Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Glad to hear from you, Lumiere_du_Code, hope that you are relatively fine there. Take good care.

Saw this news report at RIA Novosti today, thought it worth sharing - although not entirely re Ukraine (a bit edited Google translate):

Returning after half-year expedition to the ISS Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemyev said that they were worried to see "smoke and fire" over Ukraine and watch the political changes in the world.

"We had no politics there. We can understand with our colleagues, that probably the only point of contact where we can cooperate, in particular with the United States, the only project - is the International Space Station. No matter how we quarreled in the world, the project is still there," said Artemyev answering journalists' questions about whether earthly political developments affected the international crew of the ISS.

According to the astronaut, "there are no boundaries up there." "We all live on the same planet, we have no other one, and it needs to be protected. This is the height of folly - to destroy each other and the nature with our own hands. Maybe the task of the International Space Station is exactly to educate people, to make people aware that the Earth is one for all" said Artemyev.

His partner, astronaut Skvortsov said that during the expedition he had been watching with great concern the news from Ukraine, where his relatives live. "Of course we felt concerned, seeing what is happening, especially because we can see everything clearly from the cosmos: smoke, fire," said the astronaut.

"After returning from space we now know that the worst thing that people can do is to harm with their aggressive policy the land, the world in which we live. Humanity is facing much more important tasks than sorting out relationship among nations - like saving life on our beautiful planet Earth. Where there is creation, there is a continuation of life, where there is no creation, there is nothing good we can find" said Skvortsov.

Deputy Head of the Cosmonaut Training Center Valery Korzun, who made several flights into space, said that international space crews show everyone in the world how to live and work together. "Because they're constantly at risk. Actions of each member of the crew affect the safety of the crew as a whole. Similarly, in the world - the actions of each nation, each country affect the safety of the whole planet," said Korzun.
Siberia said:
Glad to hear from you, Lumiere_du_Code, hope that you are relatively fine there. Take good care.

Saw this news report at RIA Novosti today, thought it worth sharing - although not entirely re Ukraine (a bit edited Google translate):

Returning after half-year expedition to the ISS Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemyev said that they were worried to see "smoke and fire" over Ukraine and watch the political changes in the world.

"We had no politics there. We can understand with our colleagues, that probably the only point of contact where we can cooperate, in particular with the United States, the only project - is the International Space Station. No matter how we quarreled in the world, the project is still there," said Artemyev answering journalists' questions about whether earthly political developments affected the international crew of the ISS.

According to the astronaut, "there are no boundaries up there." "We all live on the same planet, we have no other one, and it needs to be protected. This is the height of folly - to destroy each other and the nature with our own hands. Maybe the task of the International Space Station is exactly to educate people, to make people aware that the Earth is one for all" said Artemyev.

His partner, astronaut Skvortsov said that during the expedition he had been watching with great concern the news from Ukraine, where his relatives live. "Of course we felt concerned, seeing what is happening, especially because we can see everything clearly from the cosmos: smoke, fire," said the astronaut.

"After returning from space we now know that the worst thing that people can do is to harm with their aggressive policy the land, the world in which we live. Humanity is facing much more important tasks than sorting out relationship among nations - like saving life on our beautiful planet Earth. Where there is creation, there is a continuation of life, where there is no creation, there is nothing good we can find" said Skvortsov.

Deputy Head of the Cosmonaut Training Center Valery Korzun, who made several flights into space, said that international space crews show everyone in the world how to live and work together. "Because they're constantly at risk. Actions of each member of the crew affect the safety of the crew as a whole. Similarly, in the world - the actions of each nation, each country affect the safety of the whole planet," said Korzun.

Thank you for sharing Siberia, i liked very much how the astronauts have transmitted through their interview a simple but very objective truth,that we all live on this planet and have to take care of her and for ourselves,for our own sake and for the sake of future generations.

