Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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SeekinTruth said:
Every time the Kiev junta are getting their butts kicked, they want a cease fire to save whatever military operation capabilities they have left. And then they start immediately violating the cease fire terms and killing, maiming, and terrorizing the civilian population in Donbass. The suffering of the civilians is horrible, but I think the NAF should finish off the Ukrainian military, to stop the violence. They've been through this over and over, and it's always the same lies and resuming the violence.

Meanwhile the hrivna (Ukrainian currency) collapsed about 50% in a manner of hours. If the pressure is kept up on Kiev, they're totally in a desperate situation, it would increase the chances of getting some lasting peace. The chances of another false flag atrocity blamed on the NAF is REALLY high now, though.

during the reign of Yanukovych 1 dollar cost 8 hryvnia, now it is 23-25 UAH, and that without data of black market and speculators.
and in Ukrainian media and from the parliamentary rostrum say only one thing: Russia is suffering from sanctions, Russian economy collapsed, how lived Attorney General and the rest in time of Yanukovych...
because in Ukraine everything is fine!
McCain showed his true face of psychopathic thinking:

“I think that if we had provided them with the weapons they need, they wouldn’t have felt they had to use cluster bombs. So, it’s partially our fault,” McCain said.

Lumiere_du_Code said:
Siberia said:
When someone comes to your home with a sword, sharpness in response is very understandable. And Be obviously came to attack: he started with blaming the Forum and SoTT of bias and then went on explaining why the Kiev aggressors are actually "patriots" and why we should honor them for their "patriotism."

I wonder if he would be the same "objective," "unbiased" and "all emotionless," when some of those "patriots" knock on his door?..

When the same nightmare was going on in Chechnya in the 90s, and then Putin came to power, he simply made a deal with the Chechen leaders: he gave them very good money to restore the ruined infrastructure and provided them with their rights in the form of republic. Now Chechens are our best defenders: they are loyal to Russia and secure our borders efficiently.

Why not doing the same in Ukraine? Just return to the people of Donbass their rights (for their language, culture and history) and help them restore the ruined.. everything. Why shelling the hell out of Donbass? The only reason is: they don't need peace, they don't need any compromise or partnership. They just need to ethnically cleanse the land to further exploit it.

you're absolutely right, I totally agree with this.

I think there are a few "benefits" to Kiev and their NATO masters. First is that war distracts from economic woes. Second, they cannot just restore rights to East Ukraine because those rights would include the right to be aligned with Russia. Kiev and their NATO master are not prepared to accept such a settlement because NATO wants anti-Russian 'partner' countries right on Russia's doorstep. Having Eastern Ukraine as pro-Russia would act as a buffer zone against NATO aggression towards Russia.
marek760 said:
McCain showed his true face of psychopathic thinking:

“I think that if we had provided them with the weapons they need, they wouldn’t have felt they had to use cluster bombs. So, it’s partially our fault,” McCain said.
The fascist Kiev junta's military is dysfunctional and, like Ukraine's economy, facing imminent collapse.
and .
Don't even know whether to laugh or to cry about this, you decide. The photo was taken in Zhitomir city, Ukraine: a mobilization campaign banner next to the military cemetery where new graves of Ukrainian soldiers appear every day..


The banner says Dignity, Freedom and Victory in Ukrainian. Kiev junta must be the "masters" of PR..
Very typical of the pathological inability to read human reactions by the Kiev junta. Like so much of what they do and say, it's both funny, really sad, and infuriating at the same time.

The Anglo-American-Zionist Evil Empire seems to be in a particularly desperate and panicky state right now. All the chaos and destruction they've unleashed everywhere seems to be going against them at the same time. And that ticking sound is their total financial, economic, and societal collapse getting closer and closer every minute. The current model of using violence and threats of violence (i.e. military enforcement) of their economic/financial/currency dominance is just not viable anymore. They seem to have found the greatest epic failures in their puppets in Kiev to carry out their nefarious and ruthless action plans....
While attending the Munich Security Conference Porkyshenko held 6 russian passports saying those are real evidence that show the presence of russian soldiers in Ucraine : said:
While addressing the security conference, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko held up six red Russian passports he claimed had been discovered on Ukrainian territory, citing them as the “best evidence” of Russian troop presence in Ukraine.

