Please, please can I have some advice. I did my first canning today after a trial run yesterday. It took ages for the pot to heat up to where the steam started venting. The venting was very faint so I held up a black piece of paper to see it better. After 10 mins I set the timer for 90 mins and placed the regulator. I maintained the pressure between 11 and 12 throughout so that went perfectly. I filled the jars to the neck curve but when I took the jars out the meat had shrunk by about -2 inch and the fluid from the meat (I didn't put any fluid in myself) doesn't cover the meat.
With the canner taking so long to reach pressure and the meat shrinking so much I was wondering if the meat is o.k. The caps have sealed.
@Tuatha de Danaan! Wow, sounds like you are having an interesting adventure in meat canning land!
You did great, it sounds perfect!
Pressure canning means that the foods in the jars do not need to be covered in fluid.
The food is "Sterilized" and sealed in the jar, and some juice at the bottom is fine.
I did hot dogs, dry, in the jar, and they are awesome.
You can see in the picture, some fluid, and a bit of fat cooked out while pressure canning them.
One trick I learned is to put your Canner on the stove, with the 3 inches of water in it, and start heating the Canner and water as you prepare your food and pack into the jars. Turn the burner up, and get that water going.
That way, when your jars are filled, the water is boiling, or near boiling, then carefully put the jars in.
The length of time to get to "Steam Venting" is shortened greatly, since the jars start to heat right away.
Does that make sense to you?