Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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In the previous post there was a link to an article about the Minsk 2 peace agreement. However there was this which after a machine translation reads said:
The hypocrisy of Europe, or military assistance from NATO to Ukraine
12.02.2015 - 10:01

Repeated statements by the U.S. and its allies in NATO that they do not render military assistance to the Ukrainian regime" actually turn out to be a lie pure water.

Tales that official Kyiv is available only military uniforms, flak jackets and protective helmets, such as "truth", as well as the fact that in Ukraine there is no NATO instructors and foreign mercenaries.

Actually, the situation is exactly the opposite.

The fact of the presence in the ranks of the Ukrainian power structures of foreign specialists have been presented many times various news agencies.

And neither the United States nor its allies have already not refute the data. As the saying goes it is better to remain silent than to hide the obvious. But the uniforms, flak jackets and protective helmets, of which so many speak of NATO, why no one saw - Ukrainian soldiers arriving at the Assembly point, must provide themselves with the form and means of protection.

There is another side of military assistance to Ukraine, which "Western friends" Poroshenko hard hide - deliveries of weapons and military equipment. This topic is "TOP SECRET".

In our material we present You with objective proof that the West is heavily arming "Kyiv mode".

For the past six months, the United States, Canada, NATO mediatray Poland and Hungary have established regular deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine. And if earlier it was mostly walking technique Soviet model, which in the former countries of the Warsaw Pact remained in excellent quantity, it is now increasingly being modern samples of American and German production.

We all remember the recent (mid-December) closing airports Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye. Kiev night was silent, and then said that they were closed because of its proximity to the war zone.

Several questions arise. Why the airports are closed after so much time after the beginning of the so-called TAU, which is held in April? Why re-opened, if the fighting became more active, and therefore, the danger only increased? Why the airports were closed for a few days? By the way, these days were not the strongest fighting.

It turns out that all to easy. And there is no need to be super steep agent to find out the truth. All this was seen by ordinary passengers, flights were delayed or cancelled.

In the days when the airports were closed in the evening on their runway landed NATO military transport aircraft C-17V "Globemaster" and C-130 "Hercules".

Two hours on each airfield landed four Transporter.

The locals were seen in Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk airports were unloaded four self-propelled artillery guns (presumably "Palladin" American production and boxes of ammunition.

Kharkiv eyewitnesses say about unloading two American jet systems of volley fire LAROM and Spanish Teruel-3. This all information available on the Internet, it was posted in social networks ordinary Ukrainians, who had seen all this. They are also under photo added comments like: "Separan soon end", "Europe supports us".

Here is more facts of military aid to Ukraine from the West. Military convoys crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border in the evening, saw the inhabitants of the towns ustilug and Krakovets that in Lviv and Volyn regions.

These columns arrived at 169 training centre of the armed forces of Ukraine in Chernihiv oblast, where instructors of the U.S. armed forces since September of last year, conducts workshops with the staff of the power structures of Ukraine on the development of NATO weapons and equipment.

According to information from the Ministry of defence of Ukraine, the U.S. and its NATO allies gave them about 20 different artillery systems. Almost all of them are now in the zone "ATO". However, their combat use is constrained by the inability of the organization to ensure sustainable supplies of ammunition NATO standard.

This issue of arms and military equipment supplied by the West to Ukraine. Low professionalism of the Ukrainian military leads to the fact that "expensive" NATO ammunition stupid are shot in "milk" or simply disposed waste Ukrainian warriors to hide their presence.

But in the course of Brussels decided to close this issue.

According to available information from the Bulgarian sea port of Bourgas to the Ukrainian port of Oktyabrsk, Nikolaev under the Panamanian flag came vessel Yasar Abi". For those who don't know, the port of Oktyabrsk specializes in the transit of arms and ammunition.

In the holds of the vessel is dear deadly cargo of 680 tons of various ammunition, as NATO sample, and Soviet. Their ammunition in Kiev is almost over.

