Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Fire at another nuclear power plant "South Ukraine" in Ukraine (Nikolaev)

KYIV, January 16 /Ukrinform/. Fire has occurred at the South-Ukraine nuclear power plant at night, SE NNEGC "Energoatom" press office has reported.

"January 15, 2015, at 22.03, the 1AT grid system coupling autotransformer disconnected under electrical protection action with the appearance of fire at the South-Ukraine NPP. January 15, 2015, at 23.42, fire was extinguished," the press office of "Energoatom" notes.

The company stressed that the background radiation at the plant remained within the normal range.

Source: _

This nuclear plant is located not far away from Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant which was already on fire some weeks ago. The cause is allegedly a short circuit in transformer (as in case of the accident at Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant)
The bias in these pages is astonishing. The prejudice towards one side is so extreme that the posts create a virtual alternative reality. One side is constantly winning!

You know it's going to be hard to be objective when you're rooting so firmly for one side. Yet you presumably give yourselves a pat on the back for being objective?!
Lumiere_du_Code said:
13 January … According to the source, Ukrainian army has great loss, expense killed in hundreds.

Separatists claim that the loss of Ukrainian army with. …Donetsk Airport is about 200 dead soldiers. Airport constantly shelled, from the scene reported that the evening is planned to carry out a full "cleansing."

Editorial no evidence of this information.

You're right about there being no evidence. Does this report have a ring of truth, or is it probably wishful thinking? This seems to be a solitary mention of 200 dead UAF at Donetsk airport. The same day (two days ago) we had this from the 'other side':
After today's fierce fighting for the Donetsk airport in Russia will be sent to the body 33 "volunteers" from different regions.

About this in his blog says Oleg Yarchuk.

In particular, according to him, the losses suffered units today from Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Ulan-Ude and Chechnya.

"District Donetsk airport. Division 5th Tank Brigade 36th Field Army of the Eastern Military District (HF 46108, Ulan-Ude) in combat missions lost two killed and four were wounded. The loss of the tank equipment - 1 unit," - said in the message.

In addition, during the fighting and suffered considerable damage unit of Russian paratroopers from Ivanovo and Ulyanovsk.

"Division 331 of the Parachute Regiment of the 98th Airborne Division of the Russian Federation (Ivanovo) in combat missions lost 18 men killed, 26 - injured.

Division 31 th Guards separate airborne assault brigade of the VDV (in / h 73612 Ulyanovsk) in combat missions lost in killed - 12 wounded - 31 "- said Yarchuk.

Particularly the report notes "exploits" Chechens "Division consolidated shock battalion of the Chechen Republic Interior Ministry in combat missions - Three killed, five - were wounded." Location of the 27 people still this battalion - is unknown.

According to Russian intercepted communications, curators of "volunteers" stated that division of the Chechens "willfully left the zone of contact and moved to the second line of dislocation. Place the unit commander found out."
And regarding two captured Kadyrov Chechens, a report that trouble ensued back at base:
Riot in self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” (DPR) - – January 14, 2015
Kadyrov Chechens shoot down Russian officer and firmly requested so-called head of DPR Alexander Zakharchnko to agree with Cyborgs (Ukrainian defenders of Donetsk airport) returning of Kadyrov Chechens captured by Cyborgs.
Yesterday. January 13, 2015, Kadyrov Chechens have suffered the one of the heaviest casualties since May 2014. During the attempt to storm Donetsk airport yesterday more than 100 mercenaries were killed or wounded in action.
As you see, the bloggers relate completely opposing stories in their summary of recent events. Which is likely to be more accurate?

In the meantime, some questions for you:

Are you hoping for military victory?
Do you seriously think the UAF is about to mount a full-scale offensive?
Do you really think Russia is supplying no military support to the DPR and LPR?
Are the militants seeking to change the demarcation line?
Do you think the rebels are following the Minsk accord? Should they be?
Would you like to see active Russian military involvement in Donbas?
Would you like to see further enlargement of the territory of the republics? How far? Mariupol? Kharhiv? Or all the way to Kiev and the Polish border?
The talk here is of division on the Ukrainian side, but what about the fractured situation among the separatists? Do you see any problems?
What future for the Donbas? (The RF has not recognised the independence of the republics. The official Moscow position is that they be reinstated within a united Ukraine.)
Is Russia being expansionist?
seek10 said:
It looks that all the media didn't pick the news, but saker seems to confirm it .

Well, they are two separate events. I hadn't checked out the dailymail article and assumed it was talking about the same thing: that Gazprom will only be delivering gas to Europe through Turkey. Since the EU made it an issue that Gazprom cannot both own the pipeline and the gas (the bureaucratic b.s. that caused the South Stream project to be cancelled going through Bulgaria) it looks like Europe will have to do it on their own. But it's not like gas was already cut off or will be cut off tomorrow. This project will still take some time, but I think it shifts the balance of power quite a bit. For one, it takes much of the power out of the Ukraine and Kiev will no longer be able to cause problems in this area. Bypassing Ukraine completely is just genius on Russia's part, imo. Likewise it may ultimately help Greece and perhaps some other Eastern European countries. Hopefully Greece will leave the EU this year and give serious consideration to joining the Eurasian Economic Union. And then it would be nice to see others follow suit.