The whole RT article can be read on this adress:


... and the RT video with Porkyshenko :

edit: added the RT article link.
Siberia said:
Don't even know whether to laugh or to cry about this, you decide. The photo was taken in Zhitomir city, Ukraine: a mobilization campaign banner next to the military cemetery where new graves of Ukrainian soldiers appear every day..


The banner says Dignity, Freedom and Victory in Ukrainian. Kiev junta must be the "masters" of PR..
I prefer to cry since it presents the people with the picture of joining the mobilization efforts as a Kamekaze mission. The ad says that one should join the military to die for the dignity, freedom and victory of Ukraine, and if one does not want to do that then one does not support those national goals. What they are not saying is that Ukraine has already lost its dignity, and before that its freedom, as it has been a slave to the oligarchs as well as the US, IMF and EU dictates. Victory depends on the outcome, who writes the history, and how it is afterwards interpreted.

Recently we have written about the present mobilization efforts and the civil opposition, especially from Ukrainian women. In this regard, there was this article from Newsweek. I have inserted the links, but they are mostly in Ukrainian. said:
Ukraine to Call Up Women Over 20 for Armed Forces
By Damien Sharkov 2/4/15 at 3:49 PM

Ukraine’s armed forces could call up female citizens of Ukraine aged between 20 and 50 to join the fight against pro-Russian separatists in the country’s eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, Vladislav Seleznev, spokesperson for the armed forces’ high command told Ukrainian news agency Unian today.

The former Soviet republic has been hard pressed for resources to combat the Russian-backed separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk since fighting erupted in the regions between the newly formed pro-EU government and pro-Russian groups a year ago.

Ukrainian finance minister Natalya Yaresko estimated the war is costing Ukraine $10 million dollars a day, earlier today. European finance ministers agreed to loan Ukraine €1.5 billion in addition to the €15 billion loan programme agreed by the EU and Ukraine last March, as the Ministry of Finance has estimated that the war has shrunk the country’s economy by 20%.

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However, Kiev is unwilling to scale back its military in response to its economic problems as it is now prepared to extend the bracket for the nation-wide call to military service towards female citizens in a bid to reinforce its national security services and deliver on its plans to mobilise and enlist 200,000 Ukrainians in its arm forces by the end of 2015.

According to Seleznev, throughout the mobilisation period which began last month and will continue until April, Ukrainian women between the ages of 20 and 50 could be called up to serve as officers, while others aged between 20 and 40, could be called up to assist the military in support positions.

The spokesperson for the armed forces told press the personal records of female citizens will be screened and potential candidates for military services will be called up, based on evidence for previous desire to serve in the military, indications that they are of the right health to for army service or at the very least that their profession has given them some “army-relevant education”.

Seleznev did not elaborate on the specifics of the criteria, however he did indicate that however many women are successfully recruited into the Ukrainian armed forces, the “majority” of the will be in charge of medical duties, communications or logistical assistance, as opposed to regular combat duty.

By the end of the current recruitment cycle in April the Ukrainian armed forces have set a target to mobilise 60,000 new recruits.

According to Seleznev, near the end of 2014 as an emergency provision around 100 women were recruited for army service.

Yesterday Andriy Lysenko, the spokesperson for Ukraine’s National Security Services told journalists that 95% of army call-ups for the current recruitment cycle were completed with around half of the new recruits expected to join the armed forces by April, having already been sent to training.

According to a statement issued last month by major general Vladimir Talaylay the deputy head of command of Ukraine’s armed forces, 78,000 call-ups have been sent to Ukrainian citizens over the current recruitment cycle, and 46,000 of those having already been successfully assimilated into the army.

The Ukrainian army consists primarily of men aged 18-60 years old, however, according to Talaylay, any servicemen between the ages of 50 and 60 are not obliged to serve in the military during the call-up but have chose to do so voluntarily.
In other words those ladies that now resist, don't have to go to court. If they have the right age, they can simply be enlisted in the army by force, and refusing to fight, a recent law will allow them to be shot. End of story.
Andrian said:
While attending the Munich Security Conference Porkyshenko held 6 russian passports saying those are real evidence that show the presence of russian soldiers in Ucraine : said:
While addressing the security conference, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko held up six red Russian passports he claimed had been discovered on Ukrainian territory, citing them as the “best evidence” of Russian troop presence in Ukraine.

but he "forgot" to show Russian passports of those who came to fight on the side of junta. militias have repeatedly found among dead soldiers and pointing at the camera passports of Russians, some of them even arrive from the most remote regions of Russia. so why Bloody Pig does not talk about this?
thorbiorn said:
Recently we have written about the present mobilization efforts and the civil opposition, especially from Ukrainian women. In this regard, there was this article from Newsweek. I have inserted the links, but they are mostly in Ukrainian. said:
Ukraine to Call Up Women Over 20 for Armed Forces
In other words those ladies that now resist, don't have to go to court. If they have the right age, they can simply be enlisted in the army by force, and refusing to fight, a recent law will allow them to be shot. End of story.

