Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Lumiere_du_Code said:
Altair said:
Cyberberkut ( allegedly hacked the documents of SBU (Ukrainian Intelligence Service) which prove that the recent killing of 12 civilians in a bus by Volnovaha near Donetsk was planned and executed by SBU. Here are the original documents (in Ukrainian). Does anybody interested in the translation into English?

I saw it here: _
I can do approximate translation from Ukrainian, but I'm not sure if anyone need it... there's so much happening in this damned country, and most of people do not care it...
have been dozens of revelations and break-ins by hackers and not only them - where is all this? forgotten

even here in this thread, discussed the devil knows when an alleged overlapping of gas for Europe

I don't know. Might not be worth translating the whole thing, but maybe just some interesting highlights?
Siberia said:
Kiev junta has started massive shelling of Donetsk today.

Israel has started bombing Syria.


sigh :(! indeed they seem to be following a "timetable" since the events in Paris. Its only going to get worse and we should expect more bad news.

But i seriously doubt they can defeat the Novorussian militia - they are fighting for their homeland, and are very capable & determined - Commanders Givi and Motorola will not give in :)!
Approaching Infinity said:
Lumiere_du_Code said:
Altair said:
Cyberberkut ( allegedly hacked the documents of SBU (Ukrainian Intelligence Service) which prove that the recent killing of 12 civilians in a bus by Volnovaha near Donetsk was planned and executed by SBU. Here are the original documents (in Ukrainian). Does anybody interested in the translation into English?

I saw it here: _
I can do approximate translation from Ukrainian, but I'm not sure if anyone need it... there's so much happening in this damned country, and most of people do not care it...
have been dozens of revelations and break-ins by hackers and not only them - where is all this? forgotten

even here in this thread, discussed the devil knows when an alleged overlapping of gas for Europe

I don't know. Might not be worth translating the whole thing, but maybe just some interesting highlights?

Ok. I will translate some highlights tonight.
Altair said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Lumiere_du_Code said:
Altair said:
Cyberberkut ( allegedly hacked the documents of SBU (Ukrainian Intelligence Service) which prove that the recent killing of 12 civilians in a bus by Volnovaha near Donetsk was planned and executed by SBU. Here are the original documents (in Ukrainian). Does anybody interested in the translation into English?

I saw it here: _
I can do approximate translation from Ukrainian, but I'm not sure if anyone need it... there's so much happening in this damned country, and most of people do not care it...
have been dozens of revelations and break-ins by hackers and not only them - where is all this? forgotten

even here in this thread, discussed the devil knows when an alleged overlapping of gas for Europe

I don't know. Might not be worth translating the whole thing, but maybe just some interesting highlights?

Ok. I will translate some highlights tonight.

Here are some translated highlights:

From: Mariupol, Department of the security service of Ukraine in Donetsk
To: Kiev, Head of Department of the security service of Ukraine colonel Dublik A.J.

About carrying out of the information campaign to blame DNR and LNR in death of civilians.

To reach the goal of the information campaign the Department takes proper propaganda and counter-propaganda measures to form a necessary information impact on the population of Ukraine.

As part of the planned measures to discredit terror organisation DNR there has been published information material under the title „A shell by Volnovaha exploded next to passengers bus. 10 people killed“ on the popular regional internet resources „News of Donbass“ (_ and „In the city“ (_ Additionally an article under the title „DNR shelled an Ukrainian checkpoint by Volnovaha: 10 civilians killed“.

As part of the propaganda campaign we organized an interview with soldiers of the battalion „Kiev-2“ who were in the immediate vicinity to the checkpoint by Volnovaha. The mentioned interview will be published shortly on the popular internet channel „“ (_ under the title „Shelling of a checkpoint by Volnovaha. Witnesses' report.“ The purpose of this interview is to blame DNR and LNR in killing passengers of the bus at Volnovaha at 13.01.2015.

