Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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At the end of last year there were reports that airports in Eastern Ukraine had been closed down temporarily to all civilian traffic. Apparently, it is alleged, while NATO aid was flown in. At this moment Hercules C 130 transport planes are coming into Kharkov airport. Fort Russ has this short report: said:
February 9, 2015
Kharkov Anti-Maidan - Facebook Page
Translated by Kristina Rus

Kharkov Anti-Maidan Facebook page reports []:


"At 02:06 AM a NATO Hercules plane landed at the Kharkov airport. According to eyewitnesses, they land at the Kharkov airport every night since February 5th."
If the planes really did land, the very least one can say is that NATO is helping transporting something. If this something is from inside Ukraine or from outside Ukraine we don't know - yet
it is unthinkable! :jawdrop:

Party "Block of Petro Poroshenko" made to the Verkhovna Rada a bill that establishes criminal liability for denial of Russia's aggression in conflict in the south-east of the country.

The draft law denotes the introduction of "responsibility for public denial or justification of military aggression of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine in 2014-2015". Corresponding application found on website of Ukrainian parliament. The applicant is a deputy Igor Artyushenko.
One possibility for Russia in its relation to the US and NATO and the situation in Ukraine is to release more about what they know about the 9/11. This post is about this issue:

On the Russian news site they say that Russia might release satellite images that shows more about 9/11. This article has been translated and posted on Veterans Today said:
Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11

Posted by Gordon Duff on February 10, 2015
Pravda: US fears Russian publication of satellite photos of the tragedy of 9/11
(Editor’s note: Russian satellite evidence proving the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center using “special weapons” was reviewed by a VT editor while in Moscow. The article below was forwarded to us for publication in the US and translated from Russian. It is 3 days old, published on February 7, 2015.)
Moscow (Pravda): American experts believe that despite the fact that relations between the US and Russia reached the worst point since the Cold War, Putin delivered until Obama only minor troubles. Analysts believe that this “calm before the storm.” Putin is going to hit once, but he’s going to hit hard. Russia is preparing the release of evidence of the involvement of the US government and intelligence services in the September 11 attacks. In the list of evidence includes satellite images.

Published material can prove the US government complicity in the 9/11 attacks and the successful manipulation of public opinion. The attack was planned by the US government, but exercised using her proxy, so that an attack on America and the people of the United States looked like an act of aggression of international terrorism.

The motive for deception and murder its own citizens served as US oil interests and the Middle East state corporations.

The evidence will be so convincing that it utterly debunks the official 9/11 cover story supported by the US government.

Russia proves that America is no stranger to using false flag terrorism against its citizens in order to achieve a pretext for military intervention in the foreign country. In the case of “the September 11 attacks,” the evidence will be conclusive satellite imagery.

If successful, the consequences of Putin’s tactics would expose the US government’s secret terrorist policies. The government’s credibility will be undermined and should bring about mass protests in the cities leading to an uprising, according to American analysts..

And as the United States will look on the world political arena? The validity of America’s position as a leader in the fight against international terrorism will be totally undermined giving immediately advantage to rogue states and Islamic terrorists.

The actual development of the situation could be much worse, experts warn.

However it seems the ground has already been prepared: said:
Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed

Posted by Gordon Duff on May 20, 2014

Russia Opens Files on Nuclear 9/11 and Israeli Proliferation
The report below is taken from an intelligence dump by Russian sources. As the origin is from an intelligence agency in the form of a “leak,” there are always questions. Thus far, we have found not only is the majority of the material confirmed but several solutions to serious problems involving 9/11 are included.

I have redacted little here. However, this arrived with vast supporting documentation which can, in the future, be uploaded on SCRIBD for access. One key area is that the US had supplied Israel with surplus nuclear weapons. (Editor’s note: We are advised that some of the documentation can never be uploaded or distributed for reasons that will be obvious.)

