About the conflict between the Right Sector and the usual army there was another incident:
http://fortruss.blogspot.dk/2015/02/right-sector-militants-encircled.html said:
Right Sector militants surrounded the Krasnoarmeisk Ukrainian command headquaters, threatening to storm it
One commander stood up to the looting of private property by some right sector members, who in turn called in 100 other members who showed up with mortars, snipers and other weapons. It is said that the commander called in help from UAF, but if he got it is not known. As Kristina Rus comments, this is a rare case, usually Right Sector get their way.
I don't know if the stance of the Right Sector has anything to do with Poroshenkos decision to send 150 pieces of equipment to the planned to be demilitarized zone just a day before the ceasefire: http://novorossia.today/a-day-before-the-ceasefire-poroshenko-assigned-military-equipment-to-the-ato-zone/ Or will Poroshenko use them to get people out of the cauldron in Debaltsevo, which he so far has denied even exists. Poroshenko may also have in mind to find a pretext to blame the militia and declare martial law in all of Ukraine. This could give him a few more days of life as a president.
About people believing what they are told, there is an interview with a doctor who was in Slavyansk in May, June of 2014:
http://fortruss.blogspot.dk/2015/02/slavyansk-surgeon-talks-about-another.html said:
Slavyansk surgeon talks about another May 2nd massacre in Semenovka
- Many Ukrainians supporting ATO [anti-terrorist operation], believe that the militias fired on themselves.
- A person can be convinced of many things. I myself had to convince the terminally ill that they will recover. They believed.
- Recovered?
- No. They were dying. But believed.
The doctor told how some choose to believe, but in Europe people are also led to believe. In this youtube from about minute 2-12 a British reporter, Patrick Lancaster elaborates on his experiences with distortions being made to his reports before being shown in the British news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkHtY7yMabI&feature=player_detailpage In one instance, On Demand News, belonging to the ITN group, put in a voice over which twisted the message completely. The Guardian got it wrong too, but later retracted and apologized after a complaint was made. In this case only SKY News aired the report truthfully.
What the British media report wrongly is then reported by other Journalists. Yesterday I watched a Danish journalist in Eastern Ukraine on the spot near Debaltsevo, but while he was on air he then interpreted the opinion of the Guardian, which was focused on Putin and the militia. He did not care to mention the statements and actions that have come from the Right Sector and their neo-nazi agenda.
Regarding the neo nazi leanings and the indifference in Western Media, there was one voice from the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung Junge Welt:
https://www.jungewelt.de/2015/02-14/011.php said:
Out the 14.02.2015, page 12 / issue
"Kill for Wodan"
The Fascist group "Misanthropic Division" fights within the battalion "Azov" in the Ukraine. They want to build a racist "community" in the whole of Europe. The authorities do not bother.
By Peter Schaber
Further information can be found. The author is a photo before, on the two unrecognizable made activists of the "Misanthropic Division" with one of the most prominent neo-Nazis of Germany pose: Michael Regener. Earlier boss as a "criminal Association" classified Neonazicombo "Landser", it occurs today as "The Lunikoff Verschwörung". On the picture is also of the American neo-Nazi David "Griffin" Surette. [...]
You can gather a number of other circumstantial evidence for an interaction between German and Ukrainian neo-Nazis, as well as for a presence of the "Misanthropic Division in Germany [..]
Epilogue: "Our" Neo-Nazis
One can pose the question of why the German authorities are obviously not interested. The scandal by Germany pulling neo-Nazi Terrorbande, funded and supported by the protection of the Constitution, is still not processed, one can doubt that its full Dimension, depending on the Public penetrates. And, once again, is a network of armed fascists ignored.
Explaining why this is so, it must begin with the statement: Because nobody is interested. There are in the leading media of this country no sensitivity to the danger of these bands. Certainly not, currently, where all banned on the declared enemy of Russia rigid. During the Research for this article was published on 6. February in the taz, a comment of the head of the Auslandsressorts, Dominic Johnson, argued that the Ukraine have a "right to arms" from the West. In the Zeit from 10. February said Steffen Dobbert, it takes "weapons, in order to end this war". And Jörg Eigendorf wrote in Springer's Welt already eight days earlier, the "Ukraine needs to defend itself," because without "effective deterrence" will the country will soon be no more.
Not a single one of these authors mentioned that, of course, could not be prevented that from the West supplied weapons to the various fascist groups and battalions would go. German weapons, then went to people with swastika-Tattoos, soon to be available, the "race-war" to Europe want to wear - it is you simply do not care.
Peter Schaber is editor of the Politblogs "lower class magazine".
Like the focus on removing Assad as president of Syria helped to arm and create Islamic State, ikewise the conflict in Ukraine where the West supports the Kiev Junta and their Neo-Nazi collaborators, in what appears like an attempt to take down Russia, just so happens to take the attention away from the rearming and training of Neo-Nazi groups in Europe in general.
And last there was this from a FB page, a short story from the daily life in a war torn zone.
https://www.facebook.com/krovalevichdt/posts/772003756200976 said:
The reality of war:
14.02.15. Message from a former prisoner Alexander Medvedsky who took the side of the Donbass rebels – one of a few survived convicts of Ukrainian prison in Chernukhino which was caught under fire.
"The head of the prison Shinkarev and his first Deputy Shalupec opened the gates of the prison, and they sent more than 120 prisoners to the left from the checkpoint – right into the woods. After that, we only heard that we were fired by ‘Grad’ rockets from both sides. More than 100 people were killed there and they still lie there on the field - torn to pieces. They were not given a single chance to survive – despite, they were coming with white bands and white sheets in their hands. We were deliberately sent to death – they tried to make a living shield out of us, a cannon fodder. But after that Ukrainian officers, guarding the prison, fled amidst the chaos.
Those of us who survived - had to split into smaller groups, we were shot from machine guns. The entire field was filled with antipersonnel mines. Fortunately, we were helped by the weather itself – the mines were frozen and didn’t explode.
We are only 8 prisoners who survived out of 120. Then we helped to evacuate civilians locked up in the bombshelters – those who could go and who was not afraid to go with convicts. Together with them we went through, hiding in bomb shelters and basements.
Then we reached the village of Zaporozhets, where we were met by Donbass rebels of cossacks’ squadron - they fed us and helped to get here. They were kind to us, contrary to Ukrainian National Guard. [...]
The story is tragic but also shows that in times of distress, help may come from unexpected sides. First he was saved by fortune, then they helped some civilians and eventually found help. Let us see what comes out of the chaos in Ukraine.