Moreover, on our initiative on the pages of high-ranking internet resource „0629“ were published articles „On the route Donetsk-Mariupol militants struck artillery attack on a bus. 10 people died“ (_ and „The cause of death of people near Volnovaha - certainly not mine, - expert opinion“ (_, the contents of which explains to readers who really has been fighting in eastern Ukraine, breaking Minsk cease-fire agreement on a bilateral basis, and the consequences for the civilian population of Ukraine they lead to.

In order to create the necessary information impact on the population of Europe and the United States on the pages of a popular internet resource "Ukraine@war"an article “Bus with civilians hit at Ukrainian checkpost near Volnovakha” has been published (_ , where by bringing graphic materials, in the tragedy at Volnovaha the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic" (DNR) was blamed.
This is an update on the situation of the "ceasefire".
_ said:
Translated from Russian by J.Hawk

The DPR Government and People’s Council Press Center announced that on January 19, 2015, the head of the DPR Aleksandr Zakharchenko issued a statement concerning the violation of the ceasefire by the Ukrainian side.

“I can with all confidence say that all Ukrainian attempts to retake the airport and to recoup the defeat which we inflicted on them last year, failed. The Ukrainian army had taken severe losses. Six armor-infantry attacks were launched on the terminal over the course of two days. They all were defeated. We also defeated Ukrainian attempt to break into Donetsk. Unfortunately, the Putilovskiy bridge was blown up. The entire column which attempted the breakthrough was destroyed. Three Ukrainian tank crewmen were taken prisoner. Ukraine is using the ceasefire in order to rearm, regroup, and restore combat effectiveness. Now we can see that Ukraine broke the ceasefire and went on the offensive.”

“We have never experienced the sort of artillery bombardment that we had experienced over the last two days. Ukraine is smashing the houses of peaceful residents: children, the elderly, women. They are using combat aircraft. Yesterday evening Ukraine bombed Gorlovka. A representative of the Coordinating Center was in the zone of fire. Shrapnel was flying past the OSCE mission in Donetsk.”

“We are peaceful people and do not want war, do not want to kill anyone. However, the DPR Armed Forces stand ready to repel any enemy attacks. As a result of our counter-offensive we have began combat operations on the outskirts of Avdeyevka. Yesterday Peski changed hands twice. Today we will conclude clearing operations.”

“I should note the upsurge of patriotism among the population. I want to address the international community, OSCE, one more time: if you share our opinion concerning the ceasefire, compel Kiev to fulfill their obligations under Minsk Agreements.”
The Kiev government has by many of their words and actions shown itself to be an untrustworthy entity.
It seems to me that the Kiev govt is just sham. Lots of US backstage workers and now ministers of state! With brand new UKR passports! Presto Chango! Now they are part of the US sphere in a whole new way. Unspoken/unsigned members of NATO. Trying to challenge Putin's sphere and provoke a reaction from Russia - who is being very restrained. Dmitry Orlov's summary of the Russian position. cultural proclivities and natural reactions to challenge is a must read on The people living in the West do not recognize that this was a fascist takeover of UKR in order to command resources, cover for Israeli actions, keep the eye off of Russo-Sino strengthening and financial fraud (i.e. the coming collapse of the EU). The press in the West is part of the coup and hope to benefit from it. So nothing of truth and substance will be covered in the press.
But a common sense look at the events that unfolded screams FALSE FLAG. There has been no Russian incursion into eastern UKR or it would have been all over the western news media! To reinforce the action in UKR, more horror is in the future of any country that opposes the new Great Game. Hear that, Germany??
eyesoftheworld said:
It seems to me that the Kiev govt is just sham. Lots of US backstage workers and now ministers of state! With brand new UKR passports! Presto Chango! Now they are part of the US sphere in a whole new way. Unspoken/unsigned members of NATO. Trying to challenge Putin's sphere and provoke a reaction from Russia - who is being very restrained. Dmitry Orlov's summary of the Russian position. cultural proclivities and natural reactions to challenge is a must read on The people living in the West do not recognize that this was a fascist takeover of UKR in order to command resources, cover for Israeli actions, keep the eye off of Russo-Sino strengthening and financial fraud (i.e. the coming collapse of the EU). The press in the West is part of the coup and hope to benefit from it. So nothing of truth and substance will be covered in the press.
But a common sense look at the events that unfolded screams FALSE FLAG. There has been no Russian incursion into eastern UKR or it would have been all over the western news media! To reinforce the action in UKR, more horror is in the future of any country that opposes the new Great Game. Hear that, Germany??

