Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Aeneas said:
Thorbiorn, this whole thing about "Putin threatens to release 9/11 data" has been going on for years and nothing has come of it. In that regard it reminds me of the always eminent UFO disclosure that never materializes. Perhaps the PTB uses places such as Veterans Today to release a bit of pressure about 9/11 info, while at the same time conjuring up false hopes, which is worse than no hope.

As Niall mentioned before, one should treat stuff from Veteran Affairs with a fair amount of suspicion, as they serve their own interests, which are sometimes not compatible with truth.

Niall said:
thorbiorn said:
I have a suspiscion it is partly a translation, because in some places I sense the English is a bit off.

No, that's just because the author 'isn't all there in the head', if you know what I mean. Treat all VT stuff about 'my secret sources' in the same way you'd treat other 'busted!' konspiracy theorists - with a healthy dose of suspicion!

Well, actually, in this case, I think VT is tapping into something that may be coming down the line. The thing is, I wouldn't trust their sources' "data dump". We have our own 'intelligence sources' who said recently that an exposure by Russia of 9/11 is a possibility, but that it depends on circumstances. As Laura or Joe said recently, if it's not on the BBC, CNN and other big media outlets, people won't believe it. Some kind of critical mass, some turning point that makes it "ok" for people to accept what they sort of already subconsciously know, has to happen first. In short, it's about timing, and VT is probably being precipitous with its definite claims that "Russia is about to expose 9/11..."
While Hollande and Merkel are in Minsk to discuss possibilities for peace, the US plays a different tune:
Of course there is the shadow secretary of state, John McCain
Besides, one battalion of US soldiers will train two battalions of Ukrainian soldiers
In favour of sending arms to Ukraine are not only the Republicans, but also the Democrats
At the same time Obama shows no signs of opposing any of it:
In Europe the policies of the US appear to be supported by the UK just as Poroshenko's expressions do not show any sentiments for Eastern Ukraine

At the same time there are voices in the EU that are more in favour of a peaceful settlement: said:
"The US should keep out of the Ukraine conflict"--EU Parliament President Martin Schulz

Germans are fed up with the US ‘”over-protectiveness” and are not willing to fight for Poroshenko

Translated from Russian by J.Hawk

Ukrainian special services ought to immediately put out an arrest warrant on the European Parliament deputy Martin Schulz. This “Colorado beetle” and “quilted jacket” [both are derogatory terms used to describe the Ukrainian proponents of good relations with Russia] dared, on the state ARD TV channel, to call what’s happening in Ukraine a civil war, while the current Kiev government really hates that term. You are liable to get arrested for that, like the journalist Kotsaba.

Schultz made that statement on Gunther Jauch’s talk show, which is the equivalent of Savik Schuster’s show in Ukraine.

The next show aired on February 8. The topic: “Fateful Days for Europe—Whom is Putin Listening to?” Needless to say, the topic was Ukraine.

The discussion as to whom Putin listens to included the European Parliament President Martin Schulz, the ARD Moscow correspondent Gabriele Krone-Schmaltz, the former US ambassador to Germany John Kornblum, and the former NATO [actually, Bundeswehr] general Harald Kujat.

The discussion was heated and shows that being under the “over-protectiveness” of the US Big Brother has long gotten under the Germans’ skin, and any reference to that fact caused applause among the studio audience.

It would be difficult to call Schultz a Russophile and a Ukrainophobe. Nevertheless even he could not force himself to lie in front of the cameras and call the conflict on the Donbass one between the Forces of Light against Colorado beetle terrorists.

The Donbass conflict is a civil war. It must be resolved by diplomatic means, and not through the use of the Ukrainian army. “If Minsk-1 had failed, maybe Minsk-2 will fail too, but even then we need to continue the negotiations even if it means Minsk-70,” is how Schultz sees the problem’s resolution.

One left with an impression of tension in the German-US relations. Judging by how Angela Merkel spent the entire 2014 agreeing with Obama, the anti-US sentiment in Germany had grown, to the point that Kornblum was reduced to complaining to his German audience that “these days I’m seeing a tendency to blame everything on the US.”

His statement that “it’s Russia that’s waging war”, Krone-Schmaltz met with a rather sharp reply. “I want to emphasize, I am underscoring that if Russia were included during the preparations for the association agreement with Ukraine (and this is normal diplomatic work), none of this would be happening. I also believe that if the Eastern regions of Ukraine, where there is fighting right now, were given some autonomy, none of this would be happening. One can’t judge everything by today’s events and blame Moscow as soon as something goes wrong. One needs to engage in a little self-criticism.” Judging by the studio applause, she hit the nail on the head.

“Mr. Kornblum, what do you think about what McCain said to Merkel, namely that she 'doesn’t care that people in eastern Ukraine are being killed like cattle’? Such rhetoric in Germany, to put it mildly, is considered unfriendly,” said Jauch to Kornblum. “Well, McCain is known for his sharp tongue. There are heated discussions, people are getting hot-headed. If you knew how many times I was told that America is responsible for that war. But we are not dealing with a ‘civil war’ but with a Russian aggression,” continued Kornblum.

General Kujat could not remain indifferent to that statement. “There is no military solution. Let me clarify: the West does not have a military solution. If we do something idiotic and intervene, we will not win but lose, and there will be a huge catastrophe. The situation looks different for Russia. Russia could adopt a military solution and we need to keep that in mind. But if Russia had really wanted it, that war, that conflict in Eastern Ukraine, would have been over in 48 hours. We keep hearing from various sources that regular Russian forces are participating in the fighting. Ukraine’s president also repeated that claim. However, I have no trustworthy information that would confirm that. Even the Ukrainian GenStaff Chief recently said: we are not fighting against regular Russian forces. If there were regular Russian forces there, the conflict would be over in 48 hours. What we are hearing is propaganda.”

To Schulz’s words that “Putin obviously has influence over the separatists,” Krone-Schmaltz reacted as follows: “it would be an oversimplification that Moscow controls the separatists, and Kiev controls its forces. It’s obvious there are forces that nobody controls. Kiev likewise does not control several of its military formations. For example, there was an ceasefire agreement after the Boeing MH17 catastrophe, in order to collect the victims. And who violated that ceasefire? Not the separatists but the Ukrainian army, whoever might be representing it! It’s been like this until today. I remind you that the Right Sector still insists it has a right to carry weapons. Therefore the EU ought to exert pressure also on Kiev so that the situation does not spin out of control.”

Schulz also pointed out that there are too many Americans involved. “This conflict is occurring on the border with the EU, therefore the US ought to pull back. I think it would be best if the Europeans were to solve this problem themselves,” he said to thunderous applause.

Kornblum did not agree and accused the Europeans of weakness. “Wonderful, keep talking. The EU will continue the negotiations, but it’s Washington that has the power! And Putin knows that!”

However the Germans clearly don’t want to solve the problem by force. Schultz noted that the question of supplying Ukraine with weapons was discussed at the Munich conference, with the intent of raising the cost for Putin. “But this is open cynicism and the current German government will never agree to that,” said Schultz. Krone-Schmaltzz added that “I don’t understand why Putin is being accused of losing contact with reality, he is described as being autistic, instead of trying to understand what Russia’s interests are?”

Naturally, the participants also discussed the anti-Russian sanctions and here too there was a clash of two points of view that are widespread in Germany. “All the sanctions that were introduced had the purpose of hurting Russia’s economy and forcing it to negotiate,” said Schulz. Krone-Schmaltz questioned their effectiveness. “Force to negotiate? All the avenues for holding negotiations were closed! Not because Putin wanted to close them but because the West closed them. Where is the Russia-NATO council? Did they meet there to drink coffee? What about the St. Petersburg dialogue? They forbade us to meet. Russia was deprived of its right to vote in the council of Europe.”

In her view, the sanctions were a totally stupid decision. “The EU sanctions were strengthened after the Minsk meeting. EU was acting on ‘autopilot.’ Why? I ask you, when have the sanctions changed anything in the world? Some say in South Africa. I could argue with that. What do we want? We want to conduct smart policy in regard to Russia. But let’s assume sanctions will change something, will bring about peace. But then you need to have a sanctions exit strategy. Do we have one?”

The discussion showed that the Western expert opinion is leaning toward the view that the EU is getting itself involved in someone else’s war. Even retired NATO generals are saying that. Any Ukrainian government game only strengthens the US position and escalates the Donbass conflict. So the Germans are rightly asking themselves the question: do we need to fight against Putin only because he is not singing Obama’s tune?

J.Hawk’s Comment: At this point it seems exceedingly unlikely that the US could arm Ukraine without risking a very open breach with Germany. It’s as if Merkel was willing to let Obama do it his way, up to a point, then decided to pull the plug and take over. Because it’s not just the US that’s not represented in the “Normandy Format”. Poland was likewise politely asked to keep out, whereas one can still remember times when Steinmeier would travel to Moscow with Sikorski in tow. Well, not any more. The pro-US hawks have been sidelined if not silenced.

The big question is whether Obama & Co. (and by that I mean Joe Biden, especially) had gotten the message, or will they instead attempt to sabotage the talks in Minsk and promote further escalation of the conflict. Aside from the need to preserve the appearance of unity (including for domestic political reasons—the GOP could always use more evidence that Obama is inept, if not downright dangerous, in the realm of foreign policy) with the EU, there is the simple matter of the US aid not having the desired effect. In fact, going back to the days of “Vietnamization”, whenever the US starts arming and training one side in a civil war, it’s a sure sign that side is about to lose. Not that it ever forced the US to reconsider the policy…
Personally I am not too optimistic about the Minsk talks, it is nice that Hollande and Merkel have gone to Moscow and now to Minsk, there was a situation last year: said:
11.02.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl
NATO: Atlantic Bridge is Falling Down…
A German French Ukraine intervention

When the foreign ministers of Germany and France intervened in a desperate last-minute effort to broker a compromise in Kiev on February 21, 2014 to avoid civil war there they explicitly excluded one interested party from the talks—the US Government. They won a compromise that lasted less than 48 hours before CIA-backed snipers in Kiev ignited riot and panic causing the democratically-elected (a forgotten point in the slavish German media version of events) President, Viktor Yanukovich to flee for his life.

The next day, the Obama Administration, led by State Department hawk Victoria “-flick- the EU” Nuland, US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, and legions of CIA operatives inside the Maidan Square protests openly installed their hand-picked puppets, using overt neo-nazis of Pravy Sektor and Svoboda Party to do so. George Friedman, head of Stratfor, a US strategic consultancy whose clients include the Pentagon and CIA, as well as Israeli agencies, told the Russian Kommersant in a December interview, the US-organized coup d’etat in Ukraine was “the most blatant coup in history.”

When Washington spat in the face not only of Germany and France and the EU, but in the face of Russia and of Ukraine itself, by dictating the persons to run the new Kiev coup regime, headed by their choice of Prime Minister, reputed high-ranking Scientologst, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Germany and France swallowed hard. They groveled behind the lead of the Washington warhawks in the Obama Administration. The EU unanimously voted US-dictated sanctions repeatedly against Russia after the March, 2014 referendum on Crimea. German industry protested openly. Merkel’s government bowed before NATO and Washington, and the German economy began to go into recession along with the rest of the EU.
No matter what they decide in Kiev Obama will twist arms as the US pleases but for how long will the US be able to continue doing that?
Just as the nazis of WWII, the bums in Kiev are Guilty of Wishful Thinking, and all that comes with it. I Greatly pains me to see the Suffering of those caught up in this mess, be it civilians or those forced into fighting for Fools.
Niall said:
Aeneas said:
Thorbiorn, this whole thing about "Putin threatens to release 9/11 data" has been going on for years and nothing has come of it. In that regard it reminds me of the always eminent UFO disclosure that never materializes. Perhaps the PTB uses places such as Veterans Today to release a bit of pressure about 9/11 info, while at the same time conjuring up false hopes, which is worse than no hope.

As Niall mentioned before, one should treat stuff from Veteran Affairs with a fair amount of suspicion, as they serve their own interests, which are sometimes not compatible with truth.

Niall said:
thorbiorn said:
I have a suspiscion it is partly a translation, because in some places I sense the English is a bit off.

No, that's just because the author 'isn't all there in the head', if you know what I mean. Treat all VT stuff about 'my secret sources' in the same way you'd treat other 'busted!' konspiracy theorists - with a healthy dose of suspicion!

Well, actually, in this case, I think VT is tapping into something that may be coming down the line. The thing is, I wouldn't trust their sources' "data dump". We have our own 'intelligence sources' who said recently that an exposure by Russia of 9/11 is a possibility, but that it depends on circumstances. As Laura or Joe said recently, if it's not on the BBC, CNN and other big media outlets, people won't believe it. Some kind of critical mass, some turning point that makes it "ok" for people to accept what they sort of already subconsciously know, has to happen first. In short, it's about timing, and VT is probably being precipitous with its definite claims that "Russia is about to expose 9/11..."

Regarding VT and disinfo I found this which may also be disinfo, but what to do: said:
Gordon Duff of Veterans Today being interviewed by talk show hosts Mike Harris (Short End of the Stick), Kevin Barrett (Truth Jihad) and Jeff Rense (Jeff Rense Program).

Recording dates - October, November 2012

At 70m35s into the Mike Harris interview Duff makes the following statement:

"I don’t know know any imaginable way you can get information…First of all…Because, about 30%, based on what I believe…and you know what? Who says I’m right? According to my belief, and I have as good of, uh access to information as anyone in the world, probably, anyone I know of. About 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false. About 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false, because if I didn’t write false information I wouldn’t be alive. I simply have to do that. I write…anything I write I write between the lines."
Writing between lines requires reading between lines.
Lumiere_du_Code said:
it is unthinkable! :jawdrop:

Party "Block of Petro Poroshenko" made to the Verkhovna Rada a bill that establishes criminal liability for denial of Russia's aggression in conflict in the south-east of the country.

The draft law denotes the introduction of "responsibility for public denial or justification of military aggression of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine in 2014-2015". Corresponding application found on website of Ukrainian parliament. The applicant is a deputy Igor Artyushenko.

This really sounds like a desperate move.
I wouldn't be surprised if the government in Kiev will not last long. Although, in today's world it seems that everything is possible.
thorbiorn said:
Writing between lines requires reading between lines.

And "reading between the lines" requires at least some basis of objective knowledge for proper discernment in addition to having Eyes to See + Ears to Hear.
How much of that "ordinary" people have that are lulled into "inactivity and compliance" by being spoon-fed (and brain-washed) with lies coming from mainstream media propaganda, their usual and mostly only "reliable" source of information?

FWIW, I somehow have a feeling that's the underlying "reason" for saying that humanity would (need to) be united in suffering, while realizing who (what) we really are and what we have "allowed" to happen (to ourselves, to our "fellow humans", to "our" planet, ...).
Sorry for digression from the topic.
Lumiere_du_Code said:
our prices are increasing every hour, already the most banal products and goods cost as if they were taken from another planet. do not understand how to live. in stores imported goods is calculated in 35 hryvnia for 1 dollar. what the hell?? let's just at the rate of 1 in 1000, why be penny wise.
I'm just stunned. how long will it last? they really want to here half of the country had died. if not the war, so of hunger and that dare to doubt in "truth" of junta.
they are already offering throwing in jail anyone who really has own opinion on any issue not only with regards to Russia.
what's going on here on eyes at whole world, it would be wildly even for the Middle Ages...

[quote author=Lumiere_du_Code]Ukrainian authorities are ready to introduce of martial law throughout the country in the event of a further escalation of the conflict in Donbass. This statement was made Poroshenko, RIA Novosti reported.


Security Service of Ukraine prosecuted 19 people for the "anti-Ukrainian activity." These data are announced Poroshenko.
"SBU has already found where was generated anti-Ukrainian activity. At present, [we] have caught 19 vocal critics of mobilization. On my instructions, SBU will continue to do so in the future".[/quote]

Oh my God! :scared:
Hope you're ok!
Please take care of yourself...stay safe! :cry:
Is that any way you can leave?
Somewhere in a safe place?
[quote author=thornbiorn] Gordon Duff of Veterans Today being interviewed by talk show hosts Mike Harris (Short End of the Stick), Kevin Barrett (Truth Jihad) and Jeff Rense (Jeff Rense Program).

Recording dates - October, November 2012

At 70m35s into the Mike Harris interview Duff makes the following statement:

"I don’t know know any imaginable way you can get information…First of all…Because, about 30%, based on what I believe…and you know what? Who says I’m right? According to my belief, and I have as good of, uh access to information as anyone in the world, probably, anyone I know of. About 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false. About 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false, because if I didn’t write false information I wouldn’t be alive. I simply have to do that. I write…anything I write I write between the lines."

Writing between lines requires reading between lines.

Well, Jeff Rense is bad news. :evil:
There are threads on his maneuvers and others too:,14208.msg109492.html#msg109492

Interesting article regarding the opinion of Crimean residents on the annexation. It seems that the people of Crimea also have little regard for Ukrainian news.
The US has no interest in peace in Ukraine but wants the fighting to continue. This article says how Yarosh is making a new general staff with 17 battalions with the headquarter in Kolomoisky's fiefdom:

Kolomoysky is creating his own GenStaff (Clarification of situation)

By Yurasumy

Translated from Russian by J.Hawk

The next moment of honesty from Yarosh:

The new HQ will be joined by about 17 various volunteer battalions, subordinated to the MVD and the MOD, and of course the Right Sector Volunteer Corps.

We have already created a unique operational staff. It will be located in Dnepropetrovsk. It will perform intelligence data exchange, mutual assistance, military-technical cooperation, and so on. We may also form certain operational formations at the front, after all we often have the best operational information about what is happening on this or that sector of the front simply because our battalions are there. We can make recommendations to the General Staff in order to carry out operational and tactical missions,” added Yarosh.

As we can see, the creation of a new command entity for part of the UAF and MVD is proceeding at full pace, and it will be based in Dnepropetrovsk. The formation will in practical terms means the formation of a Dnepropetrovsk khanate, and an increase in Kolomoysky’s influence in intra-Ukrainian power struggles, which will violate the current balance of power.

Even if there is an agreement reached in Minsk today, which I don’t believe will happen (if anything is signed, it will not be done seriously or for long, unfortunately), the break-down of the UAF and MVD into two components will be de-facto concluded. Then UAF formations will have to choose a side, either with Poroshenko or not with Poroshenko.

It won’t happen today or tomorrow, but very soon everyone who is fighting against LPR/DPR will have to make that choice, and then the Ukrainian civil war will spread with new force to new territories. Because according to the Washington central, it’s not enough to plunge the Donbass into chaos; all of Ukraine must be affected. And unfortunately the people of Ukraine are following that path.

P.S. US plans do not foresee the war in Ukraine ever ending. If it ends, it will be a defeat for Washington. They will never agree to that. I am certain of it.

J.Hawk’s Comment: It’s not a given that Yarosh is Kolomoysky’s creature. After all, it is Yarosh who controls the Right Sector, and Kolomoysky has no means of replacing him with anyone else. The location of the parallel Right Sector HQ in Dnepropetrovsk does not necessarily imply Kolomoysky’s control over the enterprise. Instead, it may mean Yarosh is being planted there to keep an eye on Kolomoysky whose political reliability is probably suspect. Though it is possible that Yarosh is happy to collect Kolomoysky's money in exchange for "protection" from Poroshenko, and that the relationship between the two is strictly business, with the extent of Yarosh's loyalty to Kolomoysky being limited by the latter's cash reserves. To be sure, Yarosh very recently stated that he made a mistake by supporting Poroshenko during and after the Maidan.

Aside from that, one cannot help but agree with Yurasumy’s analysis. It would appear that the volunteer battalions opted on their own to join the Right Sector’s command structure, even though they are presumably still attached to regular army brigades. No word on any regular army or National Guard formations opting to come under Yarosh’s command—they are presumably remaining loyal to Poroshenko. But since the volunteer battalions are “legal” and therefore have access to all manner of military equipment, the “military-technical cooperation” simply amounts to a back-door way of accomplishing what Yarosh could not do openly, namely ensuring access to large quantities of military equipment. Because now the volunteer battalions will be able to pass their weapons to the Right Sector, then request replacement (by claiming destruction during combat or some such thing) from the MOD. It’s a big win for Yarosh and the Right Sector. It may well be that, by being based in Dnepropetrovsk, they intend to carve out a role for themselves as a "military frontier" of sorts, by keeping the unrest down in the border areas and also providing security at the border itself.

As to the US policy in Ukraine, I would have to disagree with Yurasumy here. The US seems to be clearly deferring to the EU since at least the Munich Conference. Senior EU officials were adamant that even should this round of Minsk talks fail, it will not change their mind concerning arming of Ukraine. The US seems to be respecting those wishes, restraining to providing support equipment (apparently communications equipment, artillery radars, and associated training) rather than actual weaponry.
I am very doubtful about the last paragraph, as I doubt very much that the US will respect the wishes of EU. When did they ever respect anybody else's wishes?

When one add this information to all the rest, this whole thing looks far from over but could go on for years unless of course some cosmic event gives the empire something else to contemplate.
Yeah, I doubt the US will listen to EU concerns. As far as the Right Sector types go, they usually just terrorize civilians. They can't fight worth beans on the battlefield. There IS definitely a high chance of civil war and chaos spreading to all areas of Ukraine.
Emma said:
Oh my God! :scared:
Hope you're ok!
Please take care of yourself...stay safe! :cry:
Is that any way you can leave?
Somewhere in a safe place?

Thanks for the sympathy.
Well, firstly, I have almost 2 years without a job, and still do not know how much time it will not be because that there is just no, really. And without money I am not leave. furthermore, now here is dangerous even from region to leave, because they are caught and sent to "ATO" zone without talking. but even if I had managed to leave the country - I have nowhere to live.
but in the short term, I can get to jail for several years, if junta will introduce martial law. because then they will mobilize ALL people, without "ceremony", even a medical examination will not be. and for refusing to go on the war, they are thrown in jail.
so that such circumstances. I can only wait and see...

and have no illusions and hopes for peace, because junta does not do anything on their own, USA needs chaos and endless war, and they will constantly provoke it. and than greater resistance militia gives them back, the stubbornly junta throws own men into meat grinder, just on meaningless slaughter. they never stop, because they want to return Crimea! "When will finish with the Donbas"
Joaquin Flores in link below (1:45-1:48) presents an “interesting” possible scenario for Ukraine. According to him eastern Ukraine will deal well with Right Sector types, but the war can be transferred onto the other side of the country so to speak.

As Right Sector members and of their ilk don’t really consider themselves Ukrainians but Galicians, they can be easily manipulated (and the facto already have been) by the USA into organizing a kind of Galicia revolution (with the USA’s support of course) that can spill also onto south-eastern verge of Poland. Some kind of framed revolution can also take place in Hungary. "Galicians" will be encouraged to terrorize all Slavs around, Ukrainians living in western Ukraine, as well :(

I hope such a scenario will not come true..

Lumiere_du_Code said:
Emma said:
Oh my God! :scared:
Hope you're ok!
Please take care of yourself...stay safe! :cry:
Is that any way you can leave?
Somewhere in a safe place?