I simply have no censor words... these bastards by all possible and impossible ways try to "tire out" Ukrainian people in graves, economically and through war. Everyone MUST to fight and die for oligarchs and the US State Department.
and if he does not want to do it voluntarily or by order, by suddenly created a new "law", he must be drag there trough force or to be killed for refusing.
constitution? European country? human rights? free will? Welcome to Ukraine!
Sometimes one gets accross information which is difficult to verify and which by itself is so bizarre that one begins to wonder if one is living in a world of fantasy. Nevertheless, considering the extremely degraded state of the Empire, just about anything is possible. Therefore, I overcome my hesitation and present this for you evaluation. I have a suspiscion it is partly a translation, because in some places I sense the English is a bit off.
_ said:
Breaking news from my Russian sources:
Posted by benjamin
February 7, 2015
Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of Vanguard Corporation, with almost a billion of high quality fake dollars, printed by Vanguard Corporation. This employee (is a member of the State Department), and now, during his interrogations, he “put under bus” Vanguard Corporation with all of its companies and “putting under bus” Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan and others…
He testified how the Vanguard Corporation has printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid to mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, etc and paid mercenaries of Greystone and ISIS. He testifies about connections and oil deals between Vanguard Corporation and ISIS.
He said,
In February, Ukraine’s position has become critical because they cannot pay the new prices for Russian gas. EU, especially the Germans, tried to act as arbitrators. Then from this bitch Susan Rice order came to us directly from Nuland that snipers must create “a bit of panic.”
On the day after that Ukraine has a new government, chosen mainly Nuland and John McCain from the National Republican Institute.
When the US administration recognize that the snipers were trained NATO (in Poland – TV), and the whole operation was organized by Vanguard, the CIA and the State Department – Obama almost had a heart attack.

By the way, when the May 18 “Ukrainian” troops attacked Sloviansk, 19 FBI agents and CIA were killed and 14 injured. Greystone lost 17, Academi 59 people.

“FBI agents” were actually people of Vanguard. With forged documents desk they received special Ukrainian identity cards that give them power over all Ukrainian police forces.
He described how all of the major mass murders and atrocities were organized by the Vanguard Corporation and Greystone mercenaries; how he communicated with Igor Kolomoyskiy and how together they were spreading fake dollars in Ukraine…

Germans promised him freedom, to hide him and support if he will tell everything he knows…
Also, two other employees of the Vanguard Corporation stole millions of fake dollars, and pretended that they were high jacked by Novorossiyan militia and murdered. Greystone and Vanguard Corporation have send their mercenaries to Novorossiya and killed one of them and return the second.., after which they brought him to London to their hospital and murdered him, saying that he died from a heart attack. His wife, a famous enough person has now provided information to important people and blackmails the Vanguard Corporation…
Shocked Merkel and President Francois Hollande on their way to Moscow…

Benjamin Fulford

I found a bit of biography: said:
Benjamin Fulford is a freelance journalist based in Tokyo, Japan. He has published over 30 books, including best sellers, in Japanese. Before becoming freelance, his last corporate job was as the Asia Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine.

It is quite possible based on his position and experience that he has some contacts, that provide him.
thorbiorn said:
I have a suspiscion it is partly a translation, because in some places I sense the English is a bit off.

No, that's just because the author 'isn't all there in the head', if you know what I mean. Treat all VT stuff about 'my secret sources' in the same way you'd treat other 'busted!' konspiracy theorists - with a healthy dose of suspicion!
Benjamin Fulford apparently posted some more about the issue with the fake Dollars. Again some of it is hard to verify, but one can consider the presented allegations as possibilities. said:
The War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group in order to create new Khazaria, and start WWIII by forcing Russia to bring military forces to Donbass:
Posted by benjamin February 7, 2015

More raw intelligence from the Russians:

1. Vanguard Corporation is printing billions of “supper dollars” and pays mercenaries of Greystone, Academy, some like ABC group, etc. There were a few of Vanguard employees some of them State Department employees, who had access to billions of fake supper dollars that looks even better then real dollars…

2. The Vanguard’s employees had buses of these dollars (billions), and they finance both sides of Ukrainian war… They bought a big amount of weapons from Ukrainian Army and on a regular basis provided it to Novorossiya (Donbass) militia.
In order to receive dollars, Ukrainian officers and soldiers have sold their weapons to Novorossiya. In other world, the main goal is to murder as many people in Ukraine as they can.