"We all live on the same planet, we have no other one, and it needs to be protected. This is the height of folly - to destroy each other and the nature with our own hands. Maybe the task of the International Space Station is exactly to educate people, to make people aware that the Earth is one for all"
said Artemyev
I really hope that we will have the chance to fight and rid ourselves of this evil cancer(psychopaths) that is at the verge to infect and destroy the whole life and the planet itself.
Found the following via FB page Berkut Ukraine and FB page AXJ Ukraine. The excerpts demonstrates the difference between what is presented in some media outlets as the genuine picture and what actually is happening as well as the reluctant recognition among some commentators that the violent right wing in Ukarine could become a liability in the future. The coloring and highlight is similar to the original.

_First appeared: said:
Author: Tony Cartalucci in NEO, New Eastern Outlook

Ukraine: Nazis in Plain Sight

The Western press recently reported the destruction of a Soviet-era statue of Vladimir Lenin in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. The Washington Post would claim in its report, “Ukrainians just pulled down a massive Lenin statue. What does that signal for Russia?,” that:

Anti-Russian protesters in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, pulled down a massive statue of Vladimir Lenin late Sunday, a sign of hardening anger toward the Kremlin in an eastern Ukrainian area where sympathies are split between Kiev and Moscow.

The pro-European protests that swept Ukraine in the winter were accompanied by a wave of Lenin statues being pulled down, eliminating symbolic vestiges of the Soviet Union that had endured after its 1991 breakup. But few such statues were toppled in eastern Ukraine, which has long been a bastion of pro-Russian sentiment and where separatists have embarked on an insurgency that has cost thousands of lives.

As usual with reports from the Western press, the deception can manifest itself just as much from what is omitted as from what is actually said. The Washington Post maintains that those who destroyed the statue were merely “anti-Russian protesters.” In reality, it was a mob led by literal Neo-Nazis of the notorious Azov Battalion – fielded and directed by Kiev’s Interior Ministry itself.

While the Washington Post attempts to claim the statue’s destruction was a manifestation of the people’s will in eastern Ukraine, it was in reality a stunt pulled by some of Kiev’s most vicious, ultra-right, and illegitimate supporters – supporters the West works continuously to obfuscate from public view.

Azov’s role in the Kharkiv incident was revealed not by the Russian media, but instead by the European Union and NATO’s own Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitors on the ground in Ukraine. Submitting daily reports often ignored by the Western press, the OSCE stated in its September 29, 2014 briefing that (emphasis added):

On 28 September, at 14:30hrs, the SMM observed in Kharkiv a large demonstration of some 2,000 pro-Ukraine supporters gathering in front of the Opera house. The crowd, composed of men and women of different ages and including children, was led by members of the “Azov” volunteer battalion, as well as young men and women with masks. Some of the demonstrators marched towards Liberty Square, where Lenin’s monument was located. There, the SMM observed a group of young men with masks trying to climb on top of Lenin’s statue, while the crowd present on the square had increased to approximately 5,000 people. The demonstrators who had climbed up to the statue began using an electric cutting instrument to dismantle the base of the statue. Whilst not visible on the square, the SMM observed the police deploy and set up an outer perimeter cordon around the square and three buses of police behind the regional administration building. At 22:40hrs Lenin’s Statue was pulled down by the demonstrators. As the SMM left the scene, it did not observe any further incident.

While Azov’s role in much of Ukraine’s daily violence goes unreported, the Western media has tentatively reported on the group in the past. The Telegraph in one article titled, “Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists,” reported that:

As Ukraine’s armed forces tighten the noose around pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country, the western-backed government in Kiev is throwing militia groups – some openly neo-Nazi – into the front of the battle.

The Azov battalion has the most chilling reputation of all. Last week, it came to the fore as it mounted a bold attack on the rebel redoubt of Donetsk, striking deep into the suburbs of a city under siege.

The Telegraph would also report in the same article that:

Kiev’s use of volunteer paramilitaries to stamp out the Russian-backed Donetsk and Luhansk “people’s republics”, proclaimed in eastern Ukraine in March, should send a shiver down Europe’s spine. Recently formed battalions such as Donbas, Dnipro and Azov, with several thousand men under their command, are officially under the control of the interior ministry but their financing is murky, their training inadequate and their ideology often alarming.

The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites.

