Clif High-

Laura said:
Well, I just spent some time scoping the news reports on the main aggregators and the only thing that stands out is the business about Bernanke and the inflation plan.

Beranke is also going to a party this weekend at Jekyll Island to celebrate the Federal Reserve's creation.

Nicolas said:
Laura said:
Well, I just spent some time scoping the news reports on the main aggregators and the only thing that stands out is the business about Bernanke and the inflation plan.

Beranke is also going to a party this weekend at Jekyll Island to celebrate the Federal Reserve's creation.


That's where they all go to turn into Mr. Hydes. Here's a little prediction FWIW. There'll be no nukes, no war with Iran, nothing of that sort. We're in the collapse stage, where the years of phony terror have done the job of creating the security measures necessary to corral and control the population. They have some icing to put on the cake though. The economy needs to be screwed with to bring on a serious crisis in order to take away the people's remaining financial freedom. Maybe "after Christmas" as once predicted. After that, the events for which the whole terrorism business was fabricated will start to come fully online. 'Earth changes', rockin and rolling etc. Of course, there is the unknown element of UFO flaps etc, all of which should make for an interesting few years ahead.
Perceval said:
After that, the events for which the whole terrorism business was fabricated will start to come fully online. 'Earth changes', rockin and rolling etc. Of course, there is the unknown element of UFO flaps etc, all of which should make for an interesting few years ahead.

And how, in your opinion, Israel would fit into this picture?
Keit said:
Perceval said:
After that, the events for which the whole terrorism business was fabricated will start to come fully online. 'Earth changes', rockin and rolling etc. Of course, there is the unknown element of UFO flaps etc, all of which should make for an interesting few years ahead.

And how, in your opinion, Israel would fit into this picture?

They'll go down with the rest of the ship. They aren't going to get the US to attack Iran, and they aren't going to attack Iran themselves, or, if through some act of pathological madness they do, Iran will respond in an 'asymmetric' way, not exactly a war, but Israeli society will collapse. It's already half-way there.

Btw, this isn't really a prediction, because it's open to revision as new data comes in! ;)
Perceval said:
They'll go down with the rest of the ship. They aren't going to get the US to attack Iran, and they aren't going to attack Iran themselves, or, if through some act of pathological madness they do, Iran will respond in an 'asymmetric' way, not exactly a war, but Israeli society will collapse. It's already half-way there.

Btw, this isn't really a prediction, because it's open to revision as new data comes in! ;)

Thanks for the reply.
Actually I did hear a rumbling and a loud noise this morning, but it turned out to be the tea kettle, so I made some tea.
Hi Perceval,

I think the rumors of war with Iran are for the benefit of Western audience. Iran is aligned with Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) as you no doubt already know. The SCO is never mentioned in MSM, but it is a significant geopolical and economic force. You might find the following article on the New Economic Order emerging from the ruins of a financial war of interest as history and data for thought. said:
The driving forces behind the SCO are China and Russia, both large gold producers. Gold will have a role in the SCO, but what it is has yet to be disclosed. However, we do know that the SCO’s other participants are also buyers of gold. Their actions are either freakish coincidence, or there is a hidden agenda to include gold in the SCO’s new financial order. This point was rammed home this week when Iran announced it had also accumulated gold, indicating the quantity to be about 340 tonnes.

I think QE2 is a "tipping point" in the financial wars, as it is now clear and public that the US Federal Government cannot sell bonds on the market to finance the empire. The Federal Reserve Bank will directly purchase US Government Bonds. This expropriates value from those who hold US Dollar denominated paper as an asset.

This will lead to a move to isolate and repudiate the US Dollar as a Reserve Asset. The collapse of dollar denominated asset value will impoverish hundreds of millions of people in the West. We approach a dangerous quantum event in economic and political history, as there is no way to transition from now to the future without collapse. I do not think the oligarchic elites will resort to a dangerous military confrontation. They will save themselves with their gold hoards while the average person will suffer and die.

I will link to Gold For Bread to give an idea of our dystopian future.
We must be approaching a critical point in american economy during the next few years? This article states that the number of collapsing banks in the US is now larger than in 2009.

