Bloody sadism in Odessa
May 5, 2014, Blogger: Homo 2.0
A simple comparison allows suggesting that several (six at least) groups participated in the conflict with different not entirely clear purposes:
1) Federalization supporters. They were near the tents. On May 2, when Slavyansk was attacked, the stream-channel of the operation center repeatedly asked gathering in Odessa near the tents [at the Kulikovo Field] to support Slavyansk saying: “everything is ready for you there”. The meeting was announced as some peaceful action, not a fight. The stream also reported that 15 carriages with gunmen (900 people) {in Russian} and many buses with “football fans” were arriving in Odessa. Those who were sent to check this info thoughtlessly declared on air that those were “ordinary fans”, although the Right Sector announced the Night of Long Knives {in Russian}. Now it looks strange, but back then there was such a mess and though everyone noticed the announcements, they didn’t get alarmed. Now it is clear that those people were called up as unprepared flesh as they announced their stupid toothless ultimatums {in Russian}, thus irritating the government and opponents.
2) Maidan supporters. These guys came armed and shielded, their channels especially emphasized that they should “have shields with them”. They comprised the major group and were ready to kill. The major group also includes football fans who came furious but ill-equipped. I think they didn’t plan to kill at first. It’s all as usual yet.
Then something strange comes:
3) Some group of mobile fighters whose equipment looked confusing for both sides appeared several times causing disorder, attacking and then disappearing. Both sides of the conflict mention this group and both say that this group belongs to the opponent (intentional provocation).
4) Some shooters armed with guns and rifles. It’s hard to say what kind of weapon was that: air guns, strike-balls, traumatics or combat weapons. Both sides again say that the group belongs to the opponent (boldly pretending to be anonymous snipers!).
5) Police. They joined the crowd unprepared (didn’t have enough shields) and were simply hanging around instead of performing their function: separating the groups of opponents. They didn’t realize that they looked like awkward clowns.
6) But among the police, when the blaze started, there appeared some very fast people who started separating “Odessa citizens” from others and throwing all the rest people “to the wolves”. This group also includes the firemen who surrendered their vehicle first and then were shuffling to arrive, although the fire station was near the House of Trade (150 meters away)! Keep in mind that both police and firemen are half-military organizations and one cannot simply seize their vehicle.
Groups 3, 4 and 6 played consciously and are linked to their employer, while all the rest were playing anonymously.
A question arises: why and who is the beneficiary?
One comes to interesting conclusions here. All the episodes sound logical and consistent if one suggests that the Right Sector, alleged “federalists”, police and provocators were governed by the single master who aims at maximum bloodshed and civil war and chaos. This is the minimum goal. The maximum goal is forcing Russia to intervene.
Russian version: