Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Kolomoyskiy is not the president of the European Jewish Congress. In fact, he's not even on their Board:

I could find NOTHING on the Vanguard Corporation and Ukraine. And nothing on 'Peter van Byurren'. There is a Peter van Buren, who was apparently a big-shot State Dept official who blew the whistle on corrupt US govt practises:

With zero sources provided, I'd say this is all spurious BS.
Niall said:
Kolomoyskiy is not the president of the European Jewish Congress. In fact, he's not even on their Board:

I could find NOTHING on the Vanguard Corporation and Ukraine. And nothing on 'Peter van Byurren'. There is a Peter van Buren, who was apparently a big-shot State Dept official who blew the whistle on corrupt US govt practises:

With zero sources provided, I'd say this is all spurious BS.

Found a Vanguard Group but not sure if it's the same as Vanguard Corporation. :huh:


Niall said:
Kolomoyskiy is not the president of the European Jewish Congress. In fact, he's not even on their Board:

He is the founder of the European Jewish Parliament, Niall: Other than that, I also think that most of the story is BS.
One can only marvel, how Sergei Lavrov handled the Q&A session at the Munich conference. The atmosphere was described by some, as being a 'Russia hate-fest', so it must not have been an easy situation for Lavrov. He did however show signs of disgust at the stupid questions that were presented, even throwing in some sarcastic comments.

Alexander Mercouris had a quite interesting analysis of the recent developments:
Talks in Moscow - a two-part analysis
by Alexander Mercouris

Part one (On 6th February 2015)
They have apparently continued for 5 hours and are still not finished though it seems some sort of document is being prepared for tomorrow.

Three comments:

1. If negotiations go on for 5 hours that does not suggest a smooth and conflict free discussion.

2. One of the most interesting things about the Moscow talks is that they mainly happened without the presence of aides and officials i.e. Putin, Hollande and Merkel were by themselves save for interpreters and stenographers. Putin and Merkel are known to be masters of detail and given his background as an enarque I presume Hollande also is. However the German and French officials will be very unhappy about this. The Russians less so because since the meeting is taking place in the Kremlin they are listening in to the discussions via hidden microphones.

One wonders why this is happening? Even if the Russian officials are not listening in Merkel and Hollande will assume they are. The fact that Russian officials were not present is therefore less significant than that German and French officials have been barred from the meeting by their respective chiefs, suggesting that Merkel and Hollande do not entirely trust them.

There has been an extraordinary degree of secrecy about this whole episode and it rather looks as if Merkel and Hollande were anxious to stop leaks and to prevent information about the talks from getting out. Presumably this is why their officials were barred from the meeting. From whom one wonders do Merkel and Hollande want to keep details of the meeting secret? From the media? From other members of their own governments? From the Americans? What do they need to keep so secret? The frustration and worry on the part of all these groups must be intense.

3. The fact that the British are excluded from the talks is going down very badly with many people here in London. It has not escaped people's notice that this is the first major negotiation to settle a big crisis in Europe in which Britain is not involved since the one that ended the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Of course it is largely the fault of the inept diplomacy of Cameron, who has taken such an extreme pro-Ukrainian position that Moscow simply doesn't see him as someone worth talking to. Also one suspects Merkel and Hollande do not trust Cameron not to leak the whole discussion to whomever they want to keep it from. Having said that it is difficult to see this as anything other than further evidence of Britain's decline into complete irrelevance. I cannot imagine Thatcher being excluded in this way. If the United Kingdom is indeed in the process of breaking up (and as I suspected the Scottish referendum settled nothing with polls indicating that the SNP may make an almost clean sweep of all the seats in Scotland in the election in May) then the slide into irrelevance still has a long way to go.

Part two (On 7th February 2015)
I am coming increasingly round to the view of Alastair Newman that Merkel and Hollande came with no plan to Moscow but with the purpose of having what diplomats call "a full and frank discussion" in private with Putin looking at all the issues in the one place in Europe - the Kremlin - where they can be confident the Americans are not spying on them. That must be why they sent their officials away.

It is also clear that Merkel's and Hollande's visit to Kiev before their flight to Moscow was just for show.

Poroshenko's officials are insisting that the question of federalisation was not discussed during Poroshenko's meeting with Hollande and Merkel. Hollande has however now come out publicly to support "autonomy" for the eastern regions i.e. federalisation, which makes it a virtual certainty that in the meeting in Moscow it was discussed. The point is that Merkel and Hollande did not want to discuss federalisation with Poroshenko because they know the junta adamantly opposes the idea and did not want him to veto it before the meeting in Moscow had even begun.

The problem is that since everyone pretends that federalisation is an internal Ukrainian issue to be agreed freely between the two Ukrainian sides, its terms will only be thrashed out once constitutional negotiations between the two Ukrainian sides begin. Since the junta will never willingly agree to federalisation, in reality its form will have to be hammered out in private by Moscow after consultations with the NAF and with Berlin and Paris and then imposed on the junta in the negotiations.