Well, this tipping point is getting some play. Here is an article from Intel Hub to add to the mix. ;) The Obama family cruise aspect was a new twist for me.


4 Reasons Why a Conspiracy Theorist Might Believe a Devastating Event is Imminent

November 5, 2010
Nicholas West

Is a major earth-shattering event about to happen in America which could trigger global chaos?

Based on heavy speculation, and some startling facts, there seem to be some indicators that suggest something big may be about to occur.

Fed stimulus, Part 2. Yesterday we had the announcement of more Federal Reserve stimulus, known as “quantitative easing,” which dumped another exorbitant amount of money on an already saturated system. Nearly all independent experts agree that this is the death knell of the dollar. The National Inflation Association just released a statement that this move will trigger inflation and starve the middle class. The rest of the world is still weighing in on the global ramifications of such a move to the world’s reserve currency. Brazil said that the U.S. fired the gun in the currency war and they are ready to retaliate; China is prepared to set up a firewall against the latest Fed move; and Germany warned of growing protectionism around the globe stemming from the latest U.S. manipulation. Some are now predicting that a bank holiday is imminent, with a likely date set for November 11. Is QE2 the final tipping point toward financial disaster? Or will it weaken resistance against another imminent disaster?

Obama and warships to India. Much is being made out of the massive amount of armaments that Obama is taking with him on his trip to India: 34 warships, an aircraft carrier, and enough troops and security to be an invasion force. As Indian press has stated, the very heart of The White House is moving to India. Not much has been said, however, of the speculation that 200 corporate CEOs will be along for the ride. Add this to an apparently last-minute decision to bring his family — all for an economic summit — and one might wonder what is being expected. As Steve Quayle asks, “When in U.S. History has a sitting President taken off on an overseas trip for an extended period of time, with 65 airplanes, 34 warships reportedly 3,000 people including his friends and cohorts, at the pinnacle of an economic and political upheaval?”

November 6th false flag nuke. Forums are busy discussing hidden messages within The Simpsons contained in a recently posted video (see below) that offers a warning. There was indeed a strange previous connection to 9/11 which appeared on a 1997 episode of the same show. Curious parallels exist between the plot lines of these two shows that seem peculiarly focused on specific dates and numerological imagery. Could there be indications in this cartoon of 9/11/01 foreknowledge and a coming event on 11/6/10? Invert the two dates, watch the video, and decide for yourself if this episode titled, “To Surveil With Love” is an indicator of a false flag event and the full implementation of a surveillance police state to follow.

The Web Bot Project. Half Past Human has released their latest “Tipping Point” graphs. The period of time we are entering indicates “tension language” building around a major event in the coming week could set off 2 months of severe disruption. This event is projected to be far larger in scope than 9/11 and all other terror events combined.
The four points above are indicators that only enhance the climate of disaster already being fostered by government and military announcements that range from aliens to asteroids to global pandemics. Then there is always CERN’s Large Hadron Collider to offer up a disaster scenario. With the government itself propagating conspiracy theories, anything is possible. We’ll apparently know soon enough if this latest matrix of conspiracy data changes from theory to a terrible fact.
go2 said:
Hi Perceval,

I think the rumors of war with Iran are for the benefit of Western audience. Iran is aligned with Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) as you no doubt already know. The SCO is never mentioned in MSM, but it is a significant geopolical and economic force. You might find the following article on the New Economic Order emerging from the ruins of a financial war of interest as history and data for thought. said:
The driving forces behind the SCO are China and Russia, both large gold producers. Gold will have a role in the SCO, but what it is has yet to be disclosed. However, we do know that the SCO’s other participants are also buyers of gold. Their actions are either freakish coincidence, or there is a hidden agenda to include gold in the SCO’s new financial order. This point was rammed home this week when Iran announced it had also accumulated gold, indicating the quantity to be about 340 tonnes.

I think QE2 is a "tipping point" in the financial wars, as it is now clear and public that the US Federal Government cannot sell bonds on the market to finance the empire. The Federal Reserve Bank will directly purchase US Government Bonds. This expropriates value from those who hold US Dollar denominated paper as an asset.

