Clif High-

Laura said:
The problem with lack of discernment in associations is that it is a red flag regarding other issues that probably exist within the individual.

Clif's "association" with Jay Weidner consists of being interviewed on Weidner's web radio program once, a previous promotion on his website for a few months (gone now) of a Weidner interview and a few mentions of Weidner corroborating his view of Patrick Geryl's work and upcoming solar disturbances. That's really about it AFAIK. We certainly have no evidence of Clif engaging in a months-long voluminous email exchange with Weidner such as you yourself did nine years ago, Laura. From my reading of that correspondence, it seems that you only backed off after getting a warning from the C's that Weidner was up to no good.

Would this not be considered a lack of discernment on your part, to be engaged in such an intense discussion with a pathological individual over such a time span? Did this raise a red flag concerning your own discernment? Should Clif not be granted the opportunity to learn for himself, as you did (with some help from the C's), what kind of character he's associating with? Or is he to be held to a different standard?

Laura said:
It might even be suggested that those who do not perceive these problems in relation to Clif himself are possibly under a similar influence.

Lobaczewski said:
Once a group has inhaled a sufficient dose of pathological material...

What "group" are you referring to here? Clif is certainly part of no group; his major weakness IMHO is that he charts his path alone without the benefit of an informed network such as exists on this forum. And I am certainly not a Clif "groupie," although I do, like several others on this forum, follow his work. Are you really implying that all of us who read Clif's reports are being influenced to become psychopaths?

If so, I find that a rather absurd notion. :O

If you recall, when you asked the C's about Clif's work, they replied that he was "definitely" on to something. ;)
foofighter said:
I hadn't checked anything about Clif before, but just listened to an interview with him due to a link on (which I follow). It was very hard getting past the first part because he kept talking about "regular expressions" as being what you use on Google, so it's good to know how to use them. If you however Google "regular expressions" you would find out in about two seconds that "regular expressions" are not used to search on Google, and if they were, Google would be pretty much useless.

Foofighter, I've been a computer professional for over 33 years, yet I did not have trouble getting past Clif's remarks since it was quite obvious to me that he was talking about a limited subset of regular expressions which are available for Google searches. Google's internal search algorithms do, in fact, employ regular expressions, but as you pointed out, it would not be practical (at the present time, at least) to allow the full range of them for web searching.

foofighter said:
After that, and his references to Jay Weidner in the interview, it was very hard to take anything he said seriously.

I had to go back and listen to the interview again, since I didn't recall Clif talking about Jay Weidner lately. Then I remembered why I had forgotten it, since his "reference to Jay Weidner" came in the introductory chit-chat in response to the host's question about weird weather in which Clif mentioned that the bad weather extended down the coast to "Jay Weidner's area in southern Oregon." Clif obviously knew that the host (Patrick Timpone) could relate to that remark since Patrick had interviewed Weidner not long ago.

And you took offense to this casual remark and quit listening? Too bad, because the subsequent discussion covered topics like the codifying of religious beliefs with rituals, the importance of vibratory frequency, inter-dimensional reptilian parasitism, the perception of Universe as energy and the ability to heal by perceiving alternate dimensions, most of which seem to be frequent topics on this forum. ;)
rawtruth said:
Laura said:
It might even be suggested that those who do not perceive these problems in relation to Clif himself are possibly under a similar influence.

Lobaczewski said:
Once a group has inhaled a sufficient dose of pathological material...

What "group" are you referring to here? Clif is certainly part of no group; his major weakness IMHO is that he charts his path alone without the benefit of an informed network such as exists on this forum. And I am certainly not a Clif "groupie," although I do, like several others on this forum, follow his work. Are you really implying that all of us who read Clif's reports are being influenced to become psychopaths?

If so, I find that a rather absurd notion. :O

For me Laura has never said that those who do not perceive these problems are being influenced to become psychopaths .

The way I read it is that those who do not see it are influenced by the power or the lies of the psychopaths. Totally different thing.
Laura has suffered as a result of her association with those types, so no she is not exempt from her own statement. She was influenced by these types in the past, and that makes her uniquely qualified to understand the dangers involved for anyone who gets involved in similar associations, and how difficult it is to see through it and get out of the influence. Her work would no doubt be vectored (meaning, this forum would probably not exist) had she continued to be influenced and didn't learn the lesson and didn't get out of the fire. It makes every sense in the world to be very careful with the work of *anyone* who is associated to such types, and as I said, the same applies to Laura's work. Lucky for us, she was able to get out of it and they did not have time to truly do their damage. The same cannot be said about most other people who get involved with such types - look at Richard Dolan's recent activities for a case in point.

