of sorts. I took control of my health after finding out I had this, and started putting my health first. I have also worked on my emotional state, and I believe I am healing pieces of my self in the process. This has been a very educational and eye-opening journey.

I think I just got a little down and out because I felt like I was going to sail right through without any bumps, but life has many lessons for us. I appreciate everyone's points of view, it helps me to see a different perspective, something that maybe I couldn't see at the time.
Alana said:
I dreamed that I was going to die or actually died, quite a few times in my life. My aunts (and people in general where I come from) say that this means that something negative in you dies when you have such dreams. It's a very subjective interpretation of course, kind of an urban legend, so take it with many grains of salt

Hugs to you and keep up truly taking care of you!

I like your aunts interpretation, makes sense I think! Yesterday I started feeling more positive after my talk with the doctor, maybe my dreaming that was my negativity leaving me. Thanks for sharing this with me :)
Going in tomorrow to get a nephrostomy tube put in. They are going to put a tube directly in to my kidney and have it drain in to a bag. He wants to leave it in for a week, then do some more blood work and see if my kidney function is good. If it is, then I probably have a blockage in my ureter from when I had my original surgery. I think all will be ok, wish me luck!!!
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