Thanks for the sympathy.
Well, firstly, I have almost 2 years without a job, and still do not know how much time it will not be because that there is just no, really. And without money I am not leave. furthermore, now here is dangerous even from region to leave, because they are caught and sent to "ATO" zone without talking. but even if I had managed to leave the country - I have nowhere to live.
but in the short term, I can get to jail for several years, if junta will introduce martial law. because then they will mobilize ALL people, without "ceremony", even a medical examination will not be. and for refusing to go on the war, they are thrown in jail.
so that such circumstances. I can only wait and see...

and have no illusions and hopes for peace, because junta does not do anything on their own, USA needs chaos and endless war, and they will constantly provoke it. and than greater resistance militia gives them back, the stubbornly junta throws own men into meat grinder, just on meaningless slaughter. they never stop, because they want to return Crimea! "When will finish with the Donbas"

You have my sympathies, Lumiere, I think you are a very courageous person, all of you also who are living this situation while the rest of the world is looking else where because they have lost their souls. Thanks for all the information you are giving us, and the example also.
On RT there was this story in relation to the shooting at the Maidan: said:
BBC airs Maidan fighter admitting he fired on police before Kiev massacre
Published time: February 12, 2015 16:25
Edited time: February 12, 2015 17:20

Nearly a year after the massacre on Kiev's Maidan left over 50 dead, the BBC has aired footage of an opposition fighter who says he fired at police in the early morning that day, bringing into question the popular narrative that riot police fired first.

READ MORE: Reuters investigation exposes ‘serious flaws’ in Maidan massacre probe

"I was shooting downward at their feet," says a man the broadcaster decided to identify as Sergei.

"Of course, I could have hit them in the arm or anywhere. But I didn't shoot to kill."

According to Sergei, he took up a position in the Kiev Conservatory, a music academy located on the southwest corner of Kiev’s Independence Square, on February 20.

One day prior, he had met up with a man who offered him two guns. The first was a 12-gauge shotgun, while the other was a hunting rifle – a Saiga that fired high-velocity rounds.

He chose the Saiga and hid it at a post office that, along with the conservatory, was under the protesters’ control. Sergei told the BBC he was later escorted to the Conservatory, where, with a second gunman, he spent 20 minutes before 7:00 am firing on police.

Other witness testimony has corroborated his account.

Andriy Shevchenko, who was an opposition MP at the time and also part of the Maidan movement, said he had received a phone call from the head of the riot police on Maidan Square claiming his officers had come under fire.

"He calls me and says, 'Andriy, somebody is shooting at my guys.' And he said that the shooting was from the Conservatory," Shevchenko said.

Shevchenko, in turn, says he contacted Andriy Parubiy, who headed up security for the protesters and was known as the Commandant of Maidan.

It’s at this point where the details of what followed become murky.

Parubiy says he sent a group of “his best men” to scour the Conservatory and determine if anyone was firing from it. Parubiy, who now serves as deputy speaker in the current Ukrainian parliament, claims his men found no gunmen in the building.

A photographer who had gained access to the Conservatory later in the morning just after 8:00 am, however, took pictures of men with guns in the building, though he never saw them discharge their weapons.

READ MORE: Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders - leaked EU's Ashton phone tape

All the while, Shevchenko claims he was getting increasingly panicked calls from the head of the riot police, who said that five officers had been wounded and another killed before he decided to pull out.

Sergei's account appears to contradict Parubiy’s.

"I was just reloading," Sergei told the BBC. "They ran up to me and one put his foot on top of me, and said, 'They want a word with you, everything is OK, but stop doing what you're doing.'"

Sergei says he was convinced the men who dragged him away were from Parubiy’s security unit, though he admits he did not recognize their faces. After being taken out of the building, he was dropped off outside of Kiev by car, though it appears no further harm came to him.

By this point, the BBC notes that three policemen had been wounded fatally and the mass killings began that ultimately left more than 50 protesters dead.
At the end of the BBC youtube, the reporter becomes very politically correct from a UK perspective.
We can't really verify the story from the secret guy, but it probably throws some doubt on what Kiev is saying in general. The video was put up by BBC today, right after the new Minsk 2 had been drawn up, which is the major news of the day
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