By the way, 3 of January of this year, "Yasar Abi visited the Georgian port of Poti, where the naval base of the Georgian Navy, and on 20 January 2015 was on the loading at the port of Burgas. And now loaded with ammunition to the rescue broken Ukrainian army, so she continued to destroy their own people.

Vitaly Gonsowski, candidate of sociological Sciences

I found the link to the above article through
According to the shipping information Yasar Abi has already been to Oktyabrsk said:
Destination TEKIRDAG

Last Known Port ILLICHIVSK [UA] (2015-02-09 23:50:00)
Previous Port OKTYABRSK [UA] (2015-02-06 17:27:00)

Time will show what happens next.
If McCain succeeds one more time then what? said:
Minsk Ceasefire Agreement ‘Unenforceable, Won't Last a Week’ - John McCain
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The Minsk agreements negotiated between Ukraine, France, Germany, Russia, and representatives of Donetsk and Lughansk are unenforceable and the proposed ceasefire will collapse within days, US Senator John McCain told Sputnik on Thursday.

“It sounds to me like it’s unenforceable. It’s a bandaid and my predictions to you, it will not last a week,” McCain said of the Ukrainian peace agreement signed on Thursday.
While the US government is mainly thinking about what next to bomb or who next to arm. There are other nations with other interests. Below is one about the interests of China with respect to Ukraine. At first I thought about posting only a few selected lines, but then considering that every fifth or sixth person on the planet is a Chinese citizen, I think it is okay to repost the whole thing. said:
Was Maidan supposed to pull Ukraine away from ... China?
Translated on February 10, 2015 by Kristina Rus
Originally published December 15, 2013 []

The Great Silk Road

Ukrainian press is bewildered about the indecisiveness of President Yanukovych in foreign politics. Many months were spent on the preparations for the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU, and suddenly two weeks before he hit the brakes.

Protesters roam the streets looking to provoke clashes with authorities, and Yanukovych left for a visit with China. In Kiev there are clashes with protesters. Yanukovych, on the way back from China, met in Sochi with Russian President, and then flies to Malta... What does it all mean?

It's very simple. It turned out that China can offer Ukraine what Europe can't - investment. And, including in those areas where even Russia would not invest, which is for the most part interested only in the Ukrainian pipeline [not true, actually -tr.].

The fact is that Ukraine unexpectedly found itself a piece of the puzzle of the revived Chinese "Silk Road Belt". For the sake of this project, it will transfer to China a part of the Crimean territory, where an economic development zone will be created, as part of the "Belt". It includes Sevastopol and the area near Evpatoria, where a deep-water port will be built, writes "Nezavisimaya Gazeta". The Chinese also plan to built in Crimea a new airport, shipyards, oil refinery, LNG terminal, education centers, beaches and recreation areas.

But the main flavor of the project is that it does not yet include Russia. Therefore, the Chinese expansion in Ukraine can change the balance of power in the discussion of Russian-Ukrainian economic plans.

Last week, China and Ukraine signed a memorandum on construction in Crimea of a deepwater port (Saksky district), reported "Interfax" with reference to the project developer, the General Director of "Kievgidroinvest" Alexei Mazyuk. The construction of the port will be fully funded by the Chinese side, around it an industrial zone of 300 000 square meters will be established.

And the newspaper "Zhenmin Zhibao" - the official organ of the Communist party of China explained that the construction of a deep-water port in Crimea will allow Beijing to reduce trade route to Europe by as much as 6000 kilometers. Goods from China will go through the Suez canal and the Mediterranean sea, but instead of following through Gibraltar, the ships will turn into the Black sea and will dock for unloading in Crimea. One glance at the map is enough to understand: Yes, it is much closer.

Thus, Crimea discovered new perspectives, which the peninsula did not expect. However, there was talk that China is interested in building wind and solar power plants on the Kerch Peninsula, where previously Scholkinskaya Nuclear Power Plant was almost built (was 90% ready, and closed after Chernobyl accident), but the transit of goods is on a much bigger scale.

