Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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This is a short film from Debaltsevo, gruesome but with an artistic touch and a message at the end Perhaps things will calm down. At least some are trying: said:
Russian draft resolution on Ukraine passed by UN Security Council
Published time: February 17, 2015 20:16 said:
Putin: West already supplies arms to Kiev, but Moscow optimistic about Minsk deal
Published time: February 17, 2015 19:32

If some kind of a peace is maintained, what will happen to the foreigners like said:
Does Ukrainian government's coalition with the Georgian government "in exile" point to the same sponsors?
February 17, 2015
Kristina Rus

Ukrainian government became a haven for deposed Georgian government in exile, consisting of (according to Cmpou - Live Journal):

Minister of Health - Alexander Kvitashvili

First Deputy Minister of Interior - Eka Zguladze

Deputy Prosecutor General - David Sakvarelidze

First Deputy Minister of Justice - Gia Getsadze

Head of State Registration Service - Dzhaba Ebanoidze

Deputy Head of State Registration Service - Georgy Tsiklauri

Head of State Judicial Service - Khatiya Sheliya

Deputy Governor of Rovno region - Ilya Glonti

... and "dozens more", according to Mikhail Saakashvili (see below).

According to [ur=]"Kommersant"[/url], Poroshenko offered Mikhail Saakashvili, the former president of Georgia, a position of first Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine, as Saakashvili told a Georgian TV staion "Rustavi-2" on December 7, 2014. However, Mikhail Saakhashvili refused the offer, because it would entail swapping his Georgian citizenship for Ukrainian. Nevertheless, Saakashvili and Poroshenko share a close and warm ties, going back to the days spent together at the Kiev Institute of International Relations.

"Independent News" reported in November that Georgian newspaper "Kviris Palitra" spoke to Iraklia Gogova, a former head of "Alliance for New Georgia" faction, who left Georgia in 2003 after the Rose revolution, and was a senior political consultant to Viktor Yushenko in 2009 and 2010. According to him, Klichko asked Saakashvili to lobby for him in the US for a position of president of Ukraine. But Saakashvili preferred Poroshenko, says Gogova.
Now Andrey Parubiy will soon go to he US to ask for weapons, but is that just a cover for an opportunity to ask for kingship of Ukraine, when Poroshenko is gone?
When do the War drums stop, not only in Ukraine but all over our World? It's not "in our Nature" to destroy one another.

Horrific Images Capture The Sheer Brutality Of War In Ukraine

Photographer Max Avdeev embeds with the rebel fighters known as the First Slavyansk Brigade in Logvinove, Ukraine, to capture the horrific sights of conflict for BuzzFeed News.

Warning: Several of the 47 images in this gallery are NSFW and extremely graphic.

LOGVINOVE, Ukraine — When Russian-backed rebels went on the offensive in east Ukraine a month ago, the focal point of the clashes quickly switched to Debaltseve, a strategically key rail junction linking their two unsanctioned states. For weeks, Ukraine’s government denied rebel claims to have the town surrounded, even as artillery fire prompted most civilians to flee, killed hundreds, and destroyed the town beyond recognition.

On Tuesday, however, rebels seized most of the town and took several Ukrainian soldiers captive. A catastrophic defeat is now all but inevitable. In the days preceding their victory, photographer Max Avdeev embedded with the First Slavyansk Brigade of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic in the nearby town of Logvinove. The rebels had just seized the town, cutting Debaltseve off from the last road leading to Ukrainian territory. The soldiers were mostly local volunteers, though their commanding officers were Russian — as were the men who delivered them tanks and artillery. As the deadline for a new cease-fire deal came and went overnight on Sunday, the rebels kept on shelling Debaltseve.

“We let them out once, and now they’ve come back to fight with us again. We told them to surrender in Debaltseve, but they didn’t. Now we’re not going to let anyone out,” said Sergei, a rebel commander whose nom de guerre is “Kunduz.”

