(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
Howdy folks,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 34-35 of Pierre and Laura's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection September 15th.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 34: Historic Evidence of a Human-Cosmic Connection
  • There's seems to be a direct correlation between the elites' misconduct and the increase in cosmic disasters. One such example is the vicious horrors committed by Justinian on a great many people, which subsequently led to deadly Earth changes like earthquakes, and calamities such as Justinian's plague in 541.
    • Michael the Syrian gave an account in 536 of the Sun darkening and the eclipse lasting for a year and a half. Crops suffered greatly. This may be due to increased cometary dust in the atmosphere and/or volcanic eruptions.
    • Evidence points to a large cometary body entering Earth's atmosphere in 536, preceding the plague. It also led to sudden cooling and anomalously cold winters, ushering in a mini Ice Age.
    • Between the 7th and 10th centuries, the once great Roman Empire deteriorated technologically, reverting into a more primitive state and all that entails.
      • It's important to note though that some places suffered worse than others in this area. Some areas even thrived beyond basic survival, creating elegant buildings and re-establishing coinage.
      • The legacy of Rome continues today--see legal and governance concepts, and of course, Christianity.
    • (Mari): Justinian has so much in common with today's elites with their psychopathic actions (pathocrats).
    • (saki): A mental plague is upon us today. So many are going crazy.
  • (Laurs): Justinian was in power for 38 years!
    • (Mari): To compare, Stalin held power from 1922-1952.
    • (?): Mao Zedong's rule was from 1954-1976.
    • (Anya112003): Doesn't normally think like this, but how did someone not take him out in that time??
      • (polly): People may not have had the means to communicate with one another--illiteracy could also be a factor. In historical accounts, it seems to parallel what we see now.
        • (Mari): 46% have read zero books!
        • (polly): Most 20s folks in university can't read cursive handwriting--many historical books are written in cursive.
        • (Anya112003): Lowered standards of school across the board
          • (polly): What do you call someone who uses the eraser too much? An Eracist!
        • (Seato): Many of the younger generation are on phones and iPads, potentially further dampening the ability to learn.
  • (Mari): 1619 project is a massive work to revise history. The goal is to update American values (from Live not by Lies).
  • (Breo): Creativity is being destroyed--the motivation to act is being dampened as well. The spark within others.
  • (Bluefyre): During the pandemic, so many were really worried. Where are the corpses?
    • (?): The nurses and doctors were dancing during COVID--the hospital beds weren't even full.

Chapter 35: The Dynastic Cycle
  • The ancient Chinese belief, that has carried on in the minds of some today, also believed that "the behavior of the rulers, the state of the world, and natural catastrophes are intimately related".
    • chinese-dynastic-cycle.jpg
    • Cosmic catastrophe is partly due to high levels of ignorance in populations. A negative feedback loop is established which will hasten these destructive processes. Once the population notices, the chaos that ensues and anger will be directed at the elites, further exacerbating cosmic reactions.
    • After knowledge is lost during the dark ages, revisionists come in to rewrite history--effectively timeline manipulation. Chunks of time were added and removed here and there in history.
    • (saki): A Canticle for Leibowitz, a fictional book by Walter Miller Jr highlights situations of resets.
  • Researchers surmised that the catastrophic fall of Rome and the ensuing Dark Age never existed. However, what may have happened is that these centuries were left blank. Possibly due to technological and knowledge resets as people were blasted back to stone age conditions.
  • The Black Death was said to have wiped out two thirds of the people in Europe and half of China's.
    • There's big evidence that it wasn't a bubonic plague, but rather a virus similar to Ebola, Marburg, and viral hemorrhagic fevers caused by filoviruses. After the Black Death, a hemorrhagic smallpox took its place, which is nearly identical to it (more resilient to cold).
      • Symptoms include: hemorrhagic spots, swollen lymph glands, and organ necrosis.
      • (Bluefyre): Anti hemorrhagic medicines: sarracenia urpurea homeopathic and malandrinum. One of the threads on the forum talked about it.
    • (Mari): Shares a couple SOTT articles on the black death: New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection and Book Review: New Light on the Black Death by Mike Baillie
    • Viruses can be carried by comets, even without an impact. Chroniclers noted the "terrible Comet called Negra" observed in 1347, which is around the time these plagues started.
      • Several interrelated Earth changes like droughts, floods, earthquakes, locusts, masses of smoke, etc. happened during this period of time.
      • The etymology of pestilencia stated by Jacme d'Agramaont translates to "the time of tempest caused by light from the stars".
  • (Bluefyre): Compare empires that lasted for hundreds of years--the USA hasn't gone on that long.

