Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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cope said:
bjorn said:
[quote author= Oxajil]On another note, two independent Dutch journalists, Michel Spekkers and Stefan Beck have been to Donbass, and have recently left and will probably report their work at some point. I've noticed that some people on social media appear to see how the situation in Ukraine is not how the media presents it as, which is a good thing.

The authorities just confiscates all their research material when they returned in the Netherlands. There is also no guarantee that they will get any of it back.

BREAKING: Politie Schiphol confisceert materiaal Donbass journalisten

Huge blunder from this Spekkers! He is not really a journalist, and caused Beck losing his material.

Who is a real "journalist" these days?

Even if they were amateurs at least they tried to get the facts out it seems but I don't know the full story.

Here is one account:

Dutch journalist detained, material confiscated, after return from Donbass
The official DONi News Agency in Donbass confirms the information, that Spekkers and Beck had valid documents and official support to conduct investigative journalism in the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republic. They made also interview with DONi News director, Janus Putkonen, while they were visiting in Donetsk at time of New Year holidays.
On January 8th, the deputy commander of the operational command of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Eduard Basurin, reported that Ukrainian security forces were preparing a provocation with possible casualties among the civilian population in the area of Marinka.

Popov: Ukrainian offensive likely around Trump's inauguration day

Basurin stated: “We call on Ukrainian authorities to cease and not commit foolish and rash actions which will lead to new casualties, including among the civilian population. We also want to draw the attention of the OSCE mission and UN representatives to this fact and demand that measures be taken to prevent provocations from the UAF.”

Earlier, another truce was supposed to enter into force on the night of December 23rd-24th, 2016. The events of the first hours of December 24th, however, showed that these expectations were not to be fulfilled. Observers in the field did, however, note a relative decline in the intensity of UAF shelling.

The UAF provocation exposed by Eduard Basurin is a continuation and development of the Svetlodar adventure. In fairness, it should be added that the Ukrainians themselves never concealed their plans. They have repeatedly said that Minsk-2 is for them a tactical ploy and that the “Ukrainian liberators” will not leave the “separatists” in peace. Even their main target lines have been named: Debaltsevo (at the junction of the DPR and LPR), Stanitsa Luganskaya (LPR), and Marino-Shirokino (southern DPR). For the Ukrainians, provocations like the recent firefights near Svetlodar and the expected provocation near Marinko are part of a single plan of conducting reconnaissance via forays on strategic fronts.

It is rather dubious that such an obvious violation by Kiev of the Minsk Agreements will draw broad international condemnation. Kiev has long since thought up an explanatory formula for justifying offensive actions and, in the least, the OSCE mission has literally closed its eyes more than once to violations by the Ukrainian side. An offensive, however, will most likely end in another tactical defeat.

It can be presumed that the Ukrainians’ intensification of activities in the “ATO” zone is directly connected to Trump’s victory. In Ukraine, many known figures directly tied to the UAF and political circles feared the possibility of Donald Trump winning the US presidential elections. Since Trump’s victory has become a fait accompli, the Ukrainians expect serious, if not fundamental changes in American policy towards Ukraine. I think that the Ukrainians will attempt to drag the new American administration onto their side. To this end, a series of military provocations which will take place at the very beginning of (or just before) Trump’s inauguration (January 20th) are in order. Even better for the Ukrainians would be if these provocations would affect Russia and thereby give the Russophobic lobby in US political and military circles the occasion to accuse our country of aggression and put pressure on Trump.

Based on the all of the above, it follows that provocations near Svetlodar and the Ukrainians’ announced offensive near Marinka are part of a single operative plan, not an initiative of individual commanders. Moreover, they will continue and quite possibly qualitatively escalate. The firefights near Svetlodar bear the character of a tactical offensive. A new offensive could turn into an operational one and, if the internal political situation in Ukraine changes radically, then this could turn into a strategic offensive.

Total Chaos In The Nazi Ukraine Junta Ranks, With Desertions, Alcohol Abuse And Criminal Indiscriminate Bombing Of Civilian Areas Of Donetsk Republic ! (Report/Video Col. Basurin)

(MILITARY SITUATION REPORT/VIDEO FROM THE HIGH COMMAND DPR ARMY COL. BASURIN) Over the past day, total madness by the Coup Leader of Ukraine Poroshenko and his Nazi henchmen as they attack and launch heavy weapons fire on civilian areas of Donetsk Republic ! This all backed by the Obama regime and the green light to kill and wipe out the civilians of Donbass , this all ordered by the warmonger himself Senator McCain! Also it is important to stress, the world to know, the terrorist organization of NATO who have supplied weapons to the Nazi Ukraine Junta, lethal weapons and the order to kill all civilians of Donbass, this ordered by NATO Chief Stoltenberg as well ! War crimes ! As reported, the criminal forces of Ukraine violated the ceasefire 521 times, having launched on the territory of the Republic 4 tank shells, 64 82 and 120mm mortar shells and 316 shells from different types of grenade launchers. In addition, the enemy also used in the attack, Infantry fighting vehicles and small arms.

The Ukrainian terrorists, on the orders of the commanders of the 53rd, 72nd and 92nd separate mechanized brigades, Gruzevich, Nikolyuk and Sokolov, and the commander of the 36th Marine brigade, Delyatitsky, shelled the following localities of the Republic: Zheleznaya Balka, Zaytsevo, Yasinovataya, Alexandrovka, Luganskoye, Kominternovo, Leninskoye, Sakhanka and Dzerzhinskoye.

Our intelligence continues to record the strengthening of the Nazi Ukraine Units (AFU) positions near the contact line.
•In Shumy (1 km away from the contact line), there were detected 11 armored personnel carriers;
•In Maryinka (1 km away from the contact line), there were detected 30 foreign mercenaries from a private military company;
•In Travnevoye (1 km away from the contact line), there was detected the arrival and accommodation of the personnel of a unit of the 46th special purposes battalion of the AFU;
•In Kurakhovo (18 km away from the contact line) arrived about 300 SBU employees to carry out cleansing operations;
•In Mirnoye (11 km away from the contact line), there was detected the arrival of four trucks with ammunition;
•In Chermalyk, there was detected the personnel of a sniper platoon of the 501st separate Marine battalion.

We received the confirmation of the fact of increasing frequency of desertion in the AFU units after the holidays, as well as due to restrictions imposed by the «ATO» command on the military’s compensatory time off for meetings with their families and relatives.

In particular, it was found that a soldier from the 2nd battalion of the 30th separate mechanized brigade voluntarily left the temporary dislocation point, taking personal weapons with him, and headed to the area of the locality of Volnovakha. According to his comrades, the soldier was going to sell his arms and ammunition so that he could afford to go home in central Ukraine.

In addition, we found the fact of desertion by a soldier of the 1st battalion of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade of the AFU. Due to this fact, the personnel of the battalion is forbidden to leave the dislocation of their units, which, consequently, caused the abuse of alcoholic beverages on the territory of the unit.

