Hey everyone,
After Keyhole recommended I get some comprehensive testing done in the
Coffee and Probiotic Enema's thread, I went to a Naturopath who works with the Canadian branch of Geneva Diagnostics and got a comprehensive stool analysis along with additional blood work. I was actually really surprised to find out I had a seriously bad case of Candida/Yeast infection and overgrowth, as well as some gut bacteria issues. I couldn't believe it, considering I've been in ketosis for at least 90% of the last several years, but after reading some of the information gathered here, can see that ketones and high sugar feeds Candida.
I'd recommend, if you can afford it, to get these tests done and not play guesswork with your health. Essentially, everything that I thought was wrong with me and why I had inflammatory and mood swings turned out not to be the case, or at least I wasn't looking in the right areas or taking the kinds of supplements that I needed to be taking. I didn't test positive for auto-immunity, at least not on the tests I took, and my thyroids are functioning properly. But I showed some major deficiencies in very specific gut bacteria, lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium both showed NG (No Growth) as well as the yeast infection, and low Vitamin D levels - which is unusual because it's summer and I get plenty of sunshine.
Based on the tests I took, the results actually showed which specific supplements would best suit me killing off the Candida, specifically Caprylic Acid and Grapefruit Seed Extract are shown to be very effective in my case. I'm not exactly sure why those two but am planning an sending an email to the Naturopath to find out more about that. Based on my diet, which is essentially ketogenic, I was encouraged to eat a lot more vegetables, so have upped my veggie and fiber intake as well as fermented foods to help repopulate the good bacteria. My fat intake is essentially the same, maybe a little bit less but I need lots of fat otherwise I get hungry again quicker. I also started taking a probiotic to help repopulate the ones that I'm missing.
But as far as the Candida is concerned, I made a few mistakes early on that I learned from. For one, I became obsessed pretty quickly with trying to kill them off, and even though the Naturopath said to take it easy with the anti-yeast supplements at the beginning, I started taking the full doses right off the bat. That wasn't a good idea because on the first day I started suffering from a crippling depression and negative obsessive thought loops along with being spaced out often and not able to concentrate. I persisted with it because I wanted the Candida out and done with as soon as possible, but decided to take a step back and reexamine whether I'm learning anything by being so single-minded and narrow about it. So even though a part of me didn't want to, backed off on the dosages, continued with the probiotics and added in some lactoferrin to help break up any microbiome in my system.
There was a video about it posted earlier in the thread http://thekeybiotics.com/video_toon.html which brought up the 80/20 rule. You can't fully rid yourself of the Candida, it plays some role in our gut functions, but that it needs to be the minority, the 20%, while the good bacteria make up the other 80% majority. So I think for anyone who is trying to kill off the Candida, try to remember that Nature doesn't exist in a vacuum and neither do our stomachs. So if you're all about 'kill, kill, kill!', realize that vacuum needs to be replaced with something more real. In a sense it's like doing the Work. As we rid ourselves of unwanted programs or habits (Candida), we need to replace it with something Real (Good bacteria) which might also mean practicing external consideration and working towards helping others, being able to widen our perspectives and see the bigger picture about ourselves and our focus and aims. This has helped me a lot in dealing with these die-off symptoms that I've been experiencing in realizing it's only one part of the puzzle and not to obsess about it so much.
Right now, I'm up to and past my full dosages, but I slowly worked my way up to that, and notice if I'm pushing too hard in this respect, I have a lot of trouble concentrating and can get ADD-like symptoms. Although I've noticed if I'm taking too much iodine or chain-smoking, that can sometimes add to the problem so I need to back off on one or the other. So there could be some other interaction going on there. But I think balance is pretty important here and we all have to find what works for each of us, individually, and not see things all in black and white. And if we push too hard we might end up doing more harm than good, so slow and steady wins the race.