This will lead to a move to isolate and repudiate the US Dollar as a Reserve Asset. The collapse of dollar denominated asset value will impoverish hundreds of millions of people in the West. We approach a dangerous quantum event in economic and political history, as there is no way to transition from now to the future without collapse. I do not think the oligarchic elites will resort to a dangerous military confrontation. They will save themselves with their gold hoards while the average person will suffer and die.

I will link to Gold For Bread to give an idea of our dystopian future.

Indeed. And speaking of the economy, i.e. the real economy - natural resources and gold -

$260 Billion Gold Mines Going for a Song, Behind Closed Doors

This was reported briefly in the mainstream press a couple of moths ago and then nothing. It explains one of, it not THE main reason for the US presence in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and it goes back a lot longer than a few months. Also, ignore the $260 billion figure, we talking trillions here and an awful lot of gold.
"Indeed. And speaking of the economy, i.e. the real economy - natural resources and gold..." Posted by: Perceval

And then there are the Five or is it Six American Military Bases in Colombia that so recently and so impertinently screeched their greetings , announced their appearance.
An amazonian jaguar whispers that the GOLD trove there and everywhere, is large enough to cause a stroke of awe. It was not for nothing that the conquistadores
named that land EL DORADO. Interesting. Perhaps ancient knowledge under wraps? Saved for the latter days. He also whispered that Chavez , the coming wars, the bottling of the continent and the redrawing of the maps are simply cherries on the cake. I better not laugh. I have not heard the punch line yet. mantle.
I was warned by a friend who was a fan of HPH that they like to threaten lawsuits. Being that this forum is publicly readable, it may be wise to put their reports into an area that requires a login?
Gonzo said:
me said:
Hi Mantle,Just so I understand you clearly, do you think Cliff is sufficiently informed on the role of psychopaths and ponerized society (and has synthesized the information)? It's one thing to be looking behind curtains but another to know what one is looking for...

The reason I was asking was that I was unclear on where you stood vis a vis Cliff's awareness of Psychopaths and how they affect society.
I personally don't think Cliff is sufficiently aware. Nor do I think he is aware how easy it is for TPTB to inject memes and discussion into website and social networks intentionally to skew his data.

Finally, I don't think he is aware of the benefits of networking with a diverse group of individuals committed to searching for objective truths where ideas are assessed only after they are stripped of their subjectivity as much as is possible and hypotheses are evergreen, constantly being adjusted in light of emerging data once it too has been de-subjectified.

Either he is unaware or he is purposefully misleading.

Although I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt (tentatively) for now, a fool manipulated by the dark forces of entropy is just as dangerous, if not more so, than the negative force itself. At least with the latter you know what you are getting while the former can be so disarming that one drops their guard.

One week ago (Nov. 4) Clif gave what was IMHO his most intriguing and far-ranging interview to date with host Mel Fabregas of the Veritas Show. Mel is currently hosting a free podcast of this 3+ hour program at _
(After Friday, Nov. 12, probably only the first hour or so will be available for download by non-members.)

Spurred on by the above quoted discussion between mantle and Gonzo, I submitted a two-part question to Mel which he presented to Clif near the end of the interview. Here's a transcript of my questions and Clif's answers:
Mel: What is your view of TPTB and their psychopathological influences over humanity and the potential for these to be purged through scientific study and rational measures to identify and neuter or isolate such influences?

Clif: I think we can do that, and the data actually supports the idea of re-education camps for a lot of the minions and a lot of TPTB that survive the upcoming change. They’re just humans that are as sensory-bound and as twisted as any other humans on the planet (perhaps more so), and they need care and nurturing to become self-actualizing human beings. They are not our enemy—they are poor, deluded schmucks that are doing harmful things, thinking that they are doing good for themselves and their people. And they just need to have the error of their ways pointed out to them.

So, basically, we need not be violent with these people; we need to “aikido” the moment. We need to invite TPTB to assault us such that we can then “roll” them into a position of subservience, and, when they’re down there, to suggest to them that they need to pay attention to us as we show them what the Universe really is like and why they should stop these actions.

Mel: How do you prevent your data from being skewed by the significant portion of humanity who are being vectored (consciously or unconsciously) by these psychopatholgical influences to promulgate disinformation and misinformation throughout internet forums, social networks, websites, etc.?

