Boardlurker? Read this!!

Flashgordonv, Snow, Axismundi, Rolyteel, you have all made it very clear that you and your experiences have much to offer this forum and its members. Forget about the idea of not knowing enough to respond to any thread, that's just the predator talking. Sure, we like to keep the signal to noise ratio high, but the forum is first and foremost a community for everyone to get to know each other and build relationships and a real network, and as often as not that happens by way of simple interactions and sharing of simple understandings from each of our unique viewpoints. So please, lurk no longer, for the good of the forum and our collective goal.

congratulations with the major step you took the last weeks to overcome the drinking that was part of your life for 23 years. This is formidable.

This is the week i just stopped, the battle seemed to be gone, it was so easy to say No, i only had to say no a couple of times and No won every time.

It's only in the last couple of days the fear of posting has subsided. I may not be in a position to post any truly informative information, but with effort on my part that will come i know.

By saying no, by Doing no, you have discovered the power of No. The same goes for the power of Yes, through saying yes I will post, Yes I post, your experience the power of yes. The predators mind need to hear no I will not do such and such in order to feed you. The no can be so much more powerful by adding a yes to it for an action that reinforces the no. No I will not drink, combined with yes I will post is a powerful way to battle the predators mind.
I signed up to this forum ~2006, and started posting at that time, but by my own judgement my posts were to noisy and self-centered, so I stopped. I told myself I would work on myself, then ended up quite misdirected, intermittantly lurking and "catching up" on these forums. I have purchased and read ISOTM, SHOTW and PolPon in that time, so it was not all wasted, but I have wasted a lot of time and effort that could have been contributed to the growth of this network. I already have a small amount of "what if's", and that session quote about fence-sitting, I feel that to be all to true.

Good to hear another battle won, rolyateel, I have faced that particular foe myself.

Thanks, Vulcan, all
Just great...
Along with all the other 3D realities that I have to deal with no I have GUILT.
It's almost like Catholicism :/

My name is Steve and this is my first post on the forum.
I've lurked around here for several months and I have had several thoughts that I have written up and let sit for a day without hitting the 'post' button in order to not generate noise on the forum.

Very few topics on this forum have jolted me into posting anything until I came across this one. I had forgotton or obscurred that reply from the 'C's during my reading, but now after revisiting it I can see that I need to participate and generate my noise.

Thanks for reading

Hi SnoDog,

Could you post a brief intro in the Newbies section? Read through that section to get a feel of how others have done so. Thanks. :)
Vulcan59 said:
Hi SnoDog,

Could you post a brief intro in the Newbies section? Read through that section to get a feel of how others have done so. Thanks. :)

Indeed! An intro post is a great way to get into the groove of posting more often!

Your post really hit home. It could of been me writing that post. Had the same battle to overcome, only BEER is my preference. I agree with you and also would like to thank all involved in posting. If someone is serious about the work it seems to make changing your programs easier, along with support from forum members /guests.

Congrats !

William Chittick - The Sufi Path of Love " People drink wine because it brings intoxication. Sobriety, from which the Sufi desires to escape, is self-existence with all its concomitants. Intoxication is the obliteration of self awareness and of thoughts and motives connected to the ego."

It's 2:30 in the morning where I am, but this post has topic has hit a nerve, so after tossing and turning for an hour, here I am.

I'm really really guilty of lurking and not participating. I've been reading this material since since 2002, and not just reading it, but gobbling all these huge chunks of information like a starving person with food. I can't imagine how many hours I've spent in front of this computer, almost every day for seven years, reading and trying to absorb and remember. I've also read Amazing Grace, Secret History, Political Ponerology, High Strangeness, and dozens of other books recommended by this site. In fact, this site is one of the most valuable and important things in my life.

However, I feel that I'm not "good enough" to participate. Often I have something I'd like to post, but I'm too afraid, especially of the dreaded line by line deconstruction that is the penalty for posts that are not quite right.

I feel like the nerdy girl in high school with a crush on the popular guy but doesn't want anyone to know it. I don't want the people on this site to know I'm such a huge fan because I don't want to be rejected. In fact, I'm horribly sensitive. The few posts I've made have taken enormous amounts of time over several days to get the words right and then I've been afraid to check if anyone has responded.

Maybe it's from doing the EE meditation, but I'm getting this huge amount of frustration about being so timid ((Tendrini is the name of my daughter's pet mouse!) My husband, who is very smart, thinks I'm a flake who believes in aliens. He views my interests with pity and condescension. My friends don't even know I read this site and I surely don't have the nerve to bring it up. I seem to live in two worlds - liberal "NPR" scientific materialism of my husband and friends, and the other the one that is discussed here. In neither one do I have the courage to speak up - I'm too afraid of rejection and of being thought stupid. Or worse.

But, before one of my cats steps on a key and wipes this all out I want to say thanks for Vulcan for this invitation to confess.

I' m just reading Dolan's latest book "UFO's & The National Security State" and came across this interesting bit, where he talks about 'Soviet UFO Programs' (page 188):

One humorous incident reportedly occurred in May (no precise date) at Lake Pyrogovskoye in Russia. Anatoly Malishev, Soviet officer, was confronted by two entities wearing dark suits who communicated with him via telepathy. He was given a salty testing drink of some sort, and eventually suggested that his new acquaintances perform a toast with a real (e.g. alcoholic) drink. Apparently they did not imbibe, and Malishev asked why an advanced civilization such as theirs did not drink alcohol. They replied, "Perhaps if we did, we would not be such an advanced civilization."

