Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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SeekinTruth said:
Looks like Poroshenko's attempt to get "EU" peacekeepers was rejected:

This sounds like some more desperate noise from Poroshenko: everything has already been decided in Moscow and in Minsk. No wonder that the EU is ignoring him now.

After Debaltsevo, it sounds almost like he is now trying to hide behind the EU's back:

The east Ukrainian self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic is prepared to hand over the bodies of up to 3,500 Ukrainian soldiers killed during battle in Debaltsevo, DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko said Thursday.

“We have finished cleansing the Debaltsevo area from illegally armed formations. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian authorities didn’t accept the words of wisdom to lay down weapons. Between 3,000 and 3,500 Ukrainian military personnel were killed during the surrounding [of Debaltsevo],” Zakharchenko was quoted as saying by the Donetsk Information Center.

He added that Kiev could collect the bodies of its soldiers.

Over three thousand of soldiers dead (!): how is he going to hide that from the world? Even the Western MSM cannot hide it anymore apparently. Check out The Independent, for example:

Few [UAF soldiers] had positive words for their political or military leaders.


Until today, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko insisted it [Debaltsevo] remained under Ukrainian control. That Putin’s assessment was closer to the truth – but both sides were ready for the fight – raises questions as to how realistic a ceasefire was ever likely to be.

Soldiers retreating from Debaltseve told The Independent that the railway town had been effectively encircled for 10 days, ever since rebel forces took the village of Lohvinove, four miles north of the town.

From this point the main highway out of Debaltseve became impassable. It was not impossible to break through enemy lines along alternative country roads, the soldiers said, but such an operation was perilous. On Monday, only one vehicle from six made it through to the other side. Not long after the battle, rebel forces encircled the main military headquarters to the south side of the town.


“You forget about the mines when you’re being shot at,” said Klim Kaznachey, a soldier. Having survived a similar encirclement in Ilovaisk last August, he had critical words for military commanders, complaining that a lack of planning that left soldiers surrounded and vulnerable. “Both situations were idiotic, if we carry on like this we will lose Ukraine,” he said.

Medics at a holding hospital in Artemvisk were guarded about the numbers of wounded and killed, claiming such information was classified. One suggested between 80 and 100 wounded soldiers arrived on Wednesday.

When such media like British The Independent start writing stuff like this, it probably means that Poroshenko is becoming more and more irrelevant: both for his own army and for his EU patrons.
About the first concentration camp in history, genocide of Russian and the origins of Ukranian Nationalism.

Source: _

It is a hundred years since the very first concentration camp was created—in Galicia, intended for Russians and Eastern Orthodox believers.

September 4, 2014 marks a hundred years since the tragedy of the concentration camps Talerhof [Thalerhof] and Terezin [Theresienstadt], where tens of thousands of victims met their violent end, martyred for their Orthodox faith, for the refusal to betray their beliefs, for the refusal to call themselves Ukrainian.

The Year 2014—foreboding and violent as it was—coincides in a very symbolical way with two tragic anniversaries in our history; a hundred years since the beginning of WWI, and a hundred years since the blood of martyrs was spilled in the concentration camps of Talerhof and Terezin. Yes, September 4, 1914¹, when the Hell’s gates of Talerhof opened wide, became a day of sorrow—not only for Orthodox Ruthenians of Transcarpathia, victims of horrific tyranny at the hands of minions of the Vatican, but for the entire Russian universe as a whole. It was not by mere accident that the first mega-war and the first concentration camp simultaneously defiled our existence, like two horns of Satan: the sudden treacherous strike that led to the extermination of God’s creatures on a scale previously unimaginable. The war and the camp—made at the same factory, headquartered in the underworld—became the main tools of annihilation of the human race in the Industrial Era.

In 1914-17 the government of Austria-Hungary, with the explicit support of Germany and with the direct participation of Poland, engaged in the systematic extermination of the Orthodox populations of Transcarpathia, Galicia and Bukovina. Researchers have estimated that the Ruthenian population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire numbered between 3.1 and 4.5 million people by the beginning of the twentieth century . These people were subjected to the worst persecution, mockery, indignities, tortures, and horrific slaughter. Tens of thousands of Ruthenians paid with their lives for their loyalty to their faith and their heritage, for their right to remain Russians.