General Notes
  • (Breo): The river by her flooded and reached the apartments in the area, which she hasn't seen before.
  • (Luis): Entire villages in Southeast Asia have been wiped out due to these Earth changes. Solar cycle 25 came in way earlier than predicted--there are a bunch of sunspots as of late.
    • (Luis): It'll be important to network with those who know what's going on in the world.
  • (Mari): Recommends Live Not By Lies, the book the EU folks are reading.
  • (Laurs): The Survival Medical Handbook is recommended when the grid goes down.

For Next Meeting - September 22nd, 2024

We'll be looking to cover chapters 36 and 37 of Pierre and Laura's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection for the next meeting. See y'alls soon!


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The goal is to rewrite history and it’s one example of how they do that in real time.

…the book the parallel workshop is reading. 😉

Thank you @Pecha for the summary!!! You’re doing a great job in doing it!
I encourage folks to make posts like these, sometimes I don't get all the details. Thanks for expanding on it and the feedback as well!

We got through only chapter 36 of Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection. Maybe we can cover the two or three chapters @Luis Miguel for the next workshop on Sunday, September 29?

These potentially would be:
  • Chapter 37: The Role of the "Observer" (9 pages)
  • Chapter 38: Information Theory and Consciousness (7 pages)
  • Chapter 39: The Field (10 pages)
Howdy folks,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 36 of Pierre and Laura's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection September 22nd. Here's the Audio link to the discussion collated by Turgon.

We also have the meeting links for last week's workshop for chapters 34-35 by Luis: Video and Audio.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 36: The Rise and Collapse of Materialism
  • In the middle ages, the Church aimed to counteract paganistic belief that God is immanent (i.e. God is present in all, even the material world) by re-establishing the monotheistic God paradigm where people are separate from God. This in turn obscured the human-cosmic connection.
    • These ideas were set at the base, so when the Renaissance period came after, there came more opportunity to obscure truths.
    • Materialistic science worked in conjunction with the Church to capture the souls of atheists at the time where philosophers and scientists promoted atheistic and mechanistic beliefs. Those who sensed the lies of the Church may have also been caught in this secondary web.
    • In the 18th century and beyond, in times of relative peace and quiet skies, the population lost their knowledge of this human-cosmic connection and memories of the cycles.
      • There are slivers of esoteric groups here and there that preserved this knowledge. In the late 19th century, Paul Sédir writes about Earth and cosmic changes are "willed by cosmic intelligences or else brought about as reactions to social or ethnic diseases". Also mentions an "unknown Sun".
  • By the 19th century, reason had fully taken root in the people, establishing the universe as something purely mechanistic.
    • (cassandra): Most people still believed in God until the 19th century. Perhaps it took a long time for reason to triumph over religion.
      • (RedFox): It's now worse due to focus on materialistic science in our modern age.
      • (Mari): Cointelpro also muddies the religious realm too.
      • (anartist): Some took the idea of Einstein's relativity and applied it to truth. "Your truth is not my truth".
    • Cracks in the materialistic sciences appeared in the late 19th century with the introduction of the laws of electromagnetism and that matter and energy were linked.
    • The 20th century introduces quantum theory, further destabilizing the material science paradigm proving the intangibility and mutability of reality. "Spooky action at a distance" - Einstein
  • (cassandra): In an unknown world, it's easier for folks to be an authoritarian follower.
    • (Redfox): Ostracization triggers primal parts of the brain--it is equivalent to feeling that one is dying.
  • (Anya112003): More doctors are now coming out and speaking truth about vaccines.
    • (Mari): Went to a checkup and the doctor was being persistent about taking multiple vaccines to be up-to-date. Strangely enough, they didn't mandate the COVID vaccine. It's advised to say "I'll think about it", rather than saying no outrightly.
    • (Mari): Waited a bit before vaccinating the kids so that they grow enough to be able to handle the vaccines. There was a danger coming from CPS if the kids weren't vaccinated.
      • (Turgon): It's smart to wait yes until children are older. Then to get them on anti-vaccine protocols.
    • (Anya112003): Getting the chicken-pox at an early age is one less shot to take.
    • (saki): You have the right to refuse the jab.
    • (Anya112003): There are women supporting abortion (i.e. the right to choose), but were also vehemently for vaccines.
  • See the double slit experiment and the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment.
    • (Laurs): The universe is observing itself.
    • (Mari): An analogy is that STS only sees what they want to see, i.e. either particle or wave, while STO can see both perhaps.
      • (Turgon): STS will try to manipulate the outcome and the particle/wave for their own means.
      • (polly): The nature of consciousness is variable and it's impossible in science to measure it.
      • (Mari): The Cs say that limiting emotions are an impediment to knowledge and progress.
        • (Polly): Emotions do convolute measurements and ability for tribes to see.
        • (Turgon): They found that a brain disorder where there was a disconnect from the person and their emotions. They found that they could not do anything. Working on thinking and feeling is integral to the Work.
        • (Polly): Vision quests are done to test whether an individual can stand alone--far from preconceived notions from the tribe, and bring back wisdom learned, which can be integrated into the tribe as new knowledge.
        • (Turgon): Start out life as dependent beings, then comes a phase of branching out. In that independence, hopefully they discover that interdependence and integrate with society.
  • (Turgon): Rupert Sheldrake's information field. Found that monkeys on one island learned to do something, and another monkey colony learning to do the same thing soon after despite not interacting physically with each other.
    • (RedFox): The information field sends out packets of information.

