Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 33.3%

  • Total voters
We invite all the members of the Cassiopaea Forum to join our weekly Reading Workshops! :-D

This is an opportunity to catch up with or review the basic and recommended material.

We'll start with the Wave Series, and then we'll share polls to decide which book to continue with considering the recommended books thread.

To make it more time friendly, we can read the scheduled material before the meetings and then we'll share what we learn, questions, and ideas during the meeting. If we read during the meeting and share questions and ideas in the get go, it will take us more time to finish a book.

Usually, in other book clubs or workshops they read one book per month - we could divide the chapters in 4 meetings, for example -, but we can adjust it depending on the material.

Some suggestions:
  • Join with a true Hunger for Truth.
  • Do not be afraid to share our questions, thoughts or ideas about the reading material, we all are at different levels of understanding for any given topic and that's totally fine! We are all here to learn. Your ideas can enrich the meeting and help all the participants.
  • Share considering the new members understanding.
  • Share quotes or fragments that you found interesting or useful.
  • Try to connect the new ideas and concepts with other sources of the recommended material.
  • Of course, it's highly recommended to read the scheduled chapters before the meeting, but if you didn't had time or something happened between the meetings, connect anyway, you will be able to catch up.
We are also thinking about recording the meetings so that everyone can be updated.

Please feel free to share more suggestions.

We created a spreadsheet so that all the interested members can sign up and share with us the best day and time to participate. Then we'll decide the definitive day and time based on the info from the spreadsheet.

As we are all over the world, we could have two groups with different times and days to allocate everyone interested.

We use a conference software called Zoom for the meetings. You will need to create a free account to participate.

We'll also have a Google Calendar with all the scheduled activities as soon as we have the final dates and times. We'll keep you posted.

Once set up, you'll receive alerts before the meetings.

All the meetings will be in English, at least for now, or maybe we could divide the meetings by language? But that would depend on the number of participants in each language.

Any ideas or suggestions are very welcome.

[All the workshops and meetings are free to all the members of the Cassiopaea Forum but if you want to contribute in some way, please consider a donation to the FOTCM.]
I love this idea!
Logo what a beautiful project. Tell me, the EE worshop is something new?

Yes, it's a new project for all the members of the Forum. If things develop, we will not only offer the weekly EE workshops and practice, but webinars and talks about more specific topics once in a while. Stay tuned!

I'd like to join too! I'm still trying to see which would be the best day and hour for me, in order not to miss any of the meetings! I think by the end of the week I'll know and I'll post again. Thank you for the initiative!

Great! Keep us posted.

So far there are 20 registered members for this workshop. That's a good number! We'll wait a couple more days to see if others sign up, and then we can decide the final date and time.

Meanwhile, feel free to share any question or doubt.

This is an opportunity to learn and share ;-), but if you feel a little shy at the beginning, you can join the Zoom meeting with your camera turned off if you feel more comfortable.
Hi Logo. Wonderful plan. I'm in (though my tech/PC is about 10 years behind the times so it will be with a wing and a prayer that I manage to join a Zoom session :whlchair:!

I assume Wave Vol 1?? All 8 volumes in one go would be an interesting conversation starter! :dance:

Looking forward to it. And thank you for taking the lead on this. I hope more take the plunge. Come on board folks! Its going to be great fun - remember what the C's always say.... ?:thup:
Thank you for starting this thread logos5x5, it does sound like a great initiative! It's been a long time since I read the Wave. The suggestions above are also interesting. I wonder if a commitment to gaining knowledge will help us through these trying times. :read:

Onwards and upwards I say. I hope I'll be able to attend though, as time zones may not match and I'm lacking in sleep too.
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