Borax-boron how to detox and heal yourself inexpensively / Arthritis

I have never had a bad reaction like you described - maybe some stomach pain the first time. Are you sure you have the dose right? I mix 1 teaspoon of borate into a quart of water, then take two teaspoons of that dilution in a glass of water before bed. That is 6mg elemental boron. Then again, Borate and many other things can cause Herxheimer reactions, which I seem to not have problems with so far.

Boric acid is considered toxic at large, so it is better if you make due diligence before taking the recommendation of someone on the internet. I approached it very cautiously even if I come off as carefree, and the same for my approach to turpentine and kerosene. If someone discovered you did this, would you understand what you're doing well enough to show them in one sentence that it's safe by widely known facts, or would you come off as a flustered conspiracy theorist drinking poison and telling others they should too? Imagine someone asks you this question - How did you prove to yourself that it's safe? If you said you read it on a public forum on the internet, would you feel safe with your own answer?

I'm curious, what is the MSM for? At first I read it as MMS and was a bit alarmed.
monotonic said:
I have never had a bad reaction like you described - maybe some stomach pain the first time. Are you sure you have the dose right? I mix 1 teaspoon of borate into a quart of water, then take two teaspoons of that dilution in a glass of water before bed. That is 6mg elemental boron. Then again, Borate and many other things can cause Herxheimer reactions, which I seem to not have problems with so far.
Yeap, i've been taking too much. I really do need to pay more attention.
itellsya]I definitely need to read through this thread again; it's one of the few supplements i've taken that i haven't had time to research and feel confident i know what's going on! I've been a bit time poor and said:
Boric acid is considered toxic at large, so it is better if you make due diligence before taking the recommendation of someone on the internet. I approached it very cautiously even if I come off as carefree, and the same for my approach to turpentine and kerosene. If someone discovered you did this, would you understand what you're doing well enough to show them in one sentence that it's safe by widely known facts, or would you come off as a flustered conspiracy theorist drinking poison and telling others they should too? Imagine someone asks you this question - How did you prove to yourself that it's safe? If you said you read it on a public forum on the internet, would you feel safe with your own answer?

I'm curious, what is the MSM for? At first I read it as MMS and was a bit alarmed.

Well, i didn't just get it off any old forum and i did reread the post a few times, but my due diligence in this instance was lacking, which is why i mentioned it - so no one makes the same mistake (if i had made one, and i had) and if they did, what they might expect. Would i come across as a conspiracy theorist? I wouldn't advise anyone to do what i did at all, i was experimenting on myself. Rereading my post i can see how it may have come across so i'll have to be more careful with my wording as well - apologies if so. I was concerned when it made me react this way, and i did lower the dose.

I understood it was toxic at high doses from a few articles i had read but i also read the contrary - that it was banned, or at least regulated, because of the effect it can have on pregnancy? It seems it may just be regulation for regulations sake, like a lot of supplements in the UK.

MSM is a sulphur powder which is meant to assist with joint issues, detox and i tried it with a magnesium citrate powder once and it seemed to be more 'effective'. '
Methyl Sulfonyl Methane',31862.msg427319.html#msg427319
MSM(sulfur) vs DMSO
"One current use of MSM is for joint problems, as sulfur is found in and near osseous structures. Sulfur supports healthy muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Arthritic conditions have responded to oral MSM. Some researchers note results from MSM when used for post-exercise muscle pain (1). MSM normalizes pressure inside cells and removes toxins. Oregon Health Sciences University has conducted arthritis studies with mice. The mice which received MSM had "no degeneration of articular cartilage" (1). The other non-MSM mice had cartilaginous degeneration. The university has used MSM on over 12,000 patents. Researchers make no claim about MSM as a supplement, but osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle soreness and muscle pain respond to oral MSM.

Also, i'm a bit familiar with Boric acid due to the 'adrenal' drink discussed on this magnesium group from facebook; an article by it's admin was posted on Sott just recently - about magnesium.

