Cancer: causes and cures

Chili peppers for Cancer? Bring on Dave's Insanity Sauce!

Excellent! Dark chocolate, tea, chili peppers, red wine and turmeric in curry are good for you. Life is good.
Chili peppers for Cancer? Bring on Dave's Insanity Sauce!

DonaldJHunt said:
Excellent! Dark chocolate, tea, chili peppers, red wine and turmeric in curry are good for you. Life is good.
LOL ! Chocolate and chili peppers go together pretty good too. Try some cayenne in your cup of hot cocoa.
Chili peppers for Cancer? Bring on Dave's Insanity Sauce!

I have something even stronger for you ;)
Chili liqueur...


p.s I LOVE chillies and try to add them to any food I can, even if my stomach doesn' t like it much. Wrong
genetics, I guess.

p.s 2 - tea? what about fluoride?
Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

* 11:58 17 January 2007
* From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
* Andy Coghlan

What makes cancer cells different - and how to kill them
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What makes cancer cells different - and how to kill them

It sounds almost too good to be true: a cheap and simple drug that kills almost all cancers by switching off their “immortality� . The drug, dichloroacetate (DCA), has already been used for years to treat rare metabolic disorders and so is known to be relatively safe.

It also has no patent, meaning it could be manufactured for a fraction of the cost of newly developed drugs.

Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his colleagues tested DCA on human cells cultured outside the body and found that it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but not healthy cells. Tumours in rats deliberately infected with human cancer also shrank drastically when they were fed DCA-laced water for several weeks.

DCA attacks a unique feature of cancer cells: the fact that they make their energy throughout the main body of the cell, rather than in distinct organelles called mitochondria. This process, called glycolysis, is inefficient and uses up vast amounts of sugar.

Until now it had been assumed that cancer cells used glycolysis because their mitochondria were irreparably damaged. However, Michelakis’s experiments prove this is not the case, because DCA reawakened the mitochondria in cancer cells. The cells then withered and died (Cancer Cell, DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2006.10.020).

Michelakis suggests that the switch to glycolysis as an energy source occurs when cells in the middle of an abnormal but benign lump don’t get enough oxygen for their mitochondria to work properly (see diagram). In order to survive, they switch off their mitochondria and start producing energy through glycolysis.

Crucially, though, mitochondria do another job in cells: they activate apoptosis, the process by which abnormal cells self-destruct. When cells switch mitochondria off, they become “immortal� , outliving other cells in the tumour and so becoming dominant. Once reawakened by DCA, mitochondria reactivate apoptosis and order the abnormal cells to die.

“The results are intriguing because they point to a critical role that mitochondria play:

they impart a unique trait to cancer cells that can be exploited for cancer therapy,� says Dario Altieri, director of the University of Massachusetts Cancer Center in Worcester.

The phenomenon might also explain how secondary cancers form. Glycolysis generates lactic acid, which can break down the collagen matrix holding cells together. This means abnormal cells can be released and float to other parts of the body, where they seed new tumours.

DCA can cause pain, numbness and gait disturbances in some patients, but this may be a price worth paying if it turns out to

be effective against all cancers. The next step is to run clinical trials of DCA in people with cancer. These may have to be funded by charities, universities and governments: pharmaceutical companies are unlikely to pay because they can’t make money on unpatented medicines. The pay-off is that if DCA does work, it will be easy to manufacture and dirt cheap.

Paul Clarke, a cancer cell biologist at the University of Dundee in the UK, says the findings challenge the current assumption that mutations, not metabolism, spark off cancers. “The question is: which comes first?� he says.

Thu Jan 18 05:40:57 GMT 2007

The link provides the original article with the diagrams.

Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

Gimpy said:
It also has no patent, meaning it could be manufactured for a fraction of the cost of newly developed drugs.
This is the key piece of data that will determine the future treatment of this chemical by the medical-pharmaceutical industry. Anything that cures cancer and is cheap and un-patentable will become a pariah to mainstream medicine and will be marginalized and attacked. The only way mainstream medicine would use this chemical is if they could modify the chemical structure slightly, patent that new chemical, and then go on with business as usual of overcharging for patented medications. Also, if the slightly-altered patentable chemical works too well it still might not be used due to potential loss of revenue from curing cancer vs treating it.

If it does turn out that this chemical works to treat or cure cancer, it is likely to be available somewhere from some (non-ponerized) doctors who have not been mind-controlled by the big medical-pharma business.
Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

I don’t trust this information at all. This could be a cover for two things. One, the chlorinating of water supplies and two, the cancer industry, of which only last night reported that cancer was dropping in the U.S. [Don’t believe a word of it.]

