Clif High-

I remember a few months ago Coast to Coast AM interviewed Cliff High. I was a bit interested but was turned off by one peculiar thing.

On their reports they aren't too specific, rightfully so as it is using random data all around the web to see patterns.

However, on Coast to Coast AM, there were some very specific predictions that sounded quite odd. One was about an alien being discovered on earth, he even had a name and specific time way in the future. I don't understand how that could be picked up by following patterns of chatter on the web. I wonder if they just did this to "sell out" and attract attention from Coast to Coast's huge audience?
Just bringing the latest predictions forward again since days are passing...

rawtruth said:
Clif's latest report was released last night (available at Some highlights (lowlights?) follow:

Tipping point Nov. 8-11: Triggered by a derivatives “crack-up,” paper debt and the dollar’s international reserve status will be destroyed along with a disruptive “political/social shock” involving “upset/shift” of the Fed and bank holidays/shutdowns. This will lead to failure of pension investments, health care and the education system and will “wash your old life away.” An alternative interpretation of the tipping point is a PTB purge/political crisis triggering “shutdown of planetary markets.” This may include a false-flag attack to be blamed on Iran and an Israeli “mistake,” causing a world war involving not just nukes but also “scalar/hyper-dimensional/directed-energy” weaponry.

Preceding the tipping point will be a solar disruption (starting Oct. 27) triggering catastrophic climate change, food/oceanic/atmospheric crises, violent storms, earthquakes, rains and 1000-year floods and mudslides (one of which in India will reveal a hidden ancient site). Much "illness and disruption of the environment" will ensue from the Gulf oil volcano.

France is already on the leading edge of the “revolution” meme, and there will emerge a French person “in a very key, planet-affecting manner.”

“Alien wars” will emerge into visibility in the Fall of 2011, preceded by UFO reports, whistleblowers and hints of the “secret space program.”

During the Winter of 2010/2011 an internal “snakes vs. dragons” battle over humanity will spiral out of control, resulting in “dramatic increase in visibility of reptilian mind-control” and destruction of its “underpinnings” and “control structures.”

A “waved” or “waved out” phenomenon will occur in Summer of 2011 but not be recognized until October. Official explanations will include “gravity waves, solar disturbances and pulses of unknown origin.” The public will be skeptical of these but not be in accord regarding what the “waved episode” felt like “personally.”

Solar disturbances will lead to a breaking of Antarctic glaciers, revealing ancient structures.

In 2011 NASA will make a global broadcast about a large incoming object “under intelligent direction” and provide a “spurious due date.”

From Spring to Fall 2011 “gnosines (those who possess knowledge)” in less developed parts of the world will become visible and will demonstrate their power with “stone that is made to live (communicate life).”

Clif concludes with an admonition that ignorance in itself is neither blissful nor evil but rather a “challenge to be overcome,” which I would say is rather close to the C’s admonition, “Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.”
again, this has been heavily on my mind for 3 days now, I just haven't been able to shake off thinking about it and I was just researching on the web to find more info, only to come "home" to check the forum and find this here.
the connection with me to you all still amazes me and I am looking forward to some changes in the show anyway...
May or may not be significant data, but a couple of nights ago, there was a storm which woke me up in the middle of the night because of a period of about 10 to 15 minutes where the wind and rain was REALLY unbelievably strong against my window. I literarly thought my window would shatter it was THAT strong. I have never in my life before witnessed such power from nature and the actual sound of the rain hitting my window, terrified me in a primal, animal way.

It has been rather stormy around my area in the UK (Glasgow,Scotland) for the past week as well so it may be nothing important , just thought I would share :)
This update from regarding Clif's predictions:

Published Monday - Friday about 8 AM Central Time ....some typos are fixed by 8:30 (in theory)
Wednesday November 3, 2010 14:47 PM CDT

Special Update2
New Tipping Point Data Released
Clif & his data-gathering sidekick Igor have been running the web servers and continuing to accrue data in advance of the tipping point which earlier had been slated for the week of Nov 8-12.

This has changed in the newest data runs and now looks as though it will be November 14th at 6:50AM Pacific Coast Time (UTC + 8).

More importantly, the slow of the 63-days of release language has increased. it had averaged about a 45 degree decline angle in earlier runs (which had the release language happening out to January 23) but with the data showing the release language ending now January 17-18, the angle has increased to (downward) at about 50 degrees and there should be a really scary 70 degree drop around January 7th.

The continuing spidering wraps up today or tomorrow, so this is as close as we're gonna get this one...

More details over at Clif's site in on special Tipping Point Numbers Page.
Hi mantle,

I think you might have misunderstood me and I apologize if I was not clear.

I was questioning whether Cliff is actually sufficiently aware of psychopaths, their effect on society, etc.

I was actually surprised to see your post, as it appeared you were reversing my question to you and redirecting it to me.

I wrote:
me said:
Hi Mantle,Just so I understand you clearly, do you think Cliff is sufficiently informed on the role of psychopaths and ponerized society (and has synthesized the information)? It's one thing to be looking behind curtains but another to know what one is looking for.