Clif: I don’t try, because I think that’s what allows my system to work. Basically I think, at some level, it’s the control of the conscious mind and the alteration of the perception of the Universe of the humans by TPTB that Universe, probably in one of its elegant, self-organizing, self-balancing ways, when they dumb us down and make us stupid and cause all this stuff to happen, our “psychic-ness” reveals itself through the internet. If we were all very much more aware and had the internet here, my work probably would not be as effective as it is, because we would all be much more in tune with our intuition, we wouldn’t be acting as idiots, etc. It would be a different world. So the mere fact that TPTB are up there squashing on us means that when they squish down on us at one level, Universe has allowed a little hole for that “psychic-ness” to appear over here and help us out because it’s all self-balancing.

As Gonzo suspected, this indicates to me that Clif has quite a naive and uninformed view of the psychopathic monsters who rule us. I don't think I have actually ever heard him speak in such conciliatory terms towards them. My question asked about "neutering" and "isolating" them, and he responds with "re-educating" and "nurturing" to allow them to become "self-actualizing." He fails to realize that someone without a conscience who becomes "self-actualizing" does so at the expense and detriment of everybody around him or her. As brilliant as he seems to be in some areas, Clif shows here that he is a "babe in the woods" when it comes to the science of ponerology and the nature of evil within our reality.

There were other parts of the interview, however, which I found extremely interesting, especially in light of the impending Wave and the question as to whether or not humanity will achieve the "critical mass of STO-oriented consciousness" required for the shift to 4th-density existence when the Wave arrives. Here is a transcript of those portions of the interview which relate specifically to this question, in which Clif bares a depth of his emotions which he has never before displayed:

Clif: We have some weird stuff in our data, OK, so let me just stop for a second and go way out. In our long-term data stuff, even as far back as ’99 and 2000, when I was first learning to separate out immediacy, short-term and longer-term data, I was getting stuff that was multi-generationally out. And so I’ve got data that shows, for instance, we might get some descriptors for 2041, OK? And they’re interesting, they’re mainly in isolation, we can’t make a lot of interpretation off of them, but the ones that we do get are interesting and somewhat consistent.

They seem to suggest, and I have very little granularity, and this is more my opinion than a real solid data hint, but they seem to suggest a CONTRIBUTION society evolves after the collapse of the dollar and the whatever-we-want-to-call-it that’s going to occur, that’s going to remove TPTB. I won’t use the word “revolution,” because that is one of THEIR words that they use to describe particularly violent acts, and that’s NOT what we’re going to go through.

But after all this big brouhaha, the dust-up, whatever we’re going to call it here, and TPTB are out of the way, the evolution of our society is going to go towards a different kind of a social order at a fundamental level, that everybody’s going to say that I’m absolutely crazy because this is not in human nature. I would disagree. It is EXACTLY in human nature, and we’ve been taught otherwise all this time. But what’s going to emerge is a contribution society, and I’ll give you an example of that.

There’s a suggestion that in 2040 there’s going to be some kind of a, let’s just say, an Earth crisis. I don’t know if it’s going to be a big earthquake, but a terrestrial crisis of some kind occurs in 2040. At that point the impetus of the human in what we now call the United States, whether it still exists as a country or not is not pertinent (and I don’t even have any data about that), but the people living there in this area, that is to say, continental United States, will be PRAISED by the planet for standing up as perhaps one of the most PRISTINE examples of the contribution society and saying, “WE CAN CONTRIBUTE. In spite of our poverty, in spite of our hardship, WE CAN CONTRIBUTE… [Clif becomes choked up with emotion here] THIS MUCH to the solution. It’s a—you’d have to go through the data to understand my reaction to it, but…ahhh, it is a TRANFORMATIVE occasion that we’re about to go through. And, as a human, and as an aikido-ist, I am pleased at what arises, in spite of what we have to go through to get there.