The second half of the nineteenth century saw the renaissance of Ruthenian culture in Austria-Hungary. The people once again became conscious of their place in a pan-Russian culture, in belonging to an indivisible Russian Universe—from Kamchatka to the Carpathian mountains. In fact, the leadership of Ruthenian national organizations in Bukovina, Galicia and Transcarpathia was in the hands of partisans of the idea of a “Greater”, united Russia. To call oneself or someone a “Ukrainian” was not an ethnic, but rather a political kind of label, describing the anti-Russian minority.

The rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, deeply concerned about a sudden resurgence of Orthodoxy, responded by mass arrests among Russian Transcarpathians and Bukovinians. It was as an antidote to pro-Russian feelings that the imperial government created, and then encouraged, the growth of so-called “ethnic self-discovery”—the notions of “Ukrainian” ethnicity and Ukrainian nationhood among those parts of the population susceptible to such a subversion. “Ukrainians” thus were created by Polish and Austrian masterminds as a means of swaying Orthodox believers into an artificial variation of Catholicism and into an artificially created new “Ukrainian” language. But the concentration camps of Terezin and Talerhof showed the true face of the “enlightened” Catholic European reaction to the renaissance of Orthodox faith in their backyard. This was the reaction of the modern EU’s prototype, not yet covered by a fig leaf of “tolerance” and similar worthless verbal trash, to the resurgence of the Russian Universe, the Third Rome, Sacred Russia.

In the book written by Yavorsky, entitled The Terror in Galicia in 1914-15 we read this terrible testimony: “They were taking anyone, without any due process—anyone who called himself a Russian, who carried a Russian name; anyone who kept—even in secret—a Russian newspaper, a book, an icon, or even a postcard. They arrested alike members of the intelligentsia or peasants, men or women, the elderly or children, sick or healthy. Their prime targets were, of course, the Orthodox clergy, priests—those selfless leaders of congregations, “the salt of earth”, the essence of Galician-Russian lands. They bore the brunt of the cruelty—tormented, tortured, mocked, incessantly sent from prison to prison, dying of hunger and thirst, beaten until they lost consciousness, chain-ganged, executed by firing squad or by hanging… Countless innocent victims, boundless suffering, bloodbath martyrdom, streams of tears of orphans.”

This was genocide, an ethnic cleansing directed at Russians, at the Orthodox. The round-ups of entire villages happened on a regular basis—men, women, elderly, babies… Over 100,000 ethnic Ruthenians were physically exterminated by the Empire. It is a telling fact that, until the winter of 1915, Talerhof concentration camp had no barracks. The inmates lived their last days under open skies—be it sun, rain or snow. They were hanged, shot or bayoneted. Before the executions they were subjected to horrific tortures—their limbs, fingers, lips, ears sliced off. A further 150,000 died in the same camps—not by executions, but of disease, exposure, and starvation. Hundreds of thousands managed to escape by going into exile. The only “crime” of those persecuted: the refusal to become “Ukrainians”, refusal to accept the Pope as their suzerain, refusal to betray their allegiance to the Orthodox faith, Russian ethnicity and Russian language.

This terrible crime is not something they like to reminisce about in modern Europe. One of the few reminders—a memorial stone in Lychakovski Cemetery in Lvov. Engraved on the stone: ” To the victims of Talerhof—Galician Rus”. Back then, Russia did not intervene to save the lives of their brethren in West Ukraine. Now, a century later, history repeats itself; the events follow the old familiar scenario of impending tragedy. The war and [filtration] camps, like two-pronged horns, are aiming once again at a familiar victim, identified by two traits—Russian and Orthodox. In the thousand years of the permanent state of war between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, East and West, Christ and Antichrist, the last century was the bloodiest ever. As you read this, hordes of new Cains, fratricidal possessed Ukrainians, are spilling the blood of their brothers on Donbass lands, and new filtration camps are being built in Zhdanovka (Donbass oblast) and Martynovka (near Nikolaev). According to official statements, these foreboding structures, surrounded by tall walls and barbed wire, are meant “to temporarily house illegal immigrants.” But Mikhail Koval, a high ranking general of the Ukrainian Army, publicly stated a different aim: “We shall perform a full filtration of the populace. We shall employ certain filtration techniques to make sure that no people, including women, who harbour separatist sympathies remain… We shall of course separate the women and men for treatment…. After the filtration we shall resettle those deemed trustworthy in remote regions… We shall take a close look at any of the participants in “information warfare” as well. Our special forces will be searching computers, telephone connections, friends…”