“As soon as our enemy started to run out of breath, suddenly it’s time for peace, we lay down our weapons?” he added. “Did our comrades die for nothing?”
griffin said:
angelburst29 said:
With Poroshenko’s family urgently leaving the country, I wonder if Khodorkovsky is planning a Coup - the first of March?
If the uneasy cabal of kleptocratic oligarchs and rabid fascists that have seized the government of Ukraine turn to Khodorkovsky to replace Poroshenko, they'll only be choosing another scapegoat.

Ukraine's corrupt, incompetent military has been effectively destroyed and is all but defeated. The country is falling apart and the economy is in free-fall into third-world poverty. It's going to get ugly.

ha ha ha, and "great and divine" Ukrainians will obey Russian citizen? :lol:
There was this report presumably written partly on the basis of a video in Russian with the questioning of the Ukrainian officer who was captured. He has quite a lot to say. said:
The Deputy commander of the defense DPR Eduard Bacurin February 8, reported the destruction and sabotage-reconnaissance groups on the territory of Donetsk national Republic. The goal was simple - to organize sabotage in relation to the management and security of the people's Republic.

- Command of Ukraine Armed Forces increasingly adopting the tactics of invasion and sabotage-reconnaissance groups on the territory of the DPR and LPR. The goal of these units is not only to adjust artillery fire, and to intimidate the local population, to discredit the armed forces of the DPR and LPR, as well as the Russian Federation, which allegedly involved in the fighting at the Donbass, " said Bacurin. All 15 officers of the Ukrainian interior Ministry had previously served on the territory of Donetsk oblast and local registration. From among the group established the following persons: Vlasyuk Nicholas, Lyutov Alexander, Liskova Anna, Vorotnuk Egor, Stepurko Fedor, Mikhail Aleshin, Sviridov Catherine - said Eduard Bacurin.

Subversive group was detained in Volnovaha. The editorial office was the video recording of the interrogation of one of the members of the DRG - captain Mat Mikhail Aleshin, on which the officer admitted that the Ukrainian command, was not going to comply with the terms of the Minsk agreements. In addition, according to Aleshin, the operation of subversive groups of the Ukrainian intelligence coordinated with the Americans.

In January 2015 at our base in Kirovograd for a meeting with the leadership of the Chief of the intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine unofficially arrived two members of the U.S. intelligence - David Haigh (Callsign “Grey”) and Dylan Connors (Callsign “Gan”), admits the captive member of the subversive groups. - The next morning we were given the order to form groups and to carry out sabotage in the territory of the militias. The main purpose of sabotage was to blame for the massive loss of population in the army DPR and LPR.

According to Aleshin, exploration two groups were formed, clothed in military form militias DPR and has set a target to plant explosive devices in areas with the largest crowds - in the markets, bus stops, schools. Command groups was carried out by the captains of the Chief of the intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine, named Alex Romanchuk and Oles vasyuchenko.

Sabotage, as it turned out, were directed not only against the militias, but also against Russia. For this purpose, according to the Ukrainian officer, were formed two groups, which in the form of servicemen of the Russian army abandoned on the territory of the DND to implement the same goals - mass sabotage and destruction of the militia. This mission, according to Aleshin, head of the SBU Alexander Sulik.

Information about the sabotage of Ukrainians in the form of Russian military confirmed and Eduard Bacurin, accusing the SBU to discredit the armed forces. According to him, the group Sulik was abolished from January 31 to February 1, 2015 in Donetsk.
The title of the article is "Officer of Ukraine Armed Forces confessed that Ukraine and the United States plan to violate the Minsk agreement" I did not put that on the top as I could not find any evidence in the article itself.
Poroshenko is calling peacekeepers to save the day:

Ukraine’s Security Council has agreed to call on the UN and EU to deploy a peacekeeping mission in the war-torn eastern part of the country, as requested by President Petro Poroshenko.

“We hope that Verkhovna Rada [the Ukrainian parliament] will also support this decision regarding an appeal to the UN and EU on the deployment of a peacekeeping contingent in Ukraine,” said Aleksandr Turchinov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine.


Poroshenko added that he believed an “EU policing mission” would be the best option.

