Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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It really appears that the Gas Queen is on the rise Actually Yulia Tymoshenko has been expected since quite some time, but Poroshenko has lasted substantially longer than many surmised at first.
thorbiorn said:
It really appears that the Gas Queen is on the rise Actually Yulia Tymoshenko has been expected since quite some time, but Poroshenko has lasted substantially longer than many surmised at first.

Does Yulia Tymoshenko have competition? I thought they got rid of Saakashvili?

Saakashvili launches fundraising drive for his newly-established political party

The new party aims at "achieving an ambitious goal of creating a new political class in Ukraine," former governor of Ukraine Mikheil Saakashvili says

Former governor of Ukraine’s Odessa region Mikheil Saakashvili has begun soliciting support for his recently-established political party, dubbed the New Forces Movement.

"The New Forces Movement aims at achieving an ambitious goal of creating a new political class in Ukraine. We want to kick the profiteers out of power, we believe it is possible, but we will start with ourselves," Saakashvili wrote in a statement published on his Facebook page.

We want to forge honest relations with the state from the very beginning, so we have launched a fundraising campaign for the development of the New Forces Movement and implementation of our ambitious plans of turning Ukraine into a superpower," Saakashvili stated. At the same time, the former governor provided banking details for money transfers.

After stepping down from his post as Governor of the Odessa Region, Mikhail Saakashvili restarted his political career. On November 27, Saakashvili and several hundreds of his supporters held a rally in downtown Kiev under the slogan "The last winter of the current Rada". They demanded early parliamentary elections as well as "a new electoral law, a new Central Election Commission and the cancellation of immunity for parliament members."

Saakashvili has also voiced his program for reforming the country which is based on zero-tolerance for corruption, massive tax cuts, and reforming the judicial and healthcare systems.
Protests in Ukraine: people demand to put Arsen Avakov in prison

Tuesday, 6 December, 2016 - Near the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine several protests are being held at the same time. A lot of people have gathered to solve different social and economic problems.

Among these protesters there are a lot of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. They require to transfer them their pensions and not to cancel social benefits. Moreover, people call Arsen Avakov (Minister of Internal Affairs and businessman) to be prosecuted.

US Secretary of State John Kerry called on Russia to cooperate with NATO to complete the implementation of Minsk accords to end the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.

John Kerry Prompts Moscow to Work With NATO on Implementation of Minsk Accords

Russia should work with the NATO alliance to implement the Minsk agreements with Ukraine, US Secretary of State John Kerry said at a ministerial meeting in Brussels on Tuesday.

"I would call on Russia once again to work with all of us to fully implement the Minsk agreement," Kerry stated. Kerry explained he expected NATO ministers to reiterate their support for Ukraine at meetings scheduled for Wednesday. Last week, Russia's Permanent Representative at the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich said Kiev was skirting its responsibilities under the Minsk agreement and refusing to document its position, which effectively blocked new negotiations.
Ukraine is still perceived as Europe’s most corrupted state despite European Union’s assistance to Kiev intended to reverse the situation, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) said in a report Wednesday.

The most corrupted state in the World-Ukraine

The ECA report, released on Wednesday, assessed whether European Commission and European External Action Service assistance between 2007 and 2015 was proving effective in supporting reforms in Ukraine. It says that EU help “had limited impact and, despite the impetus for reform since then, the results achieved so far remain fragile.”

According to the document, Brussels allocated significant sums of money to Kiev without agreeing on the strategy first. From 2007 to 2015, EU financial assistance comprised 1.6 billion euro in grants, half of this in the form of budget support, and 3.4 billion euro in macro-financial loans.

“The EU responded promptly to the 2014 crisis with a package of 11.2 billion euro over seven years. But this was an emergency solution,” the report reads. “The EU allocated and disbursed large amounts of money rapidly and without first agreeing its strategy.”

According to ECA member Szabolcs Fazakas, “EU support for Ukraine remains a work in progress, despite good efforts by the Commission.”

“At the time of our audit, there was a strong political commitment to public administration reform,” he said. “But management changes jeopardized the reforms and low salaries created openings for corruption. Further steps are needed to meet objectives.”

The auditors recommend that the Commission and the External Action Service place greater emphasis on public finance management, improve the design of conditions for and disbursements of financial assistance, strengthen monitoring of the implementation of assistance and place greater emphasis on the effective implementation and sustainability of reforms.

Europe’s most corrupted country - The report says that despite efforts for broad reforms in the country and EU financial assistance, Ukraine is still viewed as Europe’s most corrupted country.

“Despite reform efforts, Ukraine is still perceived as the most corrupt country in Europe,” the report reads. “Vested interests influence public policy-making. Oligarchic clans continue to exert a dominant influence on Ukraine’s economy, politics and media.”

The fight against corruption was reinforced by the 2011 Visa Liberalisation Action Plan and further accelerated by improved cooperation with Brussels, auditors said.

“But despite the new impetus for reform since 2014, the results achieved so far remain fragile,” the report continues. “The results of anti-corruption measures remain to be seen.”

Gas industry support - In their report, auditors call on the European Commission and the External Action Service should “take steps to make EU assistance to Ukraine more effective in the gas sector.”

The document calls the adoption in April 2015 of a gas law compliant with the EU’s third energy package as a notable achievement in this area.

“In the gas sector, there has been some success in improving governance and securing EU supplies via Ukraine,” the report reads. “But the EU-Ukraine dialogue on gas was affected by Ukraine’s wavering commitment and by diverging views among EU stakeholders.”.

The data received from the head of local administration Aleksandr Kachanov.

Ukrainian criminals damaged by the shelling 3 block-of-flats and gas line in Dokuchaevsk

‘Lenin St.108, and Central St. 91,91 targeted by Kiev junta troops, as a result of the shelling the houses got damaged, and civilians left without heating’, he described the sequences of the attack.

Data on casualties and wounded was not received.

The town Dokuchaevsk is targeted by Ukrainian side more often.

And in general, the amount of shelling y Kiev military units grows every day.

The head of the DPR Aleksandr Zaharchenko describes on December 5 the situation at the front as very difficult, he talked about last battle close to Yasinovataya that was 6 hours.

Donetsk filtration station stopped working again

‘Water supply from the Donetsk filtration station was stopped today at 4.45am, Donetsk partially was left without water, village Vernetoretskoe, Krasniy Partizan of Yasinovataya region, Donbasss Water pointed out.

Ministry of Construction added that they need aid from other departments and OSCE to restore water supply.

The prospects for the restoration and development of the Lugansk People’s Republic’s industry are “great.” However, due to legal nuances, the republic’s products have been subjected to Russia’s anti-Ukrainian sanctions. This was stated by LPR head Igor Plotnitsky in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Plotnitsky: Putin should decree a free trade zone with Donbass

“Despite all the deaths and blockades, the prospects for restoring and developing industry are great. We have been able to keep personnel and preserve our main scientific-production base. Despite all the wounds of war, we have something to offer to Russia, including as part of the import substitution line,” Plotnitsky said.

“I’ll say more. We are ashamed to accept humanitarian aid from Russia. Donbass was never a free loader or dependent and never dreamed of being such. Now, in order to get back on our feet, it’s not even aid that we need, but genuine understanding,” he added.

The LPR head explained: “The point is that on January 1st, 2016, Kiev suicidally broke the free trade zone agreement with the Russian Federation. Since then, all Ukrainian manufacturers have been obliged to pay export duties. For some goods, this amounts to 40%. Legally, Russia considers the enterprises of the LPR and DPR to be Ukrainian. As a result, it has been more difficult for our manufacturers to get on their feet and it is more difficult for Russian customers to obtain the needed products, some of which are not made in Russia.”

“To solve this problem, all that is needed is a decree by the President of the Russian Federation on the temporary expansion of all provisions of the agreement on the free trade zone with Ukraine to include enterprises registered in the DPR and LPR. After all, Russia has not denounced the agreement, but only suspended it,” Plotnitsky stated.

The leader of Lugansk summarized: “Thus, without departing from its official position, Moscow would extend a line to Donetsk and Lugansk, with the help of which we our self could catch fish and deliver to the Russian market what they don’t have enough of.”
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is on the verge of completely losing his power. A scandal over compromising documents released by the fugitive Ukrainian oligarch Alexander Onishchenko could lead to political collapse in Kiev.

Humiliating End: Poroshenko’s Political Career is Over

09.12.2016 - Bloody Business - The documents released by Onishchenko expose the personal financial interests of Petro Poroshenko in conducting the Ukrainian armed forces’ punitive operations in Donbass. Companies owned by the president of Ukraine received military contracts. In other words, Kiev spent money from the IMF on the war against its own people. In the end, this money found itself in the accounts of companies belonging to the country's president.

A difficult situation - This scandal, as well as profound changes in the world order following Donald Trump’s victory, have brought the Ukrainian elite into a tense, nervous state. Worried by the fact that the previous owners of Kiev, the globalists and neo-liberals, have lost control of the situation and are now exiting the world arena, a massive delegation of Ukrainian politicians has now gone to Washington. Their main task is enlisting the support of the United States in order to pursue the systematic policy of plundering Ukraine.

Candidates - The behavior of the Ukrainian elites shows that Poroshenko's fate has been sealed, and his overthrow is only a matter of a few weeks. Several Ukrainian power clans have gone to Washington in order to promote their own presidential candidate. Among them are the entourage of Yulia Tymoshenko, Verkhovna Rada deputy Oleh Lyashko, Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, and even ex-President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili. All of them are united by one thing: the new administration has refused to holds any talks with them. Although Obama’s team members are communicating with them, no decision can be made since the end of the current US President’s term is in little over 40 days.

Shelling of the Kuibishevskiy district of Donetsk was from occupied by Ukraine village Peski

The shelling of the Kuibishevskiy district in the night from December 7 to December 8 was from occupied by Ukrainian forces Peski.

‘Kuibishevskiy district of Donetsk was subjected to artillery shelling carried out by Kiev troops from the positions of 128th separate brigade on December 8’, Deputy of the Operative Commandment Eduard Basurin reported.

Ukraine Coup Leader Poroshenko And His Toy Soldiers, Frozen To Death On The Front Lines, Total Neglect And Forgetting Rotation, Death By Hypothermia !

Criminal ! Coup Leader Poroshenko Of Ukraine leaving his own soldiers , neglecting them only to face ” White Death” on the front lines ! Young conscripts , toy soldiers frozen to death, while U.S backed Ukraine Nazi Military and their high staff along with the Junta leadership get their belly’s fat and full for the holidays ! The soldier’s body was found by the LPR Army on December 4. The LPR reported that the Ukrainian Junta military «forget» their soldiers on the position. According to the official representative of the Defense Minister of the People’s Republic, Andrey Marochko, there is new information about the non-combat losses in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Junta.

According to Marochko, in the woods near the locality of Pshenichnoye, there was found the body of the AFU junior sergeant who had frozen to death at the post.

’On December 4, at 14.10, in the forest near the locality of Pshenichnoye, there found the body of junior sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, D.Mischishin, deceased from hypothermia because the command had just forgotten to replace him,’ he said.

Ukrainian aggression flowed in Donetsk again. Military sitrep

Ukrainian military units shelled populated district of Donetsk. The hostility used artillery of 122mm caliber.

Earlier it was reported about 13 damaged houses on 5 streets of the Kuibishevskiy district.

Operative Commandment headed by Eduard Basurin, representatives of the JCCC and journalists of Novorossia TV and Novorossia Today visited the place of horrible shelling by Ukrainian side.

It turned out that 2 civilians got wounded, a civil man tied to save his wife, and covered her, he got numerous wounds of his back, she got psychologic trauma and small scraps.
Soldiers of the Nazi Ukrainian Army started a gunfight on a military base, located in Kherson region, Southern Ukraine, the FAN news agency reported, citing unnamed source.

Shoot Out Breaks Out Between Ukrainian Junta Soldiers On Military Base, 3 Badly Wounded

December 10, 2016 - Soldiers of the Nazi Ukrainian Army started a gunfight on a military base, located in Kherson region, Southern Ukraine, the FAN news agency reported, citing unnamed source.

According to sources from Golopristanskiy district, where the military base of the Ukrainian Junta Armed Forces is situated, the conflict between the servicemen took place on December 7. As a result of the exchange of gunfire, three Ukrainian soldiers were hospitalized. Doctors pointed out that two of them are in serious condition.

According to some reports, the shootout was started at an ammunition depot of the military base by guardsmen. During the opening of the fire, the third Ukrainian soldier, who did not take part in the conflict, was also wounded.

Earlier, an official representative of the People’s Army of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), Andrey Marochko, told that a Ukrainian soldier of the 14th separate motorized brigade of the Ukrainian Junta Armed Forces sent a bullet through his leg in order not to serve in the ATO zone (the Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone) in Donbass. According to Marochko, the Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces tries to hide this incident.

The Ukraine Junta did not let Toni Frisch, coordinator of the working group on humanitarian issues of the Contact Group, to visit captives who suffer from health issues, said LPR representative in the Contact Group’s humanitarian subgroup Olga Kobtseva.

Nazi Ukraine Junta Declines Member Of Contact Group Humanitarian Coordinator To Visit LPR Prisoners Who Suffer From Health Issues, War Crimes

“We listed six people for the exchange, and Mr. Frisch personally visited them. We asked him to visit detainees in Ukraine, who have health issues, he couldn’t see the people we had put on the list,” she said.

“The representatives of the ICRC say they do not have access to all the POW there,” she added.

Earlier Kobtseva said that Nazi Kiev Junta had not included five Ukrainian armed forces servicemen, currently held in LPR, in the exchange lists saying nobody was looking for them, though the soldiers had admitted to Frisch their participation in the conflict.

The living conditions in LPR penitentiaries prisons where Nazi Ukrainian captives are held along with other inmates, are “absolutely adequate”, Frisch who visited Lugansk on October, 27th noted.

The exchange of captives between the Donbass Republics and the Ukraine Junta is one of the key issues of Minsk Agreements. The document clearly stipulates “all for all” principle in relation to this matter.
Crews from several Russian television channels came under machinegun fire on Monday by Ukrainian government forces while filming at a school in southeastern Ukraine, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported.

Ukrainian Forces Fire at Russian Journalists in Donbass

NTV, Rossiya, Channel One, and Channel 5 were reporting about last Sunday’s attack at a school in the village of Sakhanka in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) when the shooting began.

"An NTV filming crew was fired at in the DPR. Correspondent Ilya Ushenin and cameraman Timur Voronov were filming inside one of local schools," the NTV channel said in a statement on its website.

The journalists fled behind the school building and stayed sheltered until the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's (OSCE) monitors arrived. The gunfire continued for several minutes, they said. None of the journalists was injured.

A school building in the village of Sahanka in the early morning was partially destroyed because of the terrorist attack, war crimes by Ukrainian Nazi forces (APU ) shelling and bombing civilian areas . This was reported today by Sahanka Administrator Igor Nagorny.

Madness From The Ukraine Junta As Once Again They Bomb Civilian Areas, Schools, Homes Destroyed, Total Devastation During Holiday Season Shopping

“Morning indiscriminate attack from the Ukrainian Junta army , partially destroyed a building of a rural school, hit by a projectile which destroyed the bearing wall of the sports hall, numerous shrapnel injuries” – a spokesman said.

In addition, one house destroyed. At the moment, shells are still raining down in the area ! “Luckily no one was hurt, but the house is practically destroyed,” – said Nagorny.

He stressed that at the moment it is recorded “incoming” 115 shells and mortars, shelling continues. !!

It was reported earlier that in the early morning Nazi Ukrainian security forces opened fire on the village of Sahanka Novoazovskiy district in the south of the country


Seven homes destroyed in Dokuchaevsk on the outskirts of Donetsk as a result of shelling by Nazi Ukrainian Forces. This was reported today in the operational command of the DPR, now receiving more confirmation !

“Over the past day as a result of shelling by Ukrainian Junta security forces homes totally destroyed ! In Dokuchaevsk – one home destroyed, three houses destroyed in the village of Spartak north of Donetsk, three houses in the villages and Staromykhailivka Trudovskoy the west of Donetsk “, – said the representative of the command.

Information on casualties or damage specified.

Previously it reported injuries four private houses on the northern and western outskirts of Donetsk. *


Ukrainian Nazi Junta army in the evening had released 470 mortars by the frontline areas along the line of contact, hitting 13 localities of the country. Nazi Ukrainian military from 18:00 to 01:00 released 470 artillery shells caliber 152 and 122 mm caliber and also 82 and 120 mm in villages Trudovskoy, Aleksandrovka, Staromykhailivka in the west of the capital, Elenovka in the south-west of Donetsk, Gorlovka under Zaytsevo, villages Sahanka, Lenin, Kominternovo, October Novoazovskiy district in the south of the country, Vasilevka, Spartak Yasinovataya area Dokuchaevsk and surroundings Yasinovataya “- a spokesman said.

Furthermore, according to a source, attacked under fire from Ukrainian Junta units was also a checkpoint “Maori” in the north of Gorlovka. According to the source, Checkpoint Maori was attacked with rocket propelled grenades and heavy machine gun fire. Witnesses said that Nazi Ukrainian forces also used released dozens of shells from weapons of BMP. Earlier today, the operational command of the DPR, Donetsk People’s Republic said that in just one day in the Republic due to the attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine Junta, seven private homes destroyed !

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein stated while presenting the 16th report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the situation in Ukraine that more than 10,000 people have been killed in in Donbass.

Over 10,000 People Killed in Ukraine's Conflict - UN Human Rights Commissioner

More than 10,000 people have been killed in Ukraine's conflict, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein said Monday.

"In September, casualties fell four-fold compared to August. Due to renewed shelling in October, civilian casualties scaled up to the levels observed during the summer. In November and early December they again decreased. I hope the downward trend will continue," Hussein said while presenting the 16th report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the situation in Ukraine.
Russophobia in a Modern Ukrainian Newspaper: "Daddy, Kill Russians!"

Much is said about the violation of the Constitution and human rights, frankly Goebbels propaganda deployed today in Ukraine. And here is one more confirmation.

It is such a printed newspaper that is distributed to children on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, controlled by the government in Kiev.

This little rag is called “Kropivach”. Such a low-budget publication with black-and-white images and articles for which parents have to pay with their own money. After reading this trash there is a desire to wash your hands and put the authors up against the wall, editors and distributors of this “highly spiritual” masterpiece of Ukrainian thought.

Now to the point. Each article of this abomination deserves a separate study. But I will briefly tell you about each one.

The first column flaunts a photo of a Ukrainian girl in a wreath and the inscription in Ukrainian: “Daddy, kill Russians!”

And underneath is written the word “attention” in three languages. English, German (how can the “non-fascists” omit it?) and Ukrainian. Further is some description of what will be discussed.

For those who don’t know Ukrainian I translate it: “Newspaper Kropivach does not promote enmity between nations, violence, sex and drugs. And also does not call for overthrowing the existing state system in our chocolate Reich.”

This is an impressive start.

The next two columns are PATRIOTICALLY dedicated to methods of emigration from Ukraine to Poland. Everything is laid out on the shelves. How to receive a working visa, how to enter illegally and how to get the card of a Polish citizen. With the caveat that for “conscious” Ukrainian it is unacceptable, because – and I quote: “there is a need to swear allegiance to Poland, which actually is a betrayal of Ukraine and its interests in the geopolitical arena.”

It is like that, “patriotism” for children, to teach them how to get into Poland to wash the toilets…

Next masterpiece – a discussion about the Chinese smartphone. There everything was mixed together. To be more precise – Ukrainians with the Chinese, tariffs, trousers over forty hryvnia for grandson from grandma, and eDeclarations. But the main idea can be traced. There is no need to control officials. “Why?” – you will ask. The author answers that real honest rulers do not need a control system, they will work honestly without stealing…

In this little rag there are arguments on historical themes, where the excursion into the past is expressed by the comfortable- for-“patriots” vision of the events of the last century, and times of the great Patriotic war. They write about three Ukrainian-Russian wars, about Ukrainian Central Rada (UCR). All this nonsense is seated in the fragile minds of children and young people.

But the worst part is that here, published in Russian, is a policy document titled: “What is Russophobia?”. It is here that an ideological basis is built for the justification of hatred and anger, which is being implanted today in Ukraine.

A few quotes – and you’ll understand everything.

“Russian identity can only be viewed in the form of severe mental pathology.”

“The Russian Federation as a unified state exists despite historical and social trends.”

“Russia to this day remains a prison of nations.” etc…

In this article the main idea is that RUSSIA is NOT NEEDED, dehumanisation of everything Russian, starting with the opposition (although I wouldn’t call all those like Navalny, Makarevich nor Akhedzhakova Russians) and ending with all 142 million Russians, including young children.

The image of the enemy is found and dehumanized – so it’s allowed to kill it without feeling remorse. And this, for pro-Ukrainian ideologues, is an ordinary thing…

And I don’t consider my aim of writing a review of “Kropivach” as inciting hatred, but as delivering to people the truth about what is happening in Ukraine, who today is in power there, and what the consequences are that it might bring.

If the generation of young Ukrainians will be educated by such Kropivachs, the war between the two brotherly peoples cannot be avoided. And it already will not be mythical, but as real as it gets.
Tristan said:
Russophobia in a Modern Ukrainian Newspaper: "Daddy, Kill Russians!"

Much is said about the violation of the Constitution and human rights, frankly Goebbels propaganda deployed today in Ukraine. And here is one more confirmation.

[...] [...] [...]

Great find, Tristan and "Thanks" for Posting the information and taking the extra time and patience in translating what the newspaper contains! It is not main stream news, to those outside Ukraine and gives documented evidence of one of the ways, the children are being targeted with propaganda.

I think, within time, Ukraine will be rejoined with Russia or under Russia's wings. Russia has an excellent educational and academic program for students and may be able to help reverse the damage, in the near future? I know, in the U.S., since they introduced Common Core, education has accelerated down hill.

A few Posts back (reply #2625) this article gave an understanding of Ukraine's history and why Russia will always be part of their heritage.

The Falsification of History: ”Ukraine" is not a country

Ukraine has degenerated from a Russian/Soviet region into an American colony.
You're welcome, I simply reproduced what the article contains. The translation is by the same author who is an ukrainian women (Natalia L.)
It seemed serious enough to post it. IMO
Tristan said:
You're welcome, I simply reproduced what the article contains. The translation is by the same author who is an ukrainian women (Natalia L.)
It seemed serious enough to post it. IMO

I still think the information was a great find, Tristan and if you happen to come across any other news of interest, it may be worth Posting? Many of us live outside Ukraine and there are only a few "trustworthy" websites that features news and commentary from the area. The more information that we can gather, helps us formulate a better understanding of what is happening, not only in the Political arena but the conditions - the residents are faced with.
Like lack of heating or the means to acquire coal or wood, if gas and oil is lacking, which was a problem in some areas last Winter. I also remember reading and it's probably Posted in this thread somewhere, where several women were selling "smoke rings made of Pork and some with beef" in an outdoor market, that were still good but past their freshness date (at a lower cost) because food supplies were low in many areas. I think, it was a distribution problem due to sanctions, at the time. So, I'll be looking for news, to see if there is a repeat of the same, in the coming Winter months.

The website of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry has been taken offline after a cyberattack, according to local media.

Hackers Attack Ukrainian Defense Ministry Website

The website of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry has been taken offline after it was hit by a cyberattack, local media reported Tuesday citing the Ministry's press service.

"We are experiencing a DDоS attack and our team is working to improve the website's performance," the statement said.

Websites of other Ukrainian government institutions including the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Treasury have been previously attacked by hackers.

I'm wondering, if some of these so-called cyberattacks being reported - might actually be a software glitch, due to many Defense ministries switching to Windows10?

Botched Microsoft update knocks Windows 8, 10 PCs offline – regardless of ISP

12 Dec 2016 - A broken software update for Windows 8 and 10 is knackering internet connectivity for users of several ISPs in the UK, Europe and quite likely beyond.

Virgin Media in Blighty is the latest provider to confirm the dodgy code is knocking a number of its customers offline. Proximus in Belgium also says a Windows 10 update is breaking network access.

The problem emerged last week, when BT and Plusnet in the UK admitted that computers running Microsoft's latest patches are losing network connectivity due to what appears to be a problem with their Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) clients.

Essentially, the PCs cannot automatically pick up their LAN-side IP address, router address and DNS settings from their broadband routers, causing them to drop off the internet and disappear from other devices on their network.

This happens regardless of ISP and broadband box, and is understood to be caused by a bad automatically installed Windows Update patch. If you configure your box to use static addresses, you should be OK, or you can run the following the commands to reset the operating system's networking components:
netsh winsock reset catalog
netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log

In a message to subscribers on Sunday, Virgin Media advised that some Windows 10 users were experiencing difficulty connecting to the internet after installing the latest update.

"Microsoft are aware and investigating," it said.

One reader, Adam Comben, got in touch with The Register to report: "We run a retail repair shop and have seen around 25 instances of this since Thursday. It doesn’t matter what ISP or router they’ve been using – we’ve had TalkTalk, BT, Plusnet, Sky, you name it. All with the same problem, they will not obtain an IP via DHCP."

He said the issue is definitely a DHCP problem caused by a broken Windows Update, "although we’ve not been able to identify the cause, it’s an extremely quick fix."

He added: "It’s caused a great deal of disruption for our business customers as it required a site visit for those we couldn’t talk through it on the phone."

The cause of the bug is so far unclear, although Plusnet has blamed an unspecified “third-party update”. The main issue appears to be a recent Windows Update release – but it is hard to tell which one is at fault because Redmond is so secretive about exactly what's inside each upgrade bundle.

The Register has repeatedly asked Microsoft for an explanation. The software giant has remained silent.
Ukrainian troops shoot civilians at Gorlovka checkpoint, shell DPR positions

On the morning of December 14th, Ukrainian soldiers shot at a bus carrying civilians at the Mayorskoe checkpoint near Gorlovka. This has been reported by the Donetsk People’s Republic’s security agencies. As a result of the firing, one civilian was killed and two were injured. Another passenger died at the scene from a heart attack.

“This morning, at the Mayorskoe checkpoint, Ukrainian troops opened fire on a bus with civilians coming from the territory of the DPR,” a source in the agency said.

According to the source, as a result of Kalashnikov rifle fire, one passenger was killed and another was wounded. The incident took place on territory controlled by the Ukrainian military. “The fire came from a Kalashnikov rifle,” the source stated.

The acting head of the Gorlovka administration, Ivan Prikhodko, later reported the death of another passenger from the shot-up bus: “One of the bus’ passengers was shot by Ukrainian troops, another died on the scene from a heart attack. Two other received injuries,” he said.

The operational command has reported that Ukrainian militants opened mortar fire on DPR positions immediately after the bus shooting, provoking retaliatory actions.

Crimean museums will appeal a decision of an Amsterdam court that a collection of the Scythian gold which was on loan to the Netherlands should return to Ukraine, Anastasia Sivitskaya, a lawyer of the Iniurcolleguia firm which represents the museums, said Wednesday.

Crimean Museums to Appeal Dutch Court Decision to Give Scythian Gold to Kiev

The collection of the Scythian gold which is a part of the "Crimea. Gold and Secrets of the Black Sea" exhibition was brought to the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam in early February 2014. The collection was provided by five museums, one in Kiev and four in Crimea.

The dispute over the exhibition arose after Crimea reunified with Russia following a 2014 referendum. Earlier on Wednesday, the District Court of Amsterdam ruled that the Scythian gold artifacts should return to Kiev. "The decision to transfer [the gold] to Ukraine will enter into force after the case has been considered in a court of appeal. The appeal will be filed," Sivitskaya told RIA Novosti. Moreoverm according to Sivitskaya, the decision of a Dutch court runs counter to provisions of contacts and inter-museum cooperation. “We are extremely disappointed by this decision. It does not only counter provisions of contacts, but also principles of inter-museum cooperation, the need to respect museums’ rights as cultural institutions, it destroys the unity of museum collections,” Sivitskaya said.

The ruling by a Dutch court to give Scythian gold to Ukraine violates international law and the principles of inter-museum exchanges, the items should be returned to Crimea where they had been discovered and kept for decades, the Russian Culture Ministry said Wednesday.

Russian Ministry Says Dutch Court's Ruling on Scythian Gold Violates Int'l Law

An Amsterdam court decided on Wednesday to give disputed collection of Scythian gold to Ukraine, not to Crimea where it was kept before the peninsula’s reunification with Russia.

"Unfortunately, the decision is an example of violation of the rights of cultural institutions and destruction of the unity of museum collections. It contradicts not only the provisions of the contracts, but also grossly violates the principles of international inter-museum exchanges and the right of the Crimean people to access their own cultural heritage," the Russian ministry said.

Russian lawmaker Natalia Poklonskaya, who represents Crimea in the Russian parliament, on Wednesday promised to do her best to return the collection of the Scythian gold from Crimea's museums back to the peninsula.

Poklonskaya Pledges to Contribute to Return of Scythian Gold to Crimea

The collection of the Scythian gold which is a part of the "Crimea. Gold and Secrets of the Black Sea" exhibition was brought to the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam in early February 2014. The collection was provided by five museums, one in Kiev and four in Crimea. The dispute about the exhibition arose after Crimea reunified with Russia following a 2014 referendum. Earlier on Wednesday, the District Court of Amsterdam ruled that the Scythian gold artifacts should return to Kiev.

"I am sure that representatives of the Crimean museums will appeal against the decision [of the court]. I would like to wish them success… I will exert every effort to help our Crimean representatives in preparation of all necessary documents to appeal this illegal and unfair decision," Poklonskaya, who is one of the lawmakers representing Crimea in Russia's Federal Assembly, told reporters.

The ruling by a Dutch court to give Scythian gold to Ukraine is a political one, as it violates international law and the principles of inter-museum exchanges, Maria Jarmusch, an expert in international law told Sputnik Germany.

German Lawyer Slams Dutch Decision to Give Scythian Gold Collection to Ukraine

“This decision is politicized, illegal and absolutely groundless. It flies in the face of contract law and international law because these artefacts belong to Crimean museums and, in keeping with a pertinent agreement, shall be returned to the Crimean museums they were taken from for the duration of the exhibition in Amsterdam,” she said.

She added that the court in Amsterdam had essentially turned down the Russian lawsuits and handed the collection of over 2,000 artifacts worth around one million euros over to Kiev where it can now be claimed by all interested parties.

“This is a political decision aimed against Russia,” Jarmusch told Sputnik Germany. Russia has already said that it will challenge the ruling in a higher court, and Maria Jarmusch believes that Moscow has every reason to expect a positive outcome. “This ruling begs for an appeal, as the Crimean museums have an iron-clad case here and their submissions are fully justified and corroborated by facts. [In 2014] the Hague's arbitration court ordered Russia to pay out $50 billion in damages to the shareholders of the defunct oil giant Yukos – a decision that was eventually quashed by a higher Dutch court.
The Commander of European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe visited Donbass to check the effectiveness of use of US equipment provided by Washington to Ukraine.

US Commander in Europe Checks Use of US Equipment in Donbass

Commander of European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe Curtis Scaparrotti visited the military operation zone in Donbass to check the effectiveness of use of US equipment provided by Washington to Ukraine, the press-service of the General Staff of Ukrainian Armed Forces said on Thursday.

"American military delegation visited the anti-terrorist operation zone… During the visit the American party got acquainted with the security politics on the territory of Luhansk and Donetsk regions and saw the effectiveness of the use of equipment provided by the US," the statement says.

The European Parliament’s decision to approve the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukraine demonstrates that Brussels wants to expand its sphere of influence and achieve strategic dominance over Moscow, according to Cahit Ozkan, a member of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Visa-Free Regime for Ukraine EU's Attempt to Expand Sphere of Influence – Turkey

The European Parliament’s decision to approve the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukraine demonstrates that Brussels wants to expand its sphere of influence and achieve strategic dominance over Moscow, Cahit Ozkan, a member of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), told Sputnik Thursday.

“We clearly see that only in order expand its sphere of influence and to achieve strategic superiority over Russia the European Parliament decided to abolish visas for Ukraine, which had not implemented all necessary requirements for this,” Ozkan said.

He added that the parliament’s decision was taken due to the fact that Ukraine had agreed to be under Western economic, political and cultural control.

Ozkan stressed that if the July military coup attempt in Turkey was successful, the European Union would probably consider a visa-free regime for Turkey’s nationals too, which would drive the country under the Western influence as it was happening in the case of Ukraine.

Earlier in the day, the European Parliament approved the mechanism that would allow the implementation of visa-free regime with Ukraine and Georgia. On November 24, European lawmakers voted in favor of freezing EU accession talks with Turkey until it lifts restrictive measures in the country in place since the failed coup on July 15.

War in Donbass. 160 shells from Ukrainian side launched at front territories of the DPR

Ukrainian armed units launched 160 artillery shells and mines at suburbs of Donetsk, Dokuchaevsk, Gorlovka, Yasinovataya and south of the DPR.

‘Since 6pm to the midnight Ukrainian troops launched 30 artillery shells of 122mm caliber at Dokuchaevsk, villages as Trudovskie, Aleksandrovka in the west of Donetsk, Gorlovka villages, and southern villages’, the DPR Defence Ministry reported.

More Horror As The Ukraine Nazi Junta Regime Unleash Heavy Weapons Fire, Killing One Of Our Soldiers And Trying To Bring Fear To Our Citizens Of The Proud Republic Of Donetsk ! (Full Report Col. Basurin) (Video)

(FULL MILITARY SITUATION REPORT/ VIDEO COLONEL BASURIN) The situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic remains tense.

Over the past day, the Ukrainian Junta military violated the ceasefire 864 times, having launched on the territory of the Republic 288 82 and 120mm mortar shells and made 311 rounds from grenade launchers. In addition, the enemy used in the shelling infantry fighting vehicles and small arms

Due to the presence of the deputy head of the OSCE in Ukraine, Alexander Hug, in the Republic, the Ukrainian military almost didn’t use the artillery. The enemy launched in the direction of the locality of Yasinovataya only 4 152mm artillery shells.

The Ukrainian terrorists Gruzevich, Shaptala, Nikolyuk, Sokolov and Delyatitsky shelled the following localities of the Republic: Zaytsevo, Krasny Partisan, Yasinovataya, Spartak, Alexandrovka, Dokuchaevsk, Kominternovo, Oktyabr, Leninskoye, Sakhanka, Sergeevka and Trudovskiye in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk city.

As a result of the shelling of our positions, one DPR People’s Army soldier was killed.

The Nazi Ukrainian military continue the targeted shelling of power supply objects. In particular, in the localities Sakhanka and Sergeevka, the bombardments damaged power lines and a number of substations, which still cannot be repaired due to constant danger to repair crews.

Our intelligence continues to record the strengthening of the AFU Ukraine Junta positions near the contact line.
•In Krasnogorovka (3 km away from the contact line), there were detected four tanks;
•In Donskoye (24 km away from the contact line), there was detected a cluster of the AFU weapons and equipment, including five tanks, eight 100mm anti-tank cannons «Rapira» and 28 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers;
•In Primorskoye (7 km away from the contact line), there were detected 12 122mm towed howitzers D-30.

The data about the Minsk Agreements violations were passed to representatives of the JCCC and the OSCE mission.

Today, on the Ukrainian side of the checkpoint «Mayorsk», for no apparent reasons, the Ukrainian military opened fire on a civilian bus with passengers in it. As a result, 2 civilian were killed and another two wounded.

Immediately after the attack, the Ukrainian punishers opened mortar fire in the area of the checkpoint in order to blame the DPR People’s Army of the shelling of the bus. The fact of the crime on the part of the AFU Ukraine Junta was reported to the JCCC and the OSCE.

It was another bloody crime of the Ukrainian Junta military who, having lost all moral principles, are shooting at civilians at close range and with impunity.

The DPR People’s Army units continue activities of individual military training.

According to the plan of preparation of experts, there are held gatherings on improving the professional skills of the personnel of the communication and air defense units.

Vice-Commander of the DPR Defense Ministry operative command Donetsk,Colonel Eduard Basurin (3:07 min.)

A Warning To The U.S. Backed Terrorists Of The Ukraine Nazi Junta, With The Constant Shelling Of Our Republic Lugansk, The LPR Army Has Every Right To Liberate Territories Occupied By Kiev Bandits ! ~ (Full Report Major Marochko) (Video)

(FULL MILITARY SITUATION REPORT/ VIDEO ~ MAJOR MAROCHKO) The situation in the zone of responsibility of the LPR People’s Army remains tense.

Over the past day, the Ukrainian Junta Nazi Military two times shelled the positions of our units in the area of the locality of Kalinovo and the Prince Igor monument. The fire was opened from grenade launchers, infantry fighting vehicles and small arms, with 30 rounds made.

As a result of a bombardment with a grenade launcher, one soldier of the LPR People’s Army received shrapnel wound.

The order to open fire was given by the commander of the 24th brigade, Shevchenko.

The «ATO» command continues to build up the forces and means along the contact line.

According to our data, in the area of the locality of Belogorovka, the Popasnyansky region, there was detected a cluster of the AFU weapons and equipment. On the positions near the contact line, there were found five tanks, one anti-aircraft system «Strela-10», two infantry fighting vehicles and three trucks with ammunition.

From the locality of Lisichansk to the locality of Gorskoye located in the immediate vicinity of the contact line, moved seven military trawls with tanks T-64.

In addition, in the area of the locality of Mirnaya Dolina, the Popasnyansky region, there were detected six tanks T-64.

Due to the growth of crime, low morale of the troops, frequent cases of alcohol and drugs use, an increase in the number of suicides and desertion among the personnel and heading to the Lugansk direction, yesterday at the headquarters of the group «Lugansk» arrived an inspection of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, headed by A. Turchynov.

All the above-mentioned facts show that the Ukrainian criminal military authorities do not intend to comply with the agreements reached on the observance of the cease-fire, but on the contrary, are making every effort to further escalate the conflict in Donbass.

I would like to note that the units of the LPR People’s Army do not react to provocations from the Nazi Ukrainian side, adhere to «regime of silence» and observe the Minsk Agreements. We are committed to resolving the conflict in Donbass in a peaceful way but, in the event of the aggravation of the situation, the LPR People’s Army reserves the right to liberate, by resolute actions, the territories occupied by the Kiev bandits.

The People’s Army units continue to conduct planned training on combat readiness and cohesion of the units. There is regularly held training with the units to bring them in different degrees of readiness. In addition, the military of the LPR People’s Army units systematically carry out patriotic education lessons in schools of the Republic.

Official representative of the LPR People’s Militia,Major Andrey Marochko (3:42 min.)
Aleksandr Turchinov, Andrey Parubiy and Sergey Pashinsky were the three chief masterminds of "Maidan" unrest, according to the former chief of Yanukovich's staff.

Former chief of Yanukovich’s staff names three main masterminds of Maidan coup

December 16. 2016 - The three chief masterminds of "Maidan" unrest in Kiev’s Independence Square in 2014 that eventually developed into a government coup in Ukraine were Aleksandr Turchinov, Andrey Parubiy and Sergey Pashinsky, the former chief of the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich’s staff, Andrey Klyuyev, told court in Moscow on Friday. He was questioned in the capacity of a witness in hearings on a lawsuit filed by a former Ukrainian parliament member, Vladimir Oleinik, who wants the change of power in Ukraine in 2014 to be declared a government coup.

You know, in Ukraine we have National Security and Defense Council Secretary Turchinov. Everybody calls him the ‘bloody priest.’ He was a Young Communist League functionary once. Then he turned a frenzied oppositionist and a church priest. It was he who organized all that. He, Pashinsky and the current parliamentary speaker Parubiy the Maidan’s commandant," Klyuyev said.

All the others, he went on to say, "were used later - (Arseny) Yatsenyuk, (Oleg) Tyagnibok and (Vitaly) Klitschko. Klyuyev said all those men were used as ignorant pawns. So was the Right Sector (outlawed in Russia). It was used as a pawn, too. At first Right Sector activists even detained the snipers who were shooting at both civilians and police."

Klyuyev said it was Pashinsky who had brought "two groups of snipers: one from Georgia and the other from the Baltics" to Kiev. He referred to a transcript of the interrogation of one of the suspected snipers from the "Georgian group," conducted by Right Sector members who had detained him.

"That man, Vladimir Dakhnadze, was caught and questioned by the Right Sector. He confessed he had come to Kiev to make money. At a certain point Pashinsky arrived and took him away from the Right Sector," Klyuyev testified.

He also told court President Yanukovich was under tremendous pressure from the European Union and the United States at that time.

"Visitors were coming to see the president every day. As soon as he got to work, a foreign delegation would come to busy him for two hours. Then another would follow the next minute. They kept coming in an incessant flow, giving him no chance to do his job. I would call it a ‘hand-binding tactic.’ First they came to us and then would go to speak in front of the Maidan crowd. It was outright intervention in the internal affairs of the state," Klyuyev said.

Ukraine has confirmed 411 of them whereas information about the other 405 is being verified, according to DPR’s human rights ombudswoman.

816 Donetsk residents still kept in Ukraine’s prisons — rignts ombudswoman

December 16, 2016 - Thirteen residents of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have been released in three prisoner exchanges with Ukraine in 2016, however as many as 816 prisoners are still being kept by Ukraine, DPR’s human rights ombudswoman Darya Morozova said on Friday.

"This year, three prisoner exchanges took place. Thirteen people have been released. As of now, according to our data, the Ukrainian side is still keeping 816 people. Ukraine has confirmed 411 of them whereas information about the other 405 is being verified," the Donetsk News Agency quoted him as saying.

According to Morozova, among the 411 people Kiev has officially confirmed to keep prisoners 117 are DPR servicemen, 54 are civilians and 233 are political prisoners. Seven people have no status. Apart from that, the ombudswoman’s office has issued a list of 433 people reported missing as a result of the armed conflict in Donbass.

"Regrettably, Ukraine’s law enforcement agencies continue to use illegal methods in respect of the DPR prisoners in violation of the international convention on the treatment of prisoners of war. The ombudswoman’s office regularly received reports about tortures of people kept in Ukrainian prisons, both official and unofficial," she added.

Since 2014, Ukraine and the self-proclaimed republics in Donetsk and Lugansk have held 25 prisoner exchanges. The DPR has released 629 people, while Ukraine has released 614. The latest prisoner exchange took place on September 17 when Ukraine released four civilians and the self-proclaimed republics released two men suspected of involvement in sabotage and terrorist activities.

Prisoner exchange is among provisions of the Minsk agreements on the settlement of the situation in southeastern Ukraine reached in September 2014. Apart from that, the Package of Measures to fulfil the September 2014 Minsk agreements, known as Minsk-2, that was signed in Minsk on February 12, 2015, envisaged a ceasefire regime between Ukrainian government forces and people’s militias in the self-proclaimed republics in Donetsk and Lugansk (DPR and LPR) starting from February 15, 2015 and a subsequent withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of engagement. The deal also laid out a roadmap for a lasting settlement in Ukraine, including local elections and constitutional reform to give more autonomy to the war-torn eastern regions.

Batkivshchyna party leader Yulia Tymoshenko said that Savchenko does not coordinate her actions with the faction

Ukraine's Batkivshchyna faction expels Savchenko

December 15, 2016 - The Batkivshchyna faction in the Ukrainian parliament has expelled Nadezhda Savchenko.

"The Batkivshchyna faction discussed the circumstances with Nadezhda Savchenko and decided to expel her from the faction," the party's press service said on Thursday.

The party noted that Savchenko was included in the party list at parliamentary election in 2014 in order to facilitate her release from prison as she was serving a sentence in Russia. "If we could turn back time, we would have done the same for Nadezhda's release today. However, life showed that the principles and political views of Nadezhda Savchenko and Batkivshchyna are different," the press service said. In particular, Batkivshchyna is against any talks with representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics (DPR and LPR), the press service added.

In accordance with the legislation, an MP loses his mandate after being expelled from the faction. He shoudl also give up the mandate if he leaves the faction voluntarily.

Information recently surfaced that Savchenko left the Batkivshchyna party at the end of October. Earlier this week, Batkivshchyna party leader Yulia Tymoshenko said that Savchenko does not coordinate her actions with the faction, and the party will soon consider expelling her.

The defenders were accusing Lutsenko of forgery and encroachment on the right to defense committed by a group of persons in collusion

Yanukovich’s defense initiates criminal case over Ukrainian Prosecutor General

December 17, 2016 - Legal defense of the former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich has turned to the Office of the Prosecutor General with a demand to bring on a criminal case against Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko for the crime he has committed, lawyer Vitaly Serdyuk told TASS.

"I confirm the filing of petitions," he said, adding that defenders were accusing Lutsenko of forgery and encroachment on the right to defense committed by a group of persons in collusion.

"Lutsenko and the prosecutors shoved a ruling through court on arresting our customer and stuffed the petition with the misleading information that Yanukovich was allegedly hiding away from court, although a full package of documents on the customer’s absence for a valid reason had been filed previously," Serdyuk said.

He cited the risks for the former President’s life in Ukraine as a valid excuse, adding that there could be no consequences under law if good cause was present.

"Still they concealed these things and miscarriage of justice took place as a result of it," Serdyuk said.

Apart from Lutsenko, the defenders also plan to bring on criminal charges for Ukraine’s Chief Military Prosecutor Ruslan Kravchenko. They filed a similar petition with the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutorial Office.

On December 15, a court in Kiev issued permission to the Office of the Prosecutor General to arrest Yanukovich on charges of high treason. Vitaly Serdyuk said on the same day the defense would appeal the ruling in the courts of various instances up to the European Court for Human Rights.

The official spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, has commented on US President Barack Obama’s words on the inadmissibility of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries by proposing that Obama apologize to ex-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Zakharova slams Obama's hypocrisy: "Maybe he should apologize to Yanukovych now?"

December 15, 2016 - In a recent interview to NPR, departing President Obama stressed the necessity of “taking action when the government of any foreign country tries to influence the objectivity of elections,” having in mind the hacking attacks on the Democratic Party alleged to have been organized by Russia.

On her Facebook page, Zakharova quoted Obama and remarked: “Maybe he should apologize to Yanukovych now?”

In a Moscow court this week, ex-Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolay Azarov called the US the “curators” of the February 2014 coup in Kiev which resulted in the ousting of President Yanukovych. Azarov recalled the telephone conversation between Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the American Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, the recording of which was leaked on the internet. In this leaked conversation, the two American officials openly discussed the personal composition of a future Ukrainian government, criticizing some candidates and endorsing others.

In mid-February 2014, the Russian foreign ministry noted that the US was hiding behind appeals to not interfere in the free choice of the Ukrainian people, but was in deeds trying to impose a “Western orientation” on Ukraine’s development as the “only correct one” and dictating to the authorities of the sovereign country what they should do and how.

In September of this year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov once again accused the West of double standards in its approach to coups in different countries. He cited the situations in Turkey and Ukraine as examples. According to Lavrov, the US “invented the Russian threat” in the case of Ukraine to strengthen its influence in Europe.

Speaking of the putsch suppressed by Turkish authorities on July 15th-16th, Lavrov emphasized: “The double standards are obvious. What is now being said about the coup d’etat attempt in Turkey never would have entered the heads or come from the tongues of our Western partners about Ukraine - coups are unacceptable.”
Serious losses in Ukrainian army.UAF tried to break through the LPR front line close to Debaltsevo, Kiev lost 30 military units

Kiev troops tried to break through the positions of the Lugansk police LPR close to the settlements Kalinovka (Debaltsevo region).

‘Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to break through the settlement Kalinovka close to Debaltsevo’, it was said by the representative the People’s Police. ‘There is a battle now. UAF has serious losses’.

At least 30 Ukrainian servicemen were killed, a spokesman for the LPR militias said

Ukrainian troops attempt offensive neat (meet) Kalinovka in LPR - LPR militias

December 18, 2016 - Ukrainian troops attempted an offensive near the settlement of Kalinovka in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) on Sunday. As a result, at least 30 Ukrainian servicemen were killed, a spokesman for the LPR militias said.

"Ukraine’s armed forces attempted an offensive near the settlement of Kalinovka near Debaltsevo," Lugansk Inform Center quoted him as saying.

According to the spokesman, clashes in the area continue. "Ukrainian forces are sustaining serious losses. According to preliminary data, at least 50 Ukrainian troops have been killed and at least two armored vehicles have been destroyed," the source said.

On August 26, the parties to the Contact Group for settling the armed civil conflict in eastern Ukraine made a yet another, ninth, attempt to attain ceasefire. The agreement they reached suggests the ceasefire takes effect as of September 1. However the security situation in Donbass has not visibly improved, with the parties continuing to exchange accusations of ceasefire violations.

The United Kingdom will continue to provide training for the Ukrainian military until early 2018, according to UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon.

UK to Keep Providing Military Training for Ukrainian Army Until 2018

The United Kingdom will continue to provide training for the Ukrainian military until early 2018, UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said.

"Extending British training of Ukrainian Armed Forces sends a clear message that we support Ukraine and remain firmly committed to its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, in the face of a more belligerent Russia," Fallon said as quoted by ITV broadcaster.

More than 5,000 Ukrainian personnel will have been trained by the UK advisers by Match 2017. London also gifted Kiev 1 million pound ($1.25 million) worth of non-lethal military equipment.

The United Kingdom is not the only country to provide assistance for the Ukrainian army. The United States will advise on training up to four battalions in Ukraine throughout 2017. Since 2014, Washington has provided Kiev with $600 million in military assistance, including training, equipment and reform advisory effort, according to the US Department of Defense.

Canada began training members of Ukraine’s military in summer 2015. Within the framework of its training mission, Operation UNIFIER, Canada has 200 military personnel in Ukraine until March 31, 2017.

Vatican’s Ambassador to Ukraine said that Pope Francis may visit Ukraine’s eastern region of Donbas after peace is restored between the authorities in Kiev and local militias.

Pope Francis May Visit Ukraine’s Donbas After Restoration of Peace – Ambassador

Pope Francis may visit Ukraine’s eastern region of Donbas after peace is restored between the authorities in Kiev and local militias, Vatican’s Ambassador to Ukraine Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti said Sunday.

“When there is peace, ‘the time of brotherhood,’ the pope will certainly find an opportunity to come here and meet with people but the invitation of all sides is needed,” Gugerotti told journalists following his arrival in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) in Ukraine’s southeast. He added that at the moment Pope Francis was unable to pay a personal visit to the region but he had such a desire. The eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk have been in turmoil since April 2014, when authorities in Kiev launched a military operation against Donbas militia. In February 2015, the two sides agreed to a ceasefire after talks brokered by the leaders of Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine – the so-called Normandy Format – in the Belarusian capital, Minsk. Both sides in the conflict, however, have consistently accused each other of violating the ceasefire terms.

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Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis hold talks

Saturday, 17 December, 2016 - President Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis have held talks on issues of protection of Christians in regional conflict zones and cooperation in the current cultural-humanitarian sphere.

There was said in the statement: “Vladimir Putin wishes the pontiff a happy 80th birthday. The Russian president and Pope Francis exchanged views on the issues of protection of Christians in regional conflict zones and the importance of a constructive interconfessional dialogue to preserve moral principles in the international affairs”.

It seems that the West and international organizations are starting to change their stance on Ukraine, economics expert Igor Kovalev told Sputnik.

Wind of Change: US, Europe 'Review Their Stance on Ukraine'

In an interview with Sputnik, Igor Kovalev of the Moscow-based Higher School of Economics, specifically pointed to the West and international organizations starting to review their position on Ukraine.

The interview came after the International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s mission chief for Ukraine, Ron Van Rooden, said that Ukraine's $3 billion debt to Russia will be taken into consideration when the IMF is making its decision on the next tranche to Kiev.

The $3 billion loan was secured by the government of then-President Viktor Yanukovych in late 2013. Moscow has repeatedly stated that Kiev's inability to pay back the debt means a default thus rendering Ukraine unable to receive IMF help.

The IMF, for its part, altered its policy on defaulting debtors in late 2015, allowing the fund to continue lending to countries that have partially defaulted on their sovereign debt. Russia has filed a lawsuit against Ukraine over the issue.

Speaking to Sputnik, Kovalev described Ron Van Rooden's statement as a transparent signal toward Ukraine. "I think the IMF's statement indicates that the West (the US, Western Europe and international organizations) is reviewing its stance on Ukraine.They realize the fact that the reforms initiated by Ukrainian authorities are not effective and that these reforms are stalled. No one wants to continue to keep Ukraine and pay the money which is, as a rule, immediately stolen,” he said.

According to him, Ukraine will have to change its position on its hefty debt to Russia because "the IMF is most likely to return to its original practice stipulating that the organization does not allocate tranches to the countries that have the due-to-be-paid debts and do not recognize these debts, trying to challenge them, as Ukraine does. Kovalev pointed out that Kiev should not expect financial assistance from the IMF. "The IMF will not fully reimburse the debt of Ukraine to Russia. I think Kiev will finally have to repay the debt all by itself without hoping for a large-scale assistance from the IMF," he said. Ron Van Rooden has, meanwhile, said that it will take Ukraine a generation to catch up with the Central European economy even if the GDP growth rate increases up to five percent.

He added that the IMF wants to see the acceleration of reforms in Ukraine required for receiving the fund's financial aid.

In mid-September, the executive board of the IMF agreed to provide the new $1 billion tranche of financial aid to Ukraine despite the country being unable to settle its debt with Russia. The disbursement was then subject to the findings of the review.

On March 11, 2015, the IMF approved a four-year program of financial aid to Ukraine, which stipulates a $17.5-billion loan to be paid out in a number of installments over the next four years and originally open for review on a quarterly basis. Ukraine heavily relies on foreign aid to support its economy and to pay debts amid the ongoing armed conflict with independence supporters in the country's southeast.

Chechen Republic Leader Ramzan Kadyrov said that five militants responsible for a recent armed attack on police in the suburbs of the Grozny city were eliminated.

Five Militants Killed in Special Operation in Grozny - Chechen Republic Leader

Chechen security forces on Sunday killed five militants from a group responsible for a recent armed attack on police in the suburbs of the Grozny city, Chechen Republic Leader Ramzan Kadyrov said.

Earlier in the day, Kadyrov said that armed people attacked a policeman in Grozny on Saturday night, took his car and broke into the house of another officer.

Kadyrov told journalists that the five gunmen were the last militants from the group. Another four members were killed and two injured as a result of the Saturday raid. The Chechen leader added that the situation in the republic was stable.
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