Following this state of affairs, there was noted the arrival of commissions of the higher headquarters in the units of the AFU, in order to check the combat readiness and morale.

In our turn, the DPR People’s Army units continuously improve the level of combat readiness. From now on, the platoons teamwork training has begun in the DPR People’s Army units, followed by supervision sessions to perform control exercises on driving and shooting with small arms at the military training grounds.

Vice-Commander of the DPR Defense Ministry operative command Donetsk,Colonel Eduard Basurin (3:21 min.)

Ukraine Junta Military Going AWOL, Low Morale And Discipline Now Hiring Nazi Gangs To Do The Fighting For The Poroshenko Regime ! (Military Report/Video Maj. Marochko)

(MILITARY SITUATION REPORT/VIDEO BY HIGH COMMAND LPR PEOPLE’S ARMY MAJ. MAROCHKO) Over the past day, the situation on the contact line has not changed significantly and remains under control.

The Nazi Ukrainian military, on the order of the terrorist and criminal, Gorbatyuk, two times violated the ceasefire, having shelled the LPR People’s Army positions in the area of the localities Kalinovka and Logvinovo with 82 and 120mm mortars, infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers and small arms.

The criminal authorities of the Ukraine Junta continue to use the ceasefire to regroup and strengthen their positions on the contact line, as well as to carry out provocative bombardments. In particular, in the area of a fishery in the locality of Valuyskoye, the enemy has placed weapons of the 14th separate mechanized brigade of the Nazi Ukraine Units (AFU ) , prohibited by the Minsk Agreements, including two 122mm motorized artillery systems «Gvozdika» and one tank.

At the same time, against the background of low manning of the Nazi Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel, the Ukrainian Junta command continues to seek the help of nationalist hardcore right wing Nazi gangs and makes every effort to discourage the military personnel serving in the «ATO» area from dismissing. Soldiers and officers of the Nazi Ukraine Units (AFU) do not express a desire to renew the contracts for military service. Due to this fact, in the AFU units, there is noted a decline in the military discipline and sense of duty, with a simultaneous increase in the number of cases of AWOLs at the end of their contract.

In particular, the official statement of a representative of the «ATO» headquarters contains the information about three AFU soldiers who have not returned from their outing. We assume that they will soon join our ranks to fight the Ukrainian terrorism.

In addition, the Chief of the General Staff of Nazi Ukraine, V.Muzhenko, ordered the completion of the AFU staff officer positions by recruiting reserve officers who have received the higher education and a military rank but do not have the experience in military service. These measures confirm all the deplorable situation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine Junta.

In addition, the AFU command continues to violate the rights of the military. In particular, we have become aware of the two-month deliberate postponement of rotation activities planned in the AFU for February-March 2017.

The level of equipment of the AFU units with weapons and military equipment is defined as low. Up to 70% of the military equipment park is in poor condition, with a half of it, according to the annual report, not to be restored. A commission of the «ATO» headquarters, headed by a deputy commander, is working on this fact. In particular, in the repair and restoration battalion of the 24th brigade of the AFU, stationed near the locality of Kamyshevakha, the commission found the facts of theft of petroleum products and illegal sales of repair kits and assemblies of motor vehicles.

This week, in the People’s Army, there are scheduled classes on special, tactical, intelligence and fire training, including practical shooting at the military training grounds. In addition, the People’s Army command pays special attention to the level of the personnel physical training, with all categories of the military passing control norms.

We invite all the media accredited by the People’s Army to cover lessons on combat training, as we are most open and ready to show what we have achieved in mastering the military prowess.

Once again I would like to say that LPR People’s Army strictly observes the Minsk Agreements but, in the event of their failure by the Nazi Ukrainian side, is ready to act decisively.

Official representative of the LPR People’s Army, Major Andrey Marochko (4:36 min.)
Neocons brought some bloody plans with them for christmas?
goyacobol said:
cope said:
bjorn said:
[quote author= Oxajil]On another note, two independent Dutch journalists, Michel Spekkers and Stefan Beck have been to Donbass, and have recently left and will probably report their work at some point. I've noticed that some people on social media appear to see how the situation in Ukraine is not how the media presents it as, which is a good thing.

The authorities just confiscates all their research material when they returned in the Netherlands. There is also no guarantee that they will get any of it back.

BREAKING: Politie Schiphol confisceert materiaal Donbass journalisten

Huge blunder from this Spekkers! He is not really a journalist, and caused Beck losing his material.

Who is a real "journalist" these days?

Even if they were amateurs at least they tried to get the facts out it seems but I don't know the full story.

Here is one account:

Dutch journalist detained, material confiscated, after return from Donbass
The official DONi News Agency in Donbass confirms the information, that Spekkers and Beck had valid documents and official support to conduct investigative journalism in the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republic. They made also interview with DONi News director, Janus Putkonen, while they were visiting in Donetsk at time of New Year holidays.

From Spekkers description i did not get the idea that he was such a journalist, but his benevolent intention was clear.
By the way, The Centre for Investigative Journalism,, informs journalists how to work as safe as possible.
But, if you run around with the director of DoNi, you would alarm the spooks. Spekkers noticed that:
<blockquote>#MH17. Secret Service SBU partakes in @JITMH17 on behalf of Ukraine. Fearing our material and sources will fall in their hands.
— Stefan Beck (@MES_Beck) 8 januari 2017</blockquote>
Ukrainian court seizes Yanukovych's house, flat, two garages, and a ship

Sunday, January 8, 2017 - The Pechersky district court of Kyiv seized the property of former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. The court order empowered authorities "to seize an apartment house, two garages in a semi-underground parking and a ship named ‘Brig,’ prohibiting individuals who have the relevant right to dispose of the specified property.”

According to the document, Yanukovych is suspected of committing crimes related to articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on treason, accessory to changing the state border of Ukraine and waging aggressive war. Sanctions under these articles, as noted in the document, include the possibility of additional types of punishment and the Prosecutor Office asked the court to seize the property of the former President.

"The court fully granted the request,” the document reads.

Earlier, the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine initiated eight criminal proceedings against Yanukovych.

The fugitive prime minister of Ukraine, Mykola Azarov, intends to submit a lawsuit to international courts to recognize the Ukrainian revolution of 2014 (Revolution of Dignity) as a coup. He also hopes to become a prime minister of Ukraine forming a so-called “government in exile”. This was stated by Azarov in his interview with Russia’s Izvestia daily.

Ukrainian fugitive Prime Minister wants to form a ‘government in exile’

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - Azarov fled Ukraine in 2014 following the Ukrainian evolution of Dignity of 2014. In 2015, he created a so-called “Rescue Ukraine Committee. A member of the committee, the former Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Vladimir Oleynik, who currently lives in Moscow, filed a claim with the Dorogomilovsky Court of Moscow to recognize the events which took place in February 2014, as a coup d’état. According to his claim, the dismissal of Viktor Yanukovych from the office of the President of Ukraine and the early presidential elections in May 2014 were both illegal.