Thus, 1914 repeats itself. Will Russia find the spiritual strength and bravery to stand up and halt the attack by the forces of darkness this time around? Our Day of Judgement depends on the outcome.
Siberia said:
When such media like British The Independent start writing stuff like this, it probably means that Poroshenko is becoming more and more irrelevant: both for his own army and for his EU patrons.

Unless they decide to use this huge number of killed solders against Russia, saying it proofs the negotiated ceasefire was a waste of time. UK media are right now in line with the rest of the western ones (i.e. Russophobic).
SeekinTruth said:
Looks like Poroshenko's attempt to get "EU" peacekeepers was rejected[.]
Yes, it appears so. Russia saw how the UN peacekeepers in Yugoslavia looked the other way during attacks on the Serbs, so it's likely to veto a Ukraine peacekeeping motion in the UN Security Council.
This article has 4 short video's that show NATO supplying weapons and equipment to Ukraine.

Ukrainegate: NATO weapons for truce

Initially it seemed surprising that on the first day of the negotiations marathon in Minsk a bill to “provide lethal weapons to the Government of Ukraine in order to defend itself against Russian-backed rebel separatists in eastern Ukraine” would be introduced in the US Congress. However, it soon became clear that its sponsor, Sen. James Inhofe (left), simply harbors no illusions about his Ukrainian partners’ competence or ability to comply with their obligations. He understands that Kiev will inevitably violate the cease-fire and that Washington will soon have to explain why the militias in the devastated region of what is known as the “Debaltsevo cauldron” are in possession of such a vast number of captured weapons originating from NATO countries.

And there can be no doubts whatsoever that this will happen. The militia continues to provide documented evidence of Kiev’s use of NATO-standard weapons, such as Paladin M109 self-propelled howitzers, portable Javelin anti-tank weapons systems, and small arms (M16 rifles and much more).

* Video taken in Gorlovka on Feb.1, 2015. Life News reports that the Christian cathedral in the centre of town was shelled by 155mm cannons of a US-made Paladin howitzer.

* Video taken at Donetsk airport on Jan 18, 2015 presenting piles of NATO light weapons left by the Ukrainian soldiers.

* Ukrainian TV report (Sept 2014) on Western military assistance to Ukraine. Javelin anti-tank weapons and other systems presented.

Military convoys that have been regularly crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border since the summer of 2014 are arriving at the 169th Training Center of the Ukrainian ground forces in the Chernihiv region, where instructors from NATO countries are conducting workshops with soldiers serving in Ukraine’s security forces, in order to train them on NATO weapons and equipment.

The incompetence of the Ukrainian army, as well as the question of provisioning them, is a very serious problem. NATO weapons systems are difficult to operate and require large quantities of the proper ammunition, which is not manufactured in Ukraine. But channels for delivering such ammunition to Ukraine have already been established. For example, in early February the cargo ship Yasar Abi sailed from Burgas (Bulgaria) to the port of Oktyabrsk (the Mykolaiv region, Ukraine) carrying a load of 680 tons of NATO and old Soviet ammunition.

Militias in Debaltsevo after liberation of the city. DNR and LNR fighters came upon a large number of weapons left by retreating Ukrainian military, American armored Humvee vehicle among them.
Altair said:
About the first concentration camp in history, genocide of Russian and the origins of Ukranian Nationalism.

Source: _

There were even earlier cases of concentration camps: the first ones were created by the British in South Africa in 1899/1900 during the Boer War.
Is this just "wishful thinking" on Yanukovich's part?

