Bomb attacks in Brussels Airport and metro station

Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

Very well said Joe, at this point you just sigh and move on. SOTT and the Cas site have taught me to look deeper into these types of things.
I found myself explaining to a friend's presumptions a couple of days ago. Took lots of questions to try to get him to think of the situation/event from a different prospective. I feel for people who struggle to realise most "leaders" of this "time" do not have the best interests of their people at heart. Oh well that's why we chose this "time".......
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

President Putin and PM Medvedev have sent their condolences. I haven't spotted anything in the American press yet, of our government sending condolences to Brussels?

Putin On Brussels Terror Attacks: 'Fight Against Evil Requires Action'

Russia's two leading statesmen, President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dimitri Medvedev both issued strong statements condemning the terror bombings which struck Brussels today.

Putin sent condolences to King Philippe of Belgium, comdemning the "barbaric crime, which has no justification" and saying that the attacks once again prove that "terrorism knows no borders and threatens the peoples all over the world." He further added:

The fight against this evil requires the most active international interaction

Medvedev expressed his condolences on the casualties to Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel on behalf of the Russian government and himself, also emphasizing, "the incident once again underscores the need for coordinated efforts of the international community in the fight against terrorist threats."
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

angelburst29 said:
I haven't spotted anything in the American press yet, of our government sending condolences to Brussels?

I just watched and Obama did send his usual "condolence" to Brussels during a speech.
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

loreta said:
When I read the information I thought with sadness about the people who lives now in this neighbour, surely Arabs. And RT is falling in this sort of very ugly and un-professional information.

Yes, I agree. Actually, I am listening now to Russia 24, and their reporting reminds me of Israeli reporting after previous terror attacks in Europe. That Europeans became too complacent, that there was no security at all at the airport, that there is a need for stricter measures, etc.

But there is also a reason for it, especially since the West tried to put a blame on Russia for it. The fact that alleged "terrorists" are from Belarus (what the hell? :shock:) doesn't help either. Zhirinovsky, the usual far right clown even screams that Europe should close their borders and deport all the refugees back to where they came from.

Despite all that, and despite the official stand that is being taken by the federal media, I am sure Putin knows what really goes on and just uses the opportunity to say "I told you so", and that it all could be avoided "if only we worked together".

I agree that it is a circus, and nothing can be done much to clear the situation. At least many Russians are sure that Erdogan and co. were probably behind the attacks.
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

Brussels attacks: Video purporting to show Zaventem Airport explosion was shot in 2011 (Video)

The first video is the CCTV purporting to show the Brussels Airport explosions and the second is of the 2011 bomb attack at Domodedovo Airport in Russia.
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

Raids ongoing all across Belgium said:
17:54 GMT

Raids are happening across Belgium following this morning’s terror attacks, AP cited Belgian federal prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw as saying. The official added that the possible connection between the Brussels blasts and the Paris attacks is still being investigated.
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

Pashalis said:
On twitter worldwide, the most trendy hashtag right now is #Bruessel followed by #StopIslam on the second position:

:headbash: :jawdrop: :barf:

Yeah, let's "stop" a major world religion adhered to by 1.5 billion people. :headbash:
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

[quote author= Pashalis]On twitter worldwide, the most trendy hashtag right now is #Bruessel followed by #StopIslam on the second position:[/quote]

With the volume of terrorists attacks increasing and with the population preferring their illusions above truth like Joe said.

Hate and prejudices will eventually take over. It’s so obvious where this is going to lead to.

I understand why Putin and Team party sing along with the fabricated terrorists attacks. But sooner or later they have to present the truth. If they don’t, there would be no stopping holocaust 2.0. I suppose they are waiting for the right opportunity. But the time-frame in which this can occur is getting shorter each day.
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

bjorn said:
I understand why Putin and Team party sing along with the fabricated terrorists attacks. But sooner or later they have to present the truth. If they don’t, there would be no stopping holocaust 2.0. I suppose they are waiting for the right opportunity. But the time-frame in which this can occur is getting shorter each day.

The problem is, that it is easy for many Russians to accept this hysteria. It's true that Russia is a diverse country with many Muslims living there, but Russians view them as "their Muslims", brothers of sorts. At the same time there are a lot of negative feelings toward refugees, particularly because many Russians can't understand or justify actions of refugees to flee their homes instead of remaining and fighting, and then helping to rebuild their country (as Russians would do). So they see refugees as those who simply use the opportunity to move to a rich country like Germany.

