Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Interesting choice of words in this RT translation of what the Duma speaker said yesterday:

“This makes the sanctions that continue to apply to Russia in violation of all basic norms and principles of international law, even more immoral,” Naryshkin said. “We are dealing not with some sort of false beliefs, but with an attempt to force a well-targeted anti-Russian political course,” he said.

“The leaders of the EU nations are sacrificing their own economy and lie to their citizens for the sake of dangerous illusions, and completely alien objectives,” the Duma speaker told Russian MPs.

Laura said:
griffin said:
At some point, faced with the oligarchs' insanity, the Ukrainian officer corps will have had quite enough, and will either stand aside or join the Novorussian forces. With any luck, we might yet see Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk and the rest of those fascists swing from lampposts. Bonus points if the rebels capture CIA.

Indeed, that scenario has played out many, many times in the past. It's astonishing that the fascist types don't realize this. But then, Lobaczewski said it best:

{W}hat happens if {a network of psychopaths} achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen... Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest.... They do not understand that a catastrophe {will} ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.

According to former Ukrainian MP Oleg Tsarev (who warned prior to the coup last year that the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv is promoting preparations for inciting a civil war in Ukraine) there's going to be another 'maidan.'

Oleg Tsarev: Deputies are evacuating families ahead of the upcoming coup in Kiev

"Moreover, the situation became much worse, and under conditions of full-scale hostilities in the South-East, the growing discontent of the population of Ukraine whose social benefits were cut, someone must be held responsible for it. The role of the "sacrificial lamb" was given to Petro Poroshenko".


Whether the third Maidan will be successful, time will tell. In the meantime my friends from the Parliament are taking their families out of Ukraine in anticipation of disturbing events.
Looks like the annihilation of Eastern Ukraine's population stepped to a next level.
Psychoshenko and his NATO friends doing it officially now.
And the media is quiet, I guess everybody is looking at France.

[quote author=RT]
US Army Command delegation to arrive in Kiev this week

Representatives of the US Army Command will arrive in Ukraine in the coming days, Ukrainian military announced. The visit comes as the Kiev forces have launched a large-scale offensive on the militia positions in the south-east of the country.
“This week, a delegation from the US Army Command, headed by Commander of US Army Europe, Lt. Gen [Frederick Ben] Hodges, will arrive in Ukraine,” Vladislav Seleznyov, spokesman for Ukraine’s General Staff of Armed Forces, said at a media briefing in Kiev on Monday.

The spokesman also said that Ukraine will take part in the NATO Military Committee conference on January 20-22.

The get-together will be dedicated to the issues of military cooperation between Ukraine and NATO as well as plans to reform the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the evaluation of the situation in south-eastern Ukraine, he said.

Previously, the Society of Assistance to Defense of Ukraine announced that it has already began training military specialists in line with NATO programs.

“At our military centers, about 100 people per week are being prepared in line with the accelerated NATO weekly program in military professions such as gunner, machine gunner and others,” Yury Chizhmar, the Society’s head, said, as cited by TASS news agency.

The fighting intensified in south-eastern Ukraine on Sunday as Kiev forces launched large-scale offensive, reportedly involving Grad multiple rocket launchers and aviation, against the militia in the Donetsk region.
This week, a delegation from the US Army Command, headed by Commander of US Army Europe, Lt. Gen [Frederick Ben] Hodges, will arrive in Ukraine,” Vladislav Seleznyov, spokesman for Ukraine’s General Staff of Armed Forces, said at a media briefing in Kiev on Monday.

The spokesman also said that Ukraine will take part in the NATO Military Committee conference on January 20-22. [/quote]
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but according to a leaked diplomatic cable that was released by Wikileaks in 2008, Poroshenko worked as a mole for the U.S. State Department since 2006. They referred to him as "Our Ukraine insider" and much of the cable referred to information that he was providing:
axj said:
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but according to a leaked diplomatic cable that was released by Wikileaks in 2008, Poroshenko worked as a mole for the U.S. State Department since 2006. They referred to him as "Our Ukraine insider" and much of the cable referred to information that he was providing:

Yes i remember reading an article about it some time ago on Sott... unfortunately i can't find the article on Sott ,but from what i remember it was said that he was chosen to be the "president" of the Ukraine because of his long time relations with the US politicians,at the beginning of the coup there were many speculations who will be chosen the next president of ukraine, there were many candidates:Timoshenko,Klichko,Kolomoisky etc. about Poroshenko being mentioned to be a presidential candidate i don't recall anything and after being elected he had shown whose interests he represents.

edit: spellcheck and added a few more words to make my comment more clear.
There is some intense fighting going on. OSCE is up in arms with calls for immediate cease-fire:
_ said:
OSCE Chairperson-in-Office welcomes Declaration by participating States calling for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine
BELGRADE 20 January 2015

And what is happening on the ground in some places like Gorlovka? This is a report from a blogger in Donetsk reposted on the Novorossia-INFO English FB page by Helga Green.

