Clif High-

Further update from the Webbot site -

"we are ok personally and are awaiting developments as they may manifest. Know nothing
really at this time, so not the time to say anything.
hope y'all understand the irons as is known in sailing.
So pies up. Will make announcement when i understand which of TPTB i pissed off and
how....or it is a mistake. Either way pie wont hurt. no point in further us. We
await the emergence of universe manifesting as it chooses. In the mean time, report is
suspended due to restrictions on both ends of the process.
Spur said:
Further update from the Webbot site -

"we are ok personally and are awaiting developments as they may manifest. Know nothing
really at this time, so not the time to say anything.
hope y'all understand the irons as is known in sailing.
So pies up. Will make announcement when i understand which of TPTB i pissed off and
how....or it is a mistake. Either way pie wont hurt. no point in further us. We
await the emergence of universe manifesting as it chooses. In the mean time, report is
suspended due to restrictions on both ends of the process.

Thanks Spur - appreciate the notices!
It could also be a ploy to raise his stock. That particular maneuver is not unknown among those who hang out with Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges. You know, the standard "false flag" attack routine?
Laura said:
It could also be a ploy to raise his stock.

It will be interesting to see how they "come back" from the "situation". I put "come back" and "situation" in quotes because they are points of interest. ;)
An email from Clif's wife Cathy -

"Hi Guys,

I'm sure this comes as no news to most, or maybe all, of you.

It seems that Clif's response to an early-on question was a bit cryptic, leading to a number of
people expressing concern that something had happened to one of us, or that we had picked
up stakes and high-tailed it off into the wild blue yonder!

Neither is the case. We did not take the site down, we have no idea what happened, it
simply disappeared from the net this afternoon. Clif spent considerable time with Earthlink's
(out-sourced......) on-line help, only to be told that "someone" would contact him "sometime in
the future". So we currently in a holding pattern. As you can imagine, Clif is none too happy,
regardless of what may ultimately be found to be the reason.

Given that Issue 8 is due to be published this Friday, this could not have come at a worse
time. However, we do have alternate plans for getting it out.

We would appreciate any help you can give in getting the word out, that we are OK and that
we are, for the time being, looking at this as simply a software glitch/human error.

Thanks so much to all of you!

So it begins.

A simple "we've had a hardware failure, and will be back soon" should have sufficed.

Maybe the material needed the histrionics of the current 'situation' to boost it, as mentioned.
Laura said:
It could also be a ploy to raise his stock. That particular maneuver is not unknown among those who hang out with Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges. You know, the standard "false flag" attack routine?

Could be. It seems that his "following" is not big enough to be a threat to the PTB. In a recent interview a questioner noted that he is probably finished for good - if the Nov "event" does not come to pass, he will lose readership - and if it does, he may be finished by default. His next report may reveal more about this ISP glitch and motivations for it.
Laura said:
It could also be a ploy to raise his stock. That particular maneuver is not unknown among those who hang out with Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges. You know, the standard "false flag" attack routine?

AFAIK Clif has never "hung out" with Vincent Bridges, although he has been perhaps overly sympathetic to Jay Weidner's assertions re impending plans of TPTB, apparently due to congruences he has uncovered in his own work.

But whatever you may think of Clif's lack of discernment in certain associations, his personal integrity has been above reproach, at least in the past two years that I've been paying attention.

Certainly he has not been getting wealthy by releasing a 50+ page report every few months for $10 a shot. He employs a paid assistant to run his servers, and the monthly electric bill to perform the processing required is not inconsequential.

As to his integrity: A reader wrote to him offering "a significant donation of multiples of $10." His reply: "Thanks for the kind offer. However, please use the gift locally to improve conditions around you there. We are ok, and universe is clearly supportive..."

Several others offered to prepay double or triple for the report which he had hoped to release this week and which has been delayed due to Earthlink taking down his site. Clif's reply: "Thanks for offer, but $$ are not always useful...wish gov't would learn that..." ;)
OK , I am coming out of the closet .
" I am a fan of Clif "
been following nearly everything for two years as well.
I agree with you >>> RAWTRUTH !

But whatever you may think of Clif's lack of discernment in certain associations, his personal integrity has been above reproach, at least in the past two years that I've been paying attention.
Latest message -

"Hey Guys,

I guess it will come as no surprise that, despite what I said a few days ago, Issue 8 is not going to be available tomorrow......

We have had a couple of pretty frustrating days with a lot of strange "coincidences":

Our email was down most of yesterday.

I heard from a person that there were rumors that we could not be reached by phone. "Just a rumor", I assured them. Well, I guess we were not the people to be commenting on whether or not we were reachable, as we later heard from a number of people who had been trying to contact us with no success: Out of Service.

We still have no idea why Earthlink just dropped us. They refuse to tell us, other than to say that the "Special Department" would contact us (still waiting for that).

