Clif High-

foofighter said:
As far as I know Google's internal data structure is based on BigTable and the MapReduce algorithm for searching. Neither of these are related to regular expressions, and it would be quite impossible to allow usage of regular expressions to search Google, and as I said, neither would they want to. Furthermore, no, the Google search language is not a subset of regular expressions. It is quite different, and intentionally so. These are facts that are easily verifiable by using not-regular-expressions with said Google search engine.
Now this if somewhat ironic. I was partly wrong! I used said Google search engine to double-verify my assertions above, and it turns out that they are a bit outdated. Earlier this year Google did release the following:
which is a RE engine that works on BigTable. This still does not mean that the language used to search Google is regular expressions (or even a subset thereof), but if they wanted to, I suppose they could.

It doesn't change any of my impressions of Clif and the interview, but I myself will make sure to double-verify my own assertions in the future. C'est la vie.

I'm not sure about the back end, but I think Google is aware of several languages, including parts of regexp.

From: Google Code Search page (_

2. What regexp syntax does Code Search support?

Google Code Search supports POSIX extended regular expression syntax, excluding backreferences, collating elements, and collation classes. To search for a space character, escape it with a backslash, as in hello,\ world. You can search for literal strings by enclosing the strings in quotation marks, as in "hello, world".

Gonzo said:
I'm not sure about the back end, but I think Google is aware of several languages, including parts of regexp.

From: Google Code Search page (_

2. What regexp syntax does Code Search support?

Google Code Search supports POSIX extended regular expression syntax, excluding backreferences, collating elements, and collation classes. To search for a space character, escape it with a backslash, as in hello,\ world. You can search for literal strings by enclosing the strings in quotation marks, as in "hello, world".
Yeah, so that's what they use the new RE2 engine for, code search. Which is not the regular Google search. If you try using regular expressions, or even a subset thereof, with regular Google, it won't work. And the operators that they do support are not part of regular expressions, hence Google search language is not a "subset of regular expressions".
I'm not familiar with all that fancy search terminology, so this may be completely irrelevant, but in case it's useful, these are the only Google operators I've ever used:

“ “
define:, what is:, what are: are all used for definitions for words and phrases.

You can also search exclusively for common file types (pdf, ppt, xls, doc, wks, wps, wdb, rtf, txt, wri)

And you can mix and match for different results and to tailor same.

Misc Notes:

Stop words (a, the, and, for, an, at, be, etc) are words that are not included in searches by default, but you can force the inclusion of one or more by preceding your term with a plus sign. Ex: +The Pumpkin Patch

You can include up to 32 words in a Google query.

The order of your search words effects the results you receive.
Laura said:
Bud said:
Laura said:
But, we only have a few weeks to see, don't we?

And only 6 days for the effects of a solar will be interesting. :)

Yeah, Weidner and Bridges have been banging on that solar thing since 1998 and no matter how many times I told them that wasn't the way it was going down, they just kept after it. And of course, we've seen that trumpeted in the mainstream media as a possibility too - real fear mongering - so you can see their connection to the disinfo program of the PTB. And now, Clif has become part of it.

I would suggest that if anything were to happen at the end of October, early November, it would more likely be related to the debris field from Comet Encke which the earth passes through every year at that time. There could be a significant number of fireballs, maybe some larger ones hitting, even possibly a Tunguska like event or more. We don't know. We DO know that is a danger period for comet impacts/explosions.

We also know that the dust/debris field surrounding the earth is probably causing drag on the rotation of the planet and an infinitesimal slowing which can lead to interior heating, increased vulcanism, increased earthquake activity. So, if the stream is heavier on this passage, those are possibilities also. But they can be delayed reactions, like initiated in Nov and coming down in Dec.

Add the increased heating within the earth to the extreme cooling of the upper atmosphere due to the comet dust and what do you have? LOTS of precipitation. But again, it has nothing to do with a big solar event, it is rather, all due to known causes that have been and can be studied and understood.

As for the disclosure thing and reptoids, sheesh! Has Clif ever shot himself in the foot on that! He also clearly has no clue what hyperdimensional really means. Or at least, he seems to be defining it as Bridges and Weidner do.

It also seems to me that we are already experiencing violent storms, earthquakes, rains and 1000-year floods and mudslides. And because of the continuing events that Laura wrote about, I think that things are going to get worse.