Saying this shows how fraught with difficulty this whole process is going to be.

Not only are there plenty of people in the Donbass who now oppose federalisation (and some in Moscow too I suspect) but this whole process if it is to work would somehow have to get round the roadblock of the Washington hardliners, who will undoubtedly give their full support to the junta as it tries to obstruct a process over which it has a theoretical veto. Frankly, I wonder whether it can be done.

If the process is to have any chance of success then Merkel and Hollande must screw up the courage to do what they failed to do last spring and summer, which is publicly stand up to the hardliners in Washington and Kiev and impose their will upon them. Are they really willing to do that? Given how entrenched attitudes have become over the last few months and given the false position Merkel and Hollande put themselves in by so strongly supporting Kiev, the chances of them pulling this off look much weaker than they did last spring.

I would add a few more points;

1. There is one major difference between the situation now and in the Spring, which might offer some hope of movement.

Anyone reading the Western media now cannot fail but see that there is a growing sense of defeat. Sanctions have failed to work, the Ukrainian economy is disintegrating and the junta's military is being defeated.

That was not the case last spring, when many in the West had convinced themselves that the junta would win the military struggle with the NAF. The confrontation strategy Merkel opted for in July based on that belief has totally and visibly failed. It is not therefore surprising if she is now looking for a way-out by reviving some of the ideas that were being floated by the Russians in the spring. She now has a political imperative to look for a solution in order to avoid the appearance of defeat, which would leave her position both in Germany and Europe badly weakened. That political imperative was not there in the spring. It is now. In a sense the pressure is now on her.

2. I should stress that it is Merkel who is Putin's key interlocutor. The reason Hollande is there and appears to be taking the lead is to provide Merkel with cover. The one thing Merkel cannot afford politically is the appearance of a Moscow-Berlin stitch-up that the hardliners in Washington, Kiev, London, Warsaw and the Baltic States will claim is a new Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact to divide Europe into German and Russian spheres of influence. Whether we like it or not in Germany the shadow of Hitler still hangs heavy and exposes Berlin to endless moral blackmail whenever it tries to pursue with Moscow an independent course. That is why Merkel needs Hollande present when she meets Putin for talks of the sort she's just had in Moscow.

3. One other possible sign of hope is that there is some evidence that a sea-change in European and especially German opinion may be underway.

Whatever the purpose of the ongoing debate in Washington about sending weapons to the junta, whether it is a serious proposal or an attempt to secure diplomatic leverage or a combination of the two, it has horrified opinion in Europe, bringing home to many people there how fundamentally nihilistic US policy has become.

All the talk in the Western media yesterday and this morning is of a split between Europe and the US. That is going much too far. However for the first time there is public disagreement in Europe with Washington on the Ukrainian question. Whether that crystallises into an actual break with Washington leading to a serious and sustained European attempt to reach a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian crisis against Washington's wishes is an altogether different question. I have to say that for the moment I very much doubt it.

4. I remain deeply pessimistic about this whole process. The best opportunity to settle this conflict diplomatically was last spring. I cannot help but feel that as Peter Lavelle said on the Crosstalk in which I appeared yesterday, the train has now left the station.

A peaceful solution to the Ukrainian conflict ultimately depends on European resolve to face down the hardliners in Washington and Kiev. It is going to be much harder to do this now than it was last year.

Moreover, despite the bad news on the economy and on the front line in Debaltsevo, the hardliners in Kiev are bound to have been emboldened by all the talk in Washington about sending them arms, which is going to make the effort to bring them round even harder than it already is.

The besetting problem of this whole crisis is that the Europeans have never shown either the resolve or the realism to face the hardliners down though it is certainly within their power to do so. In Merkel's case one has to wonder whether her heart is in it anyway. My view remains that this situation will only be resolved by war, and that the negotiations in Moscow will prove just another footnote to that.

5. If I am wrong and some autonomy really is granted to the Donbass, then I make one confident prediction. This is that the Ukraine will in that case disintegrate even more rapidly than it would have done if federalisation had been agreed upon last spring or summer.

Following such a terrible war, I cannot see people in the Donbass accepting federalisation as anything other than a stepping stone to eventual secession and union with Russia. If the Donbass secures autonomy, I cannot see people in places like Odessa and Kharkov failing to press for an at least equivalent degree of autonomy to that granted to the Donbass. If the Europeans are prepared to see the Donbass achieve autonomy, by what logic can they deny it to the people of Odessa and Kharkov?

More to the point, the November elections showed the emergence of what looks like an increasingly strong potential autonomy or even independence movement in Galicia.