But that's not all. Ukraine and China plan to jointly engage in reconstruction and development of the Sevastopol sea fishing port and the creation of a high-tech industry zone around it. The schedule is already determined: construction will start at the end of next year. China's investment in port infrastructure will be about 3 billion dollars just in the first stage.

The second stage, writes "Zhenmin Zhibao" of investments will reach $7 billion. Everything will be done quickly: the implementation period will not exceed two years, said the representative of the Chinese side of the project, Wan Jing. And the profit is expected in roughly six years after starting operation of all the facilities.

In China, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych has confirmed to the Prime Minister of the State Council of China Li Kejing his interest in strengthening strategic ties with China. He hopes that this will be in the aerospace, energy, space industry, infrastructure development and "the creation of the Great Silk Road", the main transport and economic hub of which in Ukraine will be Crimea.

Note that the project started not so long ago. It was announced in September of this year, when Chinese President Xi Jinping, during his visit to the Central Asian countries, spoke about the implementation of a large-scale integration concept of "Economic zone of the Silk Road". The Chinese believe that it would be much more promising and more successful than the Eurasian Union, which is being created by Russia on the initiative of President Putin.

Chinese integration plan will cover not only Central Asia but also South Caucasus: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, South Ossetia. Ukraine is a piece of the belt, and the end point of the Road will be Europe.

Russia's participation in the Chinese project remains unclear. Unless she wants to, as proposed by China, to participate in the revival of the transport infrastructure of the Central Asian republics, but it is totally unclear why would she do that. China has a clear goal: after flooding America with consumer goods, it now wants to take them to Europe. For Russia it makes no sense to equip foreign trade routes.

In anticipation of discontent in the US and Europe about its strengthening, China is in a hurry to make all possible moves in advance.

"China has clearly expressed that it is not seeking regional dominance, does not seek to establish a sphere of influence and does not interfere in the internal policies of other large States. In this regard, offered by China, the new concept does not interfere with the interests of Russia, writes, "Zhenmin Zhibao". - Chinese President XI Jinping held separate talks with leaders of four Central Asian States that have raised the relations between China and them to the level of strategic partnership. For example, Uzbekistan and China signed a cooperation agreement in the amount of $11 billion. With regard to infrastructure, China can help the countries of Central Asia in the restoration and construction of public roads and railways to Europe. Russia also is pleased to take part in this".

It is possible (and even likely) that it is true, but the thing is that it is rather easy to transform the economic clout into political, if necessary. Now China refrains from this, but it is unknown how it will behave in the future if circumstances change. And for now - yes, China makes investments around the world, for example, in Africa, on the basis only of economic feasibility. But its growing economic power in itself is a strong political factor of deferred action. Stepping to a new level, it will be able to easily change what still seems unreal - for example, to make the yuan the world's reserve currency, with all the ensuing consequences.

As for Ukraine's relations with China, according to the Ukrainian resource From-ua the countries have signed more than 20 strategic agreements about the development of trade and investment cooperation. Ukraine discussed strategic cooperation with China through 2018. In the next five years, China plans to import products worth 10 trillion dollars, and part of this quota can be given to Ukraine.

The Ukrainian President's visit to China became a turning point in the development of bilateral relations, believes the edition. Viktor Yanukovych and the Chairman of the People's Republic of China XI Jinping signed a joint Declaration on deepening strategic partnership that includes more than two dozen contracts, memorandums in the financial, industrial and energy sectors in excess of $30 billion dollars. Already next year Ukraine will receive $18 billion in loans and investments. How can you compare it with those $600 million, promised by Europe, while twisting Ukraine's hands with her papers about the Association and Free Trade Zone (FTA)?..

"In addition, Ukraine will have a quota of guaranteed sale of their products in China, which opens unprecedented opportunities for all sectors of the national industry and agriculture".

In addition, a Memorandum was signed between the state mortgage institution and the Chinese CITIC Construction on the construction of affordable housing in Ukraine. For these purposes, China will provide $15 billion for a period of 15 years with a possibility of extension and expansion of this project.

