Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Two civilians were wounded in shelling of a Donetsk suburb by Ukrainian troops, the local administration chief said.

Two Civilians Wounded in Shelling Attack on Donetsk Suburb by Ukrainian Army

"An elderly woman and her thirty-on-year old son were wounded as Ukrainian troops shelled the settlement of Trudovskiye," Maxim Zhukovsky said, Donetsk News Agency reported.

According to Zhukovsky, both received numerous wounds and were taken to hospital.

On October 15th, Italian journalist Silvia Missotti, the Russia correspondent for the Italian publication "L'Opinione Pubblica" interviewed a Serbian volunteer from the army of the Donetsk People's Republic known by the name Filip. Silvia Missotti has generously offered this text of the interview for exclusive publication on Fort Russ. Filip respectfully declined to be photographed or video-recorded.

Fort Russ Exclusive Interview with Serbian volunteer in Donbass

Silvia Missotti: Filip, please tell us briefly about yourself and why you decided to come to fight in the war in Donbass.

Filip: I was in the ranks of the DPR militia for 10 months starting in May 2014. Both then and now, other Serbs have come to fight. I served as an officer in the Serbian army for some time, so by the time I came to Donbass, I already had combat experience. I fought against Albanian terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija. So I was professionally ready for fighting in Donbass.

Why did I come to Donbass to fight on the side of the DPR? I consider this question unnecessary for a Serb. Russian volunteers fought in the Serbian army [in the Serbo-Turkish and Montenegrin-Ottoman wars of 1876] and then in the Bosnian Serbs’ army during the civil war in Yugoslavia. Serbs, in turn, fought in the ranks of the Russian army in the Russo-Japanese War [1904-1905]. Serbs and Russians are two bodies with one spirit. We came to help just like the Russians came to help us.

I also consider it necessary to emphasize that this land on which the fight is taking place is both Russian and Serbian land. In the 18th century, Serbs migrated to the Russian Empire and Novorossiya in particular. There were two Serb settlements here, Novoserbiya and Slavyano-Serbia (now Slavyansk). Back then there was no Ukraine, just Novorossiya and Malorossiya.

SM: What parties or movements in Serbia have organized sending Serbian volunteers?

F: No one in Serbia deals with organizing sending volunteers to this war. Serbia is closely controlled by Big Brother and so all politicians are afraid of playing any part in the fate of volunteers. We all come to Donbass at our own risk.

I personally was inspired by the moral example of Vojislav Seselj, a politician who until recently spent 12 years under investigation in the Hague before being acquitted. I consider myself a supporter of Seselj’s Serbian Radical Party, but I am not a member. I think that many Serbian volunteers share the same views and sympathies. It is no accident that there were many Chetniks among the Serbian volunteers in Crimea and Donbass.

SM: How many Serbs have taken part in the war in Donbass?

F: According to the information I have, up to 200 Serbs have fought at different times in the militias and armies of both Donbass republics. I can confidently say that Serbs have proven themselves in battle against the fascists and Western mercenaries. Unfortunately, not without losses. On Sunday October 16th, there was a funeral service for the Serbian volunteer Vladimir Stanimirovich. He was killed together with his commander, a volunteer from Russia with the callsign "Chelyab", in fierce fighting near Kominternovo. I didn’t know Vladimir, but my friends say he was a wonderful guy. He left a wife and small child at home. As the Serbian press has written, he didn’t tell his family that he was going to fight in Donbass. I am sure that Serbs and Russians will worthily avenge his death!

SM: What do you and your like-minded fellow Serbs see as the reason for the war in Donbass?

F: When fascists seized power in Ukraine and began banning the Russian language and imposing the cult of Bandera, the Russians of Donbass rose up. For them, this was a matter of their people’s survival. The hypocritical West, which cares about civil rights only in words, stubbornly does not want to see that the Ukrainian government is pursuing a policy of genocide against the Russian population. They ban the Russian language, but the whole population of Donbass and Novorossiya speaks Russian. They impose a cult of false heroes like Bandera and Shukhevych who were Hitler’s mercenaries, but the Russian Soviet army smashed Bandera’s units to smithereens.

The modern Ukrainian fascists will also be broken - I am sure of this. If the Ukrainian fascists don’t arrive at the truth, then the truth will come to them. And truth means retribution for their deeds. Unfortunately, then it will be too late to fix anything.

SM: What do you know about the Ukrainian side’s casualties and the losses among the civilian population of Donbass? The UN’s official data (from June 2016) speaks of 9,300 killed among soldiers and civilians, but Kiev suggests 2,870 among soldiers (as of March 1st, 2016). Yet independent sources say that the Ukrainians have lost more than 30,000 servicemen from all security structures. In your opinion, how accurate is this data?

F: It’s difficult for me to answer this question because I never studied the statistics of losses among the Ukrainians and civilian population. But my personal opinion is that the real losses are 10 times higher than the official statistics both for the Ukrainian military and the civilian population. I think that the true figure is closer to 30,000 killed from the UAF and other security agencies. However, it is possible that even this figure is too low.

My Russian comrades-in-arms told me that between the beginning of May 2014 and the beginning of serious fighting, the lake near Svyatogorsk [a small town near Lugansk where the famous Svyatogarsk Lavra Orthodox monastery is located] was littered with the corpses of Ukrainian soldiers. Plus a huge number of unburied bodies of Ukrainian soldiers laid along the road - I saw this with my own eyes in the summer of 2014.

But you won’t find these losses in official Ukrainian statistics, because the government is afraid to tell the people the truth. Otherwise, it would turn out that Poroshenko and the Ukrainian fascists are waging a war not only against Donbass, but against their own people.

SM: How do you assess your opponent - Ukrainian troops and Western mercenaries? What is their professional level and level of motivation?

F: Ukrainian soldiers have no desire to fight. Only the fascists from the volunteer battalions feel the urge to fight. But when Ukrainian artillery men are captured, they start making excuses that they didn’t know what they were shooting at. They are deliberately lying. I personally did not encounter any foreign soldiers, but I think that they are largely present as military advisors. The Americans value their lives too much to risk them in this war that they don’t even understand.

[It should be noted that Filip fought in Donbass from May 2014 until early 2015. In 2015, according to our sources in DPR and LPR military circles, the professional level of Ukrainian soldiers has since seriously increased. Our sources have also reported that they quite regularly encounter in battle foreign mercenaries, most often Poles. Their professional training level is assessed as very high]

SM: What can you say about Russia’s participation in affording humanitarian aid to Donbass?

F: If not for Russia, the losses among the civilian population of Donbass would be numbered not in the tens, but in the hundreds of thousands of lives, and maybe even millions. Russia opened its borders for refugees from Donbass and Ukraine, which allowed the number of victims to be reduced. A large amount of humanitarian aid has been brought in from Russia, first and foremost food and medicine. I know that even before the first “white Kamaz’s” [the cars of the Ministry for Emergency Situations which bring humanitarian loads], humanitarian cargo was gathered and sent by volunteers in Russia, by social organizations (for example, combat veterans, charity organizations, etc.), Cossacks, and political parties. I know people who put in so much work and literally saved numerous lives.

Russia’s aid was especially salvational in 2014 when the DPR and LPR had just gotten on their feet. Unfortunately, not everyone could be helped. People don’t like to talk about this, but many people, probably thousands, in Donbass died from hunger and disease. This is the cost of Ukrainian policy - real genocide against the people of Donbass.