_ said:
Once more I had a chance to talk to the people I know – the dwellers of Gorlovka. The situation is very bad there.
I really do not understand. In the 21st century a European city with its inhabitants is being shelled from heavy artillery, shelled from various directions, with Ukrainain army methodically devastating the infrastructure and murdering people. And everyone is silent. People who are expressing their indignation in social networks do not count, as they have no impact on things.
Do not tell me that we are not a part of Europe and that no one cares about the citizens of Ukraine or the DPR – it does not matter what you call them.
You mean they do not know anything there on the top? I do not believe.
I may be wrong, but I would say that it is understandable that when fighting for the Donetsk airport took place the shells at times hit Oktyabrskiy and other surrounding residential areas. The military could be missing their targets. It is understandable, not forgivable, though, but at least it has some explanation, when shells from the area of Peski and Avdeyevka hit Kiyevskiy district of Donetsk because hostilities are underway nearby – they are also missing. Shelling of Petrovka and Tekstilshchik is harder to explain, but still one can have a try.
But Gorlovka… it is plainly being exterminated... the entire city!
And everyone keeps mum. Russia, the OSCE, all kinds of human rights activists, politicians, volunteers etc. are silent.
Are political games above all? It is possible… Only all those silent people do have their own homes, pets, families, children, whom they bring up with the help of telling them about kindness, loyalty and cooperation…
The video was made several hours ago.
Yulia Karunina, blogger, Donetsk
Via the FB page one can watch it, but it says in Russian, "not for people with weak nerves", so if anyone access it via the FB link, be warned. In the video, after a couple of minutes of walking in the city, passing by a shelled building, one arrives at a busstop where two people have died just a short time before.. One woman is lying in a pool of blood and carries signs of having suffered a direct hit to the face, which is completely gone. An old woman arrives to take the bus and begins crying uncontrollably when seeing the ugly site of the two dead bodies. Then an army man speaks some words of anger against the culprits who bombs the civilian population.

In the comments Helga Green remarks that 135 people have died over a five day period, that there are many wounded, hospitals are full, morgues are overflowing, and no one can be buried because of continuous shelling.
According to the Wikipedia, Gorlovka had 250000 inhabitants _

As a small addition, yesterday, I went to a the opening of a phote exhibition organized by some local Ukrainian association. It was opened by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Then the Ukraine ambassador to Denmark spoke, she mentioned Je Suis Volnovakha, and how much Russia in general was to blame for all the problems in Ukraine, how much Ukraine wanted to be part of Europe (EU) and that they needed help from countries like Denmark etc.

The photos in the exhibition showed the war in Eastern Ukraine from the Kiev perspective. I got the impression from the photos that the UA soldiers fight a war that is away from home and against an enemy that has been dehumanized, objectified and alienated as something out there. There was a photo with the president in uniform, soliders being trained, soldiers saying goodbye to their loves, soldiers on tanks, veterans with amputations, female conscripts who make military clothes, soldiers coming back from the front, burned vehicles, bombed buildings, suffering children and women, maybe 200 photos, all in all. As far as suffering is concerned it did not look much different, from what one can learn by following Donbas reports, only the angle and parental control had been in to make it still okay for young children.

No mention of MH17 by the way, no mention of the suffering caused by ballistic missiles fired or 500 kg airbombs, incendiary weapons, cluster bombs, bombing of civilian targets, no acknowledgement of the role of the EU,US,NATO in creating all this mess, no mention of Odessa massacre, no mention of Mariopol massacre, etc. They did mention though that soldiers had been shot at in Illovaysk and how unfair that was. - And maybe it was, maybe they had been shot at after surrendering, I don't know the circumstances, but compared to all that was left out, I was disappointed.

Below is a picture I found on the above FB page


  • I am Donbass.png
    I am Donbass.png
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Well ratz. I just heard on Mike Malloy's show that the US State Dept has quietly announced that we are sending US troops to Ukr in April. 2 to 4 companies. Not sure how many people that is. They are reportedly going to be training Ukr army and a newly forming National Guard force (what is that?? militia?). I keep forgetting what year this is... 1959, 1963, 2005, 2015? Training. This is really a terrible escalation of overt moves on Russia. Putin will be tested to keep out-matching this NATO encroachment and remain in control of the diplomacy. No one else is adult enough to deal with this new move. Such leaders - all displaying arrested development. Kind of another trait of psychopathy.
eyesoftheworld said:
Well ratz. I just heard on Mike Malloy's show that the US State Dept has quietly announced that we are sending US troops to Ukr in April. 2 to 4 companies. Not sure how many people that is. They are reportedly going to be training Ukr army and a newly forming National Guard force (what is that?? militia?). I keep forgetting what year this is... 1959, 1963, 2005, 2015? Training. This is really a terrible escalation of overt moves on Russia. Putin will be tested to keep out-matching this NATO encroachment and remain in control of the diplomacy. No one else is adult enough to deal with this new move. Such leaders - all displaying arrested development. Kind of another trait of psychopathy.