So, in the meantime, Clif has been working to restore the site at another ISP; the site name will remain the same. Providing nothing else goes wrong, it should be up within the next day or two, although it will take awhile before it is fully restored.

At this point it looks like it will be towards the latter part of next week or early the following week before Issue 8 is available (and that's assuming that nothing else goes awry).

Feel free to share this information with whomever.

Also, please pass along our thanks to everyone for their words of support and offers of assistance, we are most touched and appreciative.

Cathy on behalf of Clif and Igor"
crazycharlie said:
OK , I am coming out of the closet .
" I am a fan of Clif "
been following nearly everything for two years as well.
I agree with you >>> RAWTRUTH !

But whatever you may think of Clif's lack of discernment in certain associations, his personal integrity has been above reproach, at least in the past two years that I've been paying attention.

The problem with lack of discernment in associations is that it is a red flag regarding other issues that probably exist within the individual.

Lobaczewski said:
One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in a fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic way. The opinions, ideas, and judgments of people carrying various psychological deficits are endowed with an importance at least equal to that of outstanding individuals among normal people. The atrophy of natural critical faculties with respect to pathological individuals becomes an opening to their activities, and, at the same time, a criterion for recognizing the association in concern as ponerogenic. Let us call this the first criterion of ponerogenesis. {...}

It might even be suggested that those who do not perceive these problems in relation to Clif himself are possibly under a similar influence.

Lobaczewski said:
Once a group has inhaled a sufficient dose of pathological material to give birth to the conviction that these not-quite-normal people are unique geniuses, it starts subjecting its more normal members to pressure characterized by corresponding para-logical and para-moral elements, as expected. {...}

Observing the appropriate state corresponding to the first ponerological criterion requires skillful psychology and specific factual knowledge...

Regarding the transformation:

Lobaczewski said:
In order [for a group that starts with good intentions to go bad] it suffices that {the] organization, characterized by social or political goals and an ideology with some creative value, be accepted by a ...normal people before it succumbs to a process of ponerogenic malignancy. The primary tradition and ideological values may then ... protect {a group or individual} which has succumbed to ponerization process from ... healthy common sense ..., especially {those with less critical abilities}. When the ponerogenic process touches such {an} organization, which emerged and acted in the name of political or social goals whose causes were conditioned in ... the social situation, the original group’s primary values will nourish and protect such a union, in spite of the fact that those primary values succumb to characteristic degeneration, the practical function becoming completely different from the primary one, because the names and symbols are retained. ...

This is reminiscent of a situation psychopathologists know well: a person who enjoyed trust and respect in their circles starts behaving with preposterous arrogance and hurting others, allegedly in the name of his known convictions, which succumb to an invisible process rendering them primitive but emotionally dynamic. However, his old acquaintances do not believe the injured parties and are prepared to denigrate them morally. This adds insult to their injury and pushes an already unreasonable person to commit further hurtful acts; as a rule, such a situation lasts until the person’s madness becomes obvious. {...}

Thus, whenever we observe some group member being treated with no critical distance, although he betrays one of the psychological anomalies familiar to us, and his opinions being treated as at least equal to those of normal people, although they are based on a characteristically different view of human matters, we must derive the conclusion that this human group is affected by ponerogenic process. We shall treat this in accordance with the above described first criterion of ponerology, which retains its validity regardless of the qualitative and quantitative features of such a union.
Latest message -

"Back up!!!

We're baaaaaack!

And it has been an incredible trip getting here.

Our old ISP got the 'word' from 'special department' to terminate with prejudice our HPH site on their server. Sooo....we had to rebuild. Thus, if there are broken links or problems, give us a while to sort them all out as this is a wholesale transfer of activity to new server, and then a rebuild.

Plus we are trying to get the next Shape report (issue 8) complete so that it can be available. This likely will not happen until later next week.

clif October 15, 2010."
I hadn't checked anything about Clif before, but just listened to an interview with him due to a link on (which I follow). It was very hard getting past the first part because he kept talking about "regular expressions" as being what you use on Google, so it's good to know how to use them. If you however Google "regular expressions" you would find out in about two seconds that "regular expressions" are not used to search on Google, and if they were, Google would be pretty much useless. After that, and his references to Jay Weidner in the interview, it was very hard to take anything he said seriously.
Check this link is about twitter predicting economic changes:
Mixtli said:
Check this link is about twitter predicting economic changes:

The article asks the completely WRONG question:

But there are at least two good reasons to suspect that this result may not be all it seems. The first is the lack of plausible mechanism: how could the Twitter mood measured by the calmness index actually affect the Dow Jones Industrial Average up to six days later? Nobody knows.

It's not that they affect the stock market, it's that they feel the movement of the market in advance... clairvoyance or whatever.
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