If this is who is tearing down statutes across Ukraine, including now eastern cities like Kharkiv, then to answer the Washington Post’s question as to what it “signals for Russia,” is a Nazi threat openly backed by the European Union, NATO, and the United States, lurking once again along its borders just as it did in the 1930′s and in immediate need of being addressed. This threat goes unnoticed to most among Western audiences primarily because of dishonest reporting from papers like the Washington Post as well as the West’s continuous campaign to defame and undermine Russian media who has apparently been accurately reporting the growing Nazi threat in Ukraine for some time.

So large has this threat the Western press previously was adamant did not exist, that the Western press itself has begun reporting in articles like, “Azov fighters are Ukraine’s greatest weapon and may be its greatest threat – The battalion’s far-right volunteers’ desire to ‘bring the fight to Kiev’ is a danger to post-conflict stability,” published in the London Guardian, that:

…there is an increasing worry that while the Azov and other volunteer battalions might be Ukraine’s most potent and reliable force on the battlefield against the separatists, they also pose the most serious threat to the Ukrainian government, and perhaps even the state, when the conflict in the east is over. The Azov causes particular concern due to the far right, even neo-Nazi, leanings of many of its members.

As usual, while the Western press invents an impressive cast of villains for Western regimes to intervene against, it is their own proxies who often pose the greatest threat to global peace and stability. Nazis ravaging not only the West’s enemies in eastern Ukraine, but now threatening their own proxy regime in Kiev is just one of many examples.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazineNew Eastern Outlook”.
Regarding the activity of the Right sector there is this news item: _
_with the help of Google translate said:
October 7, 2014, 11:27
"Right sector" declared war on the Jewish people, more than 20 Jews were beaten in Odessa

In one month the militants "right sector" have severely beaten more than 20 Jews. This was reported by the RDA, citing one of the leaders of the Jewish community of Odessa Michael Maiman.

In the Odessa region was also recorded 36 cases of robberies and beatings by people from the "right sector." All the victims are members of the Jewish diaspora.


Critical point was the attack on the Nationalist Member of Parliament from the Party of Regions Nestor Shufrych, which on Sept. 30 was severely beaten by representatives of the "right sector", as he came out of the administration building of Odessa.

"It seems that the right sector has declared war on the Jewish people. Militant Nazism - is a very dangerous phenomenon, "- said in the Suvorov Military police department.

This week, the Jewish community of Odessa sent appeals to the headquarters of the World Jewish Congress in New York City with a call to disarm and disband the "right sector." Also appeal will be sent to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

"We must rebel against these punitive. Right sector - this war criminals. Our mission - pravosekov disarmament and the establishment of peace in Odessa, which has always been and will be the most tolerant city "- said Maiman.

Actions of "right sector" have been by criticized Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, who believes that because of the radical methods of struggle from the Ukraine may turn Europe and the United States.

It will take some solid public opinion to make the EU/US governments drop their tacit support of the violent groups in Ukraine.
This post is a mix of observations. On the one hand there is a truce, on the other that truce has more holes than the average Swiss cheese, bullet holes that is. Ukraine is divided and here is another proof:
_ said:
Cherkassi battalion switches sides to NAF

During break out they lost 24 guys, but also killed several dozen Nazi guards from Liashko battalion Shakhtersk (formerly known as Ukraine).

They were also able to capture some nazi guards, including Yury Sinezhyuk, wanted by Interpol for war crimes in Rwanda in 1994, who used to date the last Ukrainian governor of Crimea Anatoly Mogilev.

Deputy commander of Cherkassi battalion Vladimir Melnik was also captured.

Earlier Kharkov territorial battalion also switched to NAF.

By Kristina

At the moment the situation with the airport in Donetsk is reported as follows:
_ said:
Donetsk/Airport Update

Update from militia man Prokhorov+Ukrainian video report from Peski:

Much of the airport is a neural territory, subject to fire from both sides, where KJ is constantly sending recon groups. NAF is holding the buildings.

KJ is depleting most of its ammo on the airport instead of the city.