There is an agreement between the Ministry of Energy and China national engineering Corporation Wuhuan Engineering Co. Ltd., providing for the construction of a plant for production of synthetic gas. In the end, the project will create 2,000 new jobs at the plant and about 100 000 jobs at domestic coal producers.

Now the annual volume of bilateral trade between Ukraine and China is 10 billion dollars. The volume of trade ranks second among 217 countries with which Ukraine trades, and is 8% of the total trade of the country. Therefore, the signed agreements with China will increase these figures three times.

In an election year, Yanukovych will need to demonstrate to the population the improvement of the economic situation, and he hopes that with China and Russia he will succeed sooner than with stingy Europe, which does not want to guarantee anything.

Kristina Rus comment:

Much is talked about the fact that the Ukrainian crisis is not about Ukraine, but about US standoff with Russia. But of course the greatest economic rival of the West today is not Russia, but China. Russia is simply a key to China. A strong Russia with Putin at the helm is China's friend, and makes China stronger. This is why Russian Western-funded opposition tries to stir trouble between Russia and China, complaining about China's sights on the Russian Far East among other things. The West's ultimate dream - is a conflict between Russia and China.

Besides the Eurasian Economic Union with Russia at it's core, the West is very much concerned about the prospects of another union, initiated by China - "The New Silk Road Economic Zone," home to 3 billion people, which will be about much more then just transportation logistics (with the new railway worth $150 billion alone and ready by 2030) and makes EU seem like a small peninsula.

The gateway to the silk road, the Xinjiang province with a large Muslim presence, bordering Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India is already a target for terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists.

With September 2014 announcement of the "New Silk Road" project by China, one may wonder about the coincidental timing of the push for Ukraine to sign the EU Association Agreement, followed by protests in Kiev, which resulted in deposing of the government, friendly to Russia AND China.

It is clear that China had much more tangible projects to offer Ukraine, while "EUSA" was interested in pumping resources out of Ukraine, while destroying the competition of their own trans-national corporations in exchange for a promise of a chance of possibility of becoming a member sometime in the next few decades.

China supported Russia's reunification with Crimea, and after Putin's visit to China it was announced that Russia resumed talks about Chinese investments in Crimea. At the time when the West is trying to strangle Russia economically, Russia's own financial crisis, spurred by Western sanctions, and an urgent need for investment in Crimea, it is safe to say that Russia will give China very serious consideration.

At the same time it was announced that Odessa port lost China, which is no longer interested in investing in Ukrainian transport infrastructure due to rampant corruption.

China is already suing Ukraine for $1.5 billion in a London for not delivering the promised grain.

It is safe to say that China has lost it's interest in investing in Ukraine, and Ukraine has traded a very wealthy and reliable friend for a stingy uncle.

It is unfortunate that Yanukovich administration was not able to get the message across to the Ukrainian public about the lucrative opportunities coming from the East. That message would drown anyway in the sea of Western-sponsored and oligarch-owned media, who had their eyes firmly focused on the prize.

China cut their losses in Crimea, and learned an important lesson about who its friends are.

Despite differences in national interests between Russia and China due to the differences in their geographical and economic positions, one unifying factor is very strong - a challenge from the West. Leadership of both countries realize this very clearly, and will likely focus on working through those differences for the benefit of a common goal - containing the Western threat.

In the meantime Ukraine became the latest victim of the mad rush for new markets, where the East and the West came to a head. This does not add any optimism about the dwindling worldwide demand and the future prospects of the current economic system dependent on infinite growth on a finite planet.
As result of bombardment of Lugansk, which took place tonight, at least three people were killed and there are victims. This was reported in the MOE of Lugansk People's Republic.


Defense Minister of Donetsk People's Republic Vladimir Kononov said that 17 territorial battalions, which are involved in the fighting in the south-east of Ukraine, came out from under control of armed forces and came under control of "right sector."

"I have information that 17 territorial battalions came from the authority of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and came under jurisdiction of Yarosh. This is "right sector." "Right Sector" never doing anything conciliation agreements and in fact they always provoked further clashes. "


Fighters of "right Sector" capture the temple of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in the Cherkassy region. This is stated in a message posted on website of the UOC.

