Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
Hi y'all,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 31-33 of Pierre and Laura's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection September 8th. What an interesting discussion--it was incredible. Polly's Yaqui experience has similarities to the Cs concepts was interesting to witness. Thanks all for sharing!

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here.

Chapter 31: One Cosmic Cause Numerous Earthly Effects
  • (Bluefyre): SOTT article regarding the Atlantic Ocean cooling. It's one step closer towards an Ice Age.
  • (Turgon): Went to a freedom barbecue event and spoke with folks regarding what is coming. Even the smarter folks there were adamant that it will be human-made catastrophes rather than something more cosmic.
    • (RedFox): The chemtrails act as a smokescreen to Earth changes as well.
    • (Mari): People can be really smart, but certain things they can't accept--perhaps in part due to a self-centered attitude.
  • Natural catastrophes have seen a rise in frequency and intensity since the turn of the century, indicating that Nemesis hasn't reached perihelion yet. Until it does, these effects will keep increasing, along with an increased siting of meteors and comets.
  • (RedFox): Nemesis takes its share of current or energy from the source that powers the Sun.
    • (Mari): An analogy is that the more bulbs you connect (not connected in parallel), the dimmer they get.
    • (RedFox): When Nemesis reaches parahelion, there will also be an accompanying comet swarm.
      • (cassandra): Either or, 5D can also be a great learning experience.
  • (RedFox): I recall from the Cs that the ice age would be short due to the comets would warm the planet again.
    • (Turgon): Wouldn't the increasing cometary dust cause cooling effects?
  • (Laurs): The elites have been building bunkers for whatever is coming in the future.

Chapter 32: The Mandate of Heaven
  • The people, in their increasing awareness of various Earth changes, look to their leader, which is the origin of the Divine King concept.
    • This king intercedes with the gods on behalf of the people. To appease these gods, sacrifices and rituals are made, and if that fails, it invokes the anger of the gods, resulting in the death of the king--presumably by his own people and/or cosmic means.
    • Attributing Earth changes to human-made means provides smokescreen on complicit and corrupt elites--to divert blame away from them, who may very well be a source of this chaos. "Blaming and deposing the ruling elite may actually be an effective solution".
      • With that being said, there are cyclical catastrophes that the elites have no control over, and once the illusions are gone, they will ultimately take the blame, for they break the ordained contract of protecting the people--AKA the Chinese concept of the "Mandate of Heaven". The elites instinctively know this as pressure mounts, and they create the illusion that the Earth changes people see are man-made (aka the people's fault).
  • (cassandra): How would the corrupt elites have a triple bad day if they are building these bunkers?
    • (Breo): These elites are attracting this devastating phenomenon to them, however it will manifest.
    • (Pecha): Shares session July 22nd, 2010
      Q: (L) And what is causing the internal planetary changes including the magnetic field alterations?
      A: Both the change in the cosmic environment and the presence of foreign bodies in and near the inner solar system. {pause} Realm convergence.
      : (L) Well, clearly human beings are really miniscule specks on this planet, and the planet itself is a miniscule speck in the galaxy, which is a miniscule speck in the universe. So, in a very large sense, we don't really count. So whatever happens, happens.
      : More or less, but remember that some consciousnesses "weigh" more than others. Also recall that "His eye is on the sparrow." While it may seem grim from your perspective, even you care about your smallest parts.
      : (L) Well, it just seems like psychopaths have really screwed things up.
      : It is actually a bad time for them.
      : (L) It's a bad time for them? What do you mean?
      A: They will get all the blame!
    • (Mari): Shares February 25th 2023 session:
      (Joe) Just a follow-up on the East Palestine train accident: Was the reason that train was derailed on purpose to cause a toxic spill, was that in order to further left-right divisions in America?
      A: Yes
      Q: (Joe) That was the primary goal?
      A: Not necessarily. If you are going for terror, depopulation, and general mayhem, you gotta start somewhere.
      Q: (Joe) It had Biden not going there or paying any attention, but Trump went though. It's a Republican area, so commentators were saying, "Well, you voted Republican, so you don't get any help from the government."
      (Pierre) You know the difference between the 94% and roughly the same number implemented by nature is the "triple-bad day". They're gonna be included amongst the casualties...
      A: Yes Yes Yes

