Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

Well I'm sad to say I called that one. It's not a bill that's been tabled yet, but with the Lib/NDP

"But who stopped the implementation of the White Paper? Who prevented Indigenous equality? The Aboriginal Industry. Why would over 600 First Nations chiefs give up their power, money and influence? By far, the biggest benefactors of existing treaties have been the chiefs and First Nations councillors, not the ordinary Indigenous souls they falsely claim to represent.
A few years ago I was reading some pieces from The Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a Winnipeg MB 'think tank'. At that time, someone from the organization had gone looking into documentation and found that something like half 400 "missing" children died at home of usual causes for kids decades ago, not from abuse in residential schools.

I grew up near a Cree reserve. At an Anglican Church camp my main friend, a Native girl, though we hardly spoke we did a lot of things together, just the two of us. I really liked her. Nobody else seemed to relate to her. I see her in my mind's eye and recognize that she felt totally out of place at this church camp on Clear Lake. Now it seems to me that the article I just pulled out of the think tank, November 24, says it loud and clear. Apartheid drummed into every Settler (I hear people on CBC calling themselves this.). The constant drumming into us of the horrors with no respect for accuracy. Maybe this article goes too far in the opposite direction, but I know the allegation of the leadership reaping rewards and most regular Indians not seeing much of it.

My brother is in the forestry in BC, mostly on Vancouver Island. Two things he pointed out to me observations about the areas he has lived the longest. Genoa Bay, first. The government gave all kinds of land, farm lands and so on, to Native bands. My brother pointed out that it was the leadership that profited.

Then in Duncan BC, we drove by a section of Reserve in the town and saw three houses, surrounded with an extraordinary pile of garbage. They were on the Reserve, such a disturbing and stark contrast to the opposite side of the street.

Here's a section from the article:

"And the judges of this country have ensured that the treaties are interpreted to continue the inequality that hurts Indigenous individuals but benefits their leaders generously.

In the 54 years since 1970, leaders have willfully betrayed two additional generations of Indigenous Canadians through Canada’s home-grown apartheid. Real people have been condemned to the dependence, subjugation, and hopelessness that the Indian Act and the treaties imposed.

That some describe the Act and the treaties as “sacred” is an abomination. The cry that “we are human beings” has been consistently ignored, as chiefs and their friends have reaped the fruits of the national guilt they have cultivated so well for so long."
A few years ago I was reading some pieces from The Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a Winnipeg MB 'think tank'. At that time, someone from the organization had gone looking into documentation and found that something like half 400 "missing" children died at home of usual causes for kids decades ago, not from abuse in residential schools.

I grew up near a Cree reserve. At an Anglican Church camp my main friend, a Native girl, though we hardly spoke we did a lot of things together, just the two of us. I really liked her. Nobody else seemed to relate to her. I see her in my mind's eye and recognize that she felt totally out of place at this church camp on Clear Lake. Now it seems to me that the article I just pulled out of the think tank, November 24, says it loud and clear. Apartheid drummed into every Settler (I hear people on CBC calling themselves this.). The constant drumming into us of the horrors with no respect for accuracy. Maybe this article goes too far in the opposite direction, but I know the allegation of the leadership reaping rewards and most regular Indians not seeing much of it.

My brother is in the forestry in BC, mostly on Vancouver Island. Two things he pointed out to me observations about the areas he has lived the longest. Genoa Bay, first. The government gave all kinds of land, farm lands and so on, to Native bands. My brother pointed out that it was the leadership that profited.

Then in Duncan BC, we drove by a section of Reserve in the town and saw three houses, surrounded with an extraordinary pile of garbage. They were on the Reserve, such a disturbing and stark contrast to the opposite side of the street.

Here's a section from the article:

"And the judges of this country have ensured that the treaties are interpreted to continue the inequality that hurts Indigenous individuals but benefits their leaders generously.

In the 54 years since 1970, leaders have willfully betrayed two additional generations of Indigenous Canadians through Canada’s home-grown apartheid. Real people have been condemned to the dependence, subjugation, and hopelessness that the Indian Act and the treaties imposed.