Taking this into account, not sure if Putin and his team would choose to defend refugees, especially since their main goal is to serve Russia. The best they can do is to continue pointing out toward the main responsible for the whole mess.
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport


A picture is worth a thousand words.

The very sad state of our world and society.
Metro Station Brussels.
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

Duke said:
Very well said Joe, at this point you just sigh and move on. SOTT and the Cas site have taught me to look deeper into these types of things.
I found myself explaining to a friend's presumptions a couple of days ago. Took lots of questions to try to get him to think of the situation/event from a different prospective. I feel for people who struggle to realise most "leaders" of this "time" do not have the best interests of their people at heart. Oh well that's why we chose this "time".......

Becoming a bit numb to these things even though one has a better idea as to why they really occur is heart-wrenching. I felt the same as Joe and sighed. It wasn't until about an hour later I became angry at the psychopathic creatures who design and implement these events and then experienced yet another shake-my-head sadness at those manipulated persons who believe the cover story of who is responsible.

Most of us here did choose this time. I'm grateful that while these horrible things occur and are ongoing, at least I understand why and won't be swept into the fear, hatred and confusion vortex that the gullible find themselves in.
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

Joe said:
Pashalis said:
On twitter worldwide, the most trendy hashtag right now is #Bruessel followed by #StopIslam on the second position:

:headbash: :jawdrop: :barf:

Yeah, let's "stop" a major world religion adhered to by 1.5 billion people. :headbash:

I love how the tag is #stopislam, whatever happened to terrorism right? The way this is taking shape is so frustrating, is askin to having a problem with the Italian mafia in your country and thus hating all Italians worldwide (it works with every nationality and ethnicity, go on try it). Like, whatever does Islam have to do with terrorism? And I know the media have worked wonderfully to associate them as mutually exclusive ideas, and that's the reason most people won't see beyond that layer.

But maybe I'm just venting out on my job today, I literally walked in to an ignorant mocking/bashing of Muslim people.
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

NormaRegula said:
Duke said:
Very well said Joe, at this point you just sigh and move on. SOTT and the Cas site have taught me to look deeper into these types of things.
I found myself explaining to a friend's presumptions a couple of days ago. Took lots of questions to try to get him to think of the situation/event from a different prospective. I feel for people who struggle to realise most "leaders" of this "time" do not have the best interests of their people at heart. Oh well that's why we chose this "time".......

Becoming a bit numb to these things even though one has a better idea as to why they really occur is heart-wrenching. I felt the same as Joe and sighed. It wasn't until about an hour later I became angry at the psychopathic creatures who design and implement these events and then experienced yet another shake-my-head sadness at those manipulated persons who believe the cover story of who is responsible.

Most of us here did chose this time. I'm grateful that while these horrible things occur and are ongoing, at least I understand why and won't be swept into the fear, hatred and confusion vortex that the gullible find themselves in.

Yes, we are lucky that we can understand and fear is absent, not sadness although. Not sadness for the ignorant but for the victims.

Pashalis said:
angelburst29 said:
I haven't spotted anything in the American press yet, of our government sending condolences to Brussels?

I just watched and Obama did send his usual "condolence" to Brussels during a speech.

Was Obama crying with his crocodile tears?
Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

And Trump, of course, capitalizes on it, with the not-so-subtle reference to his plan to ban Muslims from the US if he is president. That's "smart". What an idiot.


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Re: Bomb attack Belgium airport

Is the western propaganda machine so powerful that RT just sings along to keep their international audience and appeal? You know, they don’t have to repeat the same narrative as their western counterparts. Many Russians do not even believe the official conspiracy theory of 9/11. Or is this some form of strategic enclosure? Whatever it is. All those false flags and the lies that come with it are the foundation of the new holocaust. Is RT not capable of perceiving this?

[quote author= Keit]Taking this into account, not sure if Putin and his team would choose to defend refugees, especially since their main goal is to serve Russia. The best they can do is to continue pointing out toward the main responsible for the whole mess.[/quote]

I think that true leadership entails to tell the public when they are right and when they are wrong. As long as the 9/11 lie and everything that comes with it still stands strong the path of total genocide remains only a matter of time. I hope Putin realizes this. Time is running out.

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