“We are convinced that this will be the most effective and optimal solution in a situation when promises of peace have not been kept,” said Poroshenko.

“I held preliminary discussions about this issue with the leaders of Germany, France and Russia while in Minsk, foreseeing that the terms of the treaty would not be complied with.”

excellent article from Nikolai Starikov, posted by the Saker - global politics, a war of meanings.

I think the analysis s spot on and the strategy of Putin seems to indicate that he also has understood it this way
Poroshenko is calling peacekeepers to save the day:

A few day ago; straight after the Minsk 2 talks, Putin suggested also UN troops. Nationalities: Bellorus, Kazachstan and Germany. Probably these will not be acceptable for the West. Next battle might be which nationalities. Then discussion about mandate: chapter 6 (peacekeeping) or chapter 7 (peaceenfocring). defenitely Police troops will not have sufficient mandate nor material to intervene. And looking at the UN behavior in DRC; Sierra Leone, Haiti, it is not guaranteed they will be neutral in the conflict - could easily be a cover to reinforce the Junta side. the third issues will be when they will be deployed - this will probalby take months.
I read the Starikov piece this morning. It has lots of good analysis and is probably a good article for SOTT.
This post contains a collection of news items, about the state of Ukarine, the falling position of Poroshenko, and who might step in when he is gone.

In this interview, the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany explains that without the support of the Nazi groups, they would have lost the game, but he claims repeatedly that Kiev has full control over them.
There have been several situations in the past that could make one doubt this assertion, on the other hand one can guess that the ambassador would like to remain even after a change of guard in Kiev.
I think the above video is interesting, since anyone who watches it is confronted with the reality that the US/Europe is supporting Neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine.

Next is part of a report about the situation in Debaltsevo, and what troops coming out of Debaltsevo think about Poroshenko's leadership original: said:
By Roman Nesterenko

Translated from Russian by J.Hawk
On February 17th the 128th Transcarpathian Mountain Infantry Brigade commander Colonel Sergey Shaptalo started negotiations with commanders of DPR and LPR units attacking Debaltsevo. At the time Shaptalo was the most senior UAF officer left in the cauldron, as the entire Sector S HQ had fled a week earlier. UAF troops report that Shaptalo made an agreement that the 128th Brigade will be allowed to leave with trucks and small arms, but just as they were going to withdraw, under pressure from Kiev, Shaptalo tried to form an armored vehicle column as well. So therefore the HQ column and half the brigade’s troops came out without a snag, but the second and third columns, which contained armored vehicles, the “separatists” shot to bits.
The moral state of UAF troops who “broke out” of Debaltsevo and are now in Artemovsk is very low. Poroshenko’s arrival in Artemovsk only added fuel to the fire, when he quickly took a few photos with the spec ops troops (who came out with the HQ column) and then gave a speech on how the wise UAF commanders saved its troops from the “Debaltsevo salient.”

Ordinary troops did not take this speech very well, since they were being constantly lied to over the course of last several weeks. Nobody told them they were surrounded, they were starved for a week and a half, their own headquarters abandoned them and, as a final indignity, the command violated the agreement it had with DPR/LPR so as to preserve Poroshenko’s image, even though it led to extremely heavy personnel losses. Artemovsk hospitals are full of wounded, they brought about 100 dead soldiers with them, and one can’t even estimate how many dead had to be left behind. They mention various numbers, from 150 to a 1000.

The most popular figure among the troops is now Semen Semenchenko because he is the only one “who tells the truth.” Troops are marauding, commanders are told to go to hell, there is a story that makes the rounds that yesterday deserters killed members of the Ukrainian Security Service on the road to Kramatorsk.
The commanders were not only intending to save Poroshenko's image, they were possibly also trying to save themselves, considering that a former National Guard member was sentenced 9 years of prison for calling the Russian Embassy and buying a Russian watch, according to the first few seconds of this new report:

And what about Semen Semenchenko? He is ethnically Russian actually, according to a member of the Parliament and leader of the Donbass batalliion supported by Kolomoyskyi Semenchenko or actually probably subscribes to some of the ideas presented in this article considering that said:
On 24 December 2014, Amnesty International reported that the unit is blocking humanitarian aid sent from Ukraine by the foundation of Ukrainian billionaire Rinat Akhmetov[12] reaching the population of the separatist-controlled areas; over half the population in these areas depend on food aid. The reason the aid is being blocked by the Donbass, Aidar and Dnipro battalions is that the battalions believe humanitarian aid is being used in occupied territories for commercial purposes and ending up in the wrong hands.[12][13] Russian born Denis Krivosheev, who currently acting Director of Europe and Central Asia for Amnesty International, stated that "Using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is a war crime".[14] Explaining his actions Semenchenko said by phone that he was not against humanitarian aid but added that humanitarian convoys should be under government or U.N. control.[12]Later on 26 December 2014 Semenchenko stated: "the Donbas battalion stays in Luhansk region and it will continue blocking “humanitarian trucks” with alcohol and cigarettes, coal and fuel, which are delivered to and from the territory controlled by the so-called “LPR.”"[15]
Within the last couple of days, the volunteer battalions, on the iniative of Semenchenko and Dmitri Yarosh have entered into a kind of cooperation with each other. In the background of their founding meeting one has the right sector flag: The translation is here: said:
Translated from Russian by J.Hawk

Part of the volunteer battalions and volunteer organizations have created a Coordinating HQ for the Volunteer Movement and signed a Memorandum which is open to be signed by all patriotic forces.

This, and the need to distract attention from Debaltsevo, has caused mass hysteria on the Internet. Analyzing the structure of the hysteria, I came to the conclusion that it’s the same “narrow group” of people which has systematically disinformed the President (I discussed it in my preceding post) is now conducting a discreditation campaign of the volunteer movement hiding behind various masks. It’s not the FSB. It’s worse than that. But let’s not talk about it now.

I want to explain why the HQ was created, and why it was not created.

The HQ is NOT created:

--As a parallel GenStaff. That’s a propaganda cliché which is used as non-constructive criticism of our initiative.
--To pressure the President. Rather the opposite, it’s there to help.
--To carry out violent actions inside the country against the government or political system (along the lines of military coups or “third Maidans”).
--to carry out a separate war (nonsense).
--To discredit the existing GenStaff (it performs that function quite effectively on its own).
--To advance the interests of any oligarchs (they do that effectively without us).

The HQ was created:
--to exchange information (although we have already done that on a more primitive level).
--to coordinate measures aimed at dealing with socioeconomic problems.
--to address the problems of equipping the volunteer battalions.
--to raise the level of professionalism of officers and soldiers in the volunteer battalions.
--to combat crime carried out by volunteers or people who pretend to be volunteers (we have created an honor court).
--to avert internal conflicts that might splinter the volunteer movement.
--to create an alternative channel of information for the country’s highest leadership.
--to support the process of mobilizing volunteers.
--to address the question of Ukraine’s territorial defense.

Does that mean that we will not subordinate ourselves to state structures? No. No it does not. For example, the Donbass battalion has never refused an order. It showed mass heroism. It became one of the symbols of the struggle for Ukraine’s independence (which is why the battalion is so hated by enemies within and without).

Those patriotic organizations which are ready to take part in the HQ’s work can obtain additional information by calling (067)5617173. (098) 813-42-44.

I am turning to the Ukrainian Security Service and the Presidential Administration. We are prepared to invite your representatives as observers at our HQ. If you want that.

ONE OF the organizers of the HQ
Commander of the Donbass Volunteer Battalion
Ukraine People’s Deputy
First Deputy Chair of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security and Defense
Semenchenko S.I.

J.Hawk’s Comment: The timing could not be more perfect. The UAF had suffered a major defeat, the troops are demoralized, the President is acting like a buffoon, who will save the day? Why, it’s the Volunteer Movement to the rescue!