Given that a terrible war has been fought and lost in the east to defeat "separatism" in the Donbass, and given the widespread disillusion with the junta in Kiev, it is difficult to see how many people in Galicia will not feel betrayed if the grant of federalisation to the Donbass is now imposed on them after so many of their men died to prevent it. If in reaction Galicia presses for the same sort of autonomy as the Donbass - which it could well do - then the Ukraine is finished. I doubt it would hold together for more than a few months. If federalisation had been granted last spring or summer before the war began then it is possible - likely even - that the Ukraine could have been held together in a sort of state of suspended animation at least for a while. I don't think there's much chance of that now.
Niall said:
Kolomoyskiy is not the president of the European Jewish Congress. In fact, he's not even on their Board:

I could find NOTHING on the Vanguard Corporation and Ukraine. And nothing on 'Peter van Byurren'. There is a Peter van Buren, who was apparently a big-shot State Dept official who blew the whistle on corrupt US govt practises:

With zero sources provided, I'd say this is all spurious BS.
Niall, Vulcan59 and Siberia, thank you for the research and clarifications.
In this video in Russian from Novo Rossiya TV, published on Feb 7, they say that within the last 24 hour there had been 39 attacks on Donetsk area including Makeeevka with 6 dead and 15 wounded. Also a hospital was hit, nobody was killed, but they destroyed the surgical department etc. Then there was a press conference with the minister of defence of DNR, who laid out the situation with the coal mines. They are being shelled, he gave examples of the ventilation being destroyed while people were still down there, in two other places the electricity had been cut and water was creeping in; in one case at a speed of 700 m3 per hour! The UAF target infrastructures, etc. I assume that in case the mines get filled up with wather, it will take a lot of extra pumps and energy to empty them again.

On this page in English language they report:
[...] After the initial success the advance of People’s Militia in the Debaltsevo pocket has been limited recently to the positional fighting and “mopping-up” operations in the already captured territories. Military experts mark shortage of Novorossiyan Army forces for the ultimate settlement of the issue of the Ukrainian group in the operative encirclement. The total number of personnel of the militias is estimated as 3 – 3.5 thousand people, whereas estimated strength of the Ukrainian group is from 7 up to 9 thousand military men. [...]

On the above website they say 70 trucks with humanitarian aid arrived:

And then I noticed that Sarkozy has made a statement about Crimea: Considering that it was the issue of Crimea that sparked the beginning of the sanctions:
“We are part of a common civilization with Russia,” said Sarkozy, speaking on Saturday at the congress of the Union for a Popular Movement Party (UMP), which the former president heads.

“The interests of the Americans with the Russians are not the interests of Europe and Russia,” he said adding that “we do not want the revival of a Cold War between Europe and Russia.”

Regarding Crimea’s choice to secede from Ukraine when the country was in the midst of political turmoil, Sarkozy noted that the residents of the peninsula cannot be accused for doing so.

“Crimea has chosen Russia, and we cannot blame it [for doing so],” he said pointing out that “we must find the means to create a peacekeeping force to protect Russian speakers in Ukraine.”
On Saturday, French President Francois Hollande called for broader autonomy for the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. They need “rather strong” autonomy from Kiev, he said speaking on France 2 TV.

The comment comes after Hollande together with German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Kiev and Moscow this week for talks on the resolution of the Ukrainian conflict, that has escalated in January.
What is the plan of the EU? Is it to accept Crimea get to the point of actually opposing the US and the US supported Kiev government responsible for the senseless killings and bombings in Eastern Ukraine?
guys, I just read your posts about Vanguard & this mr. Van Byurren, and right now saw articles about it in a blog of some Russian researcher.
here it is:
and there is other publications of author on these issues.

to not to translate all of this, I shall give only headlines:

- Appease Mrs. Van Byurren (a lot of articles about it)
- War to the last European
- The fate of Poroshenko solved in Abu Dhabi?
- Chinese strategy of Ukrainian War
andmany other.
I still have never seen results of Moscow talks with Putin, Hollande and "Frau Hitler". Although the media promised to give them on the next day. I understand that it was behind closed doors, but though something they had to give to the press! and this is not!

this Russian researcher, about which I wrote above, in her article says that, presumably, Merkel wants to turn against the United States, with the support of Putin:

At the same time, she does not give any sources out where she gets all information that is published in his blog. she said she can not do it (called source), does not know how to call them. That's her words: "I can hardly imagine how should look like a link in such cases: "my secret phone admirer from Langley (KGB, Mossad, the BND, Siguranţa) reported it?"