SM: Since we are talking about Ukrainian politics then, in your opinion, what would happen to the population of Donbass if Ukraine reasserts control?

F: I think that this scenario is a fantasy. I am sure that Ukraine will never take the republics of Donbass. The republics have well prepared for meeting the aggressor and they have something to meet them with. And Russia is too serious of a power to allow Ukraine to accomplish the genocide of the people of Donbass. The Minsk Agreements consist of ensuring the defense of the population of the DPR and LPR from Ukrainian fascists’ revenge. Ukraine blatantly violates them, but if it tries to start a new war against Donbass, then it is Ukraine that will be the one that suffers first.

SM: What plans is Ukraine hatching against Donbass? What will Ukraine do if the dreams of the Ukrainian hawks are realized and Ukraine seizes Donbass?

F: Ukraine has already shown what plans it has for Donbass. They are about the same that Croatia did with the Republic of Serbian Krajina. [The Republic of Serbian Krajina comprised the Serbian enclave on the territory of self-proclaimed Croatia and was destroyed by Croatian troops with the tacit support of Western countries. Many Serbs were killed and many were expelled from the lands that they had inhabited for centuries].

Ukraine sees the entire population of Donbass as open or covert separatists. This means that part of the population will be killed and the other part expelled from their lands. I can say that the overwhelming majority of the population of Donbass consider themselves Russians and do not link their fate to Ukraine. A very sad fate would awaits them if the republics are taken over by the Ukrainians. Those who survive and aren’t expelled from their homes will be forcibly Ukrainianized. Europe will close its eyes and pretend that it doesn’t see violations of human rights against an entire people.

SM: Last question: what are your plans? Do you count on going back to Donbass and in what capacity?

F: I plan on returning to Donbass to finish the job. The fascist vermin must be destroyed. And we will destroy them. Ukraine has been given a breather by Minsk but has not used this opportunity to save itself. Now Ukraine has licked its wounds and is preparing a new war against Donbass. But this will be Ukraine’s last war.
Russian Emergencies Ministry Delivers 400 Tons of Humanitarian Aid to Donbass

Russia has again delivered some 400 tons of humanitarian aid to eastern Ukrainian regions, ministry’s press service said Thursday.

Russian Emergencies Ministry’s trucks have delivered some 400 tons of humanitarian aid to eastern Ukrainian Donetsk and Luhansk, ministry’s press service said Thursday.

“Over 40 trucks have arrived in Donetsk and Luhansk, carrying over 400 tons of humanitarian aid, mostly food and medicine,” the press service said.

Since 2014, when the internal Ukrainian conflict erupted, Russia delivered over 64,000 tons of humanitarian aid to local residents, helping to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe.
sToRmR1dR said:
Russian Emergencies Ministry Delivers 400 Tons of Humanitarian Aid to Donbass

Russia has again delivered some 400 tons of humanitarian aid to eastern Ukrainian regions, ministry’s press service said Thursday.

Russian Emergencies Ministry’s trucks have delivered some 400 tons of humanitarian aid to eastern Ukrainian Donetsk and Luhansk, ministry’s press service said Thursday.

“Over 40 trucks have arrived in Donetsk and Luhansk, carrying over 400 tons of humanitarian aid, mostly food and medicine,” the press service said.

Since 2014, when the internal Ukrainian conflict erupted, Russia delivered over 64,000 tons of humanitarian aid to local residents, helping to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe.

Hope this isn't just noise but watching how Putin and Russia are leading makes me think of Caesar and how he had many humanitarian tendencies. It's almost like a war of Peace and Humanitarianism against Aggression and Manipulation. I have never noticed many wars where the enemy is offered Amnesty (Syria) and Humanitarian Corridors for Escape.
Ukrainan and French Prime Minister have agreed on stregthening bilateral economic cooperation between the two countries, the press service of the Ukrainian government said Thursday.

Ukraine, France Agree to Intensify Economic Cooperation

Ukraine's Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman and his French counterpart Manuel Valls have agreed to enhance trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, the press service of the Ukrainian government said Thursday.

Groysman added that the work of the mixed Ukrainian-French intergovernmental commission and working groups would be launched in 2017 for the enhancing of bilateral economic ties.

The meeting of the ministers was held within the framework of Groysman’s working visit to France ahead of the Ukrainian-French business forum in Paris scheduled for Friday.

Vladimir Putin has a right to visit Crimea, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday.

Putin’s Visit to Crimea Russian Internal Affair, Does Not Concern Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a right to visit any region of Russia, including Crimea, and foreign states have nothing to do with it, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday when commenting on Ukraine’s protest note over Putin’s visit to Crimea.

On Wednesday, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry sent its formal protest to Moscow after Putin had arrived in the peninsula to take part in the regional forum of All-Russia People's Front called "Forum of action. Crimea." The two-day forum covered issues of energy, gas supplies, development of agricultural industry and other promising sectors of the economy. “Ukraine usually expresses protest. And we, traditionally, do not take into account these protests, because the president visits those regions of Russia, which he considers necessary to visit. It is the Russian internal business and does not concern any other state, including Ukraine,” Peskov told reporters.

Crimea, Russia's historical southern region, seceded from Ukraine to rejoin Russia in March 2014. Almost 97 percent of the region's population voted for reunification in a referendum. Sevastopol, which has a federal city status, supported the move by 95.6 percent of votes. The referendum was held after a coup in Ukraine in February 2014. Kiev, as well as the European Union, the United States and their allies, did not recognize the move and consider the peninsula to be an occupied territory.

During a press conference in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, official spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told journalists that Ukraine is purposefully disinforming the public on the question of providing weapons to OSCE observers in Donbass.

Zakharova: Kiev's talk of an armed OSCE mission is disinformation

Kiev’s statement that some kind of agreement on deploying an OSCE police mission in Donbass has been achieved does not match reality. The mission will have a purely civil character,” Zakharova explained.

According to her, Russia supported the possibility of providing observers with service weapons during discussions, but the issue did not go forward due to a lack of consensus.

Zakharova added that the deployment of a police mission is possible only on the contact line.

Last week, an event occurred capable of revolutionizing not only Ukraine, but all of Eastern and part of Central Europe. On October 20th, the Ukrainian parliament adopted the Declaration of Memory and Solidarity of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. This document condemned the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and modern Russian policy and remarked that “the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact concluded by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany led to the Second World War.”

Ukraine just officially declared itself an illegitimate state up for grabs

Let’s set aside pseudo-scholarly interpretations of what is officially called the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact but is more famously known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. This agreement was preceded by Western countries’ (England and France’s) unprecedented concessions to German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. These included the betrayal of Czechoslovakia by the Munich Agreement (which British Prime Minister Chamberlain praised as “peace for our time”) followed by the invasion of the country in late September 1938 by the troops of Hitler’s Germany, Poland, and Hungary. Stalin’s USSR (of which I am no supporter) consistently sought to create a common European system of defense against Hitler’s Germany in contrast to the USSR of Lenin and Trotsky which in the early 1920’s sought to bring revolutionary war to Europe.
But England, the chief architect of interwar Europe, deliberately pushed Hitler to the East for the Third Reich and Soviet Union to collide.