That some describe the Act and the treaties as “sacred” is an abomination. The cry that “we are human beings” has been consistently ignored, as chiefs and their friends have reaped the fruits of the national guilt they have cultivated so well for so long."

For many conservatives these days, the colonial period in the Americas was simply a contest between races, the Whites won, they're proud of that history, and if you don't like it, too bad. And a lot of the right-wing, anti-woke reaction these days is this sort of conservatism - one that basically cherry picks history, or glosses over and justifies its horrors. The blue-haired Dionysian anti-civilization forces of chaos have produced this reaction - the formation of a pure Apollonian pro-civilization ideology of order, which includes a grand return to traditional gender roles (or else), a glorification of violence, and unfortunately often outright racism and sexism. It's like Jordan Peterson said, but in reverse - the archetype of the Father, aka our culture, has no dark side for some conservatives. The only dark side in it is the left, liberals, the woke, migrants, socialism, Chinese influence, or whatever Other is in the weekly news cycle. It's all 'Father of Light' stuff in defence of the culture, which is an understandable reaction, and the conservatives are not entirely wrong in this analysis - but what's left out is the fact of the Shadow-Father who glares out not so subtly in the history to the West. The same could be said for Western foreign policy of rape and pillage. They just don't wanna talk about it. As such, many conservatives are missing half of history, half of reality.

So on either side, the right or the left, there is black-and-white thinking around the issue of Canada's history with the Natives, and no realization that it, like all civilizational development, was the result of the complex interplay of both forces of dark and light, progress and degradation.

So yeah, there is the tragedy of the Residential Schools. But, then there is ALSO the pathological amplification of that tragedy used to lay a guilt trip on the nation - and also to inspire chaos, such as the burning of churches across Canada, which increased after the story dropped that a number of grave sites were found at the Kamloops Residential School. And following along the pathological playbook, even questioning this grave site narrative is akin to holocaust denial, and therefore should be illegal, if they can swing it. Questioning is not allowed.

Even if the Kamloops grave sites were a woke fabrication, which seems to be the case, the fact of the matter is that the Natives in Canada were subjected to a genocide, which is well-documented and beyond question to any serious analyst. And no one knows quite what to do about that, when the easiest thing to do would be, I don't know, treat them like people? Ensure they have basic amenities like clean drinking water? Proper housing? Stuff like garbage pickup? But then there's another bit missing in Canada's history, in particular that of the Residential Schools - the process of cultural ponerization.

Most designs of governments around the world seem to be based on the goal of breaking people and creating a situation of total dependence, and artificially-induced childhood. The Natives had a skill-set that would have allowed them to remain independent and self-sufficient. I've also seen evidence of a culture that was driven (at least in some ways) towards intentional suffering, ancestral connection, Initiation, Soul-growth, and abiding by Cosmic Law. But it's likely that a huge proportion of their genetic potential was wiped out in the early stages of colonization via teh genocide. For instance, they've already been through their own version of an apocalypse, including a real pandemic via smallpox. Then after that, there were the treaties and the reserve system rolled out in BC, and government programs like the Residential Schools were implemented - ostensibly designed to 'kill the Native in the child' and break the line of transmission of that culture of self-sufficiency, initiation, and Soul, and remove them from the the land to make way for development. Anyways, IMO the Residential Schools were a significant milestone wherein Native culture was ponerized due to childhood trauma. The 60's Scoop followed up on that just to be sure they stayed broken, caught victim loops, etc. That's how we landed in the mess we're in today, with pathological Elders and Band Council leaders a product of that system. And I would guess these pathologicals probably act actions being taken that would help their captive populations.