The DCA is a product in part of chlorinated water, and you will notice it is implemented into the body by adding it to water. Also, interestingly, the conditions studied are connected to acidity which tells a bigger story.

Many years ago I researched cancer and the industry. One thing that came up was the cancer clinics in America and who was doing what. I found there were clinics in the U.S. who actually cured cancer but their existence was carefully kept from the media. In these clinics cancer was cured by changing the body state from acidity to alkalinity, and adjusting the pH of the body water.

In what I have found, cancer cannot live in an alkaline state, only an acidic state inside the body. So those who had cancer, could change their body state by drinking water that contained a product called coral calcium of an extreme high grade, such as made in Japan. There are also other products that perform this function. By the way, indigestion is a calcium deficiency of the sphincter.

You can easily check your own pH by purchasing test strips and testing the urine. You will be shocked when you see your pH below 6 points, which most humans live in. Your pH must be higher, around 6.5 to 7.3 points and remain in the state. Drinking lots of water that has been pH tested to a satisfactory level heals the body by itself. Of course if your diseases are too prolonged, this may become more difficult to stop the invasion.

Also, when you become alkaline again, you will begin to sleep like a rock.

This is not information they want you to know.

Chlorine does not make you alkaline and is a deadly poison of deception.
Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

I've recently been looking at all of the new vaccines that will be coming on the market, such as a vaccine for obesity, for smoking, for drug addiction, and for several different kinds of cancer. All of the ones I was encountering were drugs that targeted the immune system. The vaccines for obesity, smoking and other drugs were called immunopharmacotherapy. I'm sure you all see the "pharma" in there. The cancer vaccines were just called immunotherapy.

Now, I have a real problem with this. Mainly because of all of the autoimmune diseases out there. I have this sinking feeling that dinking around with the immune system is just going to make matters worse in the long run. No one knows why the immune system turns against itself. Maybe all of the vaccinations given to kids has something to do with it. These vaccines seem to mess with everything else. Now, all of a sudden they have all of these new vaccines just waiting to be tried. Something for everybody.

I kept wondering to myself, who is going to benefit from these vaccines? The recipients? I doubt it. Almost all of the articles I read stated that these vaccines would not work on everybody. Well, ain't that grand? So here they are encouraging everybody to get these vaccines, but, ya know, they only work for a small percentage of people (I think they said that the smoking vaccine works for 30% of the people, but is it the truth?), but everybody come on and get them anyway.

If this is the case, then the (surprise!) pharmaceutical companies will be the ones making out. And especially if these vaccines create more problems than they solve by causing immmune disorders. I know, just a little wild speculating on my part. So let me continue. Of course, immune disorders create more potential for more drug sales. The pharmaceutical companies get to sell vaccines and then the drugs for the diseases they caused. Then, since not everyone is helped by these vaccines, the money can still keep rolling in for the research to find the cures for these diseases, that they will never find because if they did, there would be no more money coming in for research to find the cures. Uhm, you still with me? It's a win/win situation for the pharmaceutical companies no matter what.

There is also the possibility that if they are giving vaccines to just about everyone, they can also stick in any other little devices that they want to throw in there to keep track of everyone. If you know what I mean. (wink, wink)

Oh, oh, oh. I almost forgot. Some of the vaccines have to be taken more than one time. The smoking vaccine only works for 15 - 18 months. Then if you still get cravings, you have to get another shot. Great stuff, huh?

Well, now, I feel better after getting all of that off of my chest. Whew!
Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

I did a research on coral calcium, and i found this:

Quackwatch Home Page

Be Wary of Coral Calcium and Robert Barefoot
Stephen Barrett, M.D.
"Coral calcium" is a dietary supplement said to be derived from "remnants of living coral that have fallen from coral reefs, as a result of wave action or other natural processes." It is also said to be mined from the old ocean beds at the base of the coral reefs in Okinawa, Japan [1:120]. Simply put, "coral remnants" are limestone, which coral organisms originally manufacture as a protective shell. Since coral reefs are protected by law, "coral calcium" is made by grinding up limestone that no longer contains live organisms.

