Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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thorbiorn said:
Armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine is still ongoing, if anyone is in doubt:

Helga Green on_ said:
Operational summary as of 10.01.15. 09:47

The night was very tense in Donetsk. Sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy operated in the outskirts, and enemy drones were exceptionally active. Howitzers of the enemy shelled Petrovskiy district of the city from Krasnogorovka at about 4 AM. Also locality Trudovskoy, the 11th locality, the 12th mine and settlement Tikhiy had been shelled. Vostok battalion positions and the area of Volvo-Center were subjected to fire from SPG Nona at about 9 AM. Machine-gun fire was heard in the area of localities Opytnoye and Avdeyevka. Fighting and artillery duels were underway at the Lugansk front; there are casualties on both sides. In comparison to previous days the clashes at times bear fierce character.

The kind of arms used include these: _ which I found on the FB page of South Front. And below is short report about some of the places hit on January 8th.
Helga Green on _ said:
On Thursday January 8, 2015 no less than 14 instances of opening fire by Ukrainian castigators had been registered:
at 13.40 positions of the DPR army in the outskirts of locality Kirovskiy in 43 km to the north-east of Donetsk were subjected to artillery fire;
at 14.25 residential areas in the northern suburbs of Donetsk were targeted from mortar-guns from the direction of locality Opytnoye;
at 16.45 Oktyabrskaya mine was shelled from tanks (northern outskirts of Donetsk);
at 16.00 and at 16.30 fire was opened at the unit of the LPR army stationed in the area of locality Sokolniki in 33 km to the north-west of Lugansk.
The banderites targeted the objects located in the area on the Donetsk airport eight times from fire-arms, artillery and mortar-guns. Fire was opened:
at 11.10, 12.30, 14.15, 14.30 and 15.40 on the building of the old terminal;
at 14.05 and 14.20 on “Polet” hotel;
at 14.55 on Metro mall;
at 15.50 on Volvo-Center.
No withdrawal of heavy armaments and military vehicles from the front line had been carried out by the occupants in the course of the day.
Units of the People’s Militia are holding their positions and areas in their responsibility zones and are carrying out fortification of their dispositions.
Владислав Бриг, Donetsk

The photos show destruction of the city as a result of shelling on January 7th, on Orthodox Christmas.

If not for the "Russian propaganda" and Sott, the world would hardly even know about this war..

Siberia said:
If not for the "Russian propaganda" and Sott, the world would hardly even know about this war..


That is a very telling picture. And if one could include the whole world, the river of blood would be wider and deeper.
thorbiorn said:
In this post, I mainly discuss the lack of evidence for some statements that was in a previous post.
thorbiorn said:
Yesterday I mentioned that Poroshenko or people on the Ukrainian side is suspected of doing deals across the frontline. Today I found this which shows once again how blurred the lines can be:
_ said:
Excerpt from interview with Igor Chubais, the author of "The Russian Idea"
But this civil war ended not in the 1945. It ended in the mid 1950's. Because the partisan movement continued after the departure of the Germans. I will say more. Well known to all of us Ernesto Che Guevara really was in constant correspondence with Stepan Bandera, the leader of Ukrainian nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Che Guevara studied the experience of the partisan movement. And he knew that even the Army Kraiova, the most powerful Polish formation, which fought in Poland after the war lasted only 2 years. Chekisty destroyed the Army Kraiova, it was gone.

In the Baltic States the "forest brothers" lasted 2 years, and they were no more. But the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) operated for 10 years. And the troops of NKVD, the KGB could do nothing about it. Stepan Bandera was very respected by Che Guevara, they entered into a correspondence. Fidel Castro together with Che Guevara and his friends landed in Cuba in December 1956. He was coming from Mexico on his schooner to Cuba. Bandera was invited to this schooner, but he could not make it because it was difficult to cross all the borders. Bandera was constantly in correspondence. Che Guevara said that he would never have taken the garrison of Santa Clara (this is one of the major Cuban cities). He attacked with a small group and took the city of Santa Clara. And Stepan Bandera, together with his commanders in Germany planned this operation and advised Che Guevara on the plan of action. Fidel Castro said that without the help of the Ukrainian insurgents they couldn't go past Sierra Maestra.

When Cuban revolutionaries entered Havana, Che Guevara proposed to make the Ukrainian language the second official language of Cuba. He invited Bandera to Cuba. And this is why in 1959 our agent killed Bandera in Munich, because Khrushchev understood that Cuba could go in the wrong direction.

This relates to our history, guerrilla movements and contradictions, which are still not analyzed and conclusions are not made.