So, "benefit of the doubt"? Maybe, but the point is moot - until we see that Clif truly "gets it" when it comes to these kinds of influences, he and his work must remain highly suspect, and that applies to everyone who is actively involved with such types. Can Clif see through it and figure it out? Sure, but until then, we must assume that he didn't "get it" yet, which means he's vulnerable to suggestion/influence, which means we must see his work with respect to that understanding about him - that his work, too, is vulnerable to that influence.

Lucky for him, he's got Laura's experience to help him out - she set up several websites and this forum with massive amounts of material to make it easier for anyone to learn the lessons she had to learn the hard way, including information on the actual people Clif is involved with. So a simple effort on Clif's part to research Weidner via google etc would give him resources that Laura didn't have, namely someone else's extensively documented experiences with Weidner etc. If he doesn't do any research on people he associates with, that's not a good sign either. Anyway, it is what it is until it's different - whether Clif will know better in the future is open, but as of right now, we must give everyone their "due" based on everything we know about them, their life, and their associations. It would make no sense to do anything else.
rawtruth said:
Clif's "association" with Jay Weidner consists of being interviewed on Weidner's web radio program once, a previous promotion on his website for a few months (gone now) of a Weidner interview and a few mentions of Weidner corroborating his view of Patrick Geryl's work and upcoming solar disturbances. That's really about it AFAIK.

Are you close to Clif and privy to his personal life details? Knowing Weidner, I suspect that there is some significant insinuating himself into Clif's sphere going on. The casual remark made about Weidner's location posted by foofighter, strengthens that supposition.

rawtruth said:
We certainly have no evidence of Clif engaging in a months-long voluminous email exchange with Weidner such as you yourself did nine years ago, Laura. From my reading of that correspondence, it seems that you only backed off after getting a warning from the C's that Weidner was up to no good.

Ummm... you obviously didn't read it very carefully. Sounds to me like you have read Jay's and Vinnie's versions of it. I wasn't warned about either of them in advance, exactly. I was shown certain symbolic items in respect of Vincent, but was left free to interpret them as I chose. It was only Vincent's outrageous behavior at my house that was witnessed by numerous other people who DID take it onboard and then "shook me awake" that helped me to give the imagery the proper interpretation.

Regarding Weidner, I gave him a very small benefit of the doubt and corresponded with him because, at that time, I didn't have enough knowledge or experience to make a clear call. It was only when I discovered that, while he was chatting with me, he was - at the same time - writing and publishing defamatory crap about me, that the whole discussion came to a screeching halt. And, at that point, I published the correspondence because I thought it would be useful for others to see just how duplicitous he was. But, if you had actually read it, you would know that.

rawtruth said:
Would this not be considered a lack of discernment on your part, to be engaged in such an intense discussion with a pathological individual over such a time span?

Since I was engaging in the exercise to test the hypothesis, I don't think so.

rawtruth said:
Did this raise a red flag concerning your own discernment?

The only one who fooled me, and not for long, was Vincent. Though I will admit that it took a shocking experience and a number of people pointing out to me how shocking it was and why I should not overlook it, to "wake up." I was fortunate that I had this. Most people don't. Research shows that once you get caught up with these types and their hypnotic abilities, there is little chance of waking up before you are ruined one way or another. That is to say: if Clif really has anything going on there (and I suspect he does), then Jay Weidner has been sent to take him down. That's what he does for a living.

rawtruth said:
Should Clif not be granted the opportunity to learn for himself, as you did (with some help from the C's), what kind of character he's associating with? Or is he to be held to a different standard?

See above. You are missing the point. He probably won't figure it out until it is too late if he is a sincere guy. And if he doesn't figure it out, then it doesn't matter if he is a sincere guy, he's contaminated.

rawtruth said:
Laura said:
It might even be suggested that those who do not perceive these problems in relation to Clif himself are possibly under a similar influence.

Lobaczewski said:
Once a group has inhaled a sufficient dose of pathological material...

What "group" are you referring to here?