Yanukovich pledges return to Ukraine as soon as it becomes possible

MOSCOW, February 21. /TASS/. Former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich has promised to return to Ukraine as soon as it becomes possible to make the life of the Ukrainian people easierr.

"I regret that I could not do anything," the former president told Russian television Channel One, recalling the tragic events one year ago.

"If we speak about the present day, I will return as soon as it becomes possible and will do all to make the life for the Ukrainian people easier," he said, adding that "the main task at the moment is to stop warfare".

He said "no regime is worth the losses Ukraine has suffered after the events of February 21-22, 2014". "The country is destroyed, we see territorial losses, casualties, the destruction of whole regions," the former president said.

"Lawlessness towards people, reigning in Ukraine nowadays is the result this regime has got after those events," he added.

Yanukovich said he did not want to be an outsider in Ukraine’s events. "But I had no possibility to return, and I won’t conceal that I was sending people to Ukraine to monitor the situation. We keep monitoring it," he added.

He said he had kept thinking about "getting back and leading the protest movement, and then assist in some way in protecting the people who had got into this situation".

"But everybody was coming to the opinion that our opponents, our enemies, they will do all to destroy me, and all my allies were categorically against my going to Ukraine," he said. said:
Ukraine's Right Sector only volunteer unit left in Donbas — Ukrainian General Staff
[...]February 20, 12:41 UTC+3
Talks on making the Right Sector radical nationalist group part of Ukraine’s Armed Forces are underway
This comes shortly after a joint cooperation among the volunteer battalions was announced. In the meantime former president Viktor Yanukovych would like to come back when it is possible Another former president Viktor Yuschenko is also interested in a return, or are they waiting until a cease-fire becomes more permanent?

While the former presidents wait for opportunities to come back, others prepare Ukraine for full scale war: The people in many areas of Ukraine are effectively locked up as Ukraine has closed 23 border control points on the common border with Russia according to a Russian website: Also the border with Moldova has been reinforced although not closed:

In the last days there have been numerous "violations", with the use of heavy weapons too, according to the reports being posted by South Front or the Russian site I wonder if the increase in shelling is partly because the Right Sector does not recognize Minsk 2?

But even if Kiev decides to continue, will they be able to do it. According to one observer, the army of the DPR found enough material in Debaltsevo for at the very least one week and more likely two or three. He was surprised the Ukrainian army left so early Another problem is that inspite of the assertion that the National Guard is working along with the Ukrainian Army local, residents of one location allegedly observed that the two parties exchanged fire using artillery shells and even Grad missiles

For people in Debaltsevo life is nevertheless easier according to this report from CNN which shows civilians who have emerged from the cellars to get food distributed by DPR: Note that the CNN reporter is surprised or impressed that the ”rebels” function in the manner of a real state. Another more military angle on the situation in Debaltsevo is presented by Sky news: Some speculate that the rather truthful reports being published are a preparation to get rid of Poroshenko, but also use the news course to argue for more direct aid to Kiev, sanctions etc.
As reported in the news, the EU has made new sanctions against Russia and against people in Novorossiya including the commander of the socalled Ghost Brigade whose people risked their lives to get some 130 womem and children out of Debaltsevo. You can read the names of the people and organisations from page 7 in the document and 9 in the pdf version here: Here is one example from page 12 of 24 in the pdf version
Born in 1975, Krasny Luch, Voroshilovgrad Luhansk
So called ‘Acting General Prosecutor’ of the socalled ‘Luhansk People's Republic’. In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.
It could be interesting who made these lists. I read the wording in them with a sense of disbelief. To the Scottish and the Catalonians, I would say, don’t expect any help from the EU. And Greece has to watch its steps carefully if it wishes to extricate itself. I could imagine that the EU rather would see a situation in Greece like that in Lithuania where democracy is retreating. For example one is not supposed to protest against NATO: said:
The death of democracy in Lithuania
Published February 20, 2015
On february 15th, a picket against NATO was held in Kaunas, Lithuania to pay more attention for the public to the loss of independence. The event began chaotically, some of the main organisers had been dissapeared.
Although Ukraine is not a heaven apparently George Soros is fond of the Ukrainian model, which led F. William Engdahl to reflect said:
Ukraine a democratic model?
Now the good Mr Soros has seen fit to grace the annual Munich Security Conference to offer his seemingly boundless wisdom on Ukraine. This time it is so hilarious I must share his remarks with you. He told the Munich audience, which included German Chancellor Merkel and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, Senator John McCain, John Kerry and assorted others of the world political stage: “Ukraine is what the European Union ought to be — a participatory democracy. Unfortunately it is a well-kept secret. It is a secret because it has not yet produced any positive results.”

