Bomb attacks in Brussels Airport and metro station

Windmill knight said:
A couple of (somewhat) related items. Notice Denver International Airport!

Police evacuate part of Denver airport terminal

Nothing like getting extra insecurity mileage out of Brussels. A few phoned-in bomb threats to other airports around the world. Easy!
London, in the run-up to the 'Brexit' referendum?

They clearly want to cook one or the other result from that (no Brexit, I think), so an attack there and then would give an Anglo-American-dominated EU 'a bit of a boost'.

I think it would have the other effect, because Bruxelles would be to blame indirectly with it s refugee policy, every country has to take some number of them, unless media propaganda about stronger intelligence cooperation which is not logical because there already is on nato level, interpol, etc..., but when it comes to most people out there it would probably easily pass if nationalistic tendencies do not hold more value.

Just look at SOTT for so many years. The editors never failed to reveal the truths, with facts and statistics and everything, yet what did they get in return? Attacks and attempts at defamation, and like Joe says, still people believe what they want to believe, even if the truth is in front of their eyes. I mean, seriously! It has gotten to the point that there's no need for anyone to point out the truth, it's just there, huge like an elephant in their living-rooms and grotesque (unlike any elephant), yet the brainwashing through fear mongering has been so powerful, that they have eyewitnesses describing blonde blue-eyed mercenaries shooting like pros in the Parisian streets but if the news channel says they were Muslims and shouting about Allah, most people believe them!

It s not like sott is on mainstream media, most people get their view from tv, especially older people who do not use internet, it would not be different for anyone here if there was not available information through internet, and as all things come to pass, this will eventually also pass, there is no other way.
Joe said:
Windmill knight said:
A couple of (somewhat) related items. Notice Denver International Airport!

Police evacuate part of Denver airport terminal

Nothing like getting extra insecurity mileage out of Brussels. A few phoned-in bomb threats to other airports around the world. Easy!

...and 'fraternity' between the US and Europe. As Bibi would have said: 'the Brussels bombings are VERY good for America!'
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

Keit said:
Yes, I agree. Actually, I am listening now to Russia 24, and their reporting reminds me of Israeli reporting after previous terror attacks in Europe. That Europeans became too complacent, that there was no security at all at the airport, that there is a need for stricter measures, etc.

I wonder if that’s going to be a developing narrative, one of comparing / equating terrorism in Europe with Israel’s "fight against terrorists". Kind of a "we’re all Israel now" thing. By making ever more extreme measures seem more reasonable and necessary at home, Israel’s actions would perhaps no longer stand out in the same way as outrageous. You can easily envisage an Israeli spokesmen like Mark Regev making the most of that comparison. And over time, and through repetition, gradually equating Palestinians in the minds of the masses with the likes of "ISIS". What would become possible then is frightening question to contemplate.

Excerpt from SOTT: Exploiting fear for greater control: After Brussels attack, world looks to Israel as model for airport security

With Brussels in lockdown and the French prime minister saying that Europe is "at war," European leaders held emergency security meetings and deployed more police, explosives experts, sniffer dogs and plainclothes officers, with some warning against travel to Belgium.

The nervousness was felt far and wide. In New York City, authorities deployed additional counter terrorism units to crowded areas and transit locations.

After a string of extremist attacks targeting the heart of Europe over the past year, some analysts say Europe will finally have to implement a much tougher level of security not only at airports, but also at "soft targets" like shopping malls — the kind that Israelis have been living with for years.

"The threat we are facing in Europe is about the same as what Israel faces," said Olivier Guitta, the managing director of GlobalStrat, an international security consultancy. "We have entered an era in which we are going to have to change our way of life and take security very seriously."
Niall said:
Channel and focus it to more effective use?
There are many ways to send signals.

I believe this is very important.

Not to be overwhelmed by feelings that they want us to feel -- through these vicious acts. That feeds them energy. I think speaking truth (in the best way we know how) is one way of channeling our thoughts & emotions productively.

I know this is hard to do ... for anyone with the slightest sense of decency & humanity -- upon seeing such suffering. But we have to try.

Another part is to be clear about "their" goals. They are after the true Semites (read Arabs) according to C's. If their target was truly Muslims, then they would be all over Indonesia as well. And that they have not done.

The focus is on genetics. Not religion. Our definitions need to be as precise as possible. It's an essential part of the truth telling process ... in my opinion.

I could be wrong.

Read this article below. This is how Presidential candidates respond on Brussels false flag attack, they are just competing with each other who can be the most Nazi in solving the Moslem problem, I just can't believe how fast all of this is happening. He is openly calling for Moslem neighborhoods to be locked up and patrolled :

Ted Cruz: Politics Trumps the Constitution, Calls for Anti-Muslim Gestapo

The second fiddle in the Republican primary seized on the Brussels tragedy minutes after it occurred, criticizing President Obama and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, and calling for a new American authoritarianism.

In the wake of the deadly Brussels terror attacks Tuesday morning, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz did not waste time politicizing the international tragedy, calling for expanded military intervention and a shredding of the US Constitution while seeking expanded Gestapo-like security forces in America’s Muslim neighborhoods.

In a press conference, Ted Cruz called on the United States to "empower law enforcement patrol and secure in Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.” In his comments, Cruz denounced the Obama administration, saying that they “tried to deny this enemy exists out of a combination of political correctness and fear."