It will be interesting to see just what comes to pass with what Clif has written. But whether he is correct or not, it doesn't stop the fact that everything he has stated is already happening and because of what Laura has seen for quite some time now.
Curiosity led me into this whole thread concerning Cliff High. Many of you have contributed and I thank you all for the journey. It has been interesting to me and at times enlightening in more ways than one . I too have listened to Cliff and read his Trend Analysis and that includes his most recent one.
I have never felt that he seeks lucre, nor fame, nor self importance but he does seek a generous sharing of his interesting mind and creativity.
I agree that he is smart, I certainly do not get the impression that he " borrows'' and I am yet to be convinced about the "influences" although I am always open to learn how to specifically trace them until they become clear as crystal glass. Not yet. I do get the impression that he is on his toes and is perspicacious and also that he is certainly no creep. I have no reason to insult him thus. I am not a fan of his, I am not a fan of anybody and I will not defend him either. I think his own contributions and his courage do that already.
As to how right he is with his interpretations and predictions... He has a few trophies . A few big bulls eyes and smaller ones too. And no wonder given where he is fishing.
This sea is the deep sub conscious. Now his last Data Set Analysis is so heavy with predictions that we will not have to wait too long to see which ones if any, strike gold and in what order and which ones are mere dross.
"Who we are,that is our level of being, determines what we see". It stinks here in the UK where the very very few have stolen so much but will not keep it and where the floor for everybody else is no longer solid to stand on. I hear it is the same everywhere else. The gravitational attraction of matter vs. spirit is clear for all who wish to see. In his words "we await the emergence of universe manifesting as it chooses". I for one can't wait. watching from the scrap heap. mantle.
Hi Mantle,

In terms of influences, I think there are a few possibilities to consider.

First is the fact that he may be unaware of what we know regarding psychopathic hypnotic effects, not to mention filtering. Although some analysis is performed through algorithms and computations, there is human interpretation to try to put things into context.

Therefore, if the person providing insight in the analysis is affected subconsciously by the effects of those around them, they may add filters that otherwise wouldn't be there.

This illustrates the need for a broad network, where members strive to find objective truths. The more diverse the set of perceptions and knowledge involved in the process, the greater the reduction of subjectivity and influence and a mutual hypothesis can thus be formulated that would be much closer to objective truth than the product of one person.

Another area of influence comes from meddlers and saboteurs intentionally planting thought patterns on websites and social media platforms in the hopes of creating memes or buzz.

A recent study of social buzz (social or group opinion) was performed at Northwestern University in Illinois and reported by Jonah Lehrer in Wired:

The Buzz On Buzz, October 15, 2010 (_

The study apparently shows that if a social opinion spreads to a certain amount (21 percent) within a group, it reaches a tipping point where the notion becomes a reality. In terms of box office movie sales, if the buzz hits that level, there will be success in sales. The greater the buzz past that point, the greater the movie's success.

The same would also be true for all forms of social communication. We already know work is already underway by government agencies to steer social beliefs. Since the FBI participate in covert use of social networking to plant thought patterns, It would not be a stretch to imagine the same is being done to manipulate Cliff's data.

So, if Cliff's data, the input, is manipulated the finishing touch would be to manipulate the analysis and interpretation, the output. That way, all of the bases are covered.

If I thought of it, I'm sure others more sinister thought of it long before my synapses fired.

We only need to look at our Wikileaks discussion to see the concepts of subtle manipulation of the well intentioned to see how little effort is actually needed to have great payoffs in altered social beliefs and opinions.

Thought I'd bring the current "predictions" to the top again since today is the day they are all supposed to kick off. It happens to be Ark's birthday, too, and the anniversary of the day we created the first private Cassiopaea discussion group.

rawtruth said:
Clif's latest report was released last night (available at Some highlights (lowlights?) follow:

Tipping point Nov. 8-11: Triggered by a derivatives “crack-up,” paper debt and the dollar’s international reserve status will be destroyed along with a disruptive “political/social shock” involving “upset/shift” of the Fed and bank holidays/shutdowns. This will lead to failure of pension investments, health care and the education system and will “wash your old life away.” An alternative interpretation of the tipping point is a PTB purge/political crisis triggering “shutdown of planetary markets.” This may include a false-flag attack to be blamed on Iran and an Israeli “mistake,” causing a world war involving not just nukes but also “scalar/hyper-dimensional/directed-energy” weaponry.