We have a very solid confirmation on this. Back during the 1980s, Israel showed her inventory of Davy Crockett tactical nuclear warheads to one of our editors, who at the time was a senior NATO intelligence official. These early “micro-nukes” were taken out of US inventory in 1978 and “disappeared.”
[...] said:
9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators

Russian 9/11 Data Dump Reveals State Actors

by Michael Thomas
It appears that Russia has been conducting systematic data dumps on 9/11, the release of which represents more factual information on the attacks than any US Government source. In the wake of the Anglo-American coup d’état conducted by the CIA and MI6 in Kiev, it appears that Russia has no more patience for Western interference. Especially when nations are destabilized on Russia’s borders do the stakes in this highly consequential geopolitical chess match go up.

Since Vladimir Putin has no intention of starting World War 3, he can only respond to US-EU meddling by using asymmetric warfare on the internet. Were the American people to understand that the US Federal Government perpetrated the 9/11 destruction, everything would change in a heartbeat. Because the Obama Administration has shown no sign of aborting its planned takeover of the Ukraine, Russia is left with very few, but still quite potent options.

And there is more: said:
Author: Gordon Duff
Truth Gone Bad, How 9/11 Activists Have Failed
Able Danger Leak

On May 24, 2014, the former Moscow bureau chief of a major news organization contacted Veterans Today. A copy, partially redacted of a 2003 report citing the use of nuclear weapons in the demolition of the World Trade Center was forwarded, reputedly from Russian intelligence. A note with it said it was “not from Edward Snowden.”

The report had been given; the message went on, to CNN who refused to even acknowledge receiving it. In this report, a preliminary finding submitted, as was verified by numerous sources, to the Bush White House, congressional leaders, Federal prosecutors and Pentagon officials, scientific evidence of nuclear demolition devices was outlined including specifics on their nature, where they were planted, how they were made and a detailed background on their origin, W54 warheads made from Hanford plutonium, listed as in inventory at the Pantex storage facility in Amarillo, TX.

In August of 2014, a second set of documents was received from the same source, outlining a long term investigation into nuclear weapons theft and espionage involving key members of the US government, supporters of Israel, and a number of high profile individuals including the Israeli prime minister, a former New York City mayor and a director of the Department of Homeland Security.

Each document included key specifics, exact placement of nuclear demolitions, detailed scientific analysis and very specific evidence of a criminal conspiracy including detailed specifics of a much wider 9/11 plot. The positions of radio jammers, safe houses and exfiltration routes were published as well and confirmed by Able Danger team members who took part in the surveillance.

A recent Veterans Today article outlines some of the most damning findings and links to technical papers and findings that were legally publishable.

What is interesting when reading the "recent Veterans Today article" is among other things the Ukrainian "touch": said:
Local Terror Cells Role

In place local assets, some with direct connections to the Ukranian “Kosher Mafia” or

1. Vehicles for hauling explosives

2. Access to Transit Authority facilities, vehicles and personnel for planting explosives

3. Cooperation with local condo/co-op security assuring unfettered access to rooftops
In an earlier post, I was reflecting on the size of the latest explosion at a Chemical plant in Donetsk. The problem for me was that the power of the explosion was above what one would expect from just a simple halfton bomb. Probably it hit some kind of explosive material, but still I hope the people in charge have a Geiger counter around just in case someone with good connections to ... tries a mininuke.
Lumiere_du_Code said:
it is unthinkable! :jawdrop:

Party "Block of Petro Poroshenko" made to the Verkhovna Rada a bill that establishes criminal liability for denial of Russia's aggression in conflict in the south-east of the country.

The draft law denotes the introduction of "responsibility for public denial or justification of military aggression of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine in 2014-2015". Corresponding application found on website of Ukrainian parliament. The applicant is a deputy Igor Artyushenko.
Poroshenko and his folks know they are hanging from a lamp post or kicked out, if they are not patriotic enough, not able to maintain the illusion that the stark naked emperor is dressed in beautiful clothes, not, not able to silence the resistance against mobilization and not able to convince people that they should sacrifice their wealth, health and futures for the sake of the never seen before superior levels of freedom and democracy in post-Maidan Ukraine.