Chapter 33: The Cover-Up
  • (Mari): 4D STS are in cahoots with the elites, and many believe that the aliens are helping them.
    • (Mari): They think that the aliens will save them when catastrophe comes. Can't trust turncoats.
      • (Bluefyre): It's like all the people that helped Hitler get to power who were then subsequently killed after he did.
    • (Mari): Shares December 10th, 2022 session:
      (Joe) Would it be true to say that at these meetings, the aliens are presenting themselves and their agenda as benevolent to the humans involved?
      A: More or less, yes.
      Q: (L) So, all the things that they're talking about: needing to save the planet, something dreadful... I mean, maybe Bill Gates actually believes that you need to put stuff in the atmosphere to shield us from the sun because we really are gonna fry because... Maybe some of them REALLY believe that! Maybe they've been told...
      (Joe) Or is the basic premise of these meetings between humans and aliens that the planet is going to go through a transition? Cataclysms coming up, planet's gonna be destroyed...?
      A: Yes
      Q: (Joe) And we need to prepare, and here's what you have to do. And they're attempting to guide the elite at these meetings...
      A: Yes
      Q: (Joe) In a particular direction. But it's all...
      (L) So some of them actually believe that what they're doing is for THEIR survival, naturally, because they don't give a hoot about anybody else.
  • As early as 1974 the CIA was preparing for an upcoming ice age. The actof establishing of seed banks (see Ladakh "Noah's Ark") by the elites is one type of response to learning this.
    • (Turgon): Back in the 80s there were documentaries breaking the ice regarding knowledge of a future ice age.
    • Bill Gates, along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation, and Norway's government have invested a lot of money in building high-tech, fortified "doomsday seed bank" on the Barents Sea 1100 km from the North Pole. Many such cases happening worldwide and with different corporations.
    • Seed banks may also be used as a cover to hide the construction of underground facilities. Other bunkers, fortified mansions, and panic rooms are built with an air of fear of a catastrophic future by the elites.
    • (saki): When catastrophes, how will they open these seed vaults?
      • (Laurs): What if a comet hits a seed bank?
      • (Mari): They can use the underground tunnels as transport systems (from Cs sessions and Harrison's Substack).
  • (RedFox): Bill Gates has been buying up large amounts of farm land. Something similar is happening in Europe as well.
    • (polly): Noticed this while living on a farm (founded in 1919): up until COVID, the farm land in the area was cotton, cabbage, chili, and corn. Now it's just housing. These housing have completely outpriced the surrounding area as well. It seems like there's no natives there--mostly elite/rich people.
      • (cassandra): How are the locals reacting to it?
        • (polly): Has an indigenous background (Yaqui) in the southern New Mexico area with other folks having knowledge of previous cataclysms and extinctions. The locals haven't been worked up due to having been through this before. In gratitude for this time and union with the Cassiopaea folks.
          • They will talk, they will act and they will tire themselves out, then you'll know how to act and do. They'll pay you to not collect/replant/trade those seeds. Monsanto has contributed to this. After a few crop cycles with this enactment in place, they will then swoop in to buy the farm land. This has caused damages in farm land inheritance.
          • (cassandra): Is there great pressure to sell the farm land?
            • (polly): There was an auction for a 5 acre land that eventually went for $2m. There were around ~50 bidders. Locals have adopted a stance of respect them or there won't be food.
          • (cassandra): It seems like New Mexico will have parts of it move to 4D.
            • (polly): Bleedthroughs via the bases of 4D. "Waves of difference" in her people's language is a term that aligns with 4D bleedthrough. The younger generations or outsiders are more troubled of this info compared to the locals that are more in the know. Tribes nowadays are more fragmented, due to the pull of modern "progress".
            • (mari): In the book American Cosmic details high strangeness in New Mexico
          • (polly): Healing rituals would involve laying down on the land for an hour or so. If you are people of the land--you are of the land. It also involves listening and feeling.
          • (polly): The elders would talk of the ant people since they lived underground. For the continuance of the tribe, they would vote for who would be taken by these underground folks. They also report craft near the Dulce area. Maybe 4D can emanate from there? There is a variable hum that the locals can hear.
  • (Laurs): The Boys of Brazil, they design people--themes of genetic mixing. It recounts people taking Hitler's genes.
  • (Bluefyre): Maybe some of the elites are building bunkers to protect themselves from the people rather than upcoming Earth changes?
    • (Turgon): Knows a powerful person that is buying up guns.
    • (whitecoast): These elites have adopted a very materialistic view with their end-of-times antics. It's like they only read parts of the Wave series.