It’s relatively clear what the plan of action here is. The objective is not to overthrow Poroshenko. That would be overly provocative to the West. Instead, the objective is to purge the people close to him (they are the ones who are "worse than the FSB"), weaken all other state institutions, and usurp their authority. A revolution from within.
I think much of what is in the comment is right, in fact it seems like a fulfilment of predictions, and Victoria Nu(ke)land must be happy.

About the country that a right sector controlled government might be taking over, what do experts say? originally from said:
Leave the country if you can—Ukrainian experts.
By Lidiya Baglayenko
Translated from Russian by J.Hawk

The new Ukrainian government has been working for a year, but the standard of living not only has not grown, but instead it fell catastrophically.

According to the experts, one of the reasons for the critical state of Ukraine’s economy was the exaggeration of the role of EU Association Agreement.

Causes and Effects

“Those Ukrainians who gave in to the’pro-European’ media propaganda were hoping that the association would result in an unheard-of economic miracle, while in reality the agreement is humiliating to Ukraine, if one is to compare it to similar agreements signed by other countries,” says Ukrainian economist and political scientist Aleksandr Dudak. “It deprives Ukraine of the remnants of its political and economic sovereignty. Europe gets everything, Ukraine gets nothing. Ukraine opens its market without obtaining access to EU markets. Ukraine did not participate in the EU division of labor and at the same time it tore up the irreplaceable economic ties with the Eurasian Union.”

“According to the agreement, Ukraine must seek EU approval to participate in any international economic unions. It has no sources of economic aid other than IMF. Even that one cannot call help, not in legal or factual sense. The loss of economic ties had already caused a catastrophic drop in manufacturing, which was only exacerbated by the escalating war on the Donbass. This in turn reduced to the drop in exports, currency inflows, the collapse of the banking system and the currency market. The National Bank of Ukraine has no means of ensuring bank stability under these conditions.”

“Therefore they are introducing inappropriate limitations on the hard currency market which paralyzed both importers and exporters. The economy is supported by external forces and is in a zombie state—the patient cannot be revived, but its death is inconvenient to the West. But the association agreement also includes political and military aspects. They specify that Ukrainian armed forces are, in essence, subordinated to European security structures, but Ukrainian European integrators forgot about that.”

On the level of Senegal

The war, the collapse of the economy, the unprecedented inflation and devaluation mean that Ukrainians are no longer poor, but rather extremely poor.

“Monthly pensions are now only $36.50, while the minimum salary is $47. Keep in mind that, for example, the World Bank sets the poverty threshold at $1.25 per day. And this is not the end, since the hryvnya can still collapse even more.”

Today the average salary in Ukraine is about the same as in Nepal and Senegal, according to Aleksandr Okhrimenko, an economist. Therefore any talk that Ukraine is about to become an EU member is pure fantasy.

Ukraine has also set an anti-record of sorts: its overdue salaries now total 2.4 billion hryvnya. In other words, it tripled in only one year.

According to the economist Vsevolod Stepanyuk, today the country has no ability to pay those salaries, except perhaps by printing money. But that would mean a complete devaluation of the currency.

“As long as the government is playing political games instead of fixing the economy, incomes will continue to drop,” continues Okhrimenko. “It appears that by the end of 2015 Ukrainians will be happy to have a job at all. Because paying jobs will become harder to find.”

This is only the beginning

According to Okhrimenko, what we see now is not the end of the crisis or even the middle, but rather only the beginning.

“Next year even $50/month will seem like a good salary. Big plants are shutting down, by the summer that process will accelerate. After them the subcontractors will shut down. This is a prime example of a “Ruin”—both banks and enterprises simply vanish, and with them the country’s economy. Talk to people who trade on the bazars, and they’ll tell you they have no buyers! Even the bazar is dying! People buy only food and used goods.”

“Under the current conditions manufacturing will only continue to decrease,” economist Andrey Martynyuk agrees. “This means that people will have to be laid off or sent on unpaid leave, and the true unemployment will reach at least 20%.”

