Wandering Star
The Living Force
I quite agree with you, but only in situations where there is time to "decide".Seems to me that, incarnated as 3D humans, we are here "to be used" in the grand scheme of things, by one 'side' or the other, as vehicles for one kind of 'energy' or another. Our relative lack of awareness means we don't play much of a conscious part in the proceedings, but as the Cs say, are kind of 'directed' by 'others': either our 'higher selves' or other forces at work in this drama.
Remaining isolated as individuals, we are easy prey for the machinations of those 'other' forces, but united into a group, we stand a better chance of resisting those machinations because we pool the little awareness/knowledge we do have. This would be especially true if, as suggested, we are in some way part of a larger 'soul group' and by uniting in this way we embody and grow closer to that more objective and 'higher' reality. This idea is even reflected at a material level with the well-known, and very practical phrase "united we stand divided we fall", although the caveat seems to be what a group unites around, because there are plenty of examples of a united group 'falling'.
There is a situation and I will do this or that about that situation.
But when the reaction has to be immediate that is not possible, what we are, who we really are will be the one who acts.
The following happened to me. I was with my wife walking up the mountain. She and I alone, with no one for miles and miles around. Just a peaceful flock of sheep grazing a few meters from where we were walking.
Then, in a few seconds, a huge mastiff dog weighing more than 80 kilos pounced on us. Around the neck the dog wore a metal collar with spikes, to be able to fight the wolves. The wolf attacks the neck and the dog was wearing it protected with that spiked collar.
Now the huge dog is barking, mad with fury, drooling its jaws a scant meter from you.
Well... what will it be?
You are going to run trying to save yourself without looking back.
You are going to get behind your partner so that he is the one who takes the dog bite.
You are going to put yourself in front protecting your partner, knowing that you can get badly injured or killed.
If there is a job in life choices, in situations like that it is clearly visible and...
We are the ones we choose.