It's too bad this news was partly overshadowed by this old article resurfacing, but maybe that was the intention.
Here is what Paul Craig Roberts says on the subject: said:
The reports from the UK Daily Mail and from Zero Hedge that Russia has cut off natural gas deliveries to six European countries must be incorrect. These sources are credible and well-informed, but such a cut-off would have instantly produced political and financial turmoil of which there is no sign. Therefore, unless there is a news blackout, Russia’s action has been misunderstood.

We know something real has happened. Otherwise, EU energy official Maros Sefcovic would not be expressing such consternation. Although I am without any definite information, I believe I know what the real story is. Russia, tired of Ukraine’s theft of the natural gas that passes through the country on its way to delivery to Europe, has made a decision to route the gas to Turkey, thus bypassing Ukraine.

The Russian energy minister has confirmed this decision and added that if European countries wish to avail themselves of this gas supply, they must put in place the infrastructure or pipeline to bring the gas into their countries.

In other words, there is a potential for a cutoff in the future, but no cutoff at the present.
_ said:
The New Ukraine Is Run by Rogues, Sexpots, Warlords, Lunatics and Oligarchs
Prominent Ukrainian MP denounces Obama's weakness, calls him a 'shot-down pilot'
By Mikhail Klikushin | 01/14/15 8:05am
This above article in The New York Observer, has drawn a load of comments. The FB link link is _
Be said:
The bias in these pages is astonishing. The prejudice towards one side is so extreme that the posts create a virtual alternative reality. One side is constantly winning!

You know it's going to be hard to be objective when you're rooting so firmly for one side. Yet you presumably give yourselves a pat on the back for being objective?!

You're right about there being no evidence. Does this report have a ring of truth, or is it probably wishful thinking? This seems to be a solitary mention of 200 dead UAF at Donetsk airport. The same day (two days ago) we had this from the 'other side':
After today's fierce fighting for the Donetsk airport in Russia will be sent to the body 33 "volunteers" from different regions.

About this in his blog says Oleg Yarchuk.

In particular, according to him, the losses suffered units today from Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Ulan-Ude and Chechnya.

"District Donetsk airport. Division 5th Tank Brigade 36th Field Army of the Eastern Military District (HF 46108, Ulan-Ude) in combat missions lost two killed and four were wounded. The loss of the tank equipment - 1 unit," - said in the message.

In addition, during the fighting and suffered considerable damage unit of Russian paratroopers from Ivanovo and Ulyanovsk.

"Division 331 of the Parachute Regiment of the 98th Airborne Division of the Russian Federation (Ivanovo) in combat missions lost 18 men killed, 26 - injured.

Division 31 th Guards separate airborne assault brigade of the VDV (in / h 73612 Ulyanovsk) in combat missions lost in killed - 12 wounded - 31 "- said Yarchuk.

Particularly the report notes "exploits" Chechens "Division consolidated shock battalion of the Chechen Republic Interior Ministry in combat missions - Three killed, five - were wounded." Location of the 27 people still this battalion - is unknown.

According to Russian intercepted communications, curators of "volunteers" stated that division of the Chechens "willfully left the zone of contact and moved to the second line of dislocation. Place the unit commander found out."
And regarding two captured Kadyrov Chechens, a report that trouble ensued back at base:
Riot in self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” (DPR) - – January 14, 2015
Kadyrov Chechens shoot down Russian officer and firmly requested so-called head of DPR Alexander Zakharchnko to agree with Cyborgs (Ukrainian defenders of Donetsk airport) returning of Kadyrov Chechens captured by Cyborgs.
Yesterday. January 13, 2015, Kadyrov Chechens have suffered the one of the heaviest casualties since May 2014. During the attempt to storm Donetsk airport yesterday more than 100 mercenaries were killed or wounded in action.
As you see, the bloggers relate completely opposing stories in their summary of recent events. Which is likely to be more accurate?

In the meantime, some questions for you:

Are you hoping for military victory?
Do you seriously think the UAF is about to mount a full-scale offensive?
Do you really think Russia is supplying no military support to the DPR and LPR?
Are the militants seeking to change the demarcation line?
Do you think the rebels are following the Minsk accord? Should they be?
Would you like to see active Russian military involvement in Donbas?
Would you like to see further enlargement of the territory of the republics? How far? Mariupol? Kharhiv? Or all the way to Kiev and the Polish border?
The talk here is of division on the Ukrainian side, but what about the fractured situation among the separatists? Do you see any problems?
What future for the Donbas? (The RF has not recognised the independence of the republics. The official Moscow position is that they be reinstated within a united Ukraine.)
Is Russia being expansionist?