According to an international workforce portal “Headhunter Ukraina” director Ulyana Maslova, in this “falling” market businesses are firing PR managers, internal business trainers, advertising managers and drivers. The reductions in the financial business and the media had already begun, next in line are commerce and construction tied to mortgage financing.

Only one way out?

Ukraine is turning into an agrarian country which simply does not need so many workers. It means that people who think about the future are starting to think about leaving the country, says Aleksandr Dudchak.

“Poland is long pursuing a project aimed at attracting the loyalty among Ukrainian youth. As the old saying goes, ‘if you want to conquer an enemy, raise his children’.” That’s why the Ottomans formed elite Janissary units out of children taken from the conquered nations.”

“Young Ukrainians have more opportunities and offers to receive education in Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic,” says Dudchak. “In Poland alone the quota for Ukrainians is 20 thousand seats. Many young people are forced to leave for Poland in spite of propaganda. Who will be left in Ukraine? What future does this territory have after an entire generation of the most active and talented people leaves the country? At the same time Europe is in no hurry to open its borders and introduce visa-free travel which was the ‘carrot’ for the Ukrainian ‘donkey’ which lured many to the Maidan.”

Dudchak believes that it makes no sense to hope for investors to create jobs in Ukraine. “Big money likes quiet places, and it’s going to be a long time before Ukraine will be quiet. Ukraine will attract only those ‘investors who hope to buy up land and the remnants of industry on the cheap, in the hopes for the middle- and long-term perspective. Nobody is talking about new jobs. Unemployment will continue to grow.”

J.Hawk’s Comment: There is an alternative to leaving the country, namely joining Novorossia. One of the reasons why the Kiev junta is so determined to destroy Novorossia is that it presents an alternative to the “European choice” that is not only viable but, as time goes by, becomes more and more attractive.
It will take a few years to show how attractive Novorossia will become. At the moment I am sure life is rather harsh fo most people, and cold, -4 C at the time of writing, and many have no heating.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
excellent article from Nikolai Starikov, posted by the Saker - global politics, a war of meanings.

I think the analysis s spot on and the strategy of Putin seems to indicate that he also has understood it this way

I too agree this is a very good article.

However, in light of the strategies proposed concerning creating the usual internal unrest and turmoil against Putin in Russia:

I think Putin needs our support and anti-propaganda work more than ever to maintain the status quo
We need to think of good ways to pre-empt all forms of media attack and propagate the facts in this article as far and wide as possible
Target internal Russian blogs etc to show the can of worms intended for 'patriots' liberals etc
Diffuse the MSM propaganda by beating them to the public

and anything else we can think of.
Luckily we now have Sott in many countries including Russia!
There have been speculations about what kind of aid was given to the UAF. After Debaltsevo there are more concrete examples. said:
NAF thanks the United States for the new LCMR (Lightweight Counter-Mortar Radar)
February 20, 2015
BMPD - Live Journal
Translated by Kristina Rus
Judging by the "LifeNews" report on February 19, 2015 about Novorossia fighters collecting trophies after Ukrainian troops withdrew from Debaltsevo, among other finds, NAF received one whole complex of LCMR (Lightweight Counter-Mortar Radar), supplied by the United States as part of military assistance to Ukraine.

The U.S. has decided to send to the armed forces of Ukraine 20 LCMR radars, the first three of which were delivered in November 2014. According to the information, received by our blog from the most serious sources, soon after the transfer one of the stations was damaged during transportation, and then another station was damaged by artillery fire of the enemy at the first attempt of its combat use by the Ukrainians. We can assume that the LCMR radar, abandoned by the Ukrainian troops in Debaltsevo is the third of this ill-fated first batch of the three stations.

There is a picture and a video embedded in the above translated article, but I only left the links.
And there is more along the same line. In an article that also explains what the militia needs, there are thanks to the foreign donors: said:
NAF: Thank you to Canadians and Ukrainians for supplies! (Video)

February 19, 2015
Novorossia TV
Translated by Kristina Rus

00:00 - 13:00

NAF commander Terek is in charge of a drone recon unit of the First Slavyansk battalion. His unit of 25 people works with drones doing intelligence gathering near Debaltsevo.
This is regarding the personal equipment, but as far as military equipment we have plenty of trophies left by Ukrainian troops. New drones. You know they had truckloads left in Nikishino. When they run, they leave everything behind. Were do you think our drones come from?
A large amount of ammo and equipment was left by the Ukrainian troops.