And yes, it is mind blowing and shocking. I guess it is in times like these, one would have to get hold of some old fairy tales and tell them to the children; perhaps some will understand who the naked emperor is.
Thorbiorn, this whole thing about "Putin threatens to release 9/11 data" has been going on for years and nothing has come of it. In that regard it reminds me of the always eminent UFO disclosure that never materializes. Perhaps the PTB uses places such as Veterans Today to release a bit of pressure about 9/11 info, while at the same time conjuring up false hopes, which is worse than no hope.

As Niall mentioned before, one should treat stuff from Veteran Affairs with a fair amount of suspicion, as they serve their own interests, which are sometimes not compatible with truth.

Niall said:
thorbiorn said:
I have a suspiscion it is partly a translation, because in some places I sense the English is a bit off.

No, that's just because the author 'isn't all there in the head', if you know what I mean. Treat all VT stuff about 'my secret sources' in the same way you'd treat other 'busted!' konspiracy theorists - with a healthy dose of suspicion!
It looks like the crimes of the junta knows no bounds. The latest comes from TASS:

Ukraine sends draftees ill with TB to Donbas, Poroshenko’s adviser says

KIEV, February 10 /TASS/. Some Ukrainian draftees sent to fight in Donbas are ill with TB, a Ukrainian president’s adviser told a roundtable meeting on Tuesday.

"Inspections at mobilization points have revealed that far from all draftees take blood tests. Some conscripts are appointed for a chest X-ray while others are not. That is how people ill with TB are dispatched to the front," Olga Bogomolets, a Ukrainian parliament deputy and presidential adviser for humanitarian issues, said.

She described the attitude as being indifferent, unprofessional and criminal.

"There is indifference and there is unprofessionalism. It is an absolutely intended crime," Bogomolets stressed.
Aeneas said:
Thorbiorn, this whole thing about "Putin threatens to release 9/11 data" has been going on for years and nothing has come of it. In that regard it reminds me of the always eminent UFO disclosure that never materializes. Perhaps the PTB uses places such as Veterans Today to release a bit of pressure about 9/11 info, while at the same time conjuring up false hopes, which is worse than no hope.

As Niall mentioned before, one should treat stuff from Veteran Affairs with a fair amount of suspicion, as they serve their own interests, which are sometimes not compatible with truth.

Niall said:
thorbiorn said:
I have a suspiscion it is partly a translation, because in some places I sense the English is a bit off.

No, that's just because the author 'isn't all there in the head', if you know what I mean. Treat all VT stuff about 'my secret sources' in the same way you'd treat other 'busted!' konspiracy theorists - with a healthy dose of suspicion!
Thank you Aeneas for spelling it out - hopefully I'll learn it one day.
Let's suppose that it was "leaked" not from a Russian source but from a US source then the intention could be to discredit sections within the US and powerful Israeli citizens. It could be seen as a power struggle within the US. The possibilities of very small nuclear weapons that are being explained may be real, but at the same time it may also cover some other aspect.

On a personal level the effect of finding a link to a link to the artcie on Pravda which led to another link and another until I found some "original sources" which turned out to be what I presented, was - that I wasted a several hours of precious time, in which I could have studied or worked or gotten some rest :( When one makes a choice then other choices that were possible do not manifest.

Someone wrote on FB page in relation to situation in Ukraine:
_ said:
Ask Europeans these questions and save them from hypnosis, release them from information concentration camp created by Euro-Fascington mad elite.
Dear citizens of the European Union!
Please, tell me, what will you do if tomorrow the EU leadership begins to do what the criminals, who seized power in Ukraine, have been doing there during a year?
Good question!
Niall said:
No, that's just because the author 'isn't all there in the head', if you know what I mean. Treat all VT stuff about 'my secret sources' in the same way you'd treat other 'busted!' konspiracy theorists - with a healthy dose of suspicion!

Just for the record VT claims that Obama is to be assassinated on March 3 2015. Interesting intel barrage in the context of recent security breaches in White House...

In an earlier post, I was reflecting on the size of the latest explosion at a Chemical plant in Donetsk. The problem for me was that the power of the explosion was above what one would expect from just a simple halfton bomb. Probably it hit some kind of explosive material, but still I hope the people in charge have a Geiger counter around just in case someone with good connections to ... tries a mininuke.