Whoa! Wow, let’s reread that carefully.

Ukraine is “model of an ideal European participatory democracy”? Is that because of the rag-tag collection that the US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria “-flick- the EU” Nuland imposed in February 2014 on the unfortunate Ukrainian people in the US-orchestrated coup. That coup was called by George Friedman, the head of the US Pentagon-linked consulting group, Stratfor recently, “the most blatant coup in history.”
No doubt the good Mr Soros–whose goodness he once underscored by founding, along with other good people like David Rockefeller and Bill Gates, the Good Club in New York, in order reportedly to find creative ways of reducing what they see as surplus eaters in our world—was also aware of a milestone law in participatory democracy recently passed by the present Kiev regime.

On 23 September 2014, the rascals in the present Kiev Rada or parliament passed a new law which Lyudmila Denisova, the Ukrainian Minister of Social Policy announced as official civilian slavery. With more than faint echoes of nazi slave labor camps, the new government law stated, “people will be involved without mandatory consent (sic), subject to enforcement operations, in work that is of a defensive nature, as well as man-made [i.e., war-related] disaster management, natural and military nature, during mobilization and wartime.”

Of course, as financier of the Human Rights Watch NGO, Mr Soros is aware that forced labor (“without mandatory consent”) laws are in violation of the UN Charter and international law. Andrej Hunko, German Member of the Bundestag and of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe noted, just in case Mr Soros had a spell of moral confusion with his busy diplomatic schedule,

“The new rules announced by the Minister for social policy of labor service would mean the introduction of forced labor, which violates the European Convention on human rights…Yatsenyuk’s attempt to set forced labor now legally, is a further step towards an authoritarian society and must be stopped. This is the exact opposite of the supposed democratic development of Ukraine, as it is written by the Maidan movement.”
Soros waxed on almost poetic about Ukraine, his proposed EU model for participatory democratic state, at the Munich Security Conference: “They are now engaging in nation-building,” Soros added. He stressed this “volunteer spirit” was something very unusual when it came to governance, adding that some of the key ministers in the Ukrainian government were what he described as “volunteers”, claiming they were working for low salaries “for the sake of the country.” Like the US-picked American banker who is now Finance Minister, or the Georgian-national Health Minister whose wife worked for the CIA?
Fortunately, it is dawning on the minds of more and more Ukrainians that all the foreigners put in place do not serve the best interests of people of Ukraine. How can the people from Georgia, turned Ukrainians over night be more Ukrainian than the people of Eastern Ukraine or Ukrainian ethnic Russians?
The Ukrainian Army, POWs and the question of torture
Here is a video which indicates how the Kiev Army treats at least some of the POWs that they take:
There is no overt violence in the above video, none. Still, it was harder for me to watch than many videos where people have been hit by an artillery shell, as the signs of intentional mistreatment and inflicted sufferings on the POWs are so obvious. One can imagine it is part of the terror regime, in the tradition of WW2, Pinochet death squads etc.

In the above video there were only a few POWs, but apparently there are many more still waiting to be exchanged: said:
"Today we trade in particular officers on our commanders," said she.

According to the source Agency, familiar with the situation, the exchange will take place according to the formula "37 37".

Previously Morozov said DAN, Kyiv holds 580 prisoners from Donetsk national Republic.

"Our there, 580, every day this list is updated for 10-15 people, another 1,500 people missing," said she in the middle of February.
About torture perpetrated by the UAF there was this: translated from said:
Torture in Ukrainian: The Red Cross will send to The Hague evidence against the security forces in Kiev

Acts of forensic investigations and examinations of prisoners of war, is proof of torture by the security forces Ukrainian, will be transferred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Documents prepared the Moscow branch of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), whose members visited the Donbass and examined militia returned from captivity.