Senator Cruz criticized US immigration policy and President Obama’s policy of welcoming Syrian refugees, claiming that it places the US at a heightened risk of "radical Islamic terrorism."

"We need to secure the southern border to prevent terrorist infiltration and we need to immediately halt the flow of refugees from countries with a significant al Qaida or ISIS[Daesh] presence," said Cruz.

He blamed Tuesday’s terrorist attacks on Europe’s Schengen Agreement, allowing for free travel within the European Union. "Our European allies are now seeing what comes of a toxic mix of migrants who have been infiltrated by terrorists and isolated, radical Muslim neighborhoods."

Cruz, a member of the most recent Bush administration’s national security team, learned from mentor Dick Cheney who, notably, said, "never let a good crisis go to waste." The Senator said of his lead Republican rival Donald Trump, "it is striking that the day after Donald Trump called for withdrawing from NATO, we see Brussels, where NATO is headquartered, the subject of a radical Islamic terror attack."

The Texas Senator, during his speech, attacked President Obama for meeting with Cuban President Raul Castro while a terror attack is occurring against a NATO ally. "While our friends and allies were attacked by radical Islamic terrorists, President Obama is spending his time going to baseball games with the Castros and standing at a press conference with Raul Castro as a prop while he denies there are any political prisoners in Cuba," Cruz said.

Cruz stated, "The days of the United States voluntarily surrendering to the enemy to show how progressive and enlightened we can be are at an end. Our country is a stake."

The Republican Texas Senator offered no condolences or words of empathy to family members who lost their loved ones in the Brussels attacks, prioritizing his political battles with GOP counterpart Trump and the Democrats.
Laura said:
The way things are going, it's very possible that we will have to close SOTT to public view at some point in the future and withdraw inside the strategic enclosure of our religious organization. Ya'll just keep that in mind.

I really hope that there is some help under way, be it comets, earth changes, the companion, the wave or a combination of all four, before descending entirely into an open fascist police world Government that will be much worse than during the rise of hitler and his thugs... :halo:
Andre' said:
Laura said:
The way things are going, it's very possible that we will have to close SOTT to public view at some point in the future and withdraw inside the strategic enclosure of our religious organization. Ya'll just keep that in mind.

I really hope that there is some help under way, be it comets, earth changes, the companion, the wave or a combination of all four, before descending entirely into an open fascist police world Government that will be much worse than during the rise of hitler and his thugs... :halo:

What about adding to the list of 'helpers': 3D+4D STO; 'ourselves' in the future; and as someone once put it, "maybe WE are the help"?

T.C. said:
Andre' said:
Laura said:
The way things are going, it's very possible that we will have to close SOTT to public view at some point in the future and withdraw inside the strategic enclosure of our religious organization. Ya'll just keep that in mind.

I really hope that there is some help under way, be it comets, earth changes, the companion, the wave or a combination of all four, before descending entirely into an open fascist police world Government that will be much worse than during the rise of hitler and his thugs... :halo:

What about adding to the list of 'helpers': 3D+4D STO; 'ourselves' in the future; and as someone once put it, "maybe WE are the help"?


I wanted to, but sometime i just lose hope in humanity to be able to wake up till it's not too late, there are many, many good people definitely, but you know the saying, in order for the evil to prevail is necessary that good people do nothing. And if a lot of them are asleep, the situation is worrying to say the least.
The Telegraph has been updating it's news reports. As you go down the page, they have photo's, graphs, maps and additional links.

Andre' said:
I wanted to, but sometime i just lose hope in humanity to be able to wake up till it's not too late, there are many, many good people definitely, but you know the saying, in order for the evil to prevail is necessary that good people do nothing. And if a lot of them are asleep, the situation is worrying to say the least.

It’s gut wrenching to see how asleep people still are, and how the divisions in society are becoming so entrenched. :cry: It seems many people have made up their minds and have accepted the programming of the control system. However, we do still need to remind ourselves that the future is open and that we need to keep sending out the truth signal strongly – for as long as we are able. If we need to become more strategically enclosed at some point, and I do remember the C’s saying something to that effect years ago, as Niall said we will find other ways to keep sending those signals. It’s what we do – it may mean a change in strategy, but we will find a way.
I followed this today, but just caught up with the thread. I'm glad y'all are ok, Tigersoaps. These kinds of events are getting pretty old. I feel a bit disgusted. I think Putin knows what he's doing, and may reveal his cards at the right moment. So staying with the narrative for now makes sense.

If we have to withdraw the lighthouse, I hope there are still some outlets to send out the signal. My stomach is a bit tense, I think some pipe breathing is on order.

T.C. said:
Andre' said:
Laura said:
The way things are going, it's very possible that we will have to close SOTT to public view at some point in the future and withdraw inside the strategic enclosure of our religious organization. Ya'll just keep that in mind.

I really hope that there is some help under way, be it comets, earth changes, the companion, the wave or a combination of all four, before descending entirely into an open fascist police world Government that will be much worse than during the rise of hitler and his thugs... :halo:

What about adding to the list of 'helpers': 3D+4D STO; 'ourselves' in the future; and as someone once put it, "maybe WE are the help"?


Thanks for that T.C. It was a helpful reminder. :)
On March 18, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said that it could come to a stop as in Ankara and in Brussels, and the Europeans will only understand the feelings of the Turks when bombs explode in their cities.

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