Translated by Kristina Rus
There has been some discussions about the source for the assertions about a correspondence and cooperation between Che and Bandera. Some think it is a fiction, as is evident from the comments _ others think war and conflict is not white and black, but often grey and murkey. The following article is not evidence, but it does try to distinguish between the man and the myth: _ The myth of Che is probably greater and more benign than Che the man. Some of the present or past leaders in Novorossia probably have similar issues. Fx there is Strelkov the man as he is, and there is the idea of Strelkov that people have in their minds.

There is a documentary on Che Guevara at the following link, that gives a portrait of him as being a cold-blooded psychopath, rather than a revolutionary hero deserving of the fame and admiration he receives. I don't know enough about Che Guevara to comment on whether the documentary presents a fair analysis of him. Skipping forward to 29:00 minutes will take you to Che Guevara's early adult life. (The first 29 minutes cover his parents and his childhood.)

According to an article on FortRuss, the Ukrainian army is targeting their own
Nazi battalions.


And according to my (Mikle1) source from Donetsk, UAF artillery is helping NAF to clean the future of Ukraine from "patriots" (perhaps "by mistake"). Literally every day I read reports about the dead on the side of [Ukrainian] volunteers or National Guard (there are no conscripts on the front) or remaining territorial battalions (those which remained independent are mainly staffed by volunteer contingent). And it leads to certain conclusions.

It seems like the leadership of UAF (I think thanks to Poroshenko) is ridding their ranks from the ballast, which is long overdue, and which sooner or later would turn the weapons against the government. And this is a very convenient moment in time. And most importantly there is no need to explain the losses. For the state of Ukraine these are all unaccountable losses [tr. - since volunteer battalions are not part of UAF]. Certainly in these battles ordinary soldiers/conscripts are killed (because there is no other way). But as reported from the ground, the bulk of it are volunteers of all stripes.

The reason is simple. In the event of a peaceful end of the conflict volunteers become unnecessary and even dangerous. Therefore, they try to start a war in Donbass at any cost (which hasn't had a chance to end). And they die (by the way, it suits both sides). [...]

Translator Note:

One may ask how is it possible for the Ukrainian troops to target their own volunteer battalions. Many Ukrainian POW's reported that Ukrainian artillery units are blindly following orders and are given coordinates, without the knowledge of who they are targeting. This is how the POW's explained "having no idea" that the residential neighborhoods and critical infrastructure was targeted. The same may apply to targeting of volunteer battalions. On the other hand this shelling can be simply blamed on NAF. This has also been confirmed by NAF multiple times.
"Eating a Russian infant"

On New Year's eve party in the center of Kiev Ukrainian bohemia treated to a cake that was baked in the form of a baby lying on the flag of the Russian Federation. Russian users of social networks have rebelled of a video and called to apply in relation to the organizers drastic measures.
Cake was served as part of the award "Vatnik of the Year", organized by the art group "Vatnik sector". The menu also attended by "volunteer Liver" and burger "House of Trade Unions."

("Vatnik" - is Ukrainian insult to Russians, where the "Vatnik" means a warm down jacket of Soviet troops during the Second World War, winter clothes, thanks to which the Soviet people experienced their greatest frosts. Ukrainian morons believe that in this way they name-calling Russians, meaning their backwardness and poverty (in fact itself to ignore the fact that they are vagabonds)
material from the website Anatoly Shariy:

-In Donetsk, has already reported about 200 dead from the Ukrainian army-

13 January to unconfirmed information source in Donetsk became known that all along the line DPR and LPR fierce fighting.

According to the source, Ukrainian army has great loss, expense killed in hundreds. Currently we are strong bombardment of residential areas of Donetsk.

It is reported that fire from "Grad's", "Uragan's" ("Hurricanes"), "Tornadoes", heavy machine guns also work on both sides. Ukrainian army is already third day of fire from village Peski. In turn, the separatists constantly shelled Peski.

The source said that the part of civilians have been killed and wounded.

Separatists claim that the loss of Ukrainian army with. Sands and Donetsk Airport is about 200 dead soldiers. Airport constantly shelled, from the scene reported that the evening is planned to carry out a full "cleansing."

Editorial no evidence of this information.
OSCE observers consider the possibility of on-site visit of the bus fire in the Donbass, killing ten people. This RIA Novosti reported with reference to the press-secretary of the mission in Ukraine.


Central Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on the facts of the mass shootings in December and January of multiple rocket launchers "Grad", "Hurricane", other heavy weaponry, the city of Donetsk, Gorlovka, Dokuchaevsk and others.
According to Russian IC spokesman Vladimir Markin, because of the attacks killed more than 40 people, more than 120 were injured varying degrees of severity, in the cities of Donbass partially or totally destroyed houses and social infrastructure and communications.


