Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

Some alleged data on the amount of money immigrants receive upon entering Canada.

$1899.41/m monthly allowance.
$949.70/m employment incentive.
$,1800/m child tax benefit.
$500/m housing top up.
$8,326.14 for basic goods.

Total: up to $70,115.46 just in the first year. After that they can get other provincial and federal benefits.


RAP stands for Resettlement Assistance Program.

I looked for other information, as this seems insanely high. It could easily be fake. In 2015, there were claims of immigrants and refugees receiving a monthly stipend of "of $1,890, plus $580 in social aid, for a total of $2,470 per month or nearly $29,000 per year." This has been fact-checked, and said to be false by the government, but who knows if its true. The maximum yearly amount available was $25,000 per family through RAP:

This below suggests the total money available is waaay lower, even when adding both Federal and Provincial benefits. Seems more real to me.

The government website suggests support will only last for one year.

Canada provides income support under the RAP to eligible refugees who cannot pay for their own basic needs. Support can include a:

  • one-time household start-up allowance, and
  • monthly income support payment.
The level of monthly financial support is generally based on the prevailing provincial social assistance rates in the province where the refugees settle. Financial support can last up to one year after a refugee arrives in Canada, or until they can support themselves, whichever occurs first.

So I think that Twitter page is disinfo.
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