Following Oleynik’s claim, on the 27th of December 2016, the Dorogomilovsky Court of Moscow recognized the events of February 2014 in Ukraine as a coup.

“The court case was accepted so that the former Ukrainian officials, the so-called political immigrants, could use this case for future appeals different European legislative bodies, in particular to the European Court of Human Rights. It can be also used for economic disputes and disputes over Interpol wanted warrants for the former Yanukovych’s officials, “ said the Director of the Research Center for Civil Society Problems, Vitaly Kulik.

After the Moscow court decision, Azarov intends to appeal to the European courts so that they recognize the Ukrainian revolution of dignity as a coup.

“We will definitely take further actions. At the moment we want to appeal to the international courts and use the same evidence that was provided to the Moscow court. There are the accounts of witnesses and numerous documents. We hope that Ukrainian courts, even though they initially refused our claims, will have to accepts this court case as a result of the overwhelming evidence,” stated Azarov

Azarov believes that the formation of the “Ukrainian government in exile” is feasible if there are necessary conditions in the country.

“First of all, these preconditions have to emerge in Ukraine. When the leading elite is unable to fulfill its duties, and when the people start demanding a different leadership, then such conditions will arise,” he added.

Ukrainian officials and social media personalities responded to Azarov’s plans to create “the government in exile”.

The Advisor to Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, Zorian Shkiriak, wrote on his Facebook page, “The government in exile” – this is a new “gem” by the Yanukovych’s comrades. It can only bring an ironic smile”.

The popular blogger, Vladimir Losev, on the other hand, sees an “interesting game combination” on the part of Kremlin that may involve Azarov’s plans. Losev believes that the Kremlin can recognize the current president of Ukraine as illegitimate while, on the other hand, recognizing fugitives Azarov and Yanukovych as the leaders of Ukraine. This will allow the Kremlin to continue with its project of “Novorossiya” (new Russia).

The CEO of the company “Luhansk Energy Association,” Volodymyr Gritsay, said on the TV channel 112 Ukraine that the company resumed delivering electricity to the Popasnjansky district water utility that provides water to Luhansk and its surrounding area, which is not under governmental control.

Ukraine has resumed Luhansk’s water supply

“There is information that the Popasnjansky district water utility received its first tranche of funds of 10.5 million USD, and since we saw about 6 million USD on its accounts, we decided to restore the supplies to the Petrovska water intake,” he said.

However, Gritsay stressed that even though the Popasnjansky water utility received its first tranche, the debt of LPR remains at 123-124 million USD for the electricity consumed. He claimed that this issue would be “solved after January 10th,” adding that overall the situation with the repayment of debt in the region has not changed.

On January 6th, the LPR paid the Popasnjansky district water utility 10.5 million hryvnia as part of the water debt.

Additionally, on December 1st, the LLC Luhansk Energy Association, shut down the powering units of the second lift of Petrovska pumping station, which provides water to the LPR. That happened due to the utility’s electricity debt that amounts to 124 million UAH. The problem is that the Popasnjansky district's water utility is a water supplier to 80 thousand residents in the Luhansk region, a territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities, as well as to the 1.2 million inhabitants of the temporarily occupied territories. The company, though, has not received any payment yet for the water supply. To solve the issue, the LPR created the company “A new source of life’ under the framework of the Minsk agreements Tripartite Contact Group. Ultimately, on August 25th, 2016, a contract was signed between the Popasnjansky district water utility and LPR for the supply of drinking water. According to this contract, the payments for the water service were to begin on September 4th, 2016 but no payments have been received yet.

The Security Service of Ukraine cautioned the People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Nadiya Savchenko, against public disclosure of the list of prisoners and missing people in the Donbas due to potential harm it may cause.

Security Service of Ukraine cautioned Savchenko against publicly disclosing information about POWs

“Of course, we are aware of the lists. We work with these lists. I can only say that there are certain laws that restrict the release of any information related to personal data. In 2014-2015, we used to catch rogues who received classified information about our heroes, hostages who were illegally detained in Donetsk and Luhansk. In fact, they have tried to benefit from the suffering of people, telling relatives that there is an opportunity to communicate with or release the hostages,” the Advisor to the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Yuri Tandit, stated on 112-Ukraine TV.

Tandit noted that such information, which is potentially harmful to the prisoners and their relatives if disseminated, shouldn’t be distributed under any circumstances. In response to the question of whether the SBU will carry out any explanatory work with Savchenko, Tandit said that they will undoubtedly carry out certain work within existing legislation.

Nadiya Savchenko recently announced her intention to make public the lists of prisoners of war and missing people in the Donbas in the near future. The People’s Deputy of Ukraine claims that she received data at the meeting with leaders of separatists in Minsk and also gathered information on her own. said:
Jan 11, 7:11 AM EST


MOSCOW (AP) -- A Ukrainian government official says the nation's forces have captured new positions in the rebel-held east.

Olexander Motuzyanyk, presidential spokesman for the operation in the east, said on Wednesday that one soldier was killed and three injured in fighting in the conflict zone in the past 24 hours.

In a briefing published on the Ukrainian defense ministry's website, Motuzyanyk confirmed reports that government forces have captured "new important" positions north of the rebel stronghold Donetsk.
This happens while more tanks and troops are being parked in Eastern Europe.
A machine translation of an article in Spanish said:
Maidan is nothing
Original Article: Svpressa []Petro Poroshenko will not attend the traditional "Ukrainian lunch" in Davos, Switzerland. Although this is the main event on behalf of Kiev at the world economic forum, which will take place on January 17-20 of this year. Lunch sponsored by the Fund of Victor Pinchuk. Every winter there certainly were the first persons of Ukraine. Now why Poroshenko went "into denial"?

According to sources from the Kiev foreign Ministry, the decision was made after the publication in the Wall Street Journal article Pinchuk about the "painful compromises" for the sake of settlement of the conflict in the Donbas. "The President will have his programme in Davos, Pinchuk however, after the article he just will not go," said the diplomats.

Again big chin

Exactly a year ago in Davos Peter I have already hurt the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev. At a luncheon for heads of delegation happened to be an unprecedented incident. The heat of the debate was high, Trutnev Poroshenko jumped up from their seats.

— Went to the individual. Grabbed each other's garments. Even had to pull apart. Poroshenko, apparently, did not realize that his guard wasn't around. The event is then closed and only for heads of delegations, — told the press one of the direct members of the controversial VIP Breakfast.

Deputy Prime Minister Trutnev enjoys martial arts. The owner of fifth Dan karate Kyokushinkai, training hard and daily. Kumite with such a Muscovite would have for the current Ukrainian leader an unambiguous result. Because "pastry chef" chose to leave the room before, "Putin's Colorado."