I do not know everything, but if to think about: how civilians find all this information and get access to it? from where? this is not to come to the library and say "give me secret documents about the secret world government and their staged of Ukrainian war." that's it so confusing, so much "stuffing" rushes, so any "Diwali analysts"... everyone interprets in his own way, and in fact none of these "analyzes" per summer, for example, did not materialize, even approximately. I'm more inclined to think that it's just a lot of kinds of information for lip service to distract from what is really happening, that does not fit into the frame. no one will ever be able to authentically check all these blogs and materials, because there are no sources, etc. and no one will be able to look behind the scenes. even all the news, actual events - are not what they are. that's the same meeting of presidents: newspapers wrote one thing, but what was really there, what they talked about in fact, and what is required to do? that we will never know.
All this mess can actually stop FOR ONE DAY. just say, "Okay, guys, you want to go on your own course - well, let's see how it will be." and stop these senseless bombings and suicide attacks. just come out and say "Okay, stop!" but no, this is not and will not. and everyone knows it, all these Merkel-Hollande and others. but they just keep their damn performances with "negotiations" and emotional attempts the disabled people to talk about "efforts to stabilize the situation", "last chances", etc. - It is a cheap and dirty garbage. what the hell they have "efforts of"? go to the podium and bleat "we are worried of new shelling (and we know that this is our fosterling Nazi, but does not say that)." just pathetic political wh*res in their miserable performances for idiots.

Well, it's just my comment such as "thinking out loud". I just very sad to see day after day all this pathetic farce...
Aragorn said:
Alexander Mercouris had a quite interesting analysis of the recent developments:
Talks in Moscow - a two-part analysis
by Alexander Mercouris

That's an interesting analysis from Mercouris. One minor thing I would adjust is his reading of the Brits' exclusion:

Mercouris said:
3. The fact that the British are excluded from the talks is going down very badly with many people here in London. It has not escaped people's notice that this is the first major negotiation to settle a big crisis in Europe in which Britain is not involved since the one that ended the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Of course it is largely the fault of the inept diplomacy of Cameron, who has taken such an extreme pro-Ukrainian position that Moscow simply doesn't see him as someone worth talking to. Also one suspects Merkel and Hollande do not trust Cameron not to leak the whole discussion to whomever they want to keep it from. Having said that it is difficult to see this as anything other than further evidence of Britain's decline into complete irrelevance. I cannot imagine Thatcher being excluded in this way. If the United Kingdom is indeed in the process of breaking up (and as I suspected the Scottish referendum settled nothing with polls indicating that the SNP may make an almost clean sweep of all the seats in Scotland in the election in May) then the slide into irrelevance still has a long way to go.

I doubt they were excluded because they are irrelevant, but instead because they are notoriously untrustworthy. Londonistan is like the Empire's Eye of Sauron in Europe. Playing Russia against Central European powers is how they have achieved 'balance-of-power' hegemony over Europe for hundreds of years.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
There is a thread on Benjamin Fulford on the forum - and the conclusion is that what this guy is saying is mosty BS/Cointelpro.

Yes, he 'spins yarns from whole cloth', pretty much like Sorcha Faal, who also has 'Russian sources'. You can pick up possible clues from such types, but only having exercised some thought as to what it is they're trying to cover-up or distract from.
Yeah, Aragorn, I agree. Lavrov and Putin have superhuman patience and grace with these low-lives. If half of what the media whores accuse them of was true, they'd already have nuked the US and Europe as they can reach every major city in the "West" with their superior missile delivery systems. We're all lucky that there are people in charge of Russia of that stature. If they were as pathological and idiotic as those in the "West", with all the multidimensional attacks on Russia, we'd all be nuclear toast now.
The situation in Urakine is getting very worrying :(. It is relieving to know that Merkel, Hollande and Putin are discussing various options for the peace plan - however I suspect that the details of the discussion last Friday are not fully released yet, because the Empire of Chaos is pulling all the shots behind the scenes to prevent this....

Latest from RT : There is scheduled to be a "Normanday Four" meeting in Minsk this Wednesday to iron out the details of the peace initiative - sincerely hope peace prevails

Meanwhile the level of BS and propaganda is getting really absurd; and is now totally disconnected from reality - must be a sign of desperation. Its just absolutely disgusting viewing the antics of Poroshenko in Munich waving Russian passports claiming they are IDs of Russian soldiers. This from a so-called leader of a sovereign nation ?

Compare that with the grace that Lavrov handles a hostile press conference, one need not say more. Thankfully we have such leaders as Putin and Lavrov leading Russia, for if not humanity will be definitely be in another global war.

I sense titanic multidimensional forces clashing currently in this situation; which is described well by the Saker - the blog post is also on Sott:
Artyom Grishanov, a Russian artist, made and shared this video on Nov. 15, 2014. Since then, it was viewed 100K times:

One week ago, he made and shared another video. In just one week, it was viewed 1.5 m times (warning: graphic):

I think both videos worth sharing in social networks: they are short and simple, so that even very busy people who have no time to read lengthy articles, could stop for a moment and ask themselves these very simple questions.
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