I'm quoting from a text that refers to a group but applies to individuals as well.

rawtruth said:
If you recall, when you asked the C's about Clif's work, they replied that he was "definitely" on to something. ;)

And that is exactly the root of my concern. Read what I have written above a couple of times.
Along with the idea of being aware of external influences, one needs a healthy look at one's own inner assumptions.
Consider this:

Mixtli said:
Check this link is about twitter predicting economic changes:

It's not unreasonable to see a co-relation between 'calmness' states in the Twitterverse and predictable Stock Market activity. After all, I'm sure that many of the people 'tweeting calmly' are also the people 'investing calmly', and of those investors, many of them would be aware of the necessity to make investment decisions when they are calm and thinking straighter.

But, this drive to predict Stock Market activity is nothing new. Economist Ralph Nelson Elliott's wave principle (and the Portfolio theory) was trying to do that very thing as long as 60-70 years ago.

The late 'father of fractal mathematics', Benoit Mandelbrot, came a bit closer. However, Mandelbrot described the real challenge as being able to predict what the market is going to do while in a crisis. He never perfected the math, though as far as I know.

So, now comes Johan Bollen and company and one has to wonder if they might be treating the issue in isolation from prior knowledge and efforts.

Are Bollen et al., assuming that the same math that might describe their observations under certain circumstances, is the same math that is driving the activity? If so, I think that may be a serious, though not uncommon error.

The same kind of thing happens when people observing repeating patterns of activity in nature abstract a 'description' of what they have observed, label it a "law" and then turn it all upside down (reversing the abstraction) by claiming it is a 'driver' of the activity (axiomatic), OSIT.

To me, it doesn't fly anymore than fractal math will eventually succeed in explaining stock market activity, because a repeating pattern alone is not sufficient to guarantee fractality. A checkerboard or a brick wall has a repeating pattern, but the repetition is with respect to translation, whereas for fractals the appropriate transformation is magnification.

The tricks that the mind will play on itself seem to be without end. Not that Johan Bollen and pals will miss this opportunity to 'get rich' by selling it all before the errors are found. Greg Braden did the same thing with his "God Code", no? :P

Book Review:
The (Mis)behavior of Markets: A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin, and Reward
Benoit Mandelbrot and Richard L. Hudson
Basic Books, 2004
Mandlebrot admits that his techniques do not come closer to forecasting the market, but they more accurately

describe it then previous models, specifically Portfolio theory.
[quote author=Andrew]
Then, he [Braden] made a mistake: in January 2004, he published a new book, The God Code, in which he claimed to have found a secret message in our DNA from the Creator Herself: "God Eternal within the body." My introduction to this book was actually a lecture that he gave in London a few months after publication. The mistake he made was to present evidence for his theory that was so obviously contrived that it broke the spell for many of us that had previously regarded him as a modern day prophet. I wrote of my experience at that lecture in an article that I published here on Energygrid.

Edit: forgot to add the book review link.
Clif's latest report was released last night (available at Some highlights (lowlights?) follow:

Tipping point Nov. 8-11: Triggered by a derivatives “crack-up,” paper debt and the dollar’s international reserve status will be destroyed along with a disruptive “political/social shock” involving “upset/shift” of the Fed and bank holidays/shutdowns. This will lead to failure of pension investments, health care and the education system and will “wash your old life away.” An alternative interpretation of the tipping point is a PTB purge/political crisis triggering “shutdown of planetary markets.” This may include a false-flag attack to be blamed on Iran and an Israeli “mistake,” causing a world war involving not just nukes but also “scalar/hyper-dimensional/directed-energy” weaponry.

Preceding the tipping point will be a solar disruption (starting Oct. 27) triggering catastrophic climate change, food/oceanic/atmospheric crises, violent storms, earthquakes, rains and 1000-year floods and mudslides (one of which in India will reveal a hidden ancient site). Much "illness and disruption of the environment" will ensue from the Gulf oil volcano.

France is already on the leading edge of the “revolution” meme, and there will emerge a French person “in a very key, planet-affecting manner.”

“Alien wars” will emerge into visibility in the Fall of 2011, preceded by UFO reports, whistleblowers and hints of the “secret space program.”

During the Winter of 2010/2011 an internal “snakes vs. dragons” battle over humanity will spiral out of control, resulting in “dramatic increase in visibility of reptilian mind-control” and destruction of its “underpinnings” and “control structures.”