"February 12, after the liturgy group of people in camouflage uniforms with badges "Right Sector" has blocked Holy Cross church in village of Bolshaya Sevastyanovka of Cherkassy region", - the report says.

Representatives of the UOC also noted that before capture militants carried out a "Veche", where assembled that are not residents of the village and have no relationship to the parish, resorted to blatant insults to the believers of the UOC.
loreta said:
You have my sympathies, Lumiere, I think you are a very courageous person, all of you also who are living this situation while the rest of the world is looking else where because they have lost their souls. Thanks for all the information you are giving us, and the example also.

Well, I just do not expect anything good here, and in fact ready for anything, I'm already indifferent to what will happen to me. I'm most afraid of what these events and those perspectives that await me here break my learning the lessons that I have to finish, meaning "The Wave"... I do not want to meet all of these upcoming events and the transition being in prison. I am not for this here :) I at least should help those who are near.
Lumiere_du_Code said:
loreta said:
You have my sympathies, Lumiere, I think you are a very courageous person, all of you also who are living this situation while the rest of the world is looking else where because they have lost their souls. Thanks for all the information you are giving us, and the example also.

Well, I just do not expect anything good here, and in fact ready for anything, I'm already indifferent to what will happen to me. I'm most afraid of what these events and those perspectives that await me here break my learning the lessons that I have to finish, meaning "The Wave"... I do not want to meet all of these upcoming events and the transition being in prison. I am not for this here :) I at least should help those who are near.

Lumiere_du_Code, do not wring your hands! Whatever will happen around you, try to spot the role you have to play in it and its meaning. Events you will have to face, of whatever kind, can paradoxically be an incentive for you to learn more on the Wave path and to use the knowledge you already have to deal with whatever is on your way in your life. I wish you a lot of strength!
Joaquin Flores's notes on Normady 4 meeting in Minsk:

[/Many are saying that this meeting connects somehow to an ending of the violence. It does, but only generally so. The EU cannot compel Poroshenko to act, Poroshenko's actions are controlled by three main powers, but primarily it is the US.
The first is the US who acts directly upon him and also through pressure from the Pravy Sektor. They threaten to remove him and install the PS or create a more complex political terrain with more infighting, towards a failed state.
The next is Russia who has its eyes and ears in every compartment where Poroshenko lives and works. They have maintained him in power through countless obvious mechanisms, from access to energy (gas, coal), military results which he could spin positively (or hide), and against the Pravy Sektor.
Finally here is Europe, who has the least control over Poroshenko at present, but whose shift in position would be critical in supporting him outside of US policy should Ukraine take a federalized path and grant serious autonomy to Novorossiya.

More in link below:

Poroshenko is going to have a really hard time staying in power in my opinion. The Right Sector are probably going to start trouble all over. We'll have to wait and see what happens in the near future. Also, looks like NAF demolished all attempts to open corridors to the cauldron last night....
SeekinTruth said:
Poroshenko is going to have a really hard time staying in power in my opinion. The Right Sector are probably going to start trouble all over. We'll have to wait and see what happens in the near future. Also, looks like NAF demolished all attempts to open corridors to the cauldron last night....
Yes, Poroshenko's tenure might soon end, with the government in Kiev falling into disarray as various factions jockey for influence, power and money. The present Kiev regime is so crooked that it even lies to itself, which means it won't survive. We are watching a kleptocratic collection of idiots fail in real time.

A report on the desperate UAF attack attempting to relieve the encircled troops in Debaltsevo last night is at .
You know, this whole situation reminds me of Br'er Rabbit, Br'er Fox, the Tarbaby and the Briar Patch:

Grandmaster Putin's Golden Trap

Dmitry Kalinichenko for

Accusations of the West towards Putin traditionally are based on the fact that he worked in the KGB. And therefore he is a cruel and immoral person. Putin is blamed for everything. But nobody ever accused Putin of lack of intelligence.