I appreciate the post monotonic, and i will be more careful because, from what you say, i've been taking too much - like half a teaspoon! - but i'm not sure why you're assuming i would advise others? I was sharing my activity in order to receive feedback, whether i missed any contraindications and so on. And i obviously had missed a few important facts and i'm grateful for your response.
I'm not assuming you would try to tell others what to do, but other people could make a lot of untrue assumptions about you especially if you end up looking a bit crazy. Expect the unexpected, if it will cause problems.
monotonic said:
I'm not assuming you would try to tell others what to do, but other people could make a lot of untrue assumptions about you especially if you end up looking a bit crazy. Expect the unexpected, if it will cause problems.

It took a while to sink in; you're right monotonic. I thought i knew what i was doing with supplements but clearly i'm not taking it seriously, and yet i thought i was. And my post was irresponsible because i clearly think it won't harm me - wishful thinking and programmes. The dose i was taking was over the top. I didn't realise it was such a small amount; arrogance and laziness on my part.

Thanks for the wake up and sorry for the trouble monotonic.

I'm also sorry to everyone here on the forum. Especially those who work hard at providing this information.
Yes, err on the side of caution. Here's an interesting and effective, though not a medicinal, use for boric acid.
When I lived in Arizona where the cockroaches run wild, we would make a mixture of cornmeal, sugar and boric acid and sprinkle it around the back edges of the counters. At night they would come out and walk though it. It would stick to their would be absorbed by them and make their stomach explode. Bye bye roaches.
It was no trouble for me to write a few posts. I was happy to share my experience with someone on the road. It was easy for me because I've been thinking about how I approach the same topics since I first considered Borax. I've made mistakes here too, that's why I learned, so really we're just two students sharing notes. I'm right there with you, even if my text seems remote. I'm eager to see if the borate has a similar effect for you as it did for me.
monotonic said:
It was no trouble for me to write a few posts. I was happy to share my experience with someone on the road. It was easy for me because I've been thinking about how I approach the same topics since I first considered Borax. I've made mistakes here too, that's why I learned, so really we're just two students sharing notes. I'm right there with you, even if my text seems remote. I'm eager to see if the borate has a similar effect for you as it did for me.

Thank you monotonic, i appreciate the sentiment very much.

I will continue to take it at the DILUTED dose and definitely report back. Initially my interest was because it was apparently essential for healthy teeth. Thankfully the boric acid is cheap - 4£ maximum from UK mail order for a big bag. And, as per the proper dose, the taste is manageable! :rolleyes: I did notice within the first few tries - with the stupid, excessive dose - that it had an effect throughout my body, and one night i felt very sleepy, which is unlike me.

One thing i did notice, during the daytime, was the cold sweet/stinky sweats i was experiencing. Thought it might be keto or the weird temperature in the office - seriously, has happened - but I couldn't identify why at the time - didn't realise i was taking too much Boric acid - but, since it hasn't happened in the last weeks, since i dramatically lowered the dose, i can only assume it may have been the Boric acid. Detox? Or perhaps i was poisoning myself.

A lesson for those genius' out there, don't do what i did.
Here is something relevant dug up by Gaby in the amoebae thread:

Gaby said:
While doing some research, I found that at least one of the pioneers of this protocol used boron as an anti-amoebic as well:

Research regarding the trace mineral boron is relatively unknown. However, one study that stands out in the silence relates to a discovery by Prof. Roger Wyburn-Mason. He identified amoebae that parasitized the joints in those with rheumatoid arthritis. This research was continued by Dr. Rex E. Newnham, a naturopath and author of Beating Arthritis and Beating Osteoporosis, and what he found was amazing! Boron killed the amoebae that Prof. Roger Wyburn-Mason had identified![...]

