'Brexit' wins, UK to leave the EU?

It's interesting watching people's reactions to this election result. Depending on who you are, it means very different things!

It's very interesting, The_Donald on reddit has been in complete support of Boris winning and they do seem to see it exactly as their win with Trump. The majority of my left leaning friends/groups have generally had the opposite reaction.

The left leaning media are continuing their 'blame Russia' stance too from what I've seen.

Britain needs its own Mueller report on Russian ‘interference’

The British political system has become thoroughly compromised by Russian influence. It’s high time its institutions – including the media – woke up to that fact. In 2016, both the United Kingdom and the United States were the targets of Russian efforts to swing their votes. The aim was to weaken the alliances that had constrained Vladimir Putin’s ambitions, such as the European Union and Nato.

The efforts in both countries had much in common. They were aided by a transatlantic cast of characters loosely organised around the Trump and Brexit campaigns. Many of them worked in concert and interacted with Russians close to the Kremlin. The outcome in both countries was also eerily similar. Both countries have been at war with themselves in the three years since, pulling them back from the international stage at a time when Putin has consolidated his position in Crimea, Ukraine, Syria and beyond.
What was also on display or rather wasn't, was the Greta Thunberg effect. Despite climate meltdown having been front and center for quite some time now then the Green party in the UK just remained with 1 seat representation. Perhaps the globalist elite felt it was too important an election and thus didn't want to distract with a climate change platform.
What was also on display or rather wasn't, was the Greta Thunberg effect. Despite climate meltdown having been front and center for quite some time now then the Green party in the UK just remained with 1 seat representation. Perhaps the globalist elite felt it was too important an election and thus didn't want to distract with a climate change platform.

Boris hid in a fridge and still managed to win. :umm::umm::umm:
Labour face two terms in the political wilderness purely because of their stance on Brexit. They've completely missed the pulse of the nation. The Conservative vote didn't grow much, but the Labour vote fell alarmingly, many to the Brexit Party, and the Tories took big marginal scores. The Lib Dems are dead in the water too. I was totally pro Brexit, and in that sense I hope for some traction on that move, but I trust the Tories' not one bit. The establishment foreign policy will rule the roost for 10 years now.
This may not be live by the time you see it, but the comments may still be visible.

Seeing this video of a small number of loud people with their chants of revolution, alerta antifacista and "refugees are welcome here", juxtaposed with the overwhelming majority of comments being along the lines of "bash the commies", I can't help but think all is lost.

I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is, or describe the extent of the mind job that has been done, but I feel it. A deep bleak, kind of sadness.

There's a million things that could be said. We had the 2 decades of Muslim terror. The fueling of socially "liberal" ideas and issues, at least at face value. The left turned into a caricature of itself. The planned and managed right wing back-lash against all this. The farce of brexit and its use as a tool of party politics. Commie Corbyn, anti-semite Corbyn, Terrorist-sympathizer corbyn, IRA Corbyn etc.

The truth is people are sheep. Worse in fact, because we don't just follow the herd but can be also easily tricked into fighting fellow sheep over any perceived difference. And because of this, the 1% will always rule.

This isn't a novel observation, but sometimes it just hits you in the feels I guess.
Seeing this video of a small number of loud people with their chants of revolution, alerta antifacista and "refugees are welcome here", juxtaposed with the overwhelming majority of comments being along the lines of "bash the commies", I can't help but think all is lost.

I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is, or describe the extent of the mind job that has been done, but I feel it. A deep bleak, kind of sadness.

These shouting reminds me of liberal "meltdown" after the Trump's victory - loud, vicious and out-of-decency etc.
These shouting reminds me of liberal "meltdown" after the Trump's victory - loud, vicious and out-of-decency etc.

Yes but the point is the wool is being pulled over everybody's eyes and it's not actually "the left" that is a real threat, despite our intense focus on their craziness for the past few years. It's easy to focus on how a small group of screaming people are behaving a bit uncivilized, and miss the bigger picture.

The real movement of left-wing populism has been all but destroyed and now it's all swinging back around. The large body of people have spoken. They have demonstrated that they are on the side of the establishment. They want Brexit done, they want the immigrants out, they want the terrorist sympathizers in jail, and it seems they someday want something like the "V for Vendetta" control system. They want to be lorded over by the "born to rule" pure-blood elite.

The lefties going insane has only added fuel to the fire on this bigger sweeping tide of sentiment. Not to mention regular healthy doses of muslim terror.

At the same time, the biggest losers double down. "We lost because the people are racist and sexist".

Well they're not like 100% wrong about that, but this doesn't bode well, and it comes across as quite pathetic.

Corbyn here does rightly state that he has been the subject of horrendous blackening of his character and that the influence of the brexit leave vote ultimately swayed things. However he seems to think that Labour did everything right and, again "none of it is our fault".

Can't really come down on one side of the other on these things, there's a lot of grey area.
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By Daria Bedenko - 17 minutes ago

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