Any accusations against this man only emphasize his ability for quick analytical thinking and making clear and balanced political and economic decisions.

Often Western media compares this ability with the ability of a grandmaster, conducting a public chess simul. Recent developments in US economy and the West in general allow us to conclude that in this part of the assessment of Putin's personality Western media is absolutely right.

Despite numerous success reports in the style of Fox News and CNN, today, Western economy, led by the United States is in Putin's trap, the way out of which no one in the West can see or find. And the more the West is trying to escape from this trap, the more stuck it becomes.
Kasia said:
Lumiere_du_Code said:
loreta said:
You have my sympathies, Lumiere, I think you are a very courageous person, all of you also who are living this situation while the rest of the world is looking else where because they have lost their souls. Thanks for all the information you are giving us, and the example also.

Well, I just do not expect anything good here, and in fact ready for anything, I'm already indifferent to what will happen to me. I'm most afraid of what these events and those perspectives that await me here break my learning the lessons that I have to finish, meaning "The Wave"... I do not want to meet all of these upcoming events and the transition being in prison. I am not for this here :) I at least should help those who are near.

Lumiere_du_Code, do not wring your hands! Whatever will happen around you, try to spot the role you have to play in it and its meaning. Events you will have to face, of whatever kind, can paradoxically be an incentive for you to learn more on the Wave path and to use the knowledge you already have to deal with whatever is on your way in your life. I wish you a lot of strength!
Second that! Praying for you! :hug2:
Thank you for the infos you provide!
The Western economic establishment can see and understand the essence of the situation. Leading Western economists are certainly aware of the severity of the predicament and hopelessness of the situation the Western world finds itself in, in Putin's economic gold trap. After all, since the Bretton Woods agreements, we all know the Golden rule: "Who has more gold sets the rules." But everyone in the West is silent about it. Silent because no one knows now how to get out of this situation.

If you explain to the Western public all the details of the looming economic disaster, the public will ask the supporters of a petrodollar world the most terrible questions, which will sound like this:

- How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?
And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods?

No one in the west today can answer these seemingly simple questions.

And this is called "Checkmate", ladies and gentlemen. The game is over.

Thank you Laura for this article!
Brilliant! :thup:
Is there going to be peace in Ukraine? Not if one can believe Dmitri Yarosh said:
Ukraine ultranationalist leader rejects Minsk peace deal, reserves right 'to continue war'
Published time: February 13, 2015 15:45
Edited time: February 13, 2015 17:32

Ukraine’s Right Sector leader Dmitry Yarosh said his radical movement rejects the Minsk peace deal and that their paramilitary units in eastern Ukraine will continue “active fighting" according to their "own plans."

The notorious ultranationalist leader published a statement on his Facebook page [_] Friday, saying that his radical Right Sector movement doesn’t recognize the peace deal, signed by the so-called 'contact group' on Thursday and agreed upon by Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia after epic 16-hour talks.

Yarosh claimed that any agreement with the eastern militia, whom he calls “terrorists,” has no legal force.

In his statement, Yarosh claimed that that the Minsk deal is contrary to Ukraine’s constitution, so Ukrainian citizens are not obliged to abide by it. Thus if the army receives orders to cease military activity and withdraw heavy weaponry from the eastern regions, the Right Sector paramilitaries, who are also fighting there “reserve the right” to continue the war, he said.

In his statement, Yarosh claimed that that the Minsk deal is contrary to Ukraine’s constitution, so Ukrainian citizens are not obliged to abide by it. Thus if the army receives orders to cease military activity and withdraw heavy weaponry from the eastern regions, the Right Sector paramilitaries, who are also fighting there “reserve the right” to continue the war, he said.

The Right Sector paramilitary organization continues to deploy its combat and reserve units, to train and logistically support personnel, while coordinating its activities with the military command of the Ukrainian army, paramilitary units of the Defense Ministry and the Interior Ministry, he said.