Mel: It almost sounds, Clif, as the native Americans hundreds of years ago, it’s almost as if there’s a rebirth of that same kind of life…

Clif: …Which makes sense—that’s what humans ARE, that’s what we SHOULD be. And the Anglosphere, the reptilian influence, the evil PTB have convinced us en masse that we are not as we really are, that we’re these other things and that what we really are is something that we should only strive for. It’s really a wicked construct that we live in, and those people that are bound to the five-sense reality will think I’m a stupid idiot for being an old, weepy man sitting here crying over the expression… [chokes again]

Mel: …and you see, that’s the problem—we’re raised in certain cultures to…anybody who cries, it’s a sign of weakness, and it’s absolutely the opposite to what is true, yes.

Clif: In my line of work, as an aikido-ist, we know men cry from compassion, once you become an adult. And compassion is where power exists. And let me tell you, the reptilians know that it is EMOTION which produces energy in the Universe. The blending, the understanding of emotion, the ability to use it, the ability to blend chi, which is the energetic form of the emotion at its most refined nature, to focus, SCARES these beings as you would not understand. And it scares them into stupid acts. It makes their brains jittery, it forces them down into this other existence, and they truly are scared of us. All we have to do is figure out how to get away from their mind control, and I will not even be able to comprehend where we’re going to go in a very short period of time. I’m actually extremely optimistic. We’ve got some really nasty things coming up, and the sun’s going to really kick our butt over these next few years, maybe even five to ten years, but enough of us can get through, and there now appears to be a significant shift relative to TPTB that, I’ve gotta say, for probably the first time in easily ten years, and maybe thirteen years, I’m very optimistic about my species.

Mel: Well, that’s great, it’s one of those positive news that we need. But, you know, I do this show for the children. They have nobody to speak on their behalf, only people like you and I and others who really want to help, and I want to thank you for leaning into discomfort and expressing your feelings this way…

Does the WebBot indicate any technology within the “new electrics” data set that could provide new ways that humans conduct commerce and communications like the internet did from the ‘80’s onward?

Clif: Yeah, but the new electrics, bear in mind, comes out in a context where capitalism, as we understand it now, and commerce, as we understand it now, do not exist. As I was saying earlier, the time that the new electrics rises is also the rise of the contributory society, where the goal of an upstanding citizen is not to take, take, take, and sit on a giant mountain of digi-dollars that you’ve stolen and gleefully seized from everybody else through your avariciousness and your ability to manipulate and deceive them, but rather a society where the height of human endeavor is to be a self-actualizing individual that can stand up and say, “ I will deliberately deprive myself to contribute THIS to the overall goal of the species as a whole.”

In answering the last submitted question of the interview, Clif offers a further glimpse into his personal philosophy and credo:

Mel: In all the knowledge you have gained from your work, what do you find to be the most important message or thing you have learned?

Clif: The most important thing I have ever learned in my entire life was encapsulated by a marvelous human being called Lau Tsu. There are three treasures in life: Love, Contentment and Humility. Without being a loving individual, you cannot be courageous, because there’s nothing to be courageous for. It’s love that propels that. Without being content in yourself, you can’t be magnanimous or generous to others, and that’s what Universe demands. Without being humble and having personal humility, you have NO authority to lead.

At the close of the interview, after Clif signed off, Mel offered these obviously sincerely-felt remarks:

I’ve come away with a new admiration and appreciation for Clif. It takes a lot of strength to serve your emotions up raw on a platter for the world to scrutinize and even ridicule, but, most importantly, to understand and appreciate.

Clif’s willingness to do that sheds a new light on his sincerity in dealing with these relevant topics. I was very touched and moved by his willingness to be so honest and open. Really, it was a gift for all of you, because for that brief moment, he took us inside his world. He is NOT the WebBot, he is not a machine. He’s the man behind the WebBot, and I am honored to call him my friend.

The intent of this show was not to spread fear, but to be prepared in the event these predictions, these projections, these forecasts, become a reality. You can choose to ignore the signs, or you can do something about them. I hope you will choose the latter..

I leave you with a quote from Buckminster Fuller, “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.”

Both Mel and Clif agreed that this would likely be Clif's last interview. For anyone who wishes to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of both the work and the personality of Clif High, as well as what may transpire this upcoming Sunday, Nov. 14, listening to this interview would be time well spent.
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