As early as 1934, the foreign policy leaders of the Second Polish Republic had concluded a nonaggression pact with Germany 5 years before the analogous agreement concluded by the Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, but refused to sign a nonaggression pact with the USSR. Poland paid for its anti-Soviet (in fact anti-Russian) policies and complicity in the occupation of Czechoslovakia with the loss of its independence and enormous human losses. England paid for such with a one-on-one war with Hitler’s Germany that lasted a whole year, during which only the insular island position of the English saved them from German occupation. Soviet Russia paid for this with the bloodiest war in its history, from which it emerged as the victor and liberator of all of Europe. The leaders of today’s Europe are not inclined to gratitude towards Russia for its historic mission and the millions of Russians who laid down their lives on the altar of European freedom.

Ukraine, a state which can count only a quarter century of existence, has no historical tradition, historical memory, nor strategic thinking. Thus, its current establishment is incapable of even thinking about the immediate consequences of its resolution on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. And these consequences will be very bitter for Ukraine.

Today’s Poland is already talking about restitution, i.e., the return of Poles’ property in the Kresy, i.e., the eastern lands which belonged to Poland before the Second World War and amount to 5 regions of modern Ukraine (Galicia and Volyn) and Western Belarus and Lithuania. By condemning the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Ukraine is automatically condemning its sovereignty over 5 western regions therin recognized as illegally seized from Poland.

Not so long ago, Verkhovna Rada Speaker Parubiy called for a visa regime to be introduced with Russia, thereby depriving 5 million Ukrainian “guest workers” of bread and solid earnings. The consequences of the Rada’s resolution on October 20th go even further by questioning the territorial borders of contemporary Ukraine, of which President Putin once said half belong to Russia and half to Eastern Europe.

The condemnation of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact done to curry favor with the Poles is not Ukraine shooting itself in the foot, but shooting itself in the head to spite its Russian neighbor.

Poles will undoubtedly take advantage of Ukrainians’ fantastic foolishness and will one day demand that their lands be returned, in particular Lvov, their “Cemetery of Eaglets” that is so sacred to Poles’ historical memory. They will also demand their territorial share of Czech Republic, the lands of Transcarpathian Rus that they lost in 1945 and are now Ukraine’s, Romanian Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina which were annexed in 1940 and transferred to Soviet Ukraine, and Hungary’s part of Transcarpathia, now also part of Ukraine. All of these lands were acquired by Ukraine thanks to Stalin’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs, Vyacheslav Molotov, who has now been condemned by the Verkhovna Rada as the initiator of the Second World War.

Ukraine’s state actors, being so devoid of any historical and state experience and tradition, do not bother to look so “far” (beyond their own noses) into the future. The issue of territorial claims being raised against Ukraine by its current allies in the West is only a matter of time. As long as the West needs Ukraine as a springboard for war against Russia, Ukraine’s sovereignty over its western territories criminally acquired thanks to Stalin and Molotov will not be challenged. But as soon as the situation changes, the West will suddenly “remember” the territory of Soviet Ukraine, which today’s successor state of Ukraine has called “the totalitarian USSR”, and demand that its historical debts be paid off.

This will concern not only Ukrainians, but also Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Lithuanians, Romanians, and Russians. The Ukrainians have launched a domino effect whose consequences will be felt across all of Europe.

According to the resource, heavy artillery and mortars of 120mm and 82mm caliber were used by the hostility.

Elenovka was subjected to the severe shelling of Ukrainian side last night

Villages Aleksandrovka and Trudovskie were targeted also. Suburbs of Yasinovataya and Ozaryanovka close to Gorlovka were attacked by Kiev junta troops. Altogether 110 mines were launched.

Remember that Elenovka was targeted by Kiev troops many times. It was even occupied by Ukraine in summer 2014.

Tragedy in Elenovka at the checkpoint happened in April 2016 when Kiev military units started shelling civilians who wanted to cross the checkpoint to the side of Ukraine.

War crimes as Coup leader Poroshenko and his Nazi henchmen of the Ukraine Junta military once again unleash a barrage of heavy weapons fire on civilian areas of the Lugansk Republic. Our Sister Republic constantly attacked by the Kiev Junta, which is backed by the Obama Regime and terrorist organization NATO who have supplied deadly weapons and given the green light to target our civilians especially during school and business hours ! As reported ,Nazi Kiev forces shelled LPR territory four times over the past 24 hours, LPR defense authorities said.

Once Again Nazi Kiev Forces Bombing Civilian Areas Of Our Sister Republic Lugansk, Coup Leader Poroshenko Giving Green Light To Kill

Maryevka village area was hit with 82mm mortars and AGS automatic grenade launcher rounds fired from the direction of Zolotoye.

Ukrainian Junta forces also fired AGS at Kalinovo village area from Novozvanovka direction.

“There were no casualties,” said LPR People’s Army.
Ukraine moves massive force up to Lugansk frontline

October 28, 2016 - Fort Russ News -
Novorossiya reports - translated by J. Arnoldski -

The UAF command is continuing to redeploy heavy equipment and militants to the frontline.

Lugansk People’s Republic intelligence has reported the concentration of shock troops of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the frontline in the Stanitsa-Lugansk district. This was reported to a correspondent of Novorossiya Information Agency today at a briefing in Lugansk by the LPR People’s Militia’s official spokesperson, Major Andrey Marochko.

Marochko reported: “A strike force of the UAF has been concentrated in the residential area of Krasny Oktyabr composed of the 15th motorized infantry brigade which accounts for around 3,500 soldiers and more than 200 armored vehicles.”

“It has also been established that in the zone of responsibility of the UAF’s 93rd brigade in the Orekhovo district, an unidentified unit of the Ukrainian National Guard has arrived whose composition includes a tactical company armed with two 2B9 Vasilek mortars of 82 mm calibre and AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers,” Marochko added.

Later, Marochko added that “according to intelligence data obtained from agent sources, in the residential area of Nizhny Minchenko of the Stanitsa-Lugansk district, an APC has arrived accompanied by a missile launcher, presumably a BUK anti-aircraft missile complex.”

“In addition, in the residential area of Nizhneteploe, the ‘Night Shades’ nationalist volunteer battalion has arrived. The troops of this unit are positioning themselves as a separate reconnaissance battalion. The distinctive sign on the uniform of these fighters is a bat. According to our data, they could be reorganized as part of the Volyn-2 Ukrainian territorial defense battalion,” the LPR’s defense ministry’s spokesperson added.
Once again, the Ukrainian electorate is being taken for a grand ride and being stirred up. Whether unfortunately or fortunately, our information field overlaps with the raging infofield of our neighbors, and we have the opportunity to observe in real time the nervous breakdown of particularly impressionable citizens in neighboring Ukraine.

Kiev officials forced to declare incomes, Ukrainians threaten revolt

Some Russian connoisseurs take pleasure in this spectacle, and this are understandable. The point is that Western advisors have forced Ukrainian politicians and officials to declare their income and assets and open up testaments of this information for public access. Due to the primitiveness of the Ukrainian political class, which loves to steal a lot openly and is also full of confidence that nothing will happen, the contents of their declarations of assets was simply extravagant.

Speaking plainly, reading the declarations of the leaders of the Maidan leaves its supporters in depression or rage. Some people particularly sensitive in nature are going mad and falling into depression at the same time. They can also be understood. It’s not pleasant for anyone to feel like a sucker and loser who has been let down in the most primitive way.