- We got lists of who was in Redkodub, even with phone numbers.

Tank ammo, Vasilek ammo, 82 mm grenades, 120 mm grenades, RPG, 762, TURs.

We are almost on a frontline.

This is ammo left by the Ukrainian troops in Redkodub.

This is only a tenth part, a lot has been taken out already.

Mines, bullets, we are not supposed to have anything else.

Several Ural truckloads were taken out just by our brigade.

American, NATO helmets, goggles, about 40 bulletproof vests, good quality, neck protection, 4th generation.

- So you got your own humanitarian aid from Ukrainian volunteers?

- Canadian helmet with excellent quality. Comfortable. Thank you to Canadians and Ukrops for delieveries of supplies!

- Ukrainian army left us some excellent weapons, 120 mortar in great condition.

TUR - anti-tank rocket system

- Why does a mortar unit need TUR?

- We want to be prepared for any breakthrough. We have our own TUR, RPG, muhi, now we are not just a mortar, but a mobil assault brigade!!!
And allegedly more than one Humvee: said:


US-supplied armored Humvee captured by Novorossia militia [video at the link]
Recently, lots of Ukrainians seem to have stopped believing all the outrageous lies of the Kiev junta. Just a few months ago, it seemed unlikely that such disbelief would begin to spread widely there. Hope it keeps growing and spreading where the junta can't get away with any of their lies with the general public anymore.
Here are some more alledged details about a "closed" meeting the US diplomats politicians held in Münich. It is from a German tabloid paper, "Bild". How truthful it is, is hard to say, the reader decides. translated from by Tom Winter said:
German newspaper BILD gets inside US-NATO-Nuland planning session
Das Bild, published February 19, 2015

The Bild headline:
“Cold Feet” “Bullshit,” “Angst”
What US Politicians REALLY think about the Germans in the Ukraine-crisis

February 19, 2015
Translated from German by Tom Winter

Munich — While a bloody war rages in eastern Ukraine, the next dangerous conflict is breaking out in the Security Conference, a diplomatic battle of nerves centered on the question whether the West ought to supply armaments to the regime in Kiev. The opponents are actually allies: the USA against Europe, and Germany in particular.

Behind the soundproof doors of the conference room in the Bayerischer Hof hotel, the Americans speak about Germans in rather derogatory terms.

Friday evening a bit after 7 p.m. on the sixth floor of the luxury hotel, according to BILD’s sources, American four-star generals, diplomats, and high-ranking US politicians held a frank discussion in a “briefing room,” and held forth about the Germans.

“Defeatist,” is what a US Senator called German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, because she no longer believes in a Kiev victory. The phrase “German defeatist,” according to our information, was often heard in the room.

Obama’s top diplomat for Europe, Victoria Nuland, called the Chancellor’s trip to Putin, “Merkel’s Moscow thing.” Another US Foreign office type spoke of the Europeans’ "Moscow bullshit.”

And US Senator John McCain talked himself into a rage: “History shows us that dictators always take more, whenever you let them. They can’t be brought back from their brutal behavior when you fly to Moscow to them, just like someone once flew to this city.”


“They’re afraid of damage to their economy, counter-sanctions from Russia,” said Nuland. Another US politician: “It’s painful to see that our NATO partners are getting cold feet.”

Obama’s close confidante Victoria Nuland is the one who set the tone for her American colleagues at the prelude to the evening: “We can fight against the Europeans, we can fight with rhetoric against them.”

Several US politicians appeared to have hesitations about weapons supply to Kiev. One asked whether it was only a tactic, a false promise to get the Europeans to put more pressure on Putin. “No, it’s not a tactic to push the Europeans,” answered Nuland dryly. "We’re not going to sent any four divisions into Ukraine, as the Europeans fear. It’s only a relatively moderate delivery of anti-tank weapons.”

