Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport
bjorn said:
I think that true leadership entails to tell the public when they are right and when they are wrong. As long as the 9/11 lie and everything that comes with it still stands strong the path of total genocide remains only a matter of time. I hope Putin realizes this. Time is running out.
I can understand where you are coming from. I too wish that Putin could just come out and reveal to the entire world all the truths he knows. But then I think about all the propaganda war waged against him and Russia all this time, that even if he came out and revealed everything, only those governments/countries/people who already have an idea of what's going on, will believe him. The majority of the world (governments/countries/people) would go on the attack. "How dare he say these horrible things things, he must have an evil agenda, oh look! that's how Russia/Putin is implicated in the creation of these attacks!" etc etc...
Just look at SOTT for so many years. The editors never failed to reveal the truths, with facts and statistics and everything, yet what did they get in return? Attacks and attempts at defamation, and like Joe says, still people believe what they want to believe, even if the truth is in front of their eyes. I mean, seriously! It has gotten to the point that there's no need for anyone to point out the truth, it's just there, huge like an elephant in their living-rooms and grotesque (unlike any elephant), yet the brainwashing through fear mongering has been so powerful, that they have eyewitnesses describing blonde blue-eyed mercenaries shooting like pros in the Parisian streets but if the news channel says they were Muslims and shouting about Allah, most people believe them!
I am not ranting at you bjorn, btw. I am just ranting. I feel so sick and tired of it all. So many people lost their lives just trying to catch a plane or getting on the subway so as to create the conditions for the rest of us to lose any morsel of rights or freedom we had left.
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Well, it's difficult for us to emotionally disengage from the whole thing, as we are smack in the middle of it. I mean it literally: we are actually physically located right between the two places of impact. We cannot really go anywhere as most of the roads and tunnels in our area are closed. Maelbeek is a metro station I go through regularly, too. I received calls and texts from friends and family all day long to ask if we were ok. My kid was in lockdown all day long at school, wondering what was going on. We try not to fall for it, we know what's behind it. But still, it feels pretty real, unfortunately. :(
Of course, it is real, Mrs T.
And it doesn't matter if we know who is behind it, the message is that it can happen anywhere at anytime and to anyone, and the message is being delivered as promised.
But I am glad to hear from you and Mr T and that you are all ok, I was thinking about you when I heard the news.