Boron, being a trace mineral, is considered a micronutrient. Although the amount required by our body is very small, it is vital for health. As with all trace minerals, it is best taken in combination with the other minerals. Dosages range from trace to 1 – 2 milligrams per day. Therapeutic dosages range from 10 – 30 milligrams per day.

My 2 cents!

So here we have a mechanism to explain why Boron can be helpful, perhaps for any condition involving amoebae.
I would caution against taking Boric Acid powder. As has been mentioned, it can be highly toxic. Prolly better to use a boron supplement. It is available on amazon.
A comment on Borax: I wash my clothes with Borax, as recommended by Dr. Hulda Clark, and I run the used water out onto my garden.
I have two nectarine trees, both the same age. One gets the Borax water, the other does not.
The tree that gets Borax is twice the size of the tree that does not, and it keeps its leaves on for a couple of months longer.
And yet, the tree that does not get Borax is the only one that has produced fruit, so far.
They are young trees (two years), so I'm looking forward to the next years' harvest.
Laura said:
I would caution against taking Boric Acid powder. As has been mentioned, it can be highly toxic. Prolly better to use a boron supplement. It is available on amazon.

What about borax diluted in water? They sell it here for $5 a box.

Firstly dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water. This is your concentrated solution, keep it out of reach of small children.

Standard dose = 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate. This has 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. If there is no specific health problem or for maintenance you may continue indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily.
Wanted to pick up a potential nugget I just found in relation to the following:

treugolnik said:
Lucerne is alfalfa, indeed. In Russian alfalfa sounds like lucerne, and alfalfa is associated with the brand — Alfalfa. There is an interesting excerps:

Session 29 November 2001

Q: In other words, when an event occurs, as in a "measurement," or a "change," in terms of macrocosmic quantum changes, it is like a phase transition of a certain collection of matter units in terms of living beings? Living beings as whole units, can "survive," so to say. I have in mind that it's almost like a decision in your life. When you make a decision, it's like a shift in your consciousness. And when you are looking at a macrocosmic quantum transition, it's almost like a decision, in a sense. And on one side of it, you come to that moment, and you make the decision, and on the other side of that moment - which, in a certain sense, the moment of measurement is immeasurable - and on the other side of it, everything is different. Not only is it so, that on the other side of the measurement is everything different, like with an atom, when an event occurs, something is gained or lost, or has moved its position or momentum or something, some significant difference exists in the state of the atom after this moment of measurement. And this significant difference is what I am trying to get at. (A) Probably what you have in mind is something like "transiting to 4th density, what really happens?" (L) Yeah.
A: "Happens" is not quite the proper term, more like "becomes."
Q: (A) Becoming is creating something completely new. "Happen" means that things change, move, regroup. But "become" means...
A: Yes.
Q: Is there anything that we are supposed to do regarding this upcoming transition?
A: Yes.
Q: Can we know what it is?
A: Not yet!
Q: Is there anything we ought to be doing to prepare ourselves that we are not doing?
A: A little more attention to physical energy levels would be helpful.
Q: Which of course, suggests that physical energy is important and will be needed in some way.
A: Remember to utilize alfalfa with spiraling.


Session 22 October 2008

Q: (L) Yes, they are circles. The next thing we come to is that I
discovered that alfalfa, in fact, a very particular type of alfalfa, does,
indeed, grow in the German highlands. And, in fact, this alfalfa was
brought via a route that you described... as France, Spain, Canary
Islands, and Morocco. I was asking about this story of the purported
travels of Mary Magdalene, and you said that the people were not
important, that the message was. You then said that the 'artifacts
hold the key' and listed this sequence of places. I found a paper on
the subject of alfalfa which described this exact route of the spread
of alfalfa and it's value in farming because it literally replenishes the
ground it is grown in. So, it seems that you were describing the route
of the alfalfa plant. Can you comment on this?

A: Now that you have found this out, perhaps you should research
the properties of this mineral Rich in alfalfa and what it does for the
body of homo sapiens??