In this sense, Poroshenko’s declaration of assets is not so impressive, since his wealth is already widely known. Some Ukrainians are even proud that Poroshenko is richer than Putin and many American presidents. But the declarations of ordinary members of the Ukrainian political class are shocking.

For example, Verkhovna Rada deputy Demchak, the deputy chairman of the committee regulating banking operations, revealed a bank account with 2,000 UAH and 133 million UAH in cash. Besides obvious questions as to the origins of this wealth, there’s also the high trust which only a politician responsible for Ukrainian banks could have in the Ukrainian banking system.

133 million UAH in cash looks very patriotic because the rest of Ukrainian politicians also prefer cash, but dollars or euros, not gryvnia.

The declaration of Gontareva, the head of the National Bank of Ukraine, revealed $1.8 million and only 62,000 UAH. I think that all questions about the prospects of the Ukrainian currency’s course can be left aside, as the question as to how Gontareva has this money is what will continue to excite inquisitive Ukrainian citizens.

In general, Ukrainian officials’ declarations are reminiscent of fragments from the works of Ilf and Petrov about petty schemers who seized too much power. Formerly poor politicians suddenly find a collection of antique paintings, tons of cash money, antique books, jewelry, and large plots of land and shares in commercial companies.

The reactions to all of this on social networks are also fascinating. For example, social network users write that the declarations “destroyed faith in the country” or dismayed them for having been sent to the ATO for “the last 5 gryvnia” while deputies were earning millions. Other users expect a “short and merciless revolt” which, this time, is supposed to bring genuinely honest professionals to power.

Politicians and their paid trolls are calling disgruntled citizens “pinheads” and demanding that they rejoice that they’ve been allowed to see how the successful and hard-working leaders of the Maidan live, who have by leaps and bounds been leading Ukraine towards its bright European future.

I am especially touched by those who sincerely believe that the asset declarations are a kind of silver bullet with which the Americans are killing Ukrainian corruption. This is nonsense. As a kind of humanitarian assistance to the fraternal Ukrainian people, I’ll tell you why this happened and how it will end.

Let’s start with the most simple. No Maidan was needed to force deputies and officials to submit declarations. Seriously, not at all. In Russia, officials have long had to submit declarations and they are meticulously studied by relevant authorities and opposition activists. This is the first point.

Secondly, the Americans are forcing Ukrainian officials to submit declarations not because they care about ordinary Ukrainians, but because they are trying to improve the culture of the colonial administration, i.e., take out of the picture those politicians who are too stupid to organize theft even by South American standards. Roughly speaking, the declarations made it clear why Poroshenko is president. At least he knows how to use offshore companies and doesn’t stuff bags with cash.

Thirdly, those who think that the system of declaring assets is a guarantee that there will be no more corruption are very naive people. Similar systems exist in South America, Europe, Asia, and even Moldova. This system keeps complete idiots out of government, but makes little difference overall.

Fourthly, the only real benefit of this system is that those who are now offended over having received only 5 gryvnia can guess that these millions of euros and dollars in cash didn’t fall to deputies from the sky, but came from giving others only 5 gryvnia. Unfortunately, people haven’t realized this yet. Those who are outraged on social networks can’t even use logic to remember that the “vatniks” and “colorados” of Donbass warned them about this before.

Fifthly, there will be no revolt. No one was smart enough to set aside money for this, and color revolutions don’t happen without money. Ukrainian politicians will continue to plunder their fellow citizens who, after the recent scandals, now believe that the fight against corruption is going at full speed…

Finally, judging by media reports, the Netherlands still haven't ratified the association agreement with Ukraine. There is the chance that studying the lists of Ukrainian politicians’ assets will distract Ukrainians from such sad thoughts. They will continue to believe that the Maidan was for the association agreement with the EU, not for the sake of Gontareva or Poroshenko’s millions. This means that they still have a lot of surprises awaiting them. As long as they do not admit that they made a foolish mistake, the situation will not change for the better.

Twenty two houses got damaged in Dokuchaevsk as a result of night shelling by Kiev military units. It has been reported recently by the Head of local administration Aleksandr Kachanov.

Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out severe shelling at Dokuchaevsk

It was earlier reported that a civil man got wounded in the village Yasnoe close to Dokuchaevsk as a sequence of the Ukrainian shelling. A man of 73 years became a victim of Ukrainian aggression. Wounded man was delivered to the hospital of Dokuchaevsk where he was provided medical aid.

Experts of the Public Commission on fixation of War Crimes examined locality of the shelling in Makeevka city on October 27 2016.

Makeevka targeted by Ukrainian Forces from Avdeevka

Witnesses were questioned in time of the examination, photo fixation was made, fragments were found and were withdrawn, with a help of which blasting-technical study is held to determine the types of exploded armamaent.

Damages as a result of fragments of exploded missile appeared on houses on Heroes of Stalingrad St. 40/70 in Makeevka, house 7 on 50-Years of USSR (Gazata St.) in Makeevka are a result of artillery shelling from the direction 320-330 º, direction to the north, or north-west+50-60 º taking into account the measurement uncertainty.

Thus, it was fixed that the shelling was carried out from Avdeevka controlled by troops of the Ukrainian junta.

The Commission is headed by Aleksay Zhugulin, Deputy of the People’s Council of the DPR, co-author of monographs ‘Documenting of War Crimes in conditions of armed conflict’

Outraged by the rise of vandalism against memorials to Soviet soldiers in Poland, a group of volunteers has pledged to restore any damaged monuments. Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman thanked the Polish patriots for preserving the common history of the two states.

Bless The Volunteers Of Poland Who Are Protecting And Restoring Damaged Monuments Of Soviet Soldiers Of The Great Patriotic War

Polish activist Erzy Tyc, who heads a movement restoring and preserving memorials to Soviet soldiers in the Eastern European country, has visited Russia and met with Foreign Ministry representative Maria Zakharova.

Having thanked the Polish enthusiasts on behalf of the Russian people, Zakharova said that the members of the movement are people who know and respect the history of the two nations, “and preserve it for the future generations.” “These are unique people, not just our Polish friends, but brothers, who know and love our common history and cherish it for us in Poland,”Zakharova said.

For four years Tyc and his associates have been taking care of memorials to Soviet soldiers who fought against the Nazis during World War Two in Poland. The movement also restores monuments that have been vandalized.
Terrorist State: Ukraine threatens to shoot down Belarusian civilian plane

November 1, 2016 -
By Eduard Popov for Fort Russ - translated by J. Arnoldski -

On November 1st, Sputnik Belarus published the scandalous transcript of talks between the crew of a Belavia Belarusian Airlines plane and Ukrainian dispatchers. On October 22nd, a civilian aircraft of Belavia Belarusian Airlines flew from the Zhulyany Airport near Kiev to Minsk. When the plane was 50 km away from the Belarusian border, the plane’s crew received a message from the Zhulyany airport’s dispatch service demanding that they immediately return to the point of departure. The dispatcher stated that, if the plane failed to comply with the demands, fighter jets would be sent. The Ukrainian dispatcher said: “For failure to comply, military aircraft will be sent up to intercept you.”

In so doing, Kiev authorities almost repeated the tragedy of the Malaysian Boeing shot down over Ukrainian airspace on July 14th, 2014. Not even that was the first time. On October 4th, 2001, Ukrainian air defenses shot down a Tu-154 Russian civilian plane flying from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk over the Black Sea, killing all 78 people on board.