Funny you mention mini nuke. I have just had someone yesterday asking me on FB if I could check whether it was a mini nuke that was used. If anyone has any more info re this? A bit coincidental methinks.
[quote author=thornbiorn]On a personal level the effect of finding a link to a link to the artcie on Pravda which led to another link and another until I found some "original sources" which turned out to be what I presented, was - that I wasted a several hours of precious time, in which I could have studied or worked or gotten some rest :( When one makes a choice then other choices that were possible do not manifest.

Thank you and others for the lot of work and research what you do, and it's not in vain.
If the source found to be shaky, we learn from it.
You doing great! :)
We are here to learn.
Lumiere_du_Code said:
it is unthinkable! :jawdrop:

Party "Block of Petro Poroshenko" made to the Verkhovna Rada a bill that establishes criminal liability for denial of Russia's aggression in conflict in the south-east of the country.

The draft law denotes the introduction of "responsibility for public denial or justification of military aggression of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine in 2014-2015". Corresponding application found on website of Ukrainian parliament. The applicant is a deputy Igor Artyushenko.

At this point, what else can we expect? Soon they'll make it illegal to deny the existence of the Easter bunny and Santa Clause, or that Poroshenko is more "magicful" than Willy Wonka, or that Yats... well, you get the idea.
our prices are increasing every hour, already the most banal products and goods cost as if they were taken from another planet. do not understand how to live. in stores imported goods is calculated in 35 hryvnia for 1 dollar. what the hell?? let's just at the rate of 1 in 1000, why be penny wise.
I'm just stunned. how long will it last? they really want to here half of the country had died. if not the war, so of hunger and that dare to doubt in "truth" of junta.
they are already offering throwing in jail anyone who really has own opinion on any issue not only with regards to Russia.
what's going on here on eyes at whole world, it would be wildly even for the Middle Ages...
Emma said:
[quote author=thornbiorn]On a personal level the effect of finding a link to a link to the artcie on Pravda which led to another link and another until I found some "original sources" which turned out to be what I presented, was - that I wasted a several hours of precious time, in which I could have studied or worked or gotten some rest :( When one makes a choice then other choices that were possible do not manifest.

Thank you and others for the lot of work and research what you do, and it's not in vain.
If the source found to be shaky, we learn from it.
You doing great! :)
We are here to learn.

Like Emma says it is not in vain. There is no doubt that different interest groups within the power structure pull in different directions. This can be seen in the US, but also in the EU and of course in Ukraine. Certain ideas or "leaks" are just trial balloons or preparation of the masses. Others are there to work as tar babies that will tar the disseminators of such ideas. Other ideas again work to release pressure on topics such as meteors or 9/11 or just to create false hopes of exposure (eg. UFO disclosure). OSIT.

Regarding the use of time, then I also wonder whether my time wouldn't be of better spent in reading and reflecting on books from the reading list. Something just tells me this is quite a deciding event, which deserves proper attention.
happyliza said:

In an earlier post, I was reflecting on the size of the latest explosion at a Chemical plant in Donetsk. The problem for me was that the power of the explosion was above what one would expect from just a simple halfton bomb. Probably it hit some kind of explosive material, but still I hope the people in charge have a Geiger counter around just in case someone with good connections to ... tries a mininuke.

Funny you mention mini nuke. I have just had someone yesterday asking me on FB if I could check whether it was a mini nuke that was used. If anyone has any more info re this? A bit coincidental methinks.
Several events within the last 20 years have been suspected to have been mini-nukes, from the Oklahoma City bombing through the WTC tower takedowns on 9/11, the Bali bombing, and even the earthquake and tidal wave in Thailand. In a couple of those instances, it's been claimed that the events were preceeded by local EMP bursts that are characteristic of nuclear detonations.
Ukrainian authorities are ready to introduce of martial law throughout the country in the event of a further escalation of the conflict in Donbass. This statement was made Poroshenko, RIA Novosti reported.


Security Service of Ukraine prosecuted 19 people for the "anti-Ukrainian activity." These data are announced Poroshenko.
"SBU has already found where was generated anti-Ukrainian activity. At present, [we] have caught 19 vocal critics of mobilization. On my instructions, SBU will continue to do so in the future".
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