And it turns out that in Switzerland,-2017 Poroshenko prepared to threat much more dangerous than "Seiken-ago-uchi" — a direct punch to the chin. Ukraine has to sacrifice Crimea for peace with Russia, and also to agree to the freezing of the conflict in the Donbas. This is what he wrote in the Wall Street Journal, the Ukrainian oligarch, the son of ex-President Leonid Kuchma Victor Pinchuk.

"Crimea should not be in the way of deals (with Russia — ed.) that will end the war in the East, — says the article "traitor" Pinchuk. — We may have to settle for the local elections in the Donbass... If that's what you need to do to demonstrate Ukraine's commitment to peaceful reunification, then we may have to make this compromise in order to save thousands of lives."

In the author's opinion, Ukraine should focus on helping those who are forced to leave their homes, and "cannot return to live in unsafe conditions." Victor Pinchuk almost funny comforted "Maidan" patriots, saying that if after 15-20 years, when Ukraine will generate a "residual economic growth, stabilize the infrastructure, the social safety net and financial system" that "everyone in Crimea wants to live in this future of Ukraine, as well as the people of East Germany wanted to become part of West Germany."

Tell me who your friends are

Super-powerful oligarch was sceptical about membership of their country in the EU and proposes to go beyond "privileged partnership". He also believes that it would have prudent to abandon NATO. According to him, these goals should be removed from the agenda.

"Let us recognize that Ukraine will not join NATO in the short or medium term. Offer we did not, and if it were, then it could lead to an international crisis of unprecedented magnitude. At the moment we must pursue alternative security system to recognize the neutrality of our short-term Outlook for the future" — sums up Victor Pinchuk.

It is well known that the current political and economic development of Ukraine is developing a personal friend of Viktor Pinchuk, former U.S. Secretary of state Henry Kissinger. The basic idea of the plan is that Russia guarantees security in the East of Ukraine. In turn, the West should not interfere in the "Crimean issue".

That is, the Wall Street Journal article in fact is written in four hands. The desperate cry of the Ukrainian Nazis have already sounded from lips of the first Vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Irina Gerashchenko. Ex-press-Secretary Yushchenko today Mrs. Gerashchenko is "authorized by the Minsk agreements." "With all due respect to the outstanding diplomatic past Kissinger, and with all due respect to Pinchuk, I don't think their ideas are realistic. They took into account the interests of the United States and the Russian Federation, trump and Putin, but forgot about the key - on positions of the Ukrainian people. People are not going to capitulate and to abandon Euro-Atlantic integration, to reassure Europe and Russia", — facebookit excited Radnice St which affords.

Indeed, who would refuse the "Euro-Atlantic integration," similar to the absolute value savory, studded with Christmas Mac!

There has been this initiative in Canada, just days before the inaguration: said:
[Chrystia] Freeland is banned from Russia as a result of Russian counter-sanctions.

In 2014, when Canada imposed sanctions on Russian officials after the referendum in Crimea, Russia's Foreign Ministry included Freeland in the reciprocal sanctions list. She is known for her criticism of the Russian government, and her support for the CETA free trade agreement she helped to negotiate between Canada and the EU. Michael J. Carley, head of history at the University of Montreal and specialist in relations between the West and Russia, told Radio Sputnik that the decision to appoint Freeland is Trudeau's attempt to prepare for the incoming US administration, which wants to renegotiate free trade agreements like NAFTA.

"This appointment is a catastrophe for Canadian-Russian relations, I cannot understand why the government would have selected her to be minister for external affairs with her stated position with respect to Russia, Crimea, and Ukraine. She's a Russophobe, a hater of Putin, of Russian politics," Carley said.

"To me this looks like the Prime Minister Trudeau is just abandoning any thought of better relations with Russia, for me it's an incomprehensible appointment."
And in Poland there was: said:
Last week, commenting on the deployment of several thousand US troops in Poland, Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz announced that the move signified that the post-WWII order established at Yalta was effectively "over." Russian observers say that these kinds of statements are dangerous, since they open a Pandora's Box for territorial revisionism.

Addressing Polish television on Thursday, the defense minister said that the deployment of US and NATO troops in Poland has put an irreversible end to "Russian domination" in Europe. "Yalta is over," Macierewicz stressed, referring to the Yalta Conference of February 1945 between the USSR, the US and the UK which helped determine the foundations of the postwar European order.
Not realizing the US has never left Europe since WW2, but Russia has.
thorbiorn said:
There has been this initiative in Canada, just days before the inaguration: said:
[Chrystia] Freeland is banned from Russia as a result of Russian counter-sanctions.

In 2014, when Canada imposed sanctions on Russian officials after the referendum in Crimea, Russia's Foreign Ministry included Freeland in the reciprocal sanctions list. She is known for her criticism of the Russian government, and her support for the CETA free trade agreement she helped to negotiate between Canada and the EU. Michael J. Carley, head of history at the University of Montreal and specialist in relations between the West and Russia, told Radio Sputnik that the decision to appoint Freeland is Trudeau's attempt to prepare for the incoming US administration, which wants to renegotiate free trade agreements like NAFTA.

"This appointment is a catastrophe for Canadian-Russian relations, I cannot understand why the government would have selected her to be minister for external affairs with her stated position with respect to Russia, Crimea, and Ukraine. She's a Russophobe, a hater of Putin, of Russian politics," Carley said.

"To me this looks like the Prime Minister Trudeau is just abandoning any thought of better relations with Russia, for me it's an incomprehensible appointment."

Indeed, it is a bizarre change to this new crazy Freeland appointment. One could posit that Trudeau did not do this (or much of anything else) by his own command, rather he is being told and follows the line. In Canada though, each party has followed the same NATO shtick without deviation, although in another post (can't immediately find it) there was the open letter to the NDP caucus explaining disgust of their position. However, whether in Syria or Libya back then or the Ukraine today, it has been the same. Frankly, and many people in Canada understand this (yet don't say it except among friends), they are dumbfounded with what's going on.

One might think that in light of the political changes about to take place in Washington, that its satellite tentacles, such as Canada, would make adjustments to not only who they would place in positions of influence, they would re calibrate their foreign policy positions. This does not seem to be the case, and that is curious, osit.

voyageur said:
thorbiorn said:
There has been this initiative in Canada, just days before the inaguration: said:
[Chrystia] Freeland is banned from Russia as a result of Russian counter-sanctions.

In 2014, when Canada imposed sanctions on Russian officials after the referendum in Crimea, Russia's Foreign Ministry included Freeland in the reciprocal sanctions list. She is known for her criticism of the Russian government, and her support for the CETA free trade agreement she helped to negotiate between Canada and the EU. Michael J. Carley, head of history at the University of Montreal and specialist in relations between the West and Russia, told Radio Sputnik that the decision to appoint Freeland is Trudeau's attempt to prepare for the incoming US administration, which wants to renegotiate free trade agreements like NAFTA.