3. The Vanguard’s employees spread fake dollars in Ukraine through the banks that belong to Ukrainian Khazarian Oligarch, Igor Kolomoyskiy, who is the President of European Jewish Congress and Ukrainian Jewish Congress. City of Dnepropetrovsk (the main city of Zionist Kasparian Junta in Ukraine!). Also, Igor Kolomoyskiy owns the airports, including the Dnepropetrovsk’s airport that monitored the Malaysian Flight on July 17, 2014. He finances a military sadistic battalion Dnepr-1 that has committed mass murders in Novorossiya, and the soldiers and mercenaries of Dnepr 1 were paid by these fake supper dollars. All banks of the Dnepropetrovsk are full with these fake dollars.

4. Now nobody knows how much money Federal Reserve has its own dollars in the world and how much Vanguard’s dollars. Some specialists think that competitors “ordered to put down” Vanguard Group. However, Vanguard leaders and other high level bank specialists told that main investors—contributors of Vanguard own the Federal Reserve, and they support this statement.

5. Vanguard’s employee, Mr. Peter van Byurren (the last name could be misspelled) had some serious (huge) compromat about Vanguard Group, including its communications, supper dollars’ issues and its connections with US authorities, etc. Before, he left to Ukraine; he had hidden it in his mother house in a different state (the exact address is given). On January 8, 2015, he was informed that his mother died in hospital that belongs to one of the Vanguard’s companies. His wife checked the place where he hides the compromat against the Vanguard and did not find a box with documents and memory sticks.

6. Immediately, next day, Mr. Peter van Byurren and another Vanguard’s employee, Pete’s partner, Jonathan Mason, put in buses (BUSES!!!) several billions of super dollars and left. Information was spread that they were captured by Donbass militia. At this time, Ukrainian Army started their new active phase of a war against Donbass…

7. However, the Vanguard has sent a big group of Greystone mercenaries, and they found two Vanguard’s employees:

a. “Today, Jan. 21, the afternoon has ended with a series of events that led to the current outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass. The second escapee, Peter van Byurren, was captured on his quest by a special group of mercenaries of Greystone in the house where he was hiding in the village Spartacus Yasinovatskiy, Donetsk region. From there, under the American convoy he was sent to Kiev.”

b. “Unlike his partner, Jonathan Mason, was apparently awaiting the outcome of negotiations of Peter van Byurren with the militia. During his capture on January 19, 2015, three commandos of Greystone were shot and died. Jonathan Mason was killed in the house is in the village of Spartacus. The missing “super banknotes” nominal values of billions of dollars were not found.”

8. Peter Mr. Peter van Byurren was brought to London by a special comfortable flight, and seven of the Vanguard’s employees were with him. He was put in a hospital –Medical Center Sevenoaks – very solid health facility, recently acquired one of the largest in the world by the American Medical HCA, Hospital Corporation of America. There is nothing surprising in the fact that Mr. Peter van Byurren was placed precisely in this hospital: HCA belongs to the group of corporations and foundations, which includes such respected as Vanguard Group, Inc., State Street Corporation, Black Rock Institutional Trust Company, NA, Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, JP Morgan Chase & Company, Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard/WindsorII, Vanguard 500 Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund and others.

9. This was an announcement that at the same day , January 23, 2015, Mr. Peter van Byurren died from a heart attack.

10. Mrs. Van Byurren appealed to the leadership of Vanguard with an ultimatum, supported by its appeals in a completely bewildered edition of ABC, as well as to certain foreign diplomats in Washington.
The English is not always that clear, point 10 for example. It is possible it has been translated from another language.
Niall said:
thorbiorn said:
I have a suspiscion it is partly a translation, because in some places I sense the English is a bit off.