General Notes
  • Discussion on foot issues.
    • (Turgon): Had an issue with the left foot for a while--need to fight through the pain via correct foot mechanics in order to prevent posture getting messed up.
      • (Laurs): Could the foot injury be linked to left and/or right hemisphere of the brain?
    • (Breo): To push through all the layers of the self to get to a place of healing and knowledge. Discern what's yours and what is coming from external influences.
  • (Turgon): For the upcoming Earth changes, having a greenhouse for plants would help.
  • (Mari): In the future, being underground may be safer than being above ground.
  • (Redrock): Russia has been developing portable reactors. They're expanding nuclear power too.
    • (Turgon): Brett Weinstein says that there needs to be checks and balances on nuclear reactors to be future-proof.
      • (RedFox): Coronal ejections can cause frying of the nuclear power plants. They need electricity to be able to prevent meltdown.

For Next Meeting - September 15th, 2024

We'll be looking to cover chapters 34 and 35 of Pierre and Laura's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection for the next meeting. See y'alls!


(Mari): They can use the underground tunnels as transport systems (from Cs sessions and Harrison's Substack).
Just to note; that was a joke on the PTB and their alien "friends" ;-)

(Mari): There's an article by Laura where people concluded that Hitler has Mongolian genes.
This was an article published by "Der gerade Weg" and written by Fritz Gerlich who was "... The iconoclastic editor of a conservative anti-Marxist, anti-Nazi opposition paper called Der Gerade Weg (The Right Way, or Straight Path), celebrated as a journalistic nemesis of Hitler in his time, largely forgotten now."
..."The Trial of Hitler's Nose." In July of 1932, an extraordinary photocomposite image of Hitler appeared on the front page of one of Munich's leading newspapers.

The photo shows Hitler in top hat and tails, arm in arm with a black bride in a wedding scene and the headline read: "Does Hitler Have Mongolian Blood?"
.... This image struck much closer to home and certainly was Gerlich's death warrant. To publish an attack as vicious as this one, an attack that was more far reaching and deeply wounding in the body of the text than even the sensational photo and headline would indicate, was an act of great personal courage by a desperate and doomed prophet. In his hitpiece, Gerlich proposes that the reader apply the "racial science" of one of Hitler's favorite racial theorists, Dr. Hans Gunther - who had prescribed the precise shape and dimension of each and every head and facial feature of "the Nordic type" - to Hitler's own head and face, especially to his nose. With accompanying photographs, Gerlich proceeds to demonstrate that Hitler was not, in fact, Aryan, but was, rather, of the Mongolian type. Gerlich went further in writing a "brilliant critique which resulted in the devastating conclusion that Hitler - by his own lights - not only lacked Aryan physiognomy, he lacked an Aryan soul."
The AM-Eu reading folks just got through chapters 34 and 35 today of Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection by Pierre Lescaudron and Laura Knight-Jadcyzk!

We'll be looking to cover the following couple of chapters for next week Sunday (September 22):
  • Chapter 36: The Rise and Collapse of Materialism
  • Chapter 37: The Role of the "Observer"
I forgot to post the meeting files for the last workshop on chapters 31-33--they are here collated by Turgon:
Hi everyone,

Here are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group discussion on Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slide show

We will read Chapter 4 of Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).

See you all then!

Below are the links to what we discussed:

Tweet on the changes in ancient Greek sculpture (can see the shift in the balance of the hemispheres)
Tweet on the correlation between Satan & 'The Accuser'
(Warning- graphic content!) Tweet on an extremely graphic sex education book being used in Australian schools for young children, that has been short-listed for a literary award. :umm:
The media backlash against Elle Macpherson for healing her breast cancer using alternative & complementary therapies.
Wiki article on Max Weber's work, titled The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

Edit: Added- This is the interview of Tucker with Darryl Cooper where Darryl discusses Jonestown, Churchill etc.
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Just a heads up that my internet has been down since yesterday. 😩 I’ve been on the phone to my ISP but the tech peeps cannot seem to help me fix this issue. It’s been escalated higher up, so fingers crossed. I’ll keep y’all posted, if it’s not up by this afternoon I will have to postpone our workshop this evening.
Appreciate it guys, finally got it sorted! Had to move furniture to get to the back of sockets and connect/disconnect a bunch of stuff, and reconfigure settings- it was a whole thing. But it’s back on now and fingers crossed, there’s no more issues!

Have a great week, see you all next Saturday!
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