Monitoring of places of detention of prisoners of war - one of the functions of the Red Cross, said the head of the Moscow branch of the international organization Igor Trunov.

"This function of controls we performed and collected forensic investigations, examinations of prisoners of war who were held captive by the Ukrainian military – have the evidence of torture. On the body of some of them burns a swastika, these photos we did "- quoted by RIA Novosti Trunov.

This will be forwarded along with the photos in the International Criminal Court as evidence of violations of international criminal law, "- said the head of the Moscow branch of the ICRC.

In addition, representatives of the Red Cross examined the drugs found in possession of Ukrainian security officials captured in Donetsk airport
. "There are two varieties, we have made a preliminary chemical analysis, which showed that a military option of fenadola, concentrated, from which a person enters into a state of euphoria, lost an objective view on the environment," - stated Igor Trunov.
The second drug drug appeared similar to heroin. "From the explanation of war prisoniers, it is quite common situation, they say that after taking these drugs sensitivity is completely lost" - summed up the head of the Moscow branch of the ICRC.

The gathered evidence - is the third portion of the documents on violations of international humanitarian law in the Donbas from Ukraine side. These documents will be sent to the ICC in The Hague at the end of the week.
I do not have to many hopes about the ICC in The Hague, look what happened to Milosevic although

The use of drugs among some on the on the side of the Ukrainian army has been mentioned elsewhere. It was noticed during Maidan, and a doctor from Slavyansk also noticed the sign in one wounded Ukrainian soldier or volunteer he was asked to help in the spring of 2014.
The children
There are by now many videos about the adult perspective on the effects of the conflict in Ukraine. But the scenes that adults see, some children also have to see and live through. Before getting to the children imagine what it is like for a child to experience the contenct of this 5 minute long video. It is a mix of talk and music showing different scenes from the war in Donbass. There is another 7m 20s long compilation from different time periods set to a variety of music including classical

These following three videos with and about children do not have many downloads. Perhaps it is because the children are often forgotten in a conflict. The children can not tell the story of the grown ups, they can't add the political perspective and can't connect the dots in the same way. Still, I think one should give the children a voice, as the children in war torn areas hopefully will be alive long after the conflict is over. They will need to live with or through the impacts these impressions will leave behind. Knowing their perspective as children might help us to understand them when and if we meet them as adults.

First there is this short videoclip from September 2014, which shows an interview with a 2 year old girl that lives with her mother in a what is left of a cellar in the house they used to have:

Next, some older children, maybe 5-12 years old talk about their experiences in a group interview:

When children are exposed to such violent events these can lead to psychological problems and trauma: This video is a mix of interviews with children and adults including a psychologist who explains what she is noticing and doing with the problems she encounters:

To get an idea of what these children are going through, one may compare it with what an old lady from Debaltsevo, who had been a child or young woman during WW2, said in an interview when asked about what was worse, now or WW2. She said it is worse now, worse, worse, a lot worse. During WW2 on the eastern front they probably only had artillery, grenades and machineguns, they did not have Grads and rocket systems with powerful explosives that can wipe out a house in a moment.
Kazzura has published Maxim Fadeyev's documentary "Donbas under fire: On the roads of war", 53 minutes, with english subtitles.
Things are really heating up in Ukraine. This is a totally disastrous fiasco for all affected. The Kiev junta and their Anglo-American-Zionist puppet masters are showing their true colors. The only consolation is that the end of the Empire and its proxies, including NATO/EU fascist bureaucrats will be undone finally in the Ukraine mess....
SeekinTruth said:
Things are really heating up in Ukraine. This is a totally disastrous fiasco for all affected. The Kiev junta and their Anglo-American-Zionist puppet masters are showing their true colors. The only consolation is that the end of the Empire and its proxies, including NATO/EU fascist bureaucrats will be undone finally in the Ukraine mess....
Yes, it is heating up as also described in Though, I am less uptimistic about the NATO/EU fascist bureaucrats being undone any time soon, as they are sufficiently supported by a massively misinformed populace. Sure, there are holes in the information fence, but there is a long way to go.
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