Rolyateel, Catalyst, you are not alone. Alcohol (and not only) is a common problem.
Lenin once said: "Nation drunk is the nation defenseless".
Vodka in Russia and where I come from was always cheap - for the reason !

It's been only few months, that I've been free from it - key for me was detoxification and putting right nutrients back into my machine, as well as removing myself from certain individuals. Together with EE, which I started doing just few weeks ago - I'm begining to see how defenseless and asleep I was virtually all my life !

Without this pages here (and books) I'm not sure if I would even be inclined to take that step.

Thank you !
tendrini said:
However, I feel that I'm not "good enough" to participate. Often I have something I'd like to post, but I'm too afraid, especially of the dreaded line by line deconstruction that is the penalty for posts that are not quite right.

Hi tendrini,

First of all, thank you for writing that post. I know it is not easy but if you keep on posting, it will become easier and you will discover that we are all here to learn and that it is not a question of not being good enough but rather a question of being sincere and having the desire to learn.

Maybe instead of seeing the "line by line deconstruction" as a penalty why not see that as an opportunity to change the way you think or an opportunity to see what your predator is doing or an opportunity to cure yourself. Try to remember that we are all here to help each other and it is the predator in you that is scaring you.
tendrini said:
Maybe it's from doing the EE meditation, but I'm getting this huge amount of frustration about being so timid ((Tendrini is the name of my daughter's pet mouse!) My husband, who is very smart, thinks I'm a flake who believes in aliens. He views my interests with pity and condescension. My friends don't even know I read this site and I surely don't have the nerve to bring it up. I seem to live in two worlds - liberal "NPR" scientific materialism of my husband and friends, and the other the one that is discussed here. In neither one do I have the courage to speak up - I'm too afraid of rejection and of being thought stupid. Or worse.

Hi tendrini - many of us face the same condescension from friends, family members, coworkers, etc. as you face. And, as you already know, all of us here live in 'two worlds'. :lol: At least we have this forum where we can discuss and learn with other like-minded individuals. :grad: And, notice that you DO have the courage to speak up - you just did!

Thanks for sharing.
tendrini said:
I'm really really guilty of lurking and not participating. ...

However, I feel that I'm not "good enough" to participate.

You are.

How's that? A simple, direct and true answer - unequivocal in fact. :) You are good enough to participate and what's more, your participation is needed - just like all the participation here, it is needed for all of us to progress.

t said:
Maybe it's from doing the EE meditation, but I'm getting this huge amount of frustration about being so timid ((Tendrini is the name of my daughter's pet mouse!) My husband, who is very smart, thinks I'm a flake who believes in aliens. He views my interests with pity and condescension. My friends don't even know I read this site and I surely don't have the nerve to bring it up. I seem to live in two worlds - liberal "NPR" scientific materialism of my husband and friends, and the other the one that is discussed here. In neither one do I have the courage to speak up - I'm too afraid of rejection and of being thought stupid. Or worse.

Well, one thing I've found is that speaking up to those who are sound asleep is useless - a waste of energy and opening a portal for attack when they fight with all their might to protect their sleep. It's not fun, it's not easy, but as we begin to see the reality of the world around us, part of that is seeing the sleep of those closest to us. So, my humble advice would be to begin to speak up here, where it counts and where you can actually be heard for who you are, not ignored because you're disturbing our sleep! As far as those in your life, let them sleep for now while you gain your strength and your voice in order to perhaps help them when they are so rudely awakened that there is no other choice (if that time ever comes).

Just a few thoughts... ;)
I'd like to go on record and count myself as on of the "guilty as charged".
I'm also of the opinion that I usually have nothing to add/contribute so I lurk more often than not. I also usually just check out Laura's latest posts (via the link in Laura's profile) to keep updated.

But now that I think about it some more, I'm probably just making an excuse for myself not to participate.
I think the analogy of "grooving" as used by the C's in the ouija board sense, means participating to make the transmission clearer. To "groove" the connection. (Sorry if I'm mixing terms here but I hope you get my point).

So it should be expected that until one "gets the hang of it" (i.e. "grooves"), posts would tend to be noisy.
And so with that, I'll make an effort to at least make one post each day. Maybe at night, after work.

Thanks for this thread Vulcan59!
Michael Martin said:
So it should be expected that until one "gets the hang of it" (i.e. "grooves"), posts would tend to be noisy.

That's a good way of putting it. What is important is sincerity. We are all running programmes, But if we don't show ourselves, how can we learn what those programmes are? Some we can see by ourselves, but others, the really ingrained ones that form the core of the personality, we need help from others.

With each of us running so many programmes, how could there not be any noise! ;)

Michael Martin said:
And so with that, I'll make an effort to at least make one post each day. Maybe at night, after work.

Sounds like a good idea. :)
Thanks Bohort, 1984 and Anart - your encouraging words are much appreciated. I know I'm not alone in not being able to talk about this to family and friends, but I can't seem to stop wishing that I could, especially with the people that are closest to me.

One reason it is so hard to screw up the courage to post is that all kinds of "programs" come up. The desire to participate brings up a lot feelings that I would rather not have or acknowledge - self pity, pride, anger and especially fear that I have a truly crummy personality and it's out there for the world to see if I write a post.

Also fear that my emotions get in the way of my ability to communicate clearly. And, that I just don't have very good communication skills in the first place and I will say something really stupid or ridiculous that I'll regret later. There's something about the written word that's scary. It's not like when you're speaking and you can read others' expressions and they can read yours and there is less chance of misunderstanding.

Oh, to lurk no more!!

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