"This appointment is a catastrophe for Canadian-Russian relations, I cannot understand why the government would have selected her to be minister for external affairs with her stated position with respect to Russia, Crimea, and Ukraine. She's a Russophobe, a hater of Putin, of Russian politics," Carley said.

"To me this looks like the Prime Minister Trudeau is just abandoning any thought of better relations with Russia, for me it's an incomprehensible appointment."

Indeed, it is a bizarre change to this new crazy Freeland appointment. One could posit that Trudeau did not do this (or much of anything else) by his own command, rather he is being told and follows the line. In Canada though, each party has followed the same NATO shtick without deviation, although in another post (can't immediately find it) there was the open letter to the NDP caucus explaining disgust of their position. However, whether in Syria or Libya back then or the Ukraine today, it has been the same. Frankly, and many people in Canada understand this (yet don't say it except among friends), they are dumbfounded with what's going on.

One might think that in light of the political changes about to take place in Washington, that its satellite tentacles, such as Canada, would make adjustments to not only who they would place in positions of influence, they would re calibrate their foreign policy positions. This does not seem to be the case, and that is curious, osit.

I read it like the PTB foresee possible changes that might take place, so they try to prevent it from happening. In several countries in Europe, like Poland and Scandinavia, there have been a ramping up of anti russian sentiments. On the one hand it seems out of step, but then it is possibly just various power interest forcing their agenda, as to rule out possibilities of changes that run contrary to their plans.
voyageur said:
One might think that in light of the political changes about to take place in Washington, that its satellite tentacles, such as Canada, would make adjustments to not only who they would place in positions of influence, they would re calibrate their foreign policy positions. This does not seem to be the case, and that is curious, osit.

It could be that they still think that something is going to happen to Trump; either he will toe the line of the deep state, or that something will keep him from attaining office and someone loyal to the deep state will then be appointed.
With only a few days remaining as Vice President - Joe Biden shows up in Ukraine - to meet with Poroshenko? In the past, when ever VP Biden would show up for a visit, there was always an escalation in military activities. Wonder what is "up" this time? I'm sure, it's not just a casual visit?

Outgoing US Vice-President Joe Biden flew in Ukraine on Monday for a swansong meeting with the Eastern European nation’s President Petro Poroshenko, local media reported.

US VP Biden Arrives in Ukraine for Last Meeting With Poroshenko

Biden landed at Borispol airport in Kiev and was greeted by an official delegation who brought a traditional bread called korovai, a symbol of hospitality, according to a local news channel, 112 Ukraina.

Biden, who will step down in four days, is due to meet Poroshenko at 8:35 a.m. local time (05:45 GMT). They are expected to make a statement to the press afterwards. The US Embassy in Kiev said the visit was timed to the 25th anniversary of US-Ukrainian diplomatic relations and emphasized the importance of US support of Ukraine. It was called into question after Donald Trump won US presidency last November amid accusations of having too strong ties with Moscow.

The white house has announced that Joe Biden will travel to Ukraine and Switzerland January 15-18.

VP Biden to Travel to Ukraine, Switzerland January 15-18

US Vice President Joe Biden will travel to Ukraine and Switzerland January 15-18 to engage in a bilateral and multilateral activities, the White House said in a press release on Thursday.

"The Vice President will travel to Kyiv, Ukraine and Davos, Switzerland," the release stated. "In Ukraine, the Vice President will participate in bilateral meetings with President [Petro] Poroshenko and Prime Minister [Volodymyr] Groysman… while in Switzerland, the Vice President will attend the World Economic Forum in Davos."

Amidst growing losses in the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbass, Ukraine needs new cannon fodder. And in large quantity.

Secret Cannon Fodder: Ukraine covers up 7th mobilization drive

Ukrainian military officials are contradicting themselves. In September 2016, the deputy chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Talalay, denied reports of a seventh wave of mobilization in the country. Earlier in the same month, however, the Ukrainian defense ministry’s press secretary, Podgorny, spoke of plans for a seventh mobilization wave. According to him, the UAF lacks around 14,000 servicemen in the combat zone in Donbass.

These figures named in Podgorny’s statement are confirmed by other Ukrainian sources. However, it is likely that they are understated. In a sensational interview, Verkhovna Rada deputy and the founder and first commander of the Azov punitive battalion, Andrey Biletsky, revealed facts that are catastrophic for Ukrainian patriots. According to this Ukrainian neo-Nazi #1, personnel shortages in the army in the ATO are around 40% and the Ukrainian army's morale is extremely low. In Biletsky’s opinion, if Russia were to send troops into Donbass, the Ukrainian Army would be defeated within a matter of several hours.

But let’s return to Ukrainian officialdom. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has stated that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are calling up officers just graduated from the military departments of civilian colleges to be sent to the combat zone in Donbass. This was reported back on January 10th by the Ukrainian publication Vesti..

The first to be called to duty will be graduates in especially needed specializations, such as platoon commanders, tank crews, gunners, psychologists, and analysts. After a short training course, the officers will be sent to the ATO, the terrorist operation against the population of Donbass.

Thus, contrary to the statements of Ukrainian military officials, Ukraine has in fact launched a seventh mobilization, albeit in a slightly veiled form. This call to the front and especially the secret form of this mobilization speaks volumes. This secret mobilization is being conducted in order to hide losses in the ATO zone from the public, and to hide the mass scale desertion among recruits.

The upcoming call of fresh officers speaks to the catastrophic decline of the Ukrainian officer corps. This is confirmed in part by the interview with Biletsky, who lamented the shortages of officers on the front lines. According to this Ukrainian Fuhrer, a massive number of officers with combat experience have retired from the UAF due to the mess engulfing the ranks of the Ukrainian army. I would also add that this is due to the huge losses incurred by the “best army in Europe” which has proven incapable of defeating the “separatists” of Donbass. Ukrainian officers don’t want to die for Poroshenko and other Ukrainian oligarchs’ business interests. This first and foremost explains the mass resignations from the armed forces. Meanwhile, a disproportionately high percentage of senior officers and even admirals (despite the “great naval power’s” complete absence of a navy!) remain back in Ukrainian headquarters in Kiev and other large cities far from the combat zone.

It is difficult to imagine what new losses for Ukrainian families this new mobilization wave will bring. The accelerated three-month officer training courses conducted by retired Ukrainian army officers guarantee a catastrophically low level of combat literacy for the newly-minted military officers. This means that the losses among the soldiers and officers being called to the front now will be extremely high.

Poroshenko’s regime are earning in blood the hatred of both the people of Donbass and Ukraine. The regime remains unconcerned about the huge losses in the ranks of the UAF. The Ukrainian army’s boundless patience is striking - as long as this army does not realize that its true enemy is not “Donbass separatists” but the Ukrainian oligarchs bathing in blood money.