General Notes
  • (Laurs): Wildfires in Portugal. There have been gas canisters found in the woods.
    • (Mari): Could be pyromaniacs, or as a cover-up for meteors.
    • (Laurs): Portugal fires have been instigated before to make it easier to mine cobalt there.
  • (Laurs): In Harrison's substack, there's an underground base in the north of Spain--maybe they beam stuff to people from there?
  • (Redrock12): Watched "What is a Woman". Enjoyed it, but the movie is linked with Ben Shapiro's company. He supports Zionism, and it is a bit hypocritical.
    • (Turgon): Enjoyed it until the part with the Gynecologist. It was creepy to watch her takes.
  • (cassandra): The pager massacre that happened recently, reminds me of the idea that Israel has nukes planted all around the world.
  • (Mari): Palestine now has a legal avenue to request for help. Similar to the Donbass situation too.
  • (saki): States are now instating the death penalty. One thing that came out was that lethal injections were like torture and not humane. Prisoners suffered convulsions for long periods of time. With Canada's assisted suicide stuff, are there problems there?
    • (Redrock12): The assisted suicide method seems fast and relatively painless. They do it via IVs.
    • (Laurs): This isn't reserved just for those who are in chronic pain, anyone with the will to pass away can do so due to emotional and psychological state.
    • (cassandra): On SOTT, there are these purple pods in Holland for assisted suicide.
    • (RedFox): A disabled woman needed a ramp built for her house, but the government offered assisted suicide instead.
  • (cassandra): Grateful for the forum and network, especially during the COVID times. It's a relief to know what's going on and act accordingly.
  • (Mari): In watching Stranger Things, some of the truths there are watered down for the public.
    • (RedFox): This is also happening with the slow drip of alien disclosure.
    • (Turgon): Even the Cs watered it down as to not rock the boat with Laura's belief systems at the time.

For Next Meeting - September 29th, 2024

See this previous message regarding our next possible chapters:
We got through only chapter 36 of Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection. Maybe we can cover the two or three chapters @Luis Miguel for the next workshop on Sunday, September 29?

These potentially would be:
  • Chapter 37: The Role of the "Observer" (9 pages)
  • Chapter 38: Information Theory and Consciousness (7 pages)
  • Chapter 39: The Field (10 pages)

See y'alls!


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Hi everyone,

Here are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group discussion on Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slide show

We will read Chapter 5 of Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).

See you all then!

Below are the links to what we discussed:

Taxpayer-funded media the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) found guilty of doctoring footage against a an ADF soldier. They lost the defamation case, yet have not issued an apology, but lecture the public about mis/disinfo instead.
A lady in the UK, Bernadette Spofforth arrested for FaceBook post
A bill in Queensland that has passed, means posting on social media is public act, with a max of 3 years jail for offending any minority.
Reporting on fellow citizens to acquire their property/wealth etc. dates back to delatores in Roman times.
Toyota's sponsorship of all things radical left.
The rise in dual-use tech- tech initially developed by the MIC then released for civilian use as well.
placematt shared a tweet about Nayib Bukele's speech on collective action.
Hi everyone,

Here are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group discussion on Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slide show

We will read Chapter 5 of Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).

See you all then!

Below are the links to what we discussed:

Taxpayer-funded media the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) found guilty of doctoring footage against a an ADF soldier. They lost the defamation case, yet have not issued an apology, but lecture the public about mis/disinfo instead.
A lady in the UK, Bernadette Spofforth arrested for FaceBook post
A bill in Queensland that has passed, means posting on social media is public act, with a max of 3 years jail for offending any minority.
Reporting on fellow citizens to acquire their property/wealth etc. dates back to delatores in Roman times.
Toyota's sponsorship of all things radical left.
The rise in dual-use tech- tech initially developed by the MIC then released for civilian use as well.
placematt shared a tweet about Nayib Bukele's speech on collective action.
thanks for the video. interesting!!
Chapter 28: Jet Stream
  • The speed at which the jet streams flow determines how straight they are--slower speeds at the Arctic jet stream (cold air) will cause it to "meander" and twist into where the subtropical jet stream is.
    • (Turgon): The jet stream meandering allows for cold Antarctic air to enter Ontario--creating a massive cooling effect in the region (cold front/polar vortex)
  • It should come to no surprise by now that the jet stream is powered and modulated by electricity--similar to the Gulf Stream. Unlike the Gulf Stream, the jet stream unbounded by coasts and is not affected by the Coriolis effect, making it so that the Lorentz force as the main contributor to its behavior. This stream is one of the main drivers of weather phenomena we experience day to day.
    • Weak solar activity causes the jet streams to slow down, and thus trigger this meandering of the Arctic stream, while high solar activity increases their speeds.
  • The two polar jet streams and the two subtropical jet streams are said to move counter-clockwise due to these carrying an overall positive electric charge. The equatorial jet stream runs clockwise due its overall negative charge.
  • The jet stream can also experience stalling or blockage where warm and moist air above the ocean is prevented from reaching and heating Western Europe.
    • These resulting pockets of hot and cold air in regions causes warm fronts, cold fronts, anticyclones, depressions, etc.
  • ...
  • (anartist): The reduced activity of the Sun is theorized to be from Nemesis. Does that mean that the gulf and jet stream would also be weakened and shifted?
Guys at the CRW Am-EU, reading and discussing ECHCC, and @Niall, considering the remarks made during recent NewsReal shows, how do you "reconcile" the observed weather phenomena this summer and late spring in Europe and Northern Africa for example, namely apparently meandering northern polar jet stream, with all the snow and rain and flooding we saw recently and that Omega configuration (jet stream blockage) a while ago for example, together with evidently extreme levels of solar activity (if sun spots numbers and solar flares and CMEs are considered as a measure of its activity) in the same time period (SOTT article and tweet below),
with what was written in the ECHCC Ch 28 about the mechanism behind the jet stream "behavior"?

Or more specifically, with quoted passages from ECHCC Ch 28 on pages 188 and 190, which seem to be in contradiction to observations?
ECHCC Ch 28 p. 188 said:
Similarly to the Gulf Stream, when solar activity is strong, the electrically driven jet stream blows at high speed and follows a straightforward path (red arrow in figure 154). If solar activity is weak, the ionosphere’s electric charge decreases, and so do the atmospheric electric current and the subsequent Lorentz force. As a consequence, the jet stream slows down and starts meandering.

ECHCC Ch 28 p. 190 said:
Thus, solar activity induces a compression in the ionosphere, which is more prominent at the level of the equator. This equatorial compression of the positively charged ionosphere ‘pushes’ the positively charged polar jet stream towards the north. Conversely, weak solar activity ‘decompresses’ the ionosphere at the level of the equator and allows the Arctic jet stream to move south.
This explanation could also account for the latitude difference of the jet stream in winter and summer. In summer, the northern hemisphere faces the Sun, so the northern ionosphere is more compressed by solar winds and the jet stream is pushed northwards. In winter, when the northern hemisphere receives less solar wind, the ionosphere above the northern hemisphere relaxes and enables the jet stream to move back southward. (See figure 157.)
Therefore, if solar activity is weak, the jet stream should be observed at abnormally low latitudes.

...how do you "reconcile" the observed weather phenomena...
I think that the other factor is approaching Twin Sun and the gang.
So, never mind that the sun is active, there is another player(s) in the game that "takes" most of the Sun´s electronic charge. Maybe overall nett of the solar wind is still too low, never mind that the Sun is active; like it is described in Chapter 17. "The grounding of the Sun".

On top of all that, we have a comet in the sky for about a week or so now, that also interacts with Earth.

Here are some photos, it´s spectacular:

Add to all of that that increased meteor activity; i.e. here are only observed ones during the last month:

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