(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
Howdy folks,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 34-35 of Pierre and Laura's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection September 15th.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 34: Historic Evidence of a Human-Cosmic Connection
  • There's seems to be a direct correlation between the elites' misconduct and the increase in cosmic disasters. One such example is the vicious horrors committed by Justinian on a great many people, which subsequently led to deadly Earth changes like earthquakes, and calamities such as Justinian's plague in 541.
    • Michael the Syrian gave an account in 536 of the Sun darkening and the eclipse lasting for a year and a half. Crops suffered greatly. This may be due to increased cometary dust in the atmosphere and/or volcanic eruptions.
    • Evidence points to a large cometary body entering Earth's atmosphere in 536, preceding the plague. It also led to sudden cooling and anomalously cold winters, ushering in a mini Ice Age.
    • Between the 7th and 10th centuries, the once great Roman Empire deteriorated technologically, reverting into a more primitive state and all that entails.
      • It's important to note though that some places suffered worse than others in this area. Some areas even thrived beyond basic survival, creating elegant buildings and re-establishing coinage.
      • The legacy of Rome continues today--see legal and governance concepts, and of course, Christianity.
    • (Mari): Justinian has so much in common with today's elites with their psychopathic actions (pathocrats).
    • (saki): A mental plague is upon us today. So many are going crazy.
  • (Laurs): Justinian was in power for 38 years!
    • (Mari): To compare, Stalin held power from 1922-1952.
    • (?): Mao Zedong's rule was from 1954-1976.
    • (Anya112003): Doesn't normally think like this, but how did someone not take him out in that time??
      • (polly): People may not have had the means to communicate with one another--illiteracy could also be a factor. In historical accounts, it seems to parallel what we see now.
        • (Mari): 46% have read zero books!
        • (polly): Most 20s folks in university can't read cursive handwriting--many historical books are written in cursive.
        • (Anya112003): Lowered standards of school across the board
          • (polly): What do you call someone who uses the eraser too much? An Eracist!
        • (Seato): Many of the younger generation are on phones and iPads, potentially further dampening the ability to learn.
  • (Mari): 1619 project is a massive work to revise history. The goal is to update American values (from Live not by Lies).
  • (Breo): Creativity is being destroyed--the motivation to act is being dampened as well. The spark within others.
  • (Bluefyre): During the pandemic, so many were really worried. Where are the corpses?
    • (?): The nurses and doctors were dancing during COVID--the hospital beds weren't even full.

Chapter 35: The Dynastic Cycle
  • The ancient Chinese belief, that has carried on in the minds of some today, also believed that "the behavior of the rulers, the state of the world, and natural catastrophes are intimately related".
    • chinese-dynastic-cycle.jpg
    • Cosmic catastrophe is partly due to high levels of ignorance in populations. A negative feedback loop is established which will hasten these destructive processes. Once the population notices, the chaos that ensues and anger will be directed at the elites, further exacerbating cosmic reactions.
    • After knowledge is lost during the dark ages, revisionists come in to rewrite history--effectively timeline manipulation. Chunks of time were added and removed here and there in history.
    • (saki): A Canticle for Leibowitz, a fictional book by Walter Miller Jr highlights situations of resets.
  • Researchers surmised that the catastrophic fall of Rome and the ensuing Dark Age never existed. However, what may have happened is that these centuries were left blank. Possibly due to technological and knowledge resets as people were blasted back to stone age conditions.
  • The Black Death was said to have wiped out two thirds of the people in Europe and half of China's.
    • There's big evidence that it wasn't a bubonic plague, but rather a virus similar to Ebola, Marburg, and viral hemorrhagic fevers caused by filoviruses. After the Black Death, a hemorrhagic smallpox took its place, which is nearly identical to it (more resilient to cold).
      • Symptoms include: hemorrhagic spots, swollen lymph glands, and organ necrosis.
      • (Bluefyre): Anti hemorrhagic medicines: sarracenia urpurea homeopathic and malandrinum. One of the threads on the forum talked about it.
    • (Mari): Shares a couple SOTT articles on the black death: New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection and Book Review: New Light on the Black Death by Mike Baillie
    • Viruses can be carried by comets, even without an impact. Chroniclers noted the "terrible Comet called Negra" observed in 1347, which is around the time these plagues started.
      • Several interrelated Earth changes like droughts, floods, earthquakes, locusts, masses of smoke, etc. happened during this period of time.
      • The etymology of pestilencia stated by Jacme d'Agramaont translates to "the time of tempest caused by light from the stars".
  • (Bluefyre): Compare empires that lasted for hundreds of years--the USA hasn't gone on that long.

General Notes
  • (Breo): The river by her flooded and reached the apartments in the area, which she hasn't seen before.
  • (Luis): Entire villages in Southeast Asia have been wiped out due to these Earth changes. Solar cycle 25 came in way earlier than predicted--there are a bunch of sunspots as of late.
    • (Luis): It'll be important to network with those who know what's going on in the world.
  • (Mari): Recommends Live Not By Lies, the book the EU folks are reading.
  • (Laurs): The Survival Medical Handbook is recommended when the grid goes down.

For Next Meeting - September 22nd, 2024

We'll be looking to cover chapters 36 and 37 of Pierre and Laura's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection for the next meeting. See y'alls soon!


  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap Open Forum (9_15_2024)_Page 1-[172697949...pdf
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  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap Open Forum (9_15_2024)_Page 1-[172697950...png
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The goal is to rewrite history and it’s one example of how they do that in real time.

…the book the parallel workshop is reading. 😉

Thank you @Pecha for the summary!!! You’re doing a great job in doing it!
I encourage folks to make posts like these, sometimes I don't get all the details. Thanks for expanding on it and the feedback as well!

We got through only chapter 36 of Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection. Maybe we can cover the two or three chapters @Luis Miguel for the next workshop on Sunday, September 29?

These potentially would be:
  • Chapter 37: The Role of the "Observer" (9 pages)
  • Chapter 38: Information Theory and Consciousness (7 pages)
  • Chapter 39: The Field (10 pages)
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