Editor's note - this build up has been going on continually since August, and increased around the time of the US presidential election, leading many experts to conclude that elements from within the US, alongside Ukraine, were attempting goose along an increased conflict that would place it as the central focus as election day neared in November.

Ukraine's Military continues buildup on Donetsk border

Scouts from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) has identified 12 tanks near the contact line, and new artillery pieces and mortars of the UAF (Ukrainian Armed Forces), the deputy commander of the operational command of the DPR, Eduard Basurin, said Saturday the 14th of January.

Our intelligence continues to record the strengthening of the position near the contact line between the UAF - for example, in the area of ​​the village called Kodema, we located six tanks and eight armored personnel carriers and 25 units of motor vehicles with ammunition.", Eduard Basurin said.

According to him, in the area Svetlodarsk Grigorovka they found three gun mounts and three mortars.

Blood is splitting in a peaceful Ukrainian Zhitomir city

As a result of mass shooting in the night from the 15th to the 16th January in the Zhitomir region, several people got wounded. It was reported by the Ukrainian deputy Aleksandr Nikolaychuk.

Grenade was thrown into the crowd also; people got wounds of different stages.

Horrors of the war do not leave Gorlovka

Ukrainian punitives shelled Gorlovka and its suburbs last evening, as a result of the shelling, seven populated houses destroyed. It was reported by the Head of local administration Ivan Prihodko.

‘Seven houses damaged for the night in the suburb of Gorlovka’, Prihodko said.

The school in Yakovlevka was struck at 10pm, 350 dwellers of the village left without power. It was pointed out that the child of 3 years was wounded, delivered to the hospital with wounds of his leg and was operated, he was not the only child in a house that was struck, another was severely afraid, and the half of their house crushed.

Since the time when Ukraine unleashed war in Donbass, Gorlovka has been suffering, remember summer 2014, Bloody Sunday, when many civilians died, many got wounds, and families broken…
Ukraine and the US: the Devious Plans of Two P’s

14.01.2017 - Ukraine is currently in limbo: it has lost the guidance of its American mentors (due to Hillary Clinton’s failure in the US presidential elections), Europe is busy with its own problems, and the past year has not brought Kiev any closer to its dream of a visa-free regime. The EU Association Agreement, for which the uprising in Ukraine began, has, firstly, not yielded the desired dividends and, secondly, because of the referendum in the Netherlands, has become cluttered with conditions that have made the European perspective on Ukraine illusory. A military conflict in Donbass has not been given the go-ahead. At the same time, the Kiev government is under time pressures: it has been three years since the uprising, but the political clans that came to power have nothing to offer to society, to its European partners or to America except a continuation of its ‘war with Russia’. While this war may have been highly desirable should Clinton have become president, things might be different with Trump.

Hence the devious plans of the two P’s.

P – Poroshenko - It recently became known that the administration of the Ukrainian president is paying the BGR-Group $50,000 a month to «strengthen US-Ukraine relations and to encourage American entrepreneurs to invest in Ukraine». Lobbyists at the BGR-Group will be working for Kiev to «design and implement a comprehensive government affairs and business development strategy», which will also focus on organizing meetings with US officials. The Ukrainian government is hoping to increase US support and get US investors to invest in the Ukrainian economy.

The sum of $50,000 is a monthly payment that does not include the cost of specific activities, for which the BGR-Group charges a lot of money.

Local media immediately concluded that Poroshenko needs the lobbyists in order to beat a path to the new US president, Donald Trump. It’s not quite so black and white, however. One of the founders of the BGR-Group, Ed Rogers, who used to work in the administration of George Bush Senior, was part of the scandalous Never Trump campaign, which aimed to prevent Donald Trump getting into power. And in the run up to the US elections, Rogers, like many Ukrainian politicians, made a number of derogatory remarks about the then presidential candidate Donald Trump. Here, Rogers and representatives of the Ukrainian authorities may sing in harmony, but it remains an open question whether this singing will advance the interests of the Ukrainian elite, who placed their bet on the Democrats headed by Hillary Clinton.

Chances are that Poroshenko’s devious plan is a balancing act between strengthening ties with Trump’s opponents in the US with the help of lobbyists at the BGR-Group and formally trying to get the new president to look favourably on Ukraine, while actually sticking closely to those who are going to be ‘friends against’ Trump. It then becomes clear why, on New Year’s Eve, Poroshenko dragged American ‘Santa Clauses’ to Donbass with a sack of ‘hammers’ and assault rifles – US Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Amy Klobuchar. From Donbass, they all signalled to Trump that the war in Ukraine will continue, no matter what the new US president may think on the matter.

And this is where the BGR-Group is the perfect choice. Using Ukrainian money, Ed Rogers can skilfully continue the Never Trump campaign in the context of Ukraine, building a non-partisan group of US politicians who are opposed to Trump’s stated intention of improving relations with Russia.

US Vice President Joe Biden is expected in Kiev in the next few days. Ever since the uprising three years ago, he has been the personification of America’s support for the Poroshenko regime, which unleashed the war in Donbass. It is clearly yet another attempt by the outgoing government to make it harder for the new administration to conduct a constructive dialogue with Moscow.

It is an obvious conspiracy by the ‘formers’. With the support of current senators, this group of ‘lame ducks’ is planning to put a spoke in the wheel for the new US president, since each duck is convinced that it knows best how America’s foreign policy should be. Ukraine is one of these spokes in the wheel. Poroshenko’s devious plan is for Ukraine to be given this role. And to continue the war while stuffing his pockets.

P – Pinchuk - Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk, the son-in-law of former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, has also tried to head off Donald Trump with his own devious plan, and the foundations of this plan have been a long time in the making. Firstly, an article appeared in The National Interest written by four lawyers who proposed a plan for Trump and Putin on Ukraine consisting of three steps. The plan suggests that Crimea remain with Russia, with all parties agreeing to recognise this in practice while not agreeing with it legally. In ‘exchange’, the DPR and LPR will remain part of Ukraine, Kiev will relinquish its association with the EU, returning to a trade partnership with Russia, and Russia will pay for everything, financing the restoration of Donbass and a refugee aid programme. There is no doubt that the plan is a cunning one, but the most cunning thing about it is the mystery surrounding its appearance.

Yet another mystery is an article published in the German newspaper Bild at the end of December last year, in which the proposal by the four lawyers seems to have been overdubbed and reinforced by the name Henry Kissinger. Bild doesn’t spare the dry ice as it talks excitedly about certain European intelligence agencies which have allegedly found out that Kissinger has a plan he is getting ready to present to Trump, and that Kissinger himself will mediate between the US and Russia to restore relations. In addition, Bild refers only to a well-known interview given by Kissinger, in which he talks about the possible autonomy of Donbass as a way of resolving the conflict in Ukraine. The authors of the article in Bild add that Kissinger has a plan by which the West must unofficially recognise Russia’s right to Crimea while formally continuing to consider the peninsula a part of Ukraine, and in return Russia will guarantee «security in Donbass». Doesn’t this sound remarkably similar to the four nifty lawyers’ proposals?