Q: (L) That is an interesting thing. Alfalfa was named as the 'father
of foods,' and was grown, primarily for, interestingly, horses! And,
we have chevin and the 'Horse of God.' Anyway, one of the primary
areas where this particular type of alfalfa was grown happens to be
in Baden, right next door to this Horselberg... right off the banks of
the Rhine. There is a valley there. Clover is, of course, a variation of
alfalfa, and 'dale' is a depression in the ground. Could this be right
there next to the location of the Lorelei rock off the Rhine?

A: Closer, and what of the four leaves?

Q: Yes, indeed. I will work on that.

Alfalfa Studies:
A study of the boron content of alfalfa was made after available evidence indicated a possible boron deficiency in certain areas of the state (26). Rather wide sampling established ranged from 18 to 56 ppm on untreated soils in Kansas.
Table V illustrates the effect of added fertilizer on boron content of alfalfa. With added lime and phosphorous, the increased yield of alfalfa results in a lowered boron content. Thus boron becomes a limiting factor in the growth of alfalfa under these conditions. It is desirable therefore in these low-boron areas to add this element to the soil, especially when other fertilizers are to be added.
‘Lucky’ Clover
Clover, which might otherwise be highly desirable because of its ability to unlock calcium and feed nitrogen fixing microbes, is far more seriously affected by boron loss than grasses, even though both may be stunted in a boron deficient paddock. Because boron is necessary for sap pressure and sap pressure is required to carry calcium, amino acids and other nutrients to where cell division occurs in plants, then clover may either be severely stunted by overgrazing during drought, or it may die out altogether. On the other hand I happened to encounter a cattle and horse operation in North West Victoria where capeweed was doing a brilliant job of bring boron (along with sulphur, calcium and nitrogen) back into the topsoil after a period of drought and severe overgrazing. The cell division was proceeding so well that not only were the clover leaves quite large, there were numerous four and five leaf specimens. Presumably four leaf clovers are considered ‘lucky’ because they are a sign of robust soil fertility and good cell division, which can only occur where boron is sufficient.

rrraven said:
Q: (Chu) Is there anything we should improve or change in our candida/detox diet?
A: You are all doing well. Search transcripts for clues about minerals and secrets.
minerals and secrets mentioned together in transcripts 970719
A: Trace minerals interact with deeply held secrets.
and 981205
Q: (L) What about the clay and the montmorillonite, and the
connection of the clay TO the montmorillonite, and what you
once said about trace minerals unlocking secrets in some
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Yes what? (A) How much should we drink?
A: No.
Q: (L) We shouldn't drink it?
A: Be vague, we vague.
Q: (L) Is this montmorillonite the objective of the clues about
tritium? The fact that tritium pointed to this clay, and that this
clay is situated in the Rhineland, among other select sites, and
alfalfa possibly grows there. Is this where the clue was
supposed to lead us?
A: The question is about the mind, spirit and body, and what
happens hence.
Q: (L) Well, what I am trying to get to here is: is it useful for
us to ingest this montmorillonite? Will it assist in this
mind/body/spirit connection?
A: What is more to the point is who was assisted before, how
and why.
Q: (L) I don't get it. Maybe it is because I am so tired, but I
am hitting a blank on that.
A: You must be, as the obvious is quite oblivious!
Q: (A) We are not getting anything about this mineral... who
was assisted before, how and why... (F) I can figure that out!
(L) Well, go ahead! (F) If this clay is in Germany, and if the
implication is that the mineral causes some sort of beneficial
effect, perhaps, in antiquity, somebody was using it for that
reason. (L) Is F**** right on this?
A: Yes, he is.

