Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

For those who can understand French, here's an article on about that :

Thank you Gandalf for your many article and good information that you share.

So, too many truck surrounding Ottawa, they can't enter the capital so they will move a part of the convoy, mainly the one front Saskatchewan and Manitoba to Quebec city. Also, convoy are getting ready from northern Quebec, Lake St-John and Bauces to drive to Quebec on Thursday. The convoy from Ottawa is already on the move but detail about their arrival are not disclosed at this time. More truckers are joinning the convoy everyday.
I just want to say I'm a frequent listener to several Bushcraft / indigenous type podcast out of Canada, have been for years. I've learned a ton from those guys / girls but lately what has really struck me is the overwhelming emotion that is now being expressed by all of them. They are very proud of their country, something they haven't felt before has bubbled up and has cause many of them to confess the shedding of tears from what they are feeling at this time. These are some backwoods buds, many have indigenous roots and are beyond tough as nails.

Immigrants from communist countries are also very moved by what's happening.

Here is a Russian woman discussing "real Canadians" with the press:

That video looks like it was shot on the outskirts of the east side of Edmonton. The poster is from Spruce Grove, a city just east there. Gina, the lady in the interview, said she came from Innisfail. That's quite a ways south. Very cool. Wish she ripped into the guy in Russian. That would have been funny to see.

(PERTH) “For our Prime Minister to restrict access to food and basic necessities in the middle of winter, in Canada, is nothing short of an act of domestic terrorism,” Mr. Hillier explained. “Our Premiers across this country, including Doug Ford, are complicit in holding Canadians hostage with restrictions that do nothing but keep food off our store shelves,” Mr. Hillier continued. “Hard working and patriotic truckers, who are being kept from crossing the border, are headed to Ottawa in protest; I salute them and I intend to join them. It’s my hope that they stay in Ottawa, on Parliament Hill, until our Prime Minister and premiers end all terrorist decrees of vaccine mandates and all other mandates end,” said Mr. Hillier.

Across Canada, truckers are building a convoy headed to Parliament Hill to make a statement against our Prime Minister’s choice to mandate vaccines for workers within our supply chain. As we have seen for nearly a month, store shelves are beginning to empty because there simply is not enough supply or truckers delivering our goods both here at home and across our border.

Hillier calls upon our law enforcement agencies to immediately open a criminal investigation of the Prime Minister's actions to starve Canadians. This Prime Minister needs to answer for his hateful vitriol towards the “unvaccinated” and defining those who challenges his edicts as terrorists. It is he, in fact, who is inciting fear and terror into the hearts of the citizenry.

On Saturday, January 29th, Mr. Hillier will be joining other freedom loving Canadians in support of the truckers and others being discriminated against and harmed by our Prime Minister and Premiers, in support of their calls for the end of all COVID mandates.

“All Canadians should be joining our great truckers on Parliament Hill to stand against our Prime Minister’s acts of domestic terrorism, and call on our Premier to cease aiding and abetting his decrees,” concluded Mr. Hillier.
Ron Paul: "We're all Canadian Truckers Now!"

"If I were prime minister of totalitarian Australia or New Zealand – or most anywhere in Europe – I would be getting pretty nervous right now. Just as the Covid tyranny descended across the globe in a seemingly coordinated fashion, now that the Berlin Wall of the tyrants has been breached, it’s just a matter of time before the shockwaves are felt far and wide."

Tension is mounting . . .

Truckers vow to remain at Canada/U.S. border blockade

This is the only (legal) AB/MT entrance. The parked convoy is at least 3 km long. (www.

Mercury Retrograde ends on Feb 3rd.

It'll be interesting to see what happens when all things communication and information related get back into gear. They say, give it a few days for the gears to lock in.

Then the liar's lies will start working smoothly again. But as well.., the holdups with getting the message across will similarly dissolve for the Good Guys. Projects move forward.

We have two projects underway; the NWO Kill Everybody project, and the Resistance project.

Right now, it's just gridlock and a lot of waiting and considering, churning through old stuff and non-resolution.
Ron Paul: "We're all Canadian Truckers Now!"

"If I were prime minister of totalitarian Australia or New Zealand – or most anywhere in Europe – I would be getting pretty nervous right now. Just as the Covid tyranny descended across the globe in a seemingly coordinated fashion, now that the Berlin Wall of the tyrants has been breached, it’s just a matter of time before the shockwaves are felt far and wide."

unfortunately the likelihood of NZ getting on board is slim as we could be the most compliant nation in the world.
Correct me if I’m wrong, anyone... please...
What if I introduce a “conspiracy theory” regarding his location? 🤪
I have watched this interview twice, and there is a Replay on YouTube right now, I am watching on a 50 inch HD screen.
If he is really standing outside, in below 0 weather, why is there not a whiff of breath condensation?
His nose isn’t turning even a shade of pink, which is a common occurrence in cold air.
I wonder if the background of the cottage door, with a snowbank on the side, snow on the ledge behind him, is a green screen projection?
Is there any techie way to analyze that?
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