No, that's just because the author 'isn't all there in the head', if you know what I mean. Treat all VT stuff about 'my secret sources' in the same way you'd treat other 'busted!' konspiracy theorists - with a healthy dose of suspicion!
Thank you Niall, I managed to post the other piece before I got to read your post. All I can ask is that readers read those two posts with scepticism, though strange things have been going on before. Fx Poroshenko and some Kiev officials were said by a Novorossiya commander to be selling weapons to the Novorossiya. And one commander of a UAF volunteer battalion said he was offered 20 million dollars to leave a city, but he refused.
Astonishing stuff happening regarding Ukraine.

Putin has apparently made Merkel and Hollande 'an offer they couldn't refuse'.

They - and Poroshenko - are all in agreement, in principle at least, that DPR and LPR should be granted a 'strong degree of autonomy.'

French President Hollande calls for broader autonomy for E.Ukraine

Something's clearly going on in the background. Merkel and Hollande went to Kiev, told Porky 'how things are gonna be', then went to Moscow for a 'previously unplanned 5-hour meeting' with Putin.

I think it might be dawning on some Euro factions that the choice before them is either peace in Ukraine today, or war in Europe tomorrow.

Putin-Merkel-Hollande meeting follow up

“I cannot imagine any situation in which improved equipment for the Ukrainian army leads to President Putin being so impressed that he believes he will lose militarily,” Angela Merkel said, stressing that she would like to secure peace in Europe with Russia, not against it.

"If we don't find not just a compromise but a lasting peace agreement, we know perfectly well what the scenario will be. It has a name, it's called war," Hollande told Reuters.

“It is important that France and Germany have come up not on the national level, but as representatives of the European Union, backed by Poland and other countries,” Itar-TASS cited European Parliament President Martin Schulz as saying. “This initiative is in the name of Europe,” he said.

Kerry and Biden then raced to Europe faster than you can say 'attaboy', in a desperate attempt to keep Europe on a war footing with Russia. Kerry was scheduled to participate in the annual Munich Security Conference (where, 8 years ago, Putin famously gave THAT speech), but Biden, that despicable &%#(*&^#!*, went to Brussels. Let's see what the psycho had to say...

Biden says Europeans questioning Russia sanctions 'inappropriate, annoying'

US Vice President Joe Biden has called on European countries to show unity when it comes to sanctions against Russia, labeling the dissenting voices “inappropriate and annoying”, reported Der Spiegel, quoting the participants of the Brussels meeting.

Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine said that the US vice president’s remarks were made at a special meeting of leaders of the European parliament factions at the EU headquarters in Brussels. Biden called on European countries to ‘stand firm’ against Russia’s alleged threats to the region's unity.

“Putin continues to call for new peace plans as his troops roll through the Ukrainian countryside and he absolutely ignores every agreement that his country has signed in the past... including in Minsk,” Biden said, referring to “little green men”, but failing to provide any exact details of Russia's alleged military presence in the region.

Critics of the policy of sanctions against Moscow should be aware that they also benefited from the current low price of oil, Biden said. He deemed complaints made by some European states about costly sanctions against Russia “inappropriate and annoying.”


I bet that went down well!

"Oh quit whining about some lost revenues! You're more than making up for them thanks to our rigging of oil prices! You are such ungrateful vassals!"


EU officials said Thursday that the bloc is planning to blacklist more Russian individuals over Ukraine. However, the EU failed to introduce more economic sanctions due to internal disagreements, particularly surrounding the new Greek government.

European sanctions against Russia have affected several banks, military companies and individuals, prohibiting European entities from giving loans and exporting dual use and military technologies to Russian companies.

In 2014, German exports to Russia already fell by over 16 percent, with a full-year decline expected to stand at approximately 20 percent, equating to a shortfall of €8 billion compared with the previous year.

“We estimate that in Germany 300,000 workers work for Russian exports. As exports have gone down by almost 20 this respect [we] lost 60 000 jobs. So we expect a further decrease of exports with a negative impact on jobs in Germany,” said Dr. Eckhard Cordes, Chairman of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations.

Following the introduction of the sanctions, several champions of European industries said that sanctions were not the way out of the crisis.

“The impact of the sanctions is very moderate. Russia’s economic downturn was caused by oil prices. Sanctions worked more against western European countries because of the trade balance,” said Dr. Rainer Seele, Chairman of Germany’s largest oil and gas company, Wintershall.

No doubt the Greek debt crisis is part and parcel of this.
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