A “waved” or “waved out” phenomenon will occur in Summer of 2011 but not be recognized until October. Official explanations will include “gravity waves, solar disturbances and pulses of unknown origin.” The public will be skeptical of these but not be in accord regarding what the “waved episode” felt like “personally.”

Solar disturbances will lead to a breaking of Antarctic glaciers, revealing ancient structures.

In 2011 NASA will make a global broadcast about a large incoming object “under intelligent direction” and provide a “spurious due date.”

From Spring to Fall 2011 “gnosines (those who possess knowledge)” in less developed parts of the world will become visible and will demonstrate their power with “stone that is made to live (communicate life).”

Clif concludes with an admonition that ignorance in itself is neither blissful nor evil but rather a “challenge to be overcome,” which I would say is rather close to the C’s admonition, “Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.”
Wow, that sounds like Clif got it straight from Bridges and Weidner who stole all their ideas from the Cs and twisted them up into a complete mess. In short, he's gone out on a limb that isn't going to hold.

But, we only have a few weeks to see, don't we?
Bud said:
The late 'father of fractal mathematics', Benoit Mandelbrot, came a bit closer. However, Mandelbrot described the real challenge as being able to predict what the market is going to do while in a crisis. He never perfected the math, though as far as I know.

Momentum is not destiny or we would all be rich! :)
Bud said:
Laura said:
But, we only have a few weeks to see, don't we?

And only 6 days for the effects of a solar will be interesting. :)

Yeah, Weidner and Bridges have been banging on that solar thing since 1998 and no matter how many times I told them that wasn't the way it was going down, they just kept after it. And of course, we've seen that trumpeted in the mainstream media as a possibility too - real fear mongering - so you can see their connection to the disinfo program of the PTB. And now, Clif has become part of it.

I would suggest that if anything were to happen at the end of October, early November, it would more likely be related to the debris field from Comet Encke which the earth passes through every year at that time. There could be a significant number of fireballs, maybe some larger ones hitting, even possibly a Tunguska like event or more. We don't know. We DO know that is a danger period for comet impacts/explosions.

We also know that the dust/debris field surrounding the earth is probably causing drag on the rotation of the planet and an infinitesimal slowing which can lead to interior heating, increased vulcanism, increased earthquake activity. So, if the stream is heavier on this passage, those are possibilities also. But they can be delayed reactions, like initiated in Nov and coming down in Dec.

Add the increased heating within the earth to the extreme cooling of the upper atmosphere due to the comet dust and what do you have? LOTS of precipitation. But again, it has nothing to do with a big solar event, it is rather, all due to known causes that have been and can be studied and understood.

As for the disclosure thing and reptoids, sheesh! Has Clif ever shot himself in the foot on that! He also clearly has no clue what hyperdimensional really means. Or at least, he seems to be defining it as Bridges and Weidner do.
Laura said:
Yeah, Weidner and Bridges have been banging on that solar thing since 1998 and no matter how many times I told them that wasn't the way it was going down, they just kept after it. And of course, we've seen that trumpeted in the mainstream media as a possibility too - real fear mongering - so you can see their connection to the disinfo program of the PTB. And now, Clif has become part of it.

I would suggest that if anything were to happen at the end of October, early November, it would more likely be related to the debris field from Comet Encke which the earth passes through every year at that time. There could be a significant number of fireballs, maybe some larger ones hitting, even possibly a Tunguska like event or more. We don't know. We DO know that is a danger period for comet impacts/explosions.

We also know that the dust/debris field surrounding the earth is probably causing drag on the rotation of the planet and an infinitesimal slowing which can lead to interior heating, increased vulcanism, increased earthquake activity. So, if the stream is heavier on this passage, those are possibilities also. But they can be delayed reactions, like initiated in Nov and coming down in Dec.

Add the increased heating within the earth to the extreme cooling of the upper atmosphere due to the comet dust and what do you have? LOTS of precipitation. But again, it has nothing to do with a big solar event, it is rather, all due to known causes that have been and can be studied and understood.

And this post of yours is like what I was hinting at in my reply 366. The difference in thinking quality between fractal magnification (or in esoteric-speak: As above, so below) and fractal translation (Weidner speak: as inside my mind, therefore outside in reality). :D

Edit: clarity of meaning.
rawtruth said:
Clif's latest report was released last night (available at Some highlights (lowlights?) follow:

Tipping point Nov. 8-11: Triggered by a derivatives “crack-up,” paper debt and the dollar’s international reserve status will be destroyed along with a disruptive “political/social shock” involving “upset/shift” of the Fed and bank holidays/shutdowns. This will lead to failure of pension investments, health care and the education system and will “wash your old life away.” An alternative interpretation of the tipping point is a PTB purge/political crisis triggering “shutdown of planetary markets.” This may include a false-flag attack to be blamed on Iran and an Israeli “mistake,” causing a world war involving not just nukes but also “scalar/hyper-dimensional/directed-energy” weaponry.