Apparently Russia has just called Ukraine's bluff of refusing to pay for natural gas supplies, leading to consternation approaching panic among the leaders of EU countries that receive their gas via Ukraine.
griffin said:
Apparently Russia has just called Ukraine's bluff of refusing to pay for natural gas supplies, leading to consternation approaching panic among the leaders of EU countries that receive their gas via Ukraine.


This is HUGE news! In this new move Russia is literally taking the fuel out of the fire that is going on in Ukraine. Ukraine and the EU will have to comply with existing agreements if they want gas. My guess is we'll be seeing some big news from Germany, the powerhouse of the EU, since they're very reliant on Russia's gas through Ukraine. No doubt this will also have reverberating effects on the geopolitical players in eastern Europe and within the developing Eurasian Economic Union. It's been said before that Russia holds all the cards and they just showed a winning hand. Way to go Putin!

There's an artcle up on Sott from the Saker on the topic:
I guess about now is the time to cue the snow and bitter cold...
griffin said:
Apparently Russia has just called Ukraine's bluff of refusing to pay for natural gas supplies, leading to consternation approaching panic among the leaders of EU countries that receive their gas via Ukraine.

Is that a current article? It refers to Putin as the "prime minister".
Laura said:
griffin said:
Apparently Russia has just called Ukraine's bluff of refusing to pay for natural gas supplies, leading to consternation approaching panic among the leaders of EU countries that receive their gas via Ukraine.

Is that a current article? It refers to Putin as the "prime minister".

It's supposedly updated from... 2009, but it carries today's date. Dunno what the heck that's about but most UK readers of that paper already know how bad it's got. Inaccuracies & the like all over the place. SMH.
Laura said:
griffin said:
Apparently Russia has just called Ukraine's bluff of refusing to pay for natural gas supplies, leading to consternation approaching panic among the leaders of EU countries that receive their gas via Ukraine.

Is that a current article? It refers to Putin as the "prime minister".
It looks that all the media didn't pick the news, but saker seems to confirm it .
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Breaking news: Russia will completely stop the delivery of gaz through the Ukraine

First, I was a little skeptical. Then more and more sources confirmed what seems to be a fact: Russia will completely stop the delivery of gaz through the Ukraine and all Russian gaz will now flow through Turkey (see Bloomberg and LifeNews). Not only that, but the Russians have told the Europeans that if they want Russian gaz, they will have to build their own pipeline to Turkey at pay for it all.

Putin and Miller
The Europeans appear to be shell-shocked. Maros Sefcovic, the European Commission’s vice president for energy union, declared that this decision made "no economic sense". As if the nonstop economic and political warfare waged by the EU against Russia did make any sense!

I can image the faces of the Eurobureaucrats when Alexei Miller, the head of Gazprom, told them that "now it is up to them to put in place the necessary infrastructure starting from the Turkish-Greek border” while the Russian Energy Minister Novak added that "the decision has been made, we are diversifying and eliminating the risks of unreliable countries that caused problems in past years, including for European consumers.”

In other words, the EU just lost it all and so did the Ukraine. Keep in mind that the EU has no other options then to purchase the Russian gas from Turkey while Russia can simply do without gaz exports to Europe because China has already signed a contract covering the exact same amount of gaz and possibly much more.

Let's see now how the infinitely corrupt, arrogant, criminally irresponsible European elites will cope with an agriculture choking in useless surplus stocks, a society waging ideological war on 1.6 billion Muslims, and now with no energy.

The always irreplaceable Poles have come up with a brilliant strategy it appears: they will "not really" invite Putin to the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz even though Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet military. I am sure that Putin will be both impressed and heartbroken.

Nowadays every time I hear any news out of Europe, I always think that Victoria Nuland's famous "f**k the EU" and how Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, called his colleagues the "great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies". I share exactly the same sentiments: let them "Charlies" now freeze in their own pathetic mediocrity.

The Saker
Laura said:
griffin said:
Apparently Russia has just called Ukraine's bluff of refusing to pay for natural gas supplies, leading to consternation approaching panic among the leaders of EU countries that receive their gas via Ukraine.

Is that a current article? It refers to Putin as the "prime minister".

I don't see any date of publishing on and there is no longer possible to left a comment.
It is dated 2012, as far as I understand, according to this site
And in 2012 Putin was the prime minister.
Laura said:
griffin said:
Apparently Russia has just called Ukraine's bluff of refusing to pay for natural gas supplies, leading to consternation approaching panic among the leaders of EU countries that receive their gas via Ukraine.

Is that a current article? It refers to Putin as the "prime minister".

In this article they quote figures for the UK's gas imports from 2007 and mention the "Czech E.U. presidency", which was Jan-June 2009 according to here: _ The accompanying photo appears to be Putin's pre-olympic Sochi skiing trip with Medvedev in 2014.

Edited later:
... and the picture of Putin at his desk is from 2009, archived here: _
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