That was actually the second time I asked. The first time, you replied with reference to

The reason I was asking was that I was unclear on where you stood vis a vis Cliff's awareness of Psychopaths and how they affect society.
I personally don't think Cliff is sufficiently aware. Nor do I think he is aware how easy it is for TPTB to inject memes and discussion into website and social networks intentionally to skew his data.

Finally, I don't think he is aware of the benefits of networking with a diverse group of individuals committed to searching for objective truths where ideas are assessed only after they are stripped of their subjectivity as much as is possible and hypotheses are evergreen, constantly being adjusted in light of emerging data once it too has been de-subjectified.

Either he is unaware or he is purposefully misleading.

Although I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt (tentatively) for now, a fool manipulated by the dark forces of entropy is just as dangerous, if not more so, than the negative force itself. At least with the latter you know what you are getting while the former can be so disarming that one drops their guard.

Regarding the "tipping point" with respect to buzz, I only know what I read from the Wired magazine article. My comment on academia discovering something already known in certain circles is based on the following assumptions:

If I think of something, there's a good chance it's already been thought of already. But if a university's researchers discover something, particularly something that can be used to manipulate society in a quiet manner, the odds are even greater that discovery had already been made by the PTB, who have considerably greater resources focused specifically on such research.

That's all. Just me reasoning out probabilities.

Once again, I apologize if I was not clear in my earlier posts.

As Ellizabeth mentioned, the updated final report before the 'tipping point' is available on the HPH website.

We shouldn't have long to wait to see if this is a fizzler or not. Whereas the previous full report had the plateau to the tipping point starting at 8 November, the update has the plateau starting on 5 November.

"The emotional tension level plateau is has grown. It had been previously forecast to start on the 8th, but now shows as beginning on November 5, 2010, at approximately 2:30 PM Pacific Coast Time (UTC + 8). Further, the plateau of building emotional tension now extends out further to the 14th of November instead of the 11th. This is the last building tension to accrue. Expect the level to stay maddeningly the same until the breaking point."

The 2:30pm Pacific Coast time corresponds to 5:30 Easter Standard time. That would be about when the FDIC makes announcements about banks. If there is an announcement that some big bank (say Bank of America) was going belly-up, that would fit in with the language of the full report.

I'm in Australia, so I'll have to wait until I turn the computer on Saturday morning to see if there is any developments.
Hello Gonzo! Please believe me when I say that I cannot accept your apologies because no apologies what so ever are needed. As you say you are reasoning out probabilities.
Since I spend all of my life asleep in a dream, I too need to watch the perceptive process itself. If I do, I soon become aware that what passes for ordinary human existence is nothing but a dream.
In regards to your comment about Cliff High...quote: "Either he is unaware or he is purposefully misleading" I cannot help not to be reminded of one of the tabulations of the incredible Mulla Nasrudin with whom I confess I have a very slight but estimable acquaintance . This jewel is called: It is What He Says That Counts:
A cruel neighbour wanted to borrow Nasrudin's donkey."I'll have to ask his permission" said the Mulla.
" All right, go and ask him."
Nasrudin soon came back from the stable.
" I am sorry, he is endowed with prescience, and says that the future does not augur well for your relationship with him," he told the man.
"What does he see in the future then?"
"I asked him. He simply said: "Long journeys and short meals, sore bones and scuffed knees."
I believe that" the light of perspicacity is obtained from knowledge." I am also aware that" high jumps are possible with no mat on the other side".
So....regarding your comment , I think I will wait on that one.
Most cordially and respectfully, mantle.
Hi mantle,

I agree. As no doubt you've noticed, watching and waiting, waiting and watching, is definitely the recommended path on this forum. Provided, of course, we are active in both and not passive in either.

The formation of working hypotheses from observation of both the external and internal helps us avoid jumping to conclusions erroneously while maintaining appropriate distance until sufficient probabilities close and paths narrow to but a single choice, to act in the names of freedom and creation or surrender to slavery and entropy.

Peace be with you, oh one who quotes the wise, witty, sly and sardonic Nasrudin, whose multi-layered issuances often cut my ego and bruise my forehead while flying largely over my head.

Gonzo said:
Peace be with you, oh one who quotes the wise, witty, sly and sardonic Nasrudin, whose multi-layered issuances often cut my ego and bruise my forehead while flying largely over my head.
Well, are ya'll scoping the planet to try to determine if we have reached the "tipping point"??? It is, after all, November 6th!
Laura said:
Well, are ya'll scoping the planet to try to determine if we have reached the "tipping point"??? It is, after all, November 6th!

Nothing much out of the ordinary happening this day as of yet, as viewed from Norway! Volcanic activity in Indonesia and starting in Iceland, but no sign of impending doom.
Well, I just spent some time scoping the news reports on the main aggregators and the only thing that stands out is the business about Bernanke and the inflation plan.
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