Preceding the tipping point will be a solar disruption (starting Oct. 27) triggering catastrophic climate change, food/oceanic/atmospheric crises, violent storms, earthquakes, rains and 1000-year floods and mudslides (one of which in India will reveal a hidden ancient site). Much "illness and disruption of the environment" will ensue from the Gulf oil volcano.

France is already on the leading edge of the “revolution” meme, and there will emerge a French person “in a very key, planet-affecting manner.”

“Alien wars” will emerge into visibility in the Fall of 2011, preceded by UFO reports, whistleblowers and hints of the “secret space program.”

During the Winter of 2010/2011 an internal “snakes vs. dragons” battle over humanity will spiral out of control, resulting in “dramatic increase in visibility of reptilian mind-control” and destruction of its “underpinnings” and “control structures.”

A “waved” or “waved out” phenomenon will occur in Summer of 2011 but not be recognized until October. Official explanations will include “gravity waves, solar disturbances and pulses of unknown origin.” The public will be skeptical of these but not be in accord regarding what the “waved episode” felt like “personally.”

Solar disturbances will lead to a breaking of Antarctic glaciers, revealing ancient structures.

In 2011 NASA will make a global broadcast about a large incoming object “under intelligent direction” and provide a “spurious due date.”

From Spring to Fall 2011 “gnosines (those who possess knowledge)” in less developed parts of the world will become visible and will demonstrate their power with “stone that is made to live (communicate life).”

Clif concludes with an admonition that ignorance in itself is neither blissful nor evil but rather a “challenge to be overcome,” which I would say is rather close to the C’s admonition, “Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.”

Sheesh - that all sounds like something straight out of Nexus magazine or from 'Nancy and the Zetas'. Really disappointing, if this is what he's come up with. The only thing that rings true is the 'illness and disruption of the environment' from the Gulf spill which is nothing but common sense! The 'snakes fighting dragons'???? What does that mean? Symbolically, snakes and dragons are on the 'same team'. Apologies, but I think he's wandered so far off into left field that he can't even see the bases anymore.
rawtruth said:
Foofighter, I've been a computer professional for over 33 years, yet I did not have trouble getting past Clif's remarks since it was quite obvious to me that he was talking about a limited subset of regular expressions which are available for Google searches. Google's internal search algorithms do, in fact, employ regular expressions, but as you pointed out, it would not be practical (at the present time, at least) to allow the full range of them for web searching.
As far as I know Google's internal data structure is based on BigTable and the MapReduce algorithm for searching. Neither of these are related to regular expressions, and it would be quite impossible to allow usage of regular expressions to search Google, and as I said, neither would they want to. Furthermore, no, the Google search language is not a subset of regular expressions. It is quite different, and intentionally so. These are facts that are easily verifiable by using not-regular-expressions with said Google search engine.

rawtruth said:
I had to go back and listen to the interview again, since I didn't recall Clif talking about Jay Weidner lately. Then I remembered why I had forgotten it, since his "reference to Jay Weidner" came in the introductory chit-chat in response to the host's question about weird weather in which Clif mentioned that the bad weather extended down the coast to "Jay Weidner's area in southern Oregon." Clif obviously knew that the host (Patrick Timpone) could relate to that remark since Patrick had interviewed Weidner not long ago.

And you took offense to this casual remark and quit listening? Too bad, because the subsequent discussion covered topics like the codifying of religious beliefs with rituals, the importance of vibratory frequency, inter-dimensional reptilian parasitism, the perception of Universe as energy and the ability to heal by perceiving alternate dimensions, most of which seem to be frequent topics on this forum. ;)
I was not offended, but it was simply telling me that he had no problem talking authoritatively to an audience about things he clearly knows nothing about. That tells me a bit about him, and put me into the proper frame of mind when listening to the rest.

As for the Weidner reference: he could have referenced ANYONE of his friends, acquaintances, colleagues or whatnot, but chose Weidner. Isn't that curious?
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