Limestone has no unique health properties. It is merely calcium carbonate, with some magnesium and trace amounts of many other minerals. Limestone fertilizer, available at garden centers, costs as little as a dollar for an 80-pound bag. (Note: Limestone fertilizer is not suitable for human use as a calcium supplement. I mention it only to illustrate how inexpensive the raw ingredients can be.) For people who need to consume extra calcium, purified calcium carbonate pills are safer and far less expensive than "coral calcium." But Robert R. Barefoot, of Wickenberg, Arizona, would like you to believe that limestone obtained from Okinawa provides "the scientific secret of health and youth" and can cure cancer. His ideas have been promoted through books, lectures, his Web site, an audiotape, two 30-minute infomercials [2], interviews, and thousands of Web sites that sell "coral calcium" products. Although his sales pitch is preposterous, he has gained a wide audience. I have received more than 300 e-mail inquiries stimulated by his infomercial, which is more than I have received about any other product. His book, The Calcium Factor [1], first published in 1992, has undergone five editions and on January 31, 2003 enjoyed an Amazon Books sales rank of #412, which is quite high. On the same day, his Death By Diet [3], originally published in 1996 and now in its fourth edition, was ranked #1790; and his other book, Barefoot on Coral Calcium [4], was ranked #8114. Searching Google for "Robert Barefoot" yielded more than 31,000 hits, and searching for "coral calcium" found more than 80,000! In January and February, Barefoot's "A Closer Look" infomercial was among the most frequently shown infomercials and was the most frequent one connected with a dietary supplement. In March 2003, a newer infomercial version hit #1 on the frequency list and a Google Search for "coral calcium" topped 120,000. Barefoot's Cure America Web site listed his email address as, which, considering his probable sales volume, is probably an apt description. In 2002, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission stopped the broadcasting of his infomercials but coral calcium products are still widely marketed.
Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

I would say you went to the wrong place to do the research. Quachwatch is mostly disinfo. Even with this said, coral calcium can still be worthless if the source is. There is also the statement of a cure, which is a problem, as one might become healthy only to become sicker later on because of personal practices. There are obviously people who abuse information to their own desires. Lime water can also be drank which is calcium hyroxide. I would not recommend anyone to use a product like this for any extended period of time, but it might come in real handy if you are sick or dying, or have horrible indigestion. The more important factor to remember is drink enough water to balance the body system in pH which can be hard to do if your water is polluted, so one must filter and test the water to see. The calcium is also critical to the body.
Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

I also found this which states:

abnormal pH can result in disturbances in a wide range of body systems […]
The might help to understand the relationship between acids and pH in the body. This does not discuss diet however.

Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

I am very interested in how effective this dichloroacetate is and am determined to follow it up.

OCKHAM said:
I don’t trust this information at all. This could be a cover for two things. One, the chlorinating of water supplies and two, the cancer industry, of which only last night reported that cancer was dropping in the U.S. [Don’t believe a word of it.]
And there is another thing people have to be aware of too, and that is to be careful of generalisations. What may be poison for one person, could well cure another. What is cancer anyway? Well, one definition that I have of it is:

Cancer is a group of more than 200 diseases charactierised by uncontrolled and unregulated growth of cells.
200 diseases doesn't necessarily equate with 200 different cells going 'wonky', but it could well equate with 200 different 'effects' of of these cells going 'wonky'. Some are very rare, and some, unfortunately are common. Interstingly enough, just because a cancer occurs frequently in a population, the mortality rate (deaths) from it may not coincide with its occurance. For example, melanoma in Australia is in the 'top 5' when it comes to occurances, but people who die from it are near the bottom of statistics. This has to do with when a cancer is discovered. It also has the advantage of being visible, whereas other cancers, are only discovered after a long period of time and sometimes after metastisis to other organs has occured.

OCKHAM said:
Many years ago I researched cancer and the industry. One thing that came up was the cancer clinics in America and who was doing what. I found there were clinics in the U.S. who actually cured cancer but their existence was carefully kept from the media. In these clinics cancer was cured by changing the body state from acidity to alkalinity, and adjusting the pH of the body water.
It may be that in the U.S. things are more 'profit driven' than elsewhere. This could explain why they might try and hide their research. But there is also quite a bit of compeditiveness between scientists unless they were 'controlled' in some way and that would most likely mean government control. An example of this that comes to mind is the Chinese managing to hide a 'cure' for malaria for 30 years. Why did they do this? Because of U.S. military presence in the WHO.

Artemisinin was first isolated in 1972 by scientists working for the Chinese Military (People’s Liberation Army). The herb qing hao (sweet Annie) has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than 2000 years to treat fevers. The Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China states that quing hao (Herba Artemisiae Annuae, its pharmacopeial name in the Pharmacopoeia monograph) is indicated to treat malaria with chills and fever.3 Because of the plant’s traditional use, it has not been a surprise for the herb and medicinal plant research community to learn that, when used in ACT, artemisinin and its synthetic derivatives are finally gaining international acceptance and recognition as an effective alternative in eliminating susceptible and multi-drug resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria
From here:

For years the U.S. military tried to discover what plant the Chinese were using only to find that it actually grew wild on the Potomac.

Btw, the average cancer 'cure' rate (5 year survival rate) is 62% in Australia, but this depends on the type of cancer and when found.

