Hi tocayo, I want to sign up for a reading but I can only do it in Spanish. In the readings you have available in Spanish, I want to participate. Although I guess it will depend on the book you are going to read, it doesn't matter, I want to participate.
I have:
9/11, the definitive truth - Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Joe Quinn.
The High Strangeness - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Secret History of the World - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Wave, Volume 1 - Riding the Wave - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Wave, volume 2 - The Soul Hackers - Laura Knight-Jadczyk - page 206
The Wave, Vol. 3 - Stripped to the Bone - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Wave, volume 4 - In the dark in front of the mirror - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Political ponerology - Dr. Andrzej M. Łobaczewski