Without taking Avdeevka and Peski, the city and the airport are vulnerable and under constant threat of attack. However, the big challenge is - it's between high NAF losses or high resident losses, because junta set up practically in people's back yards - in the residential neighborhoods! (see video).

[Of course NAF will not choose the junta tactic, and instead of a massive artillery attack, would have to resort to and sacrifice manpower. Remember Mariupol - that was NAF's plan]

The concentration of junta troops west of Donetsk would make any face-off catastrophic for NAF, which would have to face more and more fresh forces.

Georgraphy is not on our side - NAF attack would be from bottom up to higher ground.

Airport layout allows NAF to monitor all KJ maneuvers, but NAF could hide behind buildings, garages and fences.

NAF is now focused on Opytnoe. Taking Opytnoe would allow to get to KJ from the back.

The rumor is KJ is assembling an armored fist from 17th tank brigade.

KJ video from Peski: look at KJ set up in people's backyards and compare destruction vs. KJ destruction of other towns. An unhappy Ukrainian resident shows what flew into his backyard, and there is some damage, unfortunately, but try to compare it to what KJ does daily to Donetsk: _

We are yet to hear of any civilians killed by NAF in Peski, yet up to 20 people killed daily by KJ in Donetsk.

Translated by Kristina Rus

How true these reports are I don't know, but that more is going on than is reported in Western Medias is a given.
Btw: Here is an interesting analysis of the information war in Ukraine: _ and the present update_ I found the FB via via _
Siberia said:
Glad to hear from you, Lumiere_du_Code, hope that you are relatively fine there. Take good care.

Thank you for caring :) I often now does not work online and electricity cut off frequently. Also, I have a little writing on the forum, because it is simply a state of emptiness and indifference, because everything that happens is so abnormal that there is no glimmers of light and no inspiration. did not want to do, do not want to wake up in the morning, sleep forever, and all.
sorry for offtopic. everything will go
Lumiere_du_Code said:
Siberia said:
Glad to hear from you, Lumiere_du_Code, hope that you are relatively fine there. Take good care.

Thank you for caring :) I often now does not work online and electricity cut off frequently. Also, I have a little writing on the forum, because it is simply a state of emptiness and indifference, because everything that happens is so abnormal that there is no glimmers of light and no inspiration. did not want to do, do not want to wake up in the morning, sleep forever, and all.
sorry for offtopic. everything will go

To sum up your situation in a few lines is not off topic, it is an expression from a personal point of view of the impact which the chaos in UA that we have been observing, documenting, and writing about in this thread has had on you. I also think your short expressions are valuable to the story, because there must be many other people in Ukraine who feel similarly and quite a number who are a lot worse off. And if one looks around there must be a million similar cases across the globe. Sometimes I think that among the Northern Euroasian peoples, many citizens in Ukraine now experience a degree of societal breakdown that may very well appear in other places in the same region of the world before too long. Maybe the cause will be different, maybe it will be because of a debilitating epidemi, an economic collapse, a cosmic event, Earth changes, revolution, whatever, but the state of relative tranquility many of us experience now will not last forever. Therefore, when I read your words, I ask myself how I would maintain the will to continue, if I had been in your shoes? Is there anything that would cheer you/(me) up, like reading, writing a diary, or letters, learning something, helping someone who needs help, singing, playing or listening to music, painting, doing exercises, gardening, looking after a flower in your living space, preparing for the winter, thinking of a way to change the situation, or something else?
thorbiorn said:
To sum up your situation in a few lines is not off topic, it is an expression from a personal point of view of the impact which the chaos in UA that we have been observing, documenting, and writing about in this thread has had on you. I also think your short expressions are valuable to the story, because there must be many other people in Ukraine who feel similarly and quite a number who are a lot worse off. And if one looks around there must be a million similar cases across the globe. Sometimes I think that among the Northern Euroasian peoples, many citizens in Ukraine now experience a degree of societal breakdown that may very well appear in other places in the same region of the world before too long. Maybe the cause will be different, maybe it will be because of a debilitating epidemi, an economic collapse, a cosmic event, Earth changes, revolution, whatever, but the state of relative tranquility many of us experience now will not last forever. Therefore, when I read your words, I ask myself how I would maintain the will to continue, if I had been in your shoes? Is there anything that would cheer you/(me) up, like reading, writing a diary, or letters, learning something, helping someone who needs help, singing, playing or listening to music, painting, doing exercises, gardening, looking after a flower in your living space, preparing for the winter, thinking of a way to change the situation, or something else?