The breakthrough Minsk agreement was reached on Thursday following marathon overnight negotiations between Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia, and offer hope the fighting in Eastern Ukraine may come to an end. The talks were part of a Franco-German initiative. President Francois Hollande and Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Kiev and Moscow before meeting the Russian and Ukrainian leaders at the negotiating table in Minsk.

Bluntly rejecting the German and French initiative, Yarosh said President Petro Poroshenko should have turned to the US or UK which “observe a consistent anti-Kremlin policy.”

In January, Russia’s Supreme Court banned the activities of the Right Sector within the country. In July last year the Interpol put Right Sector leader Yarosh on its wanted list.

The radical movement was formed as a coalition of nationalist and neo-Nazi organizations during the Maidan protests in Kiev at the end of 2013.
The statements from Dmitri Yarosh come as no surprise. Time will show how Merkel and Hollande will swallow a situation where Right Sector chief basically repeats what Victoria Nuland said in December 2013. Will they blame the seperatists? Or will they recognize that a big chunk of the problem is somewhere else?
On FB there appeared a photo of a document allegedly from the Ukrainian SBU. The message is translated as:
_ said:
The document reads:
1. All media must react online to violation of ceasefire.
2. Ensure total control over spreading of information about violations of ceasefire by regular Russia military.
3. Carry out measures concerning Internet providers to turn off websites of terrorist organizations on Ukraine territory.
4. In order to prevent misinformation of the population ensure technical maintenance of social networks from Feb 14 to Feb 20, 2015.
It is to be seen if this alleged policy will amount to anything in real life. This letter plus what Dmitry Yarosh said about the Minsk agreement indicates that the planned peace is fragile, and that a good number of militant people in Kiev view the people of Novorossiya as Israel views the Palestinians.
Thank you, Kasia & Emma.
Of course, the choice should be done based on the experience and knowledge, but the point is that it is simply, in fact, no choice, no free will. If you are not a supporter of junta at 200%, you will always have problems here (to put it mildly). Nevertheless, I'm not going to be cannon fodder for these psychopaths, but if I'm going to fight with them, it certainly endangers my family, because junta is terrorizing relatives. and I most fear for my stepfather, because he a reserve officer, and he had already got several summonses. in the event of martial law, he will be one of the first of whom will come. and then the family will lose primary source of income, my little brothers will starve, and if they remain without a father ... I'm afraid to even think about it. daily news show how crime and indifferently junta refers to its own troops, it's just a consumable material, people are not worth anything, above all is stubborn political ambitions and a deliberate lie to the media that there is no loss, and everything is fine, because if they do not this will speak publicly, rams will begin to suspect what is really going on, and then these rams will come under the walls of presidential administration. here is really a big part of population brainwashed with the most abominable manipulations of PTB's. even my stepfather every day in the evening watching these stinky "news", where there is nothing but "terrorists fired at Donbass", "Putin's troops kill Ukrainians" and "Russian tanks burst into the next settlement."

a couple of days ago and already in my 45,000th town these assholes torn down a statue of Lenin, and left graffiti on a plinth with the name of "chief", who works here one of the leaders of police!

my region suffered the greatest losses in this war, there are thousands of military cemeteries, and created new ones, and many more dead bodies were not even identified, a dozens of them were transported in my town. just burnt pieces of meat, remains of bones and gore. here, in regional center - Dnepropetrovsk - are a "Mastermind", led by cancerous tumor called Kolomoysky. he's just amuses himself of this senseless slaughter, sitting in his office with a bottle of whiskey and laughing its nasty snout - he even created a whole series about it with him in the main role (it is on YouTube). Poroshenko for him is nobody, just an empty sound, and in fact it is Kolomoysky manages the situation, creating endless provocations, violence and disrupting all agreements. Yatsenyuk is his puppet.
Minsk truce - just another farce. Ukrainian troops at this time and is still in a frenzy shelling Donbass.
Here shelling Lugansk from "Grad":

"The kitchen table after shelling". Donetsk. Photo: Sergey Ilnitsky

so that's why it's a farce:
1) 17 territorial battalions, which are involved in the fighting in the south-east of Ukraine, came out from under the control of the armed forces and came under the control of the "right sector." THIS IS Kolomoysky.
2) as mentioned above, McCain said that the truce would not last even one week. in other words, they will create a provocations.
3) Poroshenko not sure about the implementation of the Minsk agreements.
4) Peskov (Putin's Secretary): There is a theoretical possibility of failure of observance agreements in Minsk.