The answer to the origin of all these ideas appeared on the pages of The Wall Street Journal, where a plan almost identical to that of Kissinger and the four international lawyers was put forward by Viktor Pinchuk. His suggestions are as follows:

– Ukraine should eliminate EU membership from its short-term goals;

– it should put off the issue of Crimea’s return for 15-20 years, while maintaining the position that «Crimea is part of Ukraine»;

– it should agree to local elections being held in Donbass under current conditions as a compromise that will facilitate a peaceful reunification;

– the country should give up the idea that it will join NATO in the near- or midterm; and

– it should agree to the lifting of sanctions imposed on Russia.

It is not difficult to see that the same idea crops up again and again: Crimea in exchange for Donbass, with the mandatory specification that Russia’s ownership of Crimea will not be formally recognised. This is a slight change to the four lawyers’ suggestion that Ukraine give up its European aspirations, namely the EU Association Agreement that does not promise any benefits to Ukrainians. Holding local elections in Donbass will link the territories of the DPR and the LPR to Ukraine. The ‘bait’ in Pinchuk’s devious plan is Ukraine giving up the idea of joining NATO, so the removal of this irritant for Russia. In fact, Pinchuk is suggesting that Ukraine be returned to how it was three years ago, before the uprising, by giving Donbass back.

It is understandable that Pinchuk laid out his plan in The Wall Street Journal following the publication of the other two articles in The National Interest (US) and Bild (Germany). The plan is primarily targeted at a response from the West. In Ukraine, the oligarch’s television channels, which glorify the war in Donbass in a general media chorus, protect Pinchuk from accusations of disloyalty to the government. The response from the Poroshenko administration, however, which was also published in The Wall Street Journal in early January, suggests that Pinchuk’s devious plan has failed miserably: Poroshenko has no interest in it and is betting on his own devious plan – to continue the war.

So we have a battle between two devious plans: the devious plan of Ukraine’s fourth richest oligarch against the devious plan of Ukraine’s sixth richest. Each of these devious plans is written from the perspective of personal gain. So either way, Donbass will be given an unenviable role: under Pinchuk’s plan it will be reunited with a Ukraine that glorifies Nazis (using the «we’ll hang them later» formula), and under Poroshenko’s plan – war. The common link in both devious plans is that Donbass should be ‘given back’ to Ukraine. This is despite the fact that during a thousand days of war, the DPR and LPR have not only defended themselves, but become self-proclaimed states. The only difference between Poroshenko and Pinchuk’s plans is that Ukraine’s sixth richest oligarch is proposing that these unrecognized states be fired upon with guns, and Ukraine’s fourth richest is pretending they’re simply not there at all.

The resolution was drafted by Crimean human rights defenders, lawyers and political scientists who "know the Ukrainian period of Crimea’s history well"

Crimean authorities draft UN resolution on human rights abuses under Kiev’s rule

Crimean authorities have drafted a UN resolution on human rights violations committed while the Peninsula was ruled by Kiev, Chairman of the State Committee on inter-ethnic relations and deported citizens’ affairs Zaur Smirnov told TASS.

"The draft resolution will be made public this week <…> The resolution reflects all events that took place during the Ukrainian period, starting from the late 1980s. In particular, the return of the Crimean Tatars is described in detail, including the violations of their rights that were committed while they were settling on the Peninsula. Besides, special attention was paid to the 2014 coup," Smirnov explained.

According to him, the resolution was drafted by Crimean human rights defenders, lawyers and political scientists who "know the Ukrainian period of Crimea’s history well, who have studied all the events that took place in Ukraine, including those occurring after 2014."

"All these events (taking place in Crimea’s Ukrainian period) have been assessed and analyzed from a political point of view, the fact was stressed that no legal decisions had been made and no one was held responsible for the violations mentioned in the resolution, including human rights violations," Smirnov stressed, adding that the document also mentions political abuses, and violations of ethnic and religious liberties.

However, Smirnov noted that Crimean authorities did not expect the UN to approve the resolution.

"We believe, the UN will not accept this document because we have already had negative experience as they once refused to accept an application related to the energy blockade [of the Peninsula]," Smirnov noted.

UN’s Ukrainian resolution - In December 2016, the UN General Assembly, by a majority vote, adopted a resolution condemning alleged human rights violations in Crimea and calling on Russia to allow international observers to visit the Peninsula.

Head of the Republic of Crimea said in response that human rights were not abused in Crimea.

After Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich was ousted in a coup in February 2014, mass protests began in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. On March 16, 2014, Crimean authorities conducted a referendum on reuniting with Russia. Over 80% of voters participated in the plebiscite, most of them supporting the idea (96.7% in Crimea and 95.6% in the city of Sevastopol).

On March 18, the treaty on Crimea’s reunification with Russia was signed by President Vladimir Putin, Russia’s Federal Assembly (upper house of parliament) approved the document on March 21.

However, despite the referendum’s convincing outcome, Kiev refused to recognize Crimea as part of Russia.

On November 6, Montenegro’s chief special prosecutor came up with the claim that a group of Serbs, Montenegrins and Russians tried to stage a terrorist act on October 16.

Montenegro accuses Russian national of inciting assassination plot against ex-premier

Montenegro has accused a Russian citizen, Eduard Shirokov, of plotting the assassination of the country’s former Prime Minister, Milo Djukanovic, by provoking it, Special Prosecutor, Veljko Ratovic, told the RTCG TV and radio network on Monday.

Only Shirokov is suspected of this. The issue at hand is activities through incitement. Besides, he is accused of forming a criminal syndicate and an attempted act of terrorism. If Russia does not extradite its citizens (Shirokov and Popov), we will try them in absentia," the prosecutor warned.

Montenegro’s Special Public Prosecutor’s Office earlier put two Russian and three Serbian citizens on an international wanted list on suspicion of "setting up a crime syndicate and terrorism." "The Special Public Prosecutor’s Office informed the public that arrest warrants have been issued against two Russian and three Serbian citizens over the criminal offenses of organizing a criminal syndicate and engagement in terrorism," the report said. According to the prosecutor’s office, all information on the wanted individuals has been added to the Interpol’s database.

Montenegrin media earlier reported that two Russian citizens - Eduard Shirokov and Vladimir Popov - had been put on Interpol’s international wanted list on charges of being involved in a state coup attempt that allegedly took place in Montenegro on October 16 when the country held the parliamentary elections.