Yeah, that pretty much covers it. All decisions are made from the dictates in Washington - Kiev just has to follow orders. This latest restart of military hostilities is turning out to be a disaster as the earlier ones. For Novorossiya, mostly civilians and infrastructure, for Ukraine, utter military defeat. Just like the Anglo-Zionists, they're only good at killing and maiming civilians and devastating civilian life. Any half-way competent defense, and they get clobbered militarily (just like US, NATO, Israel...).
SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, that pretty much covers it. All decisions are made from the dictates in Washington - Kiev just has to follow orders. This latest restart of military hostilities is turning out to be a disaster as the earlier ones. For Novorossiya, mostly civilians and infrastructure, for Ukraine, utter military defeat. Just like the Anglo-Zionists, they're only good at killing and maiming civilians and devastating civilian life. Any half-way competent defense, and they get clobbered militarily (just like US, NATO, Israel...).
Poroshenko reportedly ordered coffins for 250,000 dead Ukie military, and announced the conscription of 50,000 cannon fodder just the other day. He's just bluffing, though. There are protests against such conscription already, and it's unlikely that the Ukrainian people will happily march to their deaths in war.

At some point, faced with the oligarchs' insanity, the Ukrainian officer corps will have had quite enough, and will either stand aside or join the Novorussian forces. With any luck, we might yet see Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk and the rest of those fascists swing from lampposts. Bonus points if the rebels capture CIA.
griffin said:
At some point, faced with the oligarchs' insanity, the Ukrainian officer corps will have had quite enough, and will either stand aside or join the Novorussian forces. With any luck, we might yet see Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk and the rest of those fascists swing from lampposts. Bonus points if the rebels capture CIA.

Indeed, that scenario has played out many, many times in the past. It's astonishing that the fascist types don't realize this. But then, Lobaczewski said it best:

{W}hat happens if {a network of psychopaths} achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen... Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest.... They do not understand that a catastrophe {will} ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.
A source of daily news from Ukraine that i have subscribed to is 'Kazzura', (_ this is their Youtube channel, and all videos are subtitled in English. The news is from the side of the people of the Donetsk Republic, there are are on the spot reports as well as they cover press conferences, as well as they carry some of Graham Phillip's reports, by the commanders on the ground.

'Kazzura' helped me get up to speed and have a better day to day understanding of the hardships of these poor people whom i feel for. Also, something that has stuck in my mind since i first read the Wave and C's transcripts in 2010, was the warning by the C's that Ukraine (mentioned possibility of nuclear problems) would be a major marker in the coming changes. In that sense, i have been keeping an ear to the ground in that area of the planet since the coup d'état last year and would recommend this source to all interested in seeing up close how ugly war is in this day and age. Today the self proclaimed forces of the People's Republic of Donetsk announced that 200 soldiers of Ukraine Army were killed, but you usually see completely different figures if and when 'lamestream' media mentions it at all.

(It may be an oversight on my part but i haven't seen their videos shared on SOTT yet) Following this conflict has made me see that what i used to think was impossible in this day and age, war in Europe that is, is in fact just a stone throw away. It may only now be a matter of who will cast the first stone?!
Well, I doubt it will be Russia! I think they have been incredibly restrained and masterful in the latest Great Game. But we have to remember that a lot of the 'forces' that are fighting for the Ukr govt are not necessarily local men or whatnot. There are many mercenaries. I wonder if the local men would lose face if they refused to stand up for their 'country'? I do believe that the major population centers have plenty of national forces keeping the peace, so to speak. If they don't get cooperation in a massive draft, there is always US tax dollars to buy more mercenaries...
Ukraine is now proud to present a new modernized armoured vehicle killing machine "Chazar". How did they come up with this name? What does it have to do with Ukranian patriots Nazis? Nothing, unless they are Ashkenazy jews.


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