Ukraine has a rich experience of destroying civilian aircraft. In fairness, however, the shooting down of the Tu-154 in 2001 was not a malicious act by Ukraine, but a tragedy brought on by the astonishing incompetence and unprofessionalism of Ukrainian soldiers. The Russian airliner was shot down by mistake during Ukrainian air defense exercises.

Nevertheless, the events of 2001 and 2014 have one thing in common: the Kiev authorities’ complete irresponsibility. It’s difficult to say what guided Ukraine to direct the Malaysian Boeing’s route over Ukrainian territory where active combat operations were raging. This was either a conscious act in which Ukrainian air defenses or air forces shot down a civilian plane in order to then blame the militias of Donbass, or a purposeful arrangement of conditions for the plane to be shot down by the militia. In any case, there is no doubt that Kiev is guilty, even if we put aside the very reasonable theory that the Boeing was shot down in the air by a Ukrainian air force aircraft.

Just like in the case of the Malaysian Boeing, Ukraine categorically denied its guilt for the catastrophe of 2001. Ukraine refused to compensate the material and moral damage to Siberia Airlines, to which the Tu-154 belonged, and the families of those killed.

There is also much that is unclear with the incident on October 22nd. What did Ukraine hope to achieve with such a gesture? The official version of Ukraine’s SBU counter-intelligence, as is known, says that there was a suspicious person onboard the Belarusian plane, but just who is not specified. This version is not serious. Literally an hour after landing at the airport in Minsk, another flight from Kiev landed with a passenger of interest to the SBU. But he was not even interrogated!

Given the absence of reliable information, it is possible to construct arbitrary assumptions. But none contribute to increasing confidence in Ukraine, which increasingly resembles a child playing with matches or a monkey with a grenade.

Perhaps the explanation for such strange and aggressive behavior by the Ukrainian side should be sought not onboard the Belavia flight, but in the offices of Ukrainian officials and politicians.

Kiev is displeased by official Minsk’s policies. In August, Belarusian territory hosted joint exercises for the paratroopers of CSTO countries, including, of course, Russia. In November, Serbia, Russia, and Belarus will also hold joint paratrooper exercises in Serbia, codenamed “Slavic Brotherhood 2016.” In terms of military cooperation, Belarus continues to be a member of the Union State with Russia, which does not please the current Kiev regime. According to some reports, many Belarusians are fighting in Donbass on both sides of the barricades and there are two times more Belarusian volunteers supporting the Donbass republics than there are Belarusian neo-Nazis fighting in the ranks of Ukrainian battalions.

The list of Ukraine’s dissatisfactions with its Belarusian neighbor goes on. Can we assume that the threat to use violence up to opening fire on a civilian airliner is an act of intimidation or coercion? In such a case, Ukraine would be making it clear to Minsk that it will resort to extreme means if Belarus continues to pursue a pro-Russian military-political course.

This theory is, frankly, unprovable and perhaps erroneous. But it at least allows one to explain the actions of the Ukrainian side for which the Ukrainians themselves have no logical explanation to offer.

Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case against four more commanders of the Ukrainian armed forces involved in the shellings of civilians in Donbass, IC acting spokeswoman Svetlana Petrenko said on Tuesday.

The commanders carried out artillery shellings of facilities of civilian infrastructure and civilians in the Donbass region (Formerly Ukraine’s south-east) this March “in violation of provisions of international laws guaranteeing the respect for and protection of the rights of civilians,” the statement said.

The criminal cases have been opened against commander of the 72nd separate motorized brigade of the Ukrainian forces Col. Andrei Sokolov, commander of the 93rd separate motorized brigade Col. Vladislav Klochkov, commander of the 30th separate motorized brigade Vitaly Yakubov and commander of the 1st battalion of the 14th separate motorized brigade Mikhail Prokopiv.

According to investigators, on March 15 and March 16 Sokolov, Klochkov and other servicemen of the 72nd and 93rd brigades carried out the targeted artillery shelling of Yasinovataya and Staromikhailovka in the Donetsk region, destroying the infrastructure of a checkpoint, power lines and several private houses.

On March 16, Yakubov and other troops of the 30th brigade shelled a house in Gorlovka wounding two civilians. In late March, Prokopiv and other servicemen of the 14th brigade shelled the Petrovsky and Kievsky districts of Donetsk, wounding one civilian and destroying several houses, the spokeswoman said.

Another criminal investigation has been launched into the artillery shelling of houses in Makeyevka on October 27 carried out from military hardware. Two people were killed and at least five others were wounded. The civilian infrastructure and houses were destroyed, she said. The investigation is ongoing.

Maksim Teorenter Receives 14 Years Behind Bars For The Assassination Attempt On Our President Of Donetsk Republic

The Supreme Court of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has sentenced the organizer of attempted homicide of Alexander Zakharchenko, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), to 14 years behind bars.

“Today, the Supreme Court passed a verdict on Maksim Teorenter, the organizer of an attempted homicide on the republic’s head, Alexander Zakharchenko,” a source at the DPR Ministry of State Security told the Donetsk News Agency.

“He was sentenced to 14 years behind bars,” the source stressed.

According to the agency, the convict is an agent of Ukraine’s Security Service who planted a bomb at the Artemida pistol club in Donetsk.

On April 28, the DPR Ministry of State Security thwarted a terror attack on the republic’s head, Alexander Zakharchenko. A group of saboteurs, comprising Ukrainian nationals, was arrested. They had crossed into the DPR from the Kiev-controlled territory and had brought a powerful explosive device with them. The Ministry of State Security established that the suspects had studied Zakharchenko’s itineraries and places of stay in advance and had planned to assassinate the DPR leader at the Donetsk-based Artemida pistol club

The U.S. Regime Uses The Ukraine Junta As A Chess Piece In It’s Ugly Game To Keep Sanctions In Place Against Russia ! LPR Envoy Vladislav Deinego

Lugansk People’s Republic envoy to Minsk negotiations Vladislav Deinego said US authorities use Ukraine as a bargaining chip to promote the idea that EU sanctions against Russia must stay in place.

Deinego said so in comments on the statement by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden that Kiev should deliver on its promise of economic and political reforms.

In late September, Biden said “We know that if they (Kiev) give an excuse to the EU, there are at least five countries right now that want to say ‘We want out'” of sanctions against Moscow.”

“He (Biden) said the following: “look at what we have now: five European countries do not see the need to prolong sanctions against Russia. They’re tired of these sanctions. The thing is that Ukraine is quite reasonably accused of non-compliance with the Minsk Agreements,” Deinego said.

“Ukraine should adhere to the Minsk Agreements only for the sake of not being accused of failing it. This non-compliance is a pretext for lifting sanctions. Consequently, the USA treats Ukraine as a bargaining chip, with anti-Russian sanctions being the key concern,” the LPR official said.
The "timing" of the NATO 'Strategic Advisors' setting up a base of operations in Ukraine, on the heels of Trumps election is interesting. NATO has had a strong presents in Ukraine, to begin with and they might be concerned with Trump's statements - that he would like to work closer with Russia and Putin. I think, if the Ukraine people had a choice - they would rather be part of and under the guidance of the Motherland, Russia? The Obama Administration has been keeping Poroshenko's Kiev financially afloat and there may be some indication that the Trump Administration might alter that agreement, giving the Ukrainian's a chance to choose for themselves?