On November 6, Montenegro’s Chief Special Prosecutor, Milivoje Katnic, came up with the claim that a group of Serbs, Montenegrins and Russians tried to stage a terrorist act on October 16. Specifically, he said the organizers of the group who were nationalists from Russia believed the authorities in Montenegro led by Prime Milo Djukanovic could not be removed by way of election and could only be overthrown by force. Along with it, Katnic admitted the Montenegrin authorities did not have any evidence whatsoever that Russia as a state was involved in the alleged incident.

On October 16, when Montenegro held the parliamentary elections, twenty Serbian citizens were arrested on suspicion of organizing terrorist attacks.
angelburst29 said:
Outgoing US Vice-President Joe Biden flew in Ukraine on Monday for a swansong meeting with the Eastern European nation’s President Petro Poroshenko, local media reported.

US VP Biden Arrives in Ukraine for Last Meeting With Poroshenko

The Ukrainian president has instructed the Foreign Ministry to file a lawsuit to the UN International Court on Russia’s breaches of the Conventions on countering terrorism financing.

Poroshenko instructs ministry to file lawsuit against Russia to UN International Court

Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko has instructed the Foreign Ministry to file a lawsuit to the UN International Court on Russia’s breaches of the Conventions on countering terrorism financing and on the elimination of racial discrimination, the president’s press office reported on Monday.

"Today the entire volume of work has been completed on the pre-judicial process. Ukraine is fully ready for transferring the necessary documents to the UN International Court in The Hague for bringing the Russian Federation to liability under these two Conventions," the Ukrainian president said, instructing diplomats to deliver the lawsuit "already today."

The Ukrainian president also said he personally controlled all the previous lawsuits against Russia. In particular, Ukraine is accusing Russia of breaching maritime law and of property confiscation in Crimea. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has also prepared a lawsuit on Russia’s breaches of the treaty on friendship, cooperation and partnership between the two countries.
angelburst29 said:
Montenegro’s Special Public Prosecutor’s Office earlier put two Russian and three Serbian citizens on an international wanted list on suspicion of "setting up a crime syndicate and terrorism." "The Special Public Prosecutor’s Office informed the public that arrest warrants have been issued against two Russian and three Serbian citizens over the criminal offenses of organizing a criminal syndicate and engagement in terrorism," the report said. According to the prosecutor’s office, all information on the wanted individuals has been added to the Interpol’s database.

Montenegrin media earlier reported that two Russian citizens - Eduard Shirokov and Vladimir Popov - had been put on Interpol’s international wanted list on charges of being involved in a state coup attempt that allegedly took place in Montenegro on October 16 when the country held the parliamentary elections.

On November 6, Montenegro’s Chief Special Prosecutor, Milivoje Katnic, came up with the claim that a group of Serbs, Montenegrins and Russians tried to stage a terrorist act on October 16. Specifically, he said the organizers of the group who were nationalists from Russia believed the authorities in Montenegro led by Prime Milo Djukanovic could not be removed by way of election and could only be overthrown by force. Along with it, Katnic admitted the Montenegrin authorities did not have any evidence whatsoever that Russia as a state was involved in the alleged incident.

On October 16, when Montenegro held the parliamentary elections, twenty Serbian citizens were arrested on suspicion of organizing terrorist attacks.

Since I am from Montenegro i will add that the current political party has been ruling the country for ~20 years and is highly corruptive.
Last elections really gave a feel that something could be changed, but that "assassination" scenario went in their favor helping them stay on top.
They are pro NATO oriented and pretty much against Russian politic, although many Russians are present at coastal area of the country, especially during summer season.
Mentioned terrorist action should be taken with a grain of salt, my two cents.
PerfectCircle said:
Since I am from Montenegro i will add that the current political party has been ruling the country for ~20 years and is highly corruptive.
Last elections really gave a feel that something could be changed, but that "assassination" scenario went in their favor helping them stay on top.
They are pro NATO oriented and pretty much against Russian politic, although many Russians are present at coastal area of the country, especially during summer season.
Mentioned terrorist action should be taken with a grain of salt, my two cents.

Thanks for Posting additional information and personal insight on the Political conditions in Montenegro, PerfectCircle.

As for NATO's interference, it's existence is finally being questioned by President-elect Trump. President Putin also agrees with many points that Trump has brought out in the open. The US is mainly behind the funding for NATO. Trump wants the other Countries in NATO to pay equal shares and I don't see that happening. NATO should have been dismantled - years ago and it may be what Trump has in mind?

With NATO out, it would be up to the individual Countries - to weed out the corrupt Officials and regain their sovereignty. Hopefully, that will happen soon and Russia would be by Montenegro's side - to help out. Thanks for sharing.

I also wonder, what pressure the US is putting on Serbia?

US Vice President Joe Biden has meeting with Serbian top level government officials during his trip to Switzerland, the White House press pool reported on Tuesday.

Biden Holds Current US Administration’s Last Bilateral Meetings - White House

US Vice President Joe Biden has held a final meetings of the current US administration by meeting the president and prime minister of Serbia during his trip to Switzerland, the White House press pool reported on Tuesday.

At 3:30 pm, Vice President Biden met with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and there was a pool spray for photos. Vucic has been Prime Minister since April 2014," the report said. "This bilateral meeting with Serbia is the last bilat[eral meeting] of the Obama/Biden administration."

The press poll added that following the meeting with Vucic, Biden’s delegation met with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic and his team.

Asked by the journalists whether it was possible to avoid a conflict between Serbia and Kosovo given the recent tensions and the path they are on, Biden said, "Yes."

Prior to meeting the Serbian heads of state and government, Biden also held a meeting with Iraq’s Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani, according to the press pool.

Serbia will send its troops to Kosovo if the Albanians kill the Serbs living in the partially recognized republic, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said on Sunday.

Serbian President Vows to Send Troops to Kosovo If Serbs 'Massacred'

He pointed out that Serbia was not striving for a conflict and did not want to attack any country, but as a state must protect its citizens, according to its constitution.

"If the Serbs are massacred, yes, we will [send troops]. And not only the army, all of us will go there. I will be the first one, who will go there, that is not new for me," Nikolic said following the session of the National Security Council answering the question whether Belgrade will send troops to Kosovo.

"As long as I am in this office, I will try to wage no wars but if it is impossible, as a commander-in-chief I will take the responsibility for each decision made," Nikolic said.

The statement was made a day after the first passenger train since 1999 heading from the Serbian capital of Belgrade to Kosovo had been stopped near the border over security concerns. The train was colored as the Serbian flag with the caption "Kosovo is Serbia" being written in 21 languages on it.

The Kosovar authorities are opposing railway communication between Serbia and Mitrovice saying that it is a threat to the Kosovo’s sovereignty.

Serbia does not recognize Kosovo as an independent state, which was unilaterally proclaimed in 2008. Kosovo is recognized by over 100 UN member states. Unlike the United States and some European countries, Russia did not recognize the Kosovo statehood, and believes Kosovo is part of Serbia.
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