Montmorillonite may have been close.....
B. Factors Affecting Boron Adsorption-Desorption by Soil Constituents

1. Boron Adsorbtion as Affected by Boron Concentration and Water Content

boron adsorption by clays, hydrozy-aluminium, or soils increases with solution boron concentration showing a curve concaving downward (Figure 1). Equilibrium amounts of adsorbed boron on montmorillonite and soils as a function of the solution-to-adsorbent ratio, the water content does not affect the boron-adsorbent interaction (Keren and Mezuman, 1981; Mezurman and Keren, 1981). This fact is useful in prediction of boron distribution between the liquid and solid phases in soil during wetting and drying cycles (see also III.O).

2. Soil pH is one of the most important factors affecting boron uptake by plants. Studies by Peterson and Newman (1976) and Gupta and MacLeod (1977) have shown that a negative relationship between soil pH and plant boron occurs when soil pH levels are higher than 6.5. Since the plants obtain their boron from the soil solutions (Hatcher et al., 1959), these results indicate that boron distribution between liquid and the solid phase is strongly dependent on soil pH.
It has been reported by several investigators (Bingham et al., 1971; Hingston, 1964; Keren and Gast, 1983; Keren et al., 1981; Mezuman and Keren, 1981' Sims and Bingham, 1967) that increased pH enhances boron adsoption on clay minerals (montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite), hydroxyl-Al, and soils, showing a maximum in the alkaline pH range. Olson and Berger (1946) reported that alkalinization (pH > 7) of a soil increased it's capacity to adsorb boron, and this additional additional adsorbed boron could be released by acidification of the original soil pH.

Therefore stomach acid would release boron from montmorillonite.

So looking back on the thread, I noticed that my google results had brought up something slightly different. That is the same 'borax conspiracy' but instead of talking about high doses of borax, it talks about boron tablets.
Given borax is generally quite toxic, this is a particularly interesting diversion!

Posting the relevant part
[..]The Arthritis Cure of Dr Rex Newnham
In the 1960s, Rex Newnham, PhD, DO, ND, then a soil and plant scientist in Perth, Western Australia, developed arthritis. Conventional drugs did not help, but he realised that plants in that area were rather mineral deficient. Knowing that boron aids calcium
metabolism in plants, he started taking 30 mg of borax a day, and in three weeks all pain, swelling and stiffness had disappeared.
Health and medical authorities were not interested in his discovery, but improving arthritis sufferers were delighted. Eventually he had tablets made containing 3 mg of boron, and only by word of mouth he sold 10,000 bottles a month. When he asked a drug company to market the tablets, it indicated that this would replace more expensive drugs and reduce profits. It so happened that it had representatives on government health committees, and arranged that in 1981 Australia instituted a regulation which declared boron and its compounds to be poisons in any concentration. He was fined $1,000 for selling poison, and this successfully stopped his arthritis cure in Australia.2
Subsequently, Dr Newnham published several scientific papers on borax and arthritis. One paper covered a double-blind trial in the mid-1980s at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, which showed considerable improvement in 70 per cent of those who completed the trial; only 12 per cent improved on a placebo.3 He also found that the traditional sugarcane islands have very low soil-boron levels due to long-term heavy use of chemical fertilisers. lamaica has the lowest level, and the arthritis rate is about 70 per cent; he noted that even most dogs were limping. Next comes Mauritius, with very low boron levels and a 50 per cent arthritis rate. The daily boron intake in these countries is less than 1 mg/day. The USA, England, Australia and New Zealand generally have
average soil-boron levels, with an estimated intake of 1-2 mg of boron and an arthritis rate of about 20 per cent. All spas reputedly curing arthritis have very high boron levels. These are also high in Israel, with an estimated daily boron intake of 5-8 mg and an arthritis rate of only 0.5-1.0 per cent.
Bone analysis showed that arthritic joints and nearby bones have only half the boron content of healthy joints, and synovial fluid that lubricates joints is boron deficient in arthritic joints. After boron supplementation, bones were much harder than normal. With additional boron, bone fractures healed in about half the normal time in both humans and animals. Dr Newnham once saw a baby girl, aged nine months, with juvenile arthritis, and borax cured her in two weeks.
Dr Newnham wrote that, commonly, people can get rid of their pain, swelling and stiffness in about one to three months. Then they can reduce treatment from three boron tablets to one tablet (each 3 mg) per day as a maintenance dose. He also stated that patients with rheumatoid arthritis often experienced a Herxheimer! reaction and that this is always a good prognostic sign. They must persevere, and in several more weeks the pain, swelling and stiffness will be gone.4,5
The Herxheimer reaction is an early aggravation of symptoms with increased pain due to toxins released by killed Candida and mycoplasma. I was surprised that this fungicidal effect is already present at such a low dose. It is equally surprising that
also about 30 per cent with osteoarthritis experienced a Herxheimer reaction, suggesting that the border between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is rather fluid. In longstanding and resistant cases, use other antimicrobials in addition.
Thanks for this information about boron. I think the connections that Redfox has made are very interesting, though I still don't quite understand why the articles keep shifting from talking about borax to then boron: Cured by boron tablets and healed by borax.
From Wikipedia said:
Borax, also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate, is an important boron compound, a mineral, and a salt of boric acid. Powdered borax is white, consisting of soft colorless crystals that dissolve easily in water.