NATO 'strategic advisors' from the US, the UK, Canada and Lithuania arrived in Ukraine on Tuesday as part of an ongoing effort to reorganize Ukraine's military to alliance standards. However, Kiev's acknowledgement that the advisors also "discussed the situation in the east of Ukraine" has observers concerned.

Obama's Parting Gift to Kiev? NATO 'Strategic Advisors' Set Up Shop in Ukraine

Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak met with the advisors on Tuesday. According to a Ministry press release, the meeting was devoted to "proceeding to the practical stage of work" between NATO strategists and the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Poltarok stressed that alliance advice and assistance at all levels was crucial, and that advisors would soon be meeting with the heads of the Defense Ministry reform subcommittees.

Worryingly, the Defense Minister also confirmed that the two sides "discussed the situation in eastern Ukraine." That region has been embroiled in a civil war since April 2014, when Kiev moved its army into the Donbass, where local residents came out in opposition to the Maidan coup d'état in February of that year. Locals quickly formed militia units, and the two sides fought a fratricidal war against one another until February 2015, when they agreed to a ceasefire deal in talks brokered by Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine in the Belarusian capital of Minsk.

A shaky ceasefire has been in place ever since, although violations are regularly reported. Kiev has been criticized for refusing to adhere to the Minsk peace plan by insisting that its provisions can be fulfilled out of order. Leaders of the self-proclaimed Donbass republics, meanwhile, say that the agreement's thirteen points must be implemented in the order they were agreed to.

It remains unclear what exactly the NATO advisors' tasks will be in the Donbass, given the unstable situation there, but Kiev's guests assured their hosts that they have "a lot of ideas on the exchange of experience and the development of bilateral relations."

Observers have described the advisors' presence and their focus on the situation in the Donbass as "alarming," adding that these NATO officials could "advise President Poroshenko to repeat the 2008 Georgian scenario in the Donets Basin," i.e. to restart the war in the east.

NATO and Ukraine have several agreements on the provision of assistance to modernize the country's military, but this is the first time in recent memory that officials publically admitted to strategic discussions at a senior level regarding the conflict in Donbass. Before that, since 2014, when Kiev gave up its non-aligned status, Ukraine's Armed Forces have hosted NATO advisors in the country's western and central regions with regularity.

Ukrainian media confirmed the significance of Tuesday's meeting by pointing out that the NATO 'strategic advisors' included very senior figures — US four star General John Abizaid, ex-commander of USCENTCOM, and Nick Parker, former Commander Land Forces of the British Army.

Asked whether the NATO mission is an indication that Kiev is considering new military designs on Donbass, Russian political scientist Vladimir Zharikhin responded by underscoring that the mission, led by the United States, is part of an outgoing administration in Washington.

"The situation has changed somewhat after elections in the US," the expert explained. "Secondly, the problem with the Ukrainian military is not that there is a lack of trained generals and officers. They are trained well enough, many of them graduates of Soviet military academies. The main problem is that the army does not feel that it is fighting for a just cause. And here no advice will be able to help – especially from retired generals and admirals who for many years fought with little apparent success in Iraq and Afghanistan."

As for the prospect of advisers being used to plan a new round of military action in the Donbass, Zharikhin suggested that it is probably (and thankfully) too late for this scenario. "In early October, I was really concerned that this might happen. There were fears that the Clinton team, if it felt that it was losing the race, might try to repeat the trick used by John McCain, who during the 2008 presidential rate (race ?) attempted to turn the tables against Obama through military adventurism in Georgia. For three weeks McCain polled ahead of Obama on a wave of anti-Russian feeling."

But considering Clinton's electoral defeat, and the presence of OSCE peacekeepers in Donbass (making it difficult to pin any aggression on the Donbass republics), Zharikhin noted that it's unlikely Kiev will renew any military offensive. "In the next six months, the Trump administration will be working to figure out the situation," he said. "I don't want to say that he is a 'peace dove', but he will be working to understand what's what. Only after that will he begin any steps in one direction or another."

On Tuesday, Donald Trump became the 45th president-elect of the United States. The news sent shockwaves around the world. Russia's president congratulated Trump on his victory, and voiced his hope that the two countries could work to overcome the crisis in US-Russia relations. Officials in Kiev, meanwhile, have been left frustrated and subdued.

Denial, Frustration, Outrage: Kiev Having Trouble Dealing with Trump Victory

After securing his victory, Trump was congratulated by leaders from around the world. President Putin sent the president-elect an official telegram, wishing him success in taking on the serious task of being head of state. Later on Wednesday, Putin reiterated again that Moscow is prepared to restore full-fledged relations with the US.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has extended apologies to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko over the recent incident with a Belarusian passenger plane, Belarusian television reported Thursday.

Ukraine's Poroshenko Apologizes for Forcing Belarusian Plane to Land

On October 21, a Minsk-bound Belavia flight was forced by the Ukrainian authorities to return to the Zhulyany airport in Kiev. There were 136 passengers and six crew members on board.

"Petro Poroshenko has apologized for the incident with a Belarusian plane," Belarus 1 state-owned television channel said.

A court in the Crimean city of Sevastopol said on Thursday it had ordered the detention of three people accused of sabotage in the city on the instructions of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

Crimea Court Orders Detention of Three Ukrainian Defense Ministry Saboteurs

Earlier in the day, Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) said that a Ukrainian Defense Ministry's secret subversive group had been detained in Sevastopol on suspicion of preparing acts of sabotage on military sites in Crimea. High-explosive materials, weapons and supplies, as well as maps of potential target sites have been seized from the detained suspects

"All three suspects were arrested by the court for two months," the court told RIA Novosti.

Former Georgian politician and wanted criminal Mikhail Saakashvili has announced his resignation from the post of governor of Ukraine’s Odessa region. Saakashvili accused Ukrainian Petro Poroshenko of covering up corruption and failing to fulfill promises.

Saakashvili resigns as Odessa governor, declares war on Poroshenko

“I wanted there to be the same tempo of development here as in Batumi. But Batumi started to develop only after Tbilisi was liberated from the corrupt. And Odessa will start to develop only after Kiev is liberated from the corrupt who are patronizing banditry and lawlessness, including in the Odessa region. Therefore, in this situation, I’ve decided to resign and begin a new stage of struggle. I will not give up…I am a soldier who will do as much as I can and as much as is necessary to rid Ukraine of this filth that has betrayed the idea of the Ukrainian Revolution and who have only one motivation - lining their own pockets,” Saakashvili stated.

Saakashvili announced his resignation in front of the new administrative building of the Odessa seaport.

“I’ve really had enough. I am really tied. We can see that the forces of regress are attacking everything progressive. All new beginnings are being nipped in the bud. All of this is happening in front of the very eyes of all of Ukraine. What difference is there for Ukrainians - who will treat them more carelessly - Poroshenko or Yanukovych?…When we spoke about how we would change everything, President Poroshenko told me that Yatsenyuk is hindering him. We created a movement for purging and helped get rid of Yatsenyuk. And how did this end?…No one in my life has ever deceived me so cynically!”, Saakashvili screamed into the microphone.

During an ongoing press conference in Donetsk, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko, revealed the names of two Ukrainian officials involved in the organization of the attack which killed Hero of the Republic Arsen Pavlov (Motorola).

