Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

And this is whether the PTB have gone wrong: 70-90% vaccination levels weren't enough they wanted absolutely EVERYONE to be vaxxed.
I do not think it was their mistake, inoculating everyone was one of the main points of their plan, if it were to go well without too much trouble for them. They inoculate people with graphene and with all those nano and microtechnology, which once inside the body self-assembles into some bigger structures etc., they are turning humans into a kind of cyborgs. They are building the operating system inside human bodies, which later are to be controlled by AI through 5G and 6G etc., and perhaps others. They surely prefer us not to be aware of it before all humans or at least vast majority are jabbed, probably at least twice, and thus ready to be activated.

I believe their plan was to inoculate fast the great majority of humanity and before we could figure out what was done to us, it would be too late, nothing could be done, we could not possibly get rid of technology inside us. And with the remaining small minority they could easily deal later.

Watch just first 4,5 minutes of Max Igan video.
Bill Gates at the Bloomberg meeting saying:

This was an interesting test of people’s trust in their politicians or their health system.
Statistically we didn’t do as well as I would have expected. In fact, I’m cited as some mastermind in some evil plot in many, many cases. I didn’t expect any of that. In some ways the politicization of taking vaccines and helping to protect other people, you can almost say... we’ve taken a step backwards. ...
A meaningful minority in most countries were led down a path of believing that not only were there rare side effects, but the vaccine was not properly tested... was part of some evil conspiracy.

Watching his body language, and his voice, it looks like he is telling the truth, they didn't expect any of that.

Then Klaus Schwab at some meeting brags about how Miss Merkel and Vladimir Putin "has been young global leaders of The World Economic Forum", and then he says how really proud he is of the fact that young generation, like prime minister Justin Trudeau and also more than half of his cabinet are actually also young global leaders of WEF.
And more to the topic, the most interesting recording, an excerpt from Klaus Schwab's speech at some kind of masonic meeting. I have difficulty to understand exact words at the beginning, yet I can hear he talks about forth revolution, and he continues:

...some people would say this revolution is characterized by the fight of robots against human beings and we will win this fight.

So, if they managed to inoculate the whole population or at least vast majority, perhaps they would have already won this fight of 'robots against human beings', nothing much could be done, because the humanity as a whole, would totally loose control over itself. Once people were connected to this AI, they would become kind of "smart" people, I think PTB could even use some electromagnetic force to "convince" them to continue with the jabs.

This is why they were so crazy to coerce all of us and fast. Because this unjabbed "meaningful minority" spoken about by Gates is still some billions of us. And they are just a few in comparison. Now they found themselves in difficult situation. The awareness of humanity appears to be rising, if PTB go on with their plan to take control over the already inoculated, the big rest of us, the unjubbed part of humanity, would see it happen and realize what was done to them, which could turn really nasty for PTB, perhaps they would need to go into hiding. And if they do nothing, people already know a lot anyway and already taking actions, and the truth continues to surface. They cannot back down now, because things went too far. We need to wait and see, but I think that at least they did not win the first, most important battle.
About 10 minutes ago, Blair Claassens posted a live video of a meeting in a coffee shop (?) at the Coutts boundary in Alberta. It's a little tough to hear but there was a negotiation that took place between the RCMP (who were not wearing masks) and the members there. It sounds like a deal was struck (with the Alberta gov.) that if the lanes were opened to allow commerce to flow again across the border with the States, 'rural mandates' and the REPP program (the vax passports) will be dropped. (!!!) Let's wait an see how far this goes... with some anticipation.

really like this Lady-what energy ...Human Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas
Freedom Fighter Nation
Human Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas

Freedom Fighter Nation was founded by world-renowned Human Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas.

A talkative and stubborn only child who was never afraid to go her own way — and who was renowned from an early age for telling off even adults when it came to matters of injustice — she came by these traits honestly: Leigh’s Hungarian-Romanian maternal ancestors escaped Communist Eastern Europe last century, making their way through Ellis Island to raise Leigh’s grandfather and his ten siblings in a country that was based on the notion of freedom, a concept that was much desired but largely unknown to them. And Leigh’s father and paternal grandfather were both U.S. Navymen, with the latter surviving not just the bombing of the USS West Virginia in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941..

more at site link ..
first 5 min she describes herself and what she has been up too..good imo
about minute 30 she really gets rolling , even says she counseled some of the
early 5 poeple canadian truckers ...really worth listening to imo ..

International Human Rights Lawyer Leigh Dundas on Military Jams & Canadian Truckers...
0ne hour ...
woops try this ......nope .... woops - looking for better link-version-platform
damn can't find my audio for above vid , but here is another recent

55 minutes ....

freedomfighternation Published February 1, 2022
Mel welcomes Charlie & warrior Leigh Dundas to disclose the shocking data from military whistleblowers on the federal data collection of vaccine adverse reactions in the military. The data is indisputable. Our military is under assault from within. Leigh was part of the team this week, with attorney Tom Renz, presenting to Senator Johnsons on the recently released data that is showing the extraordinary dangers of these mandated vaccines.
This pacific revolution is fantastic.
Whatever the end of it, it will have allowed people, each individual, to express themselves. For two years people have suffered mental torture from an insatiable, cold, psychopathic government, two years of silence, two years of mistreatment, closure of small businesses, wearing of masks, prohibition to meet, etc. And this in each country of this planet. Like them, we have lived through all this, in silence. As participants of this forum we witness the injustices and the malignant conspiracy also in silence. People have experienced loneliness. And then suddenly people can finally talk, express themselves, confide in each other, finally see each other as full-fledged people. It's really very moving! There is the big story of this movement and then the small stories, the most interesting ones, the ones that express emotions with words and small gestures that are in fact big gestures. The little stories are there to show us the human face of this movement. It is really a beautiful gift that the Universe sends to us.

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