Borax has a wide variety of uses. It is a component of many detergents, cosmetics, and enamel glazes. It is also used to make buffer solutions in biochemistry, as a fire retardant, as an anti-fungal compound, in the manufacture of fiberglass, as a flux in metallurgy, neutron-capture shields for radioactive sources, a texturing agent in cooking, and as a precursor for other boron compounds.

And said:
Boron is a chemical element with symbol B and atomic number 5. Because boron is produced entirely by cosmic ray spallation and not by stellar nucleosynthesis it is a low-abundance element in both the Solar system and the Earth's crust.[12] Boron is concentrated on Earth by the water-solubility of its more common naturally occurring compounds, the borate minerals. These are mined industrially as evaporites, such as borax and kernite.
I have started 4 days ago to take 6mg of boron and will increase it to 9 mg in combination with magnesium that I take anyway and see if the cramps I have fairly frequently will disappear.
It does appear from the articles about boron that it is a very important trace mineral, which could likely alleviate a lot of ailments that people have. Could it also be a key mineral that will give us the needed energy boost for the times ahead?
I have just finished a 6 week borax protocol to combat Candida. For a 5 day on 2 day off cycle, I have added 1/8 of a teaspoon of borax to a litre of water to slowly drink throughout the day. I have also been taking probiotics, Iodine, and sodium bicarbonate. It does seem to have helped, and for the last 2 days of this week I upped the dosage to 1/4 teaspoon of borax. Next time I do this program I will stick with the 1/4 teaspoon dose.
I have noticed no direct ill effects from drinking this solution. I would get a Herxheimer reaction about 1 day a week, ranging from mild (carry on with whatever I had planned) to moderate( stay close to home and do very little). I still have quite a ways to go to get rid of this Candida, I suspect I have an issue with biofilms, so am considering another round of turpentine. I quit my last turpentine program a bit short at 4 weeks instead of the intended 6 because I was having difficulty choking it down, and i needed to give a chance for my body to catch up with removing all the toxins released from the dying Candida. I will try to mix the turpentine with honey this time, to make it easier to swallow.
I plan to do another round with the borax solution, perhaps in 6 to 8 weeks.
The gel capsule was invented for the very purpose of administering turpentine. I was able to easily fill some capsules with both kerosene and turpentine and they didn't leak. The turpentine capsules may get sticky because of the sap residue from the turpentine. If you're adventurous you could use a drill stop and the right size drill bit to make an array of holes in a wood block so you could quickly fill many capsules. You don't want to use a plastic capsule filler because turpentine is a very strong solvent and may damage it and leech plastic onto your capsules.

Also, the organic turpentine is much more pleasant than the hardware store stuff. Even a bit sweet, not unlike gumdrops or root beer. I keep thinking there must be something it can be used to flavor.

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