Zakharchenko reveals names of Motorola assassins

“I am ready to name those involved in the murder of Motorola. According to our intelligence, Vitaly Malikov, who advised sabotage and terrorist activity in Donbass, the head of the Donetsk region SBU, Akut, and a number of responsible employees and representatives of the SBU headquarters participated in preparing and committing this crime,” the head of the DPR stated.

Zakharchenko added that the republic’s criminal investigators already have the full list of persons involved in the organization of this crime, but the DPR is not yet going to name all the names. In addition, the identity of the exact persons who committed the terrorist act are being determined.

Zakharchenko emphasized: “I assure you that these names will be determined, that these people will be found and, at the request of the father of Motorola’s bodyguard, will be give these names to Abkhazia as well.”

On October 16th, Motorola, the commander of the Sparta battalion and a colonel of the DPR army, was killed by an explosive device set up by Ukrainian saboteurs in the elevator in his apartment building. Motorola’s bodyguard was also killed. The authorities of the DPR have qualified the crime as a terrorist attack.
Georgia Reconsidering Russia

Nov. 10, 2016

The end of October was marked by the second round of parliamentary elections in Georgia. The governing party Georgian Dream is celebrating the victory. And there is a reason to celebrate: the party not only won the legislative polls, but also preserved the country control levers. The current situation in Georgia implies that the second is the automatic result of the first.

Parliamentary election campaign 2016 was quite intense and competitive. And the discussions about Mikhail Saakashvili’s possible return to office, him currently being on the wanted list in Georgia, spiced the whole situation. Not long before the first round of the elections Georgian information space was filled with proofs of the country destabilization being prepared by M. Saakakshvili with public buildings takeover resulting from the United National Movement (ENM) election failure. No man ever steps in the same river twice - and ENM actually failed the elections, though no forcible attempts to «change» the results followed the elections, the gap between the two parties was too obvious. After the two rounds of elections the governing party did win the elections getting the constitutional parliamentary majority as well. After the 2012 elections Georgian Dream had 85 seats in parliament while ENM had 65, this year resulting 115 against 27. Thus, the governing party almost repeated the 2008 success of the nationals with ENM getting 119 parliamentary seats.

The election results prove the fact that in the last decade a two-party political system did form in Georgia. Georgian Dream and the United National Movement stay in harsh opposition, although they manage to represent the point of view of the politically active majority in Georgia. The two-party election results of 2012 could be treated as a political coincidence, given that the current results make it seem more like a tendency.

It should be noted that another party, Alliance of Patriots of Georgia, has got six mandates in Georgian parliament. This political power is in favor of EU Association Agreement ratification being suspended. Its influence is very limited, though the national-level parliamentary presence of anti-western and anti-turkish minority alongside with the mainstream Dream is quite notable. Such elections results are no random coincidence of the electorate views, weather, political technologies, or anything of the kind. The Georgian society has been reconsidering its attitude towards Russia for the last several years. And it appears more obvious in the survey results on geopolitical priorities. For example, according to EDB Integration Barometer-2016, Georgia has not been in the priority country list with EU-focused geopolitical vector since 2015. Moreover, Georgia had positive dynamics in mutual attraction value change towards Russia between 2012-2013 and 2015-2016, a similar situation being noticed in the western surveys. National Democratic Institute (NDI) survey, spring 2016, shows that equal numbers of Georgians (13%) see Russia and EU as guarantor of Georgia’s security, and about 20% of the respondents are in favor of the country being a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (only 11% supported this point of view in 2013 after the Eastern Partnership Vilnius Summit).

Georgian society and elite are definitely not turning to the East. Tbilisi downtown is decorated with EU and NATO flags. And no one is going to withdraw the Abkhazia and South Ossetia issues from the agenda: on the one hand, this is an issue of uncontrolled territories for Georgia, on the other hand, it is an issue of pointless fears that Moscow can call off Abkhazia and South Ossetia republics recognition of independence, dating back to Tskhinvali events after the first Georgian Dream victory. The warming up in the attitude towards Russia cannot stay unnoticed in Moscow - all the possible measures have to be taken. The options might be: no-visa entry for Georgian citizens to Russia being not just a symbolic means, but also intensifying humanitarian connections between the neighboring countries. It is possible that personal acquaintance of the Georgian youth with Russia and their participation in educational projects could ensure advancement of Russia in Georgia.

The Donbass republics no longer intend to tolerate Kiev’s sabotage of the Minsk Agreements, and local elections will be held in the DPR in 2017 whether Ukraine likes it or not. This was stated by DPR head Alexander Zakharchenko during an open meeting with citizens of the republic.

Zakharchenko: Donetsk will hold elections in 2017 whether Ukraine likes it or not

Zakharchenko stated:

“As is known, the accusations are constantly brought up at Minsk meetings against us for allegedly not being capable of holding elections independently. But we held primaries. What did this give us? Firstly, we checked our forces and were ourselves shocked by such a high turnout. We showed that we are capable of ensuring security and independently holding elections without the involvement of foreign forces. The whole world saw this. This was a response to the West and its accusations.

We gave the people the opportunity to say: we want this person, or that one, or this one. The people who won command high respect and will be considered as candidates for the upcoming local elections.

As for the holding of local elections, in Minsk a number of decisions were adopted which we, like Ukraine, are supposed to fulfill. That Ukraine is not fulfilling the Minsk Agreements is on its conscience. But if we don’t fulfill Minsk, then we are charged for this, which is unacceptable.

Insofar as Kiev did not adopt number of legislative bills, we postponed the elections. Of course, we will not indefinitely postpone elections. I think that in 2017 we will either hold these elections in line with Minsk Agreements or hold them independently. The quality of the primaries demonstrated, that we aren’t afraid of local elections. In any case, victory will be ours - both military and political.”

Ukraine reps in the Contact Group political subgroup appear poised to dodge the issue of the Steinmeier’s formula that is scheduled to be discussed at the next meeting in Minsk, LPR envoy said.

Ukraine Junta Again Evading The Implementation Put In Place By All Sides Of The Minsk Agreements

“The Contact Group set out to discuss the Steinmeier’s formula at the next meeting, but the Ukrainian side evades putting this question on the agenda, foisting amnesty issues and modalities of elections discussion although they have not defined their position,” Vladislav Deinego said.

German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s formula sets out the principles of implementation of the Ukrainian law “On local self-government order in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk region”. According to his plan, the law should be enforced on the day of local elections on a temporary basis, and permanently upon the OSCE publishing its report on the elections outcome.

Deinego added that today’s political subgroup meeting “was focused on defining agenda, but nothing was really decided”.

The subgroup’s coordinator Pierre Morel “had to admit there was no chance for efficient work”.

Earlier Deinego said that Kiev reps side stepped drawing up protocol to guide the work of the Contact Group and its working groups.

Ukraine has again disrupted the meeting of the Contact Group subgroup on economic issues meeting, that was scheduled for today in Minsk and attended by all the sides except for Kiev’s representatives.

“The meeting of the Contact Group subgroups on economic issues has been disrupted again. The representatives of four sides: OSCE, Russia, LPR and DPR were present, Ukrainian representative was missing,” LPR envoy to the talks Vladislav Deinego told Lugansk Media Centre.

“The coordinator Mr. Fisher opened the meeting and had to close it right after, as one of the sides was missing. Kiev’s representative was present in President Hotel (in Minsk), nevertheless he refused to enter the room and participate in the meeting.”