One broad cultural result was that this process made them the perfect mascots for the woke - the victims of Canada's original sin - and therefore a flash point for increasing tensions between the left and right. It's a huge mess.
For many conservatives these days, the colonial period in the Americas was simply a contest between races, the Whites won, they're proud of that history, and if you don't like it, too bad. And a lot of the right-wing, anti-woke reaction these days is this sort of conservatism - one that basically cherry picks history, or glosses over and justifies its horrors. The blue-haired Dionysian anti-civilization forces of chaos have produced this reaction - the formation of a pure Apollonian pro-civilization ideology of order, which includes a grand return to traditional gender roles (or else), a glorification of violence, and unfortunately often outright racism and sexism. It's like Jordan Peterson said, but in reverse - the archetype of the Father, aka our culture, has no dark side for some conservatives. The only dark side in it is the left, liberals, the woke, migrants, socialism, Chinese influence, or whatever Other is in the weekly news cycle. It's all 'Father of Light' stuff in defence of the culture, which is an understandable reaction, and the conservatives are not entirely wrong in this analysis - but what's left out is the fact of the Shadow-Father who glares out not so subtly in the history to the West. The same could be said for Western foreign policy of rape and pillage. They just don't wanna talk about it. As such, many conservatives are missing half of history, half of reality.

So on either side, the right or the left, there is black-and-white thinking around the issue of Canada's history with the Natives, and no realization that it, like all civilizational development, was the result of the complex interplay of both forces of dark and light, progress and degradation.

So yeah, there is the tragedy of the Residential Schools. But, then there is ALSO the pathological amplification of that tragedy used to lay a guilt trip on the nation - and also to inspire chaos, such as the burning of churches across Canada, which increased after the story dropped that a number of grave sites were found at the Kamloops Residential School. And following along the pathological playbook, even questioning this grave site narrative is akin to holocaust denial, and therefore should be illegal, if they can swing it. Questioning is not allowed.

Even if the Kamloops grave sites were a woke fabrication, which seems to be the case, the fact of the matter is that the Natives in Canada were subjected to a genocide, which is well-documented and beyond question to any serious analyst. And no one knows quite what to do about that, when the easiest thing to do would be, I don't know, treat them like people? Ensure they have basic amenities like clean drinking water? Proper housing? Stuff like garbage pickup? But then there's another bit missing in Canada's history, in particular that of the Residential Schools - the process of cultural ponerization.

Most designs of governments around the world seem to be based on the goal of breaking people and creating a situation of total dependence, and artificially-induced childhood. The Natives had a skill-set that would have allowed them to remain independent and self-sufficient. I've also seen evidence of a culture that was driven (at least in some ways) towards intentional suffering, ancestral connection, Initiation, Soul-growth, and abiding by Cosmic Law. But it's likely that a huge proportion of their genetic potential was wiped out in the early stages of colonization via teh genocide. For instance, they've already been through their own version of an apocalypse, including a real pandemic via smallpox. Then after that, there were the treaties and the reserve system rolled out in BC, and government programs like the Residential Schools were implemented - ostensibly designed to 'kill the Native in the child' and break the line of transmission of that culture of self-sufficiency, initiation, and Soul, and remove them from the the land to make way for development. Anyways, IMO the Residential Schools were a significant milestone wherein Native culture was ponerized due to childhood trauma. The 60's Scoop followed up on that just to be sure they stayed broken, caught victim loops, etc. That's how we landed in the mess we're in today, with pathological Elders and Band Council leaders a product of that system. And I would guess these pathologicals probably act actions being taken that would help their captive populations.

One broad cultural result was that this process made them the perfect mascots for the woke - the victims of Canada's original sin - and therefore a flash point for increasing tensions between the left and right. It's a huge mess.

Excellent, concise summation on a complex subject that gets constantly used by both left and right to further their own grift. The fact that Canada is a legally defined apartheid state due to the Indian Act seems to never enter the mouths of those in Ottawa.
Sometimes, we need a bit of humor when living in a dumpster fire (Canada)
I already am aware of some of the terrible-ness of Canada but I am often reminded by others to be more grateful and to acknowledge how privileged I am to live here.

This video made me feel a lot better about not meeting the gratitude standard of other Canadians. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot I am thankful for BUT gratitude imo should not be used to emotionally/spiritually bypass real emotions and issues that need to be faced.

Anyways, here's the video:

Edit: Spelling errors
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