OCKHAM said:
In what I have found, cancer cannot live in an alkaline state, only an acidic state inside the body. So those who had cancer, could change their body state by drinking water that contained a product called coral calcium of an extreme high grade, such as made in Japan. There are also other products that perform this function. By the way, indigestion is a calcium deficiency of the sphincter.
The body, in order to keep a healthy state needs to regulate blood pH between 7.35-7.45 (slightly alkaline). Going outside these boundaries inevitably has chemistry effects that are very serious. The two most important organs in the body for maintaining pH are the lungs and the kidneys. You can work out whether a person's pH 'state' is caused by either metabolic (kidney) problem or a respiratory problem by measuring CO2 and HCO3 (bicarbonate). They are on a feedback system and many things can influence this, but they are supposed to work together to maintain the pH balance in the body. Interestingly, a change in blood pH will effect the strength that calcium binds to the protein albumin. Acidosis produces more 'unbound' (ionised or metabolically active) calcium and alkalosis, less.

Hypercalcaemia (elevated calcium levels - normal is between 2.25-2.75mmol/L) is a condition, 2/3 rds of which is caused by an overactive thyroid (hormonal effects), the other 1/3 is caused by malignancy (cancer). So, it is very common in cancer patients and is considered a medical emergency.

OCKHAM said:
You can easily check your own pH by purchasing test strips and testing the urine. You will be shocked when you see your pH below 6 points, which most humans live in. Your pH must be higher, around 6.5 to 7.3 points and remain in the state. Drinking lots of water that has been pH tested to a satisfactory level heals the body by itself. Of course if your diseases are too prolonged, this may become more difficult to stop the invasion.
What is being measured is the product of an organ that plays a HUGE part in regulating the body's acids and bases as well as other electrolyte levels, water levels and getting rid of toxins (this includes many if not most drugs) - the kidneys! Urine pH may therefore vary, but should be between 4.5 and 8. A pH of over 8 may indicate bacterial infection and less than 4.5 might indicate metabolic acidosis - this is where the kidneys are working very hard to retain bicarbonate (negative) ions for the body.

Peoples calcium level should be between 2.25 - 2.75 mmol/L, although this reflects the total 3 ways calcium exists in the body. Ionised calcium is the metabolically active one. Anything above this, the kidneys will try to excrete. The consequences of hypercalcaemia are: "Too much calcium in the body blocks the effect of sodium in skeletal muscles, which leads to reduced excitability of both muscles and nerves. Manifestations of hypercalcaemia include decreased memory, confusion, disorientation, fatigue, muscle weakness, constipation, cardiac arrhythmias and renal calculi"

I can understand why some sections of the world elite may want to hide effective cancer cures because they are more intersted in population reduction and control (sick people are easier to control). I also strongly suspect that many cancers can be 'triggered' by either 3rd density factors and also (easily) by 4th density factors (if they can be bothered).

What does cancer 'mean' esoterically about the individual? Well, Cancer the crab of astrology has a strong nurturing link. Does it depend where the individual gets cancer? It may. Cancer is a disease of unregulated cell growth. Cell growth and multiplication (to me) connects with expansiveness. This could mean that a person with cancer may have been blocked of from their creative principle or higher self or even forgotten to be 'grounded' in some way (this is something that could reflect the increase in numbers in western cultures).

Even with these speculations, I have to keep reminding myself not to generalise because each person may have a different 'reason' for having this disease and I'm sure generalisations are what 4D STS would want us to do because it is entropic rather than expansive.
Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

You have said a lot of good things Ruth. I did want to make another comment about generalizations and the word [entropy], of which is a quagmire in my mind.

Entropy is an extremely difficult word to understand and it seems it has many different meanings. The meanings, as other words in the English language, vary depending on usage. I don’t agree with this mass diversity of our language. I think over time that our communication processes have been manipulated by STS intentionally.

Entropy in the dictionary states the following.

1. For a closed thermodynamic system, a quantitative measure of the amount of thermal energy not available to do work.
2. A measure of the disorder or randomness in a closed system.
3. A measure of the bits necessary to transmit a message as a function of probably that the message will consist of a specific set of symbols.
4. A hypothetical tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity.
5. Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society.

Older Greek translations mention the word, [transformation], and in the derivatives the word [turning] is mention as primary.

You will notice that it is the last definition that everyone is using today but is this correct? In the fourth definition, inert is mention, but how can uniformity become inert? I would assume a balanced system would have less activity or transformation, so maybe this is the meaning. Entropy may represent the measurable balance of the human body system and if this were so, how can entropy be a negative as so commonly used?

Because the disorder is represented [or measured] it becomes a negative?

Any why is balance so hypothetical?

If any of you that are much smarter than I have any insights into the use of this word, I’d like to hear what you have to say.
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