I think your indignation caused by a lack of awareness. tell me, if it's no secret where you live?
as regards information about this:
Lumiere_du_Code said:
13 January … According to the source, Ukrainian army has great loss, expense killed in hundreds.

Separatists claim that the loss of Ukrainian army with. …Donetsk Airport is about 200 dead soldiers. Airport constantly shelled, from the scene reported that the evening is planned to carry out a full "cleansing."

Editorial no evidence of this information.
I took it from Shary website only to share their views about what is happening; I suppose you do not know this man and his attitude towards war on Donbas, to Russia and specifically to militia. he calls himself to those who love Ukraine and at the same time ridicules its government, but he also has no good opinion about militias and Russia, as far as I'm concerned, since I pretty much watch and study him materials. and what is presented in cited information does not appear in my opinion, is retold from words of supporters of Ukraine. and this is also not an objective.

Now, you say that this information is "sucked from the finger", it's all just fiction. So, the head of DPR A.Zaharchenko invited Poroshenko on negotiations to Donetsk airport, which they finally released from mercenaries and where US weapons found there; Zaharchenko invited president of junta to negotiate because "Ukrainians have a crazy war casualties" (his words) and he wants to stop this massacre. this news is on RT: _

so you are referring to blog of Oleg Yarchuk. I looked at his blog. on the front page in large letters hanging here this shit:
Real losses of regular Russian troops in the war in Ukraine
(as of 16.01.2015 years)
Killed: 5444
Wounded: 2228
Missing: 2712

Are you really mad? so I knew you were one of supporters of Maidan. and at the same time you dare to say something about the objectivity and the creation of virtual reality?!!! Dude, you're in the wrong place are, I suggest you go on a dustbin like Ukrainian online media like "" or "" where millions of brainwashed zombies, and you all scream about it without ANY proof of entire armies, which Russia lost in Ukraine! so that it is not necessary here to post this bullshit.
question to you: Where is the evidence of these numbers on the "real loss" of Russia ? Bring them here. Are you responsible for your words?

I guess you're just PROVOCATEUR. and I'm not going to stand on ceremony with such people. I have to them only complete aversion and hatred. because to them I will treat as they deserve. I do not call to kill anyone for his own opinion, but if any of these freaks will be threaten me, I'll kill him first, without hesitation. they have created a crusade, and now for many decades here will be fratricidal "jihad". they should be happy now. namely those who supported and participated in the Maidan, responsible for everything that is happening in my country. each of them! and I wish these bastards themselves to be in trenches of "ATO" and personally see that there is actually happening, because everything what they can do and where is limited their "heroism" and "patriotism" is to call on in the Internet to kill residents of Donbass and anyone who has a different opinion, that does not like them. this is exactly what I see EVERY DAY. "keyboard warriors", damn.

and if I am wrong, I am ready to apologize.
Be said:
As you see, the bloggers relate completely opposing stories in their summary of recent events. Which is likely to be more accurate?

this is really what I see?? bloggers is a source of undistorted and most true information about all the events, right? so I have nothing to talk to you.
"in Ukraine there is no Nazis", as mooing Ukrainians.
these "war heroes" such boldly that even hide their snouts


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Lumiere_du_Code said:
Siberia said:
Kiev junta has started massive shelling of Donetsk today.

Israel has started bombing Syria.


here in my Tw all this madness: _

Meanwhile, in Kiev held a "PEACE march" where to call to kill and war, and hypocrites "grieve" for victims of "terrorist attack in Volnovakha"

I usually don't use coarse language, but Poroshenko is a real Peace Duke (Russian speakers will understand)..
Apparently Russia has just called Ukraine's bluff of refusing to pay for natural gas supplies, leading to consternation approaching panic among the leaders of EU countries that receive their gas via Ukraine.

Is it possible, that this is just that a BLUFF on the part of EU member states to further demonize President Putin, seeing that no pro-Russian media seems to mention it? My feeling is that this would be big news in Russia?!...
Cyberberkut ( allegedly hacked the documents of SBU (Ukrainian Intelligence Service) which prove that the recent killing of 12 civilians in a bus by Volnovaha near Donetsk was planned and executed by SBU. Here are the original documents (in Ukrainian). Does anybody interested in the translation into English?




Altair said:
Cyberberkut ( allegedly hacked the documents of SBU (Ukrainian Intelligence Service) which prove that the recent killing of 12 civilians in a bus by Volnovaha near Donetsk was planned and executed by SBU. Here are the original documents (in Ukrainian). Does anybody interested in the translation into English?

I saw it here: _
I can do approximate translation from Ukrainian, but I'm not sure if anyone need it... there's so much happening in this damned country, and most of people do not care it...
have been dozens of revelations and break-ins by hackers and not only them - where is all this? forgotten

even here in this thread, discussed the devil knows when an alleged overlapping of gas for Europe
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