“Ukraine keeps blocking talks that are to settle social payments issue, revitalization of Donbass economy and infrastructure, restoration of bank system, etc,” he said.

“Deliberate obstruction of critical issues settlement has become Ukraine’s official modus operandi in Minsk. When they can not clog negotiations over some of the issues they just block meeting.”
Came across this, which is not new, it is from September, but I could not find any mention when I searched for Canadian in this thread, so here it is: The text can not be copied. Therefore I submit a picture for further documentation. If one clicks the picture and and enlarges followed by "Ctrl +" for further enlargement, it becomes readable.


  • Canadian mercenaries die in Donbass.PNG
    Canadian mercenaries die in Donbass.PNG
    44.9 KB · Views: 81
thorbiorn said:
Came across this, which is not new, it is from September, but I could not find any mention when I searched for Canadian in this thread, so here it is: The text can not be copied. Therefore I submit a picture for further documentation. If one clicks the picture and and enlarges followed by "Ctrl +" for further enlargement, it becomes readable.

Thanks for submitting the text, Thorbion. Here is the whole detailed article.

Мастер-класс «кленовых листьев» по борьбе с ополченцами закончился катастрофой. Отряд канадского спецназа CANSOFCOM в количестве не менее 20 человек (три разведгруппы ) попытался атаковать позиции ополчения в зоне украинской карательной операции.

And in English translation from "stalkerzone" which is under "copyrights" and the text can not be copied from the site, as you mentioned. Ollie Richarson generally translates for Fort Russ website but I haven't located the article there.

11 Canadian mercenaries go home in "body bags" after Master Class in Donbass

•9 Sept 2016: "11 Canadian Mercenaries Go Home in Bodybags After “Master Class” in Donbass -- A master-class of “maple leaves” in the fight against militias ended in disaster. A group of at least 20 people (three reconnaissance groups) from the Canadian forces CANSOFCOM tried to attack the militia positions in the area of the Ukrainian punisher operation. It ended in disaster for them. The operation was under development without the involvement of the Ukrainian fighters for the demonstration of a “master-class of fighting against terrorists”. Those responsible were from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. The military attache of Canada in Ukraine Colonel Ron Ubbens was in charge of the matter. All this, of course, is unofficial ..." - original article in Russian here -

•19 Sept 2016: "Canadian Instructors Train UAF Fighters for Urban Combat in Donbass -- LPR reconnaissance has found that instructors from Canada are deployed with Ukrainian servicemen near the contact line in Donbass. This was said by the official representative of the LPR militia Andrey Marochko. According to him, the Canadian military work with the Kiev Armed Forces in combat tactics in an urban environment. “According to our intelligence, in the area of the settlement Schastia, the 2nd division of the 28th battalion Guard Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces are being trained for combat in an urban environment under the leadership of Canadian instructors,” said Marochko ..." - original article in Russian here -

Donbass Militia Spots Mercs From US, Canada, Baltics, Poland in East Ukraine

16.10.2016 - Reconnaissance units from the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic have spotted the arrival of hundreds of foreign mercenaries on the contact line in eastern Ukraine, says LPR People's Militia Chief of Staff Oleg Anaschenko. The fighters are believed to come from countries including the US, Canada, the Baltic states and Poland."According to information received from human intelligence sources in settlements near the line of contact, several hundred mercenaries from the United States, Canada, the Baltic countries and Poland have arrived in the area, armed with small arms and equipment," Anaschenko said at a briefing, quoted by Russia's RIA Novosti news agency.

According to LPR Militia, three camps have been created in the Ukrainian-controlled settlements of Bobrovskoye and Bobrovo, near Severodonetsk. There, foreign instructors are said to be training Ukrainian army personnel in reconnaissance, as well as urban combat.

"We have also recorded the presence of training camps in the village of Schastye [on the contact line] where American and Polish instructors teach sharpshooters and sabotage and reconnaissance groups for their further actions on the territory of the LPR," Anaschenko added.

The officer also said that the settlement of Polovinkino in Starobelsk district has seen the arrival of about 150 foreign mercenaries in off-road vehicles, BMPs and BTRs, armed with US-made assault rifles. According to LPR intelligence sources, foreign mercenaries armed with NATO-standard small arms have also been spotted in the village of Trehizbenka in the Slavyanoserbsk district.

"These facts again confirm that the oligarchic Kiev authorities have no intention of conducting peaceful dialogue to resolve the situation in the Donbass, but rather will use any opportunity to destabilize it, thus trying to divert Ukrainians' attention from numerous domestic problems," Anaschenko concluded.

Late last month, observers from the OSCE's Special Monitoring Mission confirmed spotting Georgian mercenaries on the contact line in Lugansk. The mercenaries were reported to be openly wearing 'Georgian Legion' insignia, and speaking Georgian. Three residents of the village of Troitske confirmed that the Georgians had taken up residence in houses in the village.

Also on Sunday, Donetsk People's Republic head Alexander Zakharchenko warned that Kiev had "fully revoked" the Minsk agreements on peace in eastern Ukraine, and "practically initiated a new cycle of hostilities." In response, DPR militia has been conducting drills in preparation for any possible assault by Kiev forces.

Kiev initially launched its military operation in the country's southeast in April 2014, after locals refused to recognize new authorities that came to power as the result of a coup in February 2014. In February 2015, a peace agreement sponsored by Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany went into effect. Key points of the agreement include a ceasefire, the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of contact, and constitutional reforms in Ukraine which would decentralize authority and grant the Donbass region special status. The ceasefire has generally held, with both sides reporting repeated violations. Progress on implementing the Minsk accords has been lacking, however. According to the UN, the Ukrainian civil war has resulted in the deaths of nearly 10,000 people; over 22,000 others have been wounded, and the war has resulted in the displacement of over 2.3 million people (1.4 million of which fled abroad).

11 Canadian Mercenaries Go Home in Bodybags After “Master Class” in Donbass

September 14, 2016 - A master-class of “maple leaves” in the fight against militias ended in disaster. A group of at least 20 people (three reconnaissance groups) from the Canadian forces CANSOFCOM tried to attack the militia positions in the area of the Ukrainian punisher operation. It ended in disaster for them.
Regarding the latest activities in the Donbas area The UA would not do this without the support of the US/NATO/Poland, maybe also some UA politicians are worried that they will not be supported as much with the possible influence of the new American president.
thorbiorn said:
Regarding the latest activities in the Donbas area The UA would not do this without the support of the US/NATO/Poland, maybe also some UA politicians are worried that they will not be supported as much with the possible influence of the new American president.
Yes, the fascist oligarchs, corrupt kleptocrats and neo-nazi orcs running Ukraine are agitated in panic. Likely at the behest of warmongering CIA director John Brennan, the regime is desperately attempting to provoke the DPR and LPR to counter-attack and resume large-scale hostilities. However, the DPR and LPR aren't falling for it, but are instead just standing firm, and Russia certainly won't be provoked.

If the US military and CIA want to restart the civil war, they will have to get Ukraine to attack in strength, and take the risk that the DPR and LPR will be able to survive, and maybe counter-attack successfully, without Russia needing to intervene. That could spell disaster for the regime currently in power in Kiev.

The neocon warmongers in Washington DC - especially Victoria Nuland and John Brennan - deserve it.
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