Preceding the tipping point will be a solar disruption (starting Oct. 27) triggering catastrophic climate change, food/oceanic/atmospheric crises, violent storms, earthquakes, rains and 1000-year floods and mudslides (one of which in India will reveal a hidden ancient site). Much "illness and disruption of the environment" will ensue from the Gulf oil volcano.

France is already on the leading edge of the “revolution” meme, and there will emerge a French person “in a very key, planet-affecting manner.”

“Alien wars” will emerge into visibility in the Fall of 2011, preceded by UFO reports, whistleblowers and hints of the “secret space program.”

During the Winter of 2010/2011 an internal “snakes vs. dragons” battle over humanity will spiral out of control, resulting in “dramatic increase in visibility of reptilian mind-control” and destruction of its “underpinnings” and “control structures.”

A “waved” or “waved out” phenomenon will occur in Summer of 2011 but not be recognized until October. Official explanations will include “gravity waves, solar disturbances and pulses of unknown origin.” The public will be skeptical of these but not be in accord regarding what the “waved episode” felt like “personally.”

Solar disturbances will lead to a breaking of Antarctic glaciers, revealing ancient structures.

In 2011 NASA will make a global broadcast about a large incoming object “under intelligent direction” and provide a “spurious due date.”

From Spring to Fall 2011 “gnosines (those who possess knowledge)” in less developed parts of the world will become visible and will demonstrate their power with “stone that is made to live (communicate life).”

Clif concludes with an admonition that ignorance in itself is neither blissful nor evil but rather a “challenge to be overcome,” which I would say is rather close to the C’s admonition, “Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.”
Thought I would mention that we posted on sott a clip of what I said on the Camelot interview in the following article:

to wit:

That's the hard science. There's going to be the day. It's already happening. The magnetic field is degenerating. That means magma is going to start welling up under the oceans. It's already happening because it's heating the oceans up.

When the oceans start heating up, that means more evaporation. When that happens at the same time that the planet is being clouded by volcanic eruptions, which is cooling the atmosphere, you have precipitation that comes down as snow.

The geological record shows that the onset of every ice-age was so sudden as to be unbelievable. In other words, next winter could be the winter when a lot of undersea volcanoes begin to erupt and dump magma into the oceans. A lot of evaporation takes place.

If it happens in the winter time that means that snow can fall in amounts that are beyond your wildest imagining. It's happened! It's geologically a fact. It's happened repeatedly. Can you imagine 9 stories of snow in a single day?

A couple months later, Niall Bradley put the material I gave him together in a coherent form and wrote this:
Cosmic Climate Change is Underway

So, what is going on right now has been well and truly predicted and explained scientifically. More than that, the Cs have said that 4 D "warfare" is partly disguised as weather/climate change. So we can also expect that this factor is making a mockery of the Disclosure Folks. The "war in heaven" is taking place already, the invasion has already started, and because they are looking for a bunch of little green aliens or lizards of Egyptian Neters or whatever, they have no clue that is is already on their heads.
Hi Gonzo. In relation to your reply#382 on: Yesterday at 11:47 pm.
I thank you for your considered thoughts and I most definitely agree that it takes much effort to get anything worth having. There is no such thing as standing still in this work. You are either going forward or going backwards. Therefore all potential influences that distort true understanding must be considered.
Yours are almost certainties regarding influences on Cliff"s works. Psychopathic hypnotic effects would be generally expected given his striving to look behind the curtain. As for filters, the ones that I particularly study concern themselves with the manifesting of unconscious physiological patterns of habitual behaviour and thought formation distorting information both ways , in and out so to say due to lack of proper coordination in all human normal positions.
I study this with interested students . Cliff is not one of them. I do know that very many people confuse gross coordination with originality. This commonly applies to bright people. My experience. No way of being sure of this unless I worked with him.
Meddlers and saboteurs ....what would we do without them. They are our exercise and the playing field is called The Web. But then again it works both ways.
" If you are careful you will never get anywhere, If you are careless you might." So we have much to thank them for.
I thank you also for the study of social buzz. Twenty one percent... eh? Fascinating. I did not know that although I have observed that sheep will always follow in mass
once the first few proceed. Of course, not all basis can be covered. Never will