Agreed. I read about this development recently too. But all this is a combination of psychopaths will do what they will do (can't do anything else) and desperation as things start unraveling, and they keep doubling down on their previous bad bets - and round and round it goes. But all this chaos they've been spreading is coming back to bite them in the rear. The evil Anglo-American-Zionist Empire is going down one way or another, and sooner than later.
I think this is not mentioned here but its a very interesting


DONETSK, January 22. /TASS/. Dead bodies in NATO uniforms and a great number of US-made weapons have been recovered from under the debris of the Donetsk airport, Eduard Basurin, a spokesman for the defense ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said on Thursday.
“While examining the building of the Donetsk airport, we found a great number of American firearms, assault rifles and hand mortars, equipment and communications devices,” he said. “We also found publications in European languages, including on religious matters.”
Apart from that, “we found dead bodies in NATO uniforms under the debris in the new terminal. Personal belongings indicated that these people were foreign citizens contracted by private military companies who operated under the disguise of Ukrainian subversive groups,” he said.

Its very obvious that western/mossad psychopaths are preparing and are acting against Russia. But Putin still keeps well, and without direct involvement in this dirty war. By the way despite all this heavy shelling in East Ukraine Russia sent a lot of Humanitarian convoys in that part of Ukraine. Ukraine hunta and west psychos are using NATO and their private nazi gang to destroy Ukraine and if possible Russia.
Thorbiorn and others, are ya'll posting these things on FB and/or Twitter so that others can be sharing and re-tweeting??? If they exist, ya'll could be pulling up and sharing the SOTT articles on the topics and making comments. And if they don't exist on sott, maybe they should get put there for that purpose?
Laura said:
Thorbiorn and others, are ya'll posting these things on FB and/or Twitter so that others can be sharing and re-tweeting??? If they exist, ya'll could be pulling up and sharing the SOTT articles on the topics and making comments. And if they don't exist on sott, maybe they should get put there for that purpose?

Sorry, i didn't see the same article on SOTT. This morning i was reading SOTT but i didn't notice the article. Next time i`ll check SOTT more carefully . My intention was never to tweet or share anything just for somebody to retweet or reshare that.Never was and never will be. I saw that news and i thought that its an important news about ongoing situation and that is the reason why i posted it.
I Apologize once more

Next time when i find something interesting and its not on SOTT, i will suggest in the thread Suggest an Article for SOTT - and Discuss
Siberia said:
I removed all the "lyrics" and translated only the questions and answers, otherwise the interview would be too long, imo.

Siberia, I just came across your transcription from Nov 6th in this thread, and wanted to say thank you so much for doing that.

I was moved to tears today by watching Zakharchenko and the way he acts towards his captive POWs. Honestly, he reminds me of the stories of Caesar. I have personally NEVER seen a leader with such an impeccable character as he has, it is really inspiring. I really hope more people in the west are able to become aware of this man and his integrity.
DPR: Kiev authorities have sent in Donbass mobile crematoriums _

Armed Forces of Ukraine transferred to the conflict zone in Donbass mobile crematoriums for secret destruction the bodies of dead soldiers, said the head of the People's Republic Donetsk Alexander Zakharchenko.

"According to our intelligence, military forces of Ukraine transferred to the conflict zone in Donbass three mobile crematorium for secret destruction the bodies of dead soldiers", said the head of Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko.
"After that, they will be reported missing or taken prisoners. The military refused to accept even their dead. There is more than one hundred bodies. ", - he added.


now here will be even greater meat grinder... :( :

Zakharchenko instructed to prepare to take no prisoners.

"After this tragedy (shelling public transport stops in Donetsk. - RT) I will give order to take no prisoners more. We do not need exchanges. "

Zaharchenko placed responsibility for shelling trolleybus on president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. "The death of these people is only on your conscience, because you ordered your military to shoot your cities and now killing our children and the elderly.", - he addressed to Poroshenko.

"We are able to move your units from our cities to stop shelling by armed forces of Ukraine oir settlements." - he said.

and "patriots" of Nazi battalion "Dnepr-1" (which is owned by Kolomoisky) blew up a train with UKRAINIAN coal on UKRAINIAN territory - they allegedly thought it was militia transporting coal in Russia! and how do you think - junta accused them of terrorist attack? No, they just "have scolded" them, saying that "it is more not necessary to do it in areas that controls Ukraine"!

and another today scumbags from Right Sector staged a brawls with relatives of those killed in House of Trade Unions in Odessa before the trial in this case. and trial was postponed. What do you think, who manages all of this? because you have to be stupid sheep, like Ukies are, to believe that all this is happening "in itself"...
I found this video about what is happening in Ukraine these days in a French page in FB.

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