I do not quite understand what you mean by societal breakdown
summer I started writing a book-dystopia based on one of my dream, but about two months not written a single line, because - the same lack of inspiration because of all that is happening around, every day, every week, the junta and Ukr-Nazis invent and legitimize all new idiotic laws, the most scathing personal freedom, freedom of choice and the views around the restrictions, they are destroying the population of this damn country, and jumping all around, crazy, absolutely savage barbarians, "a great nation".. everything here is absolutely identical to Germany in 30-s, only with total hatred and demonism everything that does not fit their zombie's settings.. they even in social networks "marathons" satisfied, "copy this post itself and send 10 more people, otherwise you'll Russian traitor and we'll destroy." even mobile operators call and ask provocative questions, "Are you a patriot, how you relate to the separatists, how you feel about Russia?" and the like. it is a total state of absolute slavery and lies, Goebbels could not even dream about such. As Orwell said: "Imagine a person's face, on which stands a soldier's boots - forever" - this is what is now Ukraine.
I try to keep in myself calm and optimism, but these factors are constantly oppressing nowhere to hide. I understand that all of this was chosen soul, once I'm here, and I am above all these events, turning inward, and I'm ready for anything. I'm just waiting for the world to change, and this cycle is finally over and I can return Home...
thank you for support
* technical / this post can be remove *
something wrong with my set of editing here :/ I do not understand why changing the format of response and then not edited. the video too... not inserted, instead of a video link is written as plain text. probably need to check in another browser (I write through Google Chrome)
I am so sad that anyone has to go through what you are experiencing. My heart goes out to you--

When things are going badly for me, I find writing in a journal every day helps. While I am writing, I can say what I feel, and later, I have something to look back and reflect upon, after I have a better understanding of all that was happening-- the bigger picture. Perhaps that would help you too? You can write on just about any kind of paper (or wall!), which is useful, when the electricity goes out. You may even untap some unconscious wisdom as part of your writing, which could be really useful. Please keep updating us when you have a chance. I care.
cindyj said:
I am so sad that anyone has to go through what you are experiencing. My heart goes out to you--

When things are going badly for me, I find writing in a journal every day helps. While I am writing, I can say what I feel, and later, I have something to look back and reflect upon, after I have a better understanding of all that was happening-- the bigger picture. Perhaps that would help you too? You can write on just about any kind of paper (or wall!), which is useful, when the electricity goes out. You may even untap some unconscious wisdom as part of your writing, which could be really useful. Please keep updating us when you have a chance. I care.

thank you very much, my heart is with you all, too. :flowers:
I often write down thoughts and feelings, moods.. it helps to better understand, really. Once I have accumulated a lot of unfinished poems, stories, drawings and other.
I just always compare that many other creatures even worse, and you just have to hold on. I look at the level of the universe, where everything is - just a play... we volunteered to go this way, and we'll get it. :)

Anatoly Shariy create temporary channel on YouTube. is - video from Mariupol, "controlled" Ukrainian troops. drunk as hell "warrior for a united country and against the terrorists" stop passing cars and searched them, threatening automatic gun. during the video he shoots into the air about a dozen rounds. democracy and the "protection from Putin" in all its glory.
Laura said:
Joe Quinn: 'Nuland has some gall demanding that Russia respect Ukraine's sovereignty'

Bravo Joe! You told them how it is, nice and simple. ;)
Laura said:
Joe Quinn: 'Nuland has some gall demanding that Russia respect Ukraine's sovereignty'

Great work Joe!

I noticed though, that this time Press TV did not mention that Joe is from SOTT, not in the banner beneath him nor in the introduction and end of the interview. Nada.

Last time they did both:
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