And today, arrived in Odessa the first batch of British armored vehicles, which junta bought for 51 thousand dollars per unit, and already in the internet, they are sold at a price of 72,5 thousand euros per unit!

just ordinary Ukrainian corruption, especially during the war - there are steals EVERYONE.
General Prosecutor of Ukraine has recently opened a criminal case against members of "UA-petroleum" (UkrNafta) and "UA-gas" (UkrGaz), who appropriated $ 24 million! By the way, it is curious that almost immediately afterwards Prosecutor General Yarema resigned (already replaced his deputy, who are more than 65 years old - he is really looks very "ancient").

so, again, no good events is not expected. WHEN militia would attack in case of violation of truce, Ukraine will introduce martial law and
will throw ALL POPULATION to protect their psichopatic asses, and then killed will not be 50,000, it will be in tens times more. In addition, today there was official information that NAF creates a complete army is conducting its own mobilization, and so they are going to increase its numbers to 100,000 men (now they called the number to ~15 thousand). IF just 15,000 militias totally crushes Ukrainian punishers and foreign mercenaries, you can imagine what will happen when NAF will have 100 thousand people.
thorbiorn said:
On FB there appeared a photo of a document allegedly from the Ukrainian SBU. The message is translated as:
_ said:
The document reads:
1. All media must react online to violation of ceasefire.
2. Ensure total control over spreading of information about violations of ceasefire by regular Russia military.
3. Carry out measures concerning Internet providers to turn off websites of terrorist organizations on Ukraine territory.
4. In order to prevent misinformation of the population ensure technical maintenance of social networks from Feb 14 to Feb 20, 2015.
It is to be seen if this alleged policy will amount to anything in real life. This letter plus what Dmitry Yarosh said about the Minsk agreement indicates that the planned peace is fragile, and that a good number of militant people in Kiev view the people of Novorossiya as Israel views the Palestinians.

I was wondering about the meaning of "technical maintenance of social networks", but here is an example in this article which explains how Poroshenko tries to secure as much ground as possible before the cease-fire: said:
Simultaneously with information about deblocking advance near Debaltsevo information appeared on a number of Ukrainian forums, and was removed by administrators, about a "black night", which the Ukrainian command wants to throw as a final good bye for the rebellious population of Donbass.

According to this information, in the last hours of the war the Ukrainian artillery should cause the most massive for this entire campaign strike on cities and towns of Donetsk and Lugansk Republics. As mentioned on one of the forums: "Leaving, loudly slamming the door, so that this bang will be remembered in each separatist family, in each of their homes!"

One reason that Poroshenko has to increase the killing spree before the Minsk II cease fire date is Dmitri Yarosh said:
The Right Sector – “gravedigger” for Poroshenko. Yarosh: we made a mistake, supporting Poroshenko at the elections!

No matter what was agreed in Minsk, Ukraine is preparing for more war: said:
The Verkhovna Rada approved without much fanfare the so-called “housing duty”. This allows local administration under a martial law to seize housing for the purpose of quartering soldiers and officers. President Poroshenko announced earlier that the Cabinet of Ministers and Parliament may introduce martial law if there is no agreement in Minsk.

The Rada was not being idle while the negotiations were continuing in Minsk. In addition to passing the “housing duty”, the Rada also introduced jail terms for civil defense duty evasion.

The law specifies that individuals avoiding civil defense duty during a “special period” or an “extraordinary situation” will be punished by a jail term of two to five years.

If anyone wishes to see how Poroshenko defends his position and argues for his efficient use of the cease fire that was done in September, have a look at this:
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