“But what will we tell the Europeans if we really decide on delivering weapons,” asked one Congressman. "What’s our story then?”

NATO Commander General Philip Breedlove was there. He answered: "We’re not on a footing to deliver so many weapons they could defeat Russia. That’s not our goal. But we have to try to raise the battlefield cost for Putin, to slow down the whole problem, so sanctions and other measures can take hold."

Again top diplomat Nuland, who speaks fluent Russian and served as Dick Cheney’s security advisor took it up: “I’d strongly urge you to use the phrase ‘defensive systems’ that we would deliver to oppose Putin’s ‘offensive systems.’"

General Breedlove clarified for the US politicians, what an actual arms delivery would look like. “Russian artillery is by far what kills most Ukrainian soldiers, so a system is needed that can localize the source of fire and repress it. Ukrainian communications are disrupted or completely swamped, so they need uninterceptible communications gear. Then I won’t talk about any anti-tank rockets, but we are seeing massive supply convoys from Russia into Ukraine. The Ukrainians need the capability to shut off this transport. And then I would add some small tactical drones.”
The translator writes that in the above discussion the people of Eastern Ukraine simply do not exist. That is true, there is no concern for how much suffering is inflicted. It seems the only use of Ukraine is as a disruptive influence, in order that sanctions can take hold, as they put it. The talk about giving Ukraine "tactical drones" sounds like a joke considering, as mentioned in an earlier post today, that the DPR army found a whole truckload of drones. If the general is that much left in the dark, just lying or said something else, we don't know. While the diplomates worry about weapons coming from Russia, it appears Kiev is a generous supplier
The following article explains what freedom of speech means in Ukraine: said:
"One-way ticket to Russia"--"Free" Ukraine's political prisoners

Ev= who’s dissatisfied or in disagreement—to prison: How the government is breaking the people of Ukraine.

Translated from Russian by J.Hawk

During the February 18 session of the government, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk promised to deport all opponents of the “Wall” (or the “European Frontier”, as Yatsenyuk prefers to call it) on the Russo-Ukrainian border.

“Anyone who is against fortifying the border and the security line will get a one-way ticket to that side of the border. This applies to pro-Russian political forces which have raised their heads within the walls of the parliament, and the pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian forces which are trying to create chaos in the country,” said Yatsenyuk.

Incidentally, deportation of Ukrainian citizens is expressly forbidden by the Constitution. Nevertheless, judging by what’s happening, it’s not an obstacle to the government. While during the summer the Prime Minister “merely” called the participants in socio-economic protests “FSB agents,” today anyone who is unhappy with or opposed to the official propaganda faces hard time in prison.

[A summary of individual cases follows]

--A 23-year-old inhabitant of Zaporozhhye posted leaflets criticizing high prices, the war, and the Maidan. He was arrested on suspicion of creating a terrorist organization. His sister is active within DPR. He was placed under arrest, he faces 8-15 years in prison if convicted.

--A National Guard soldier was sentenced to 9 years for treason. His “crime was to attempt to receive a Russian citizenship. He was accused of contacting Russian secret services through social networks, although no proof was shown in court.

--Ruslan Kotsaba, a journalist, was arrested for airing a statement against mobilization without introducing martial law first, and faces treason charges. According to Poroshenko, additional 19 people have been arrested for the same “crime.” The SBU has started four thousand (!) similar cases. In 78 cases, the individuals being investigated stand accused of treason.

--An inhabitant of Zaporozhye made a cash transfer to a DPR account in June 2014. In February 2015 the prosecutor’s office launched an investigation, accusing the individual of aiding and abetting terrorism.

--SBU investigators are accusing a college instructor of interfering with military operations. His “crime” consists of a few Facebook posts critical of military operations, for which he faces 5-8 years in prison. There are more cases of people being arrested for activity on social networks with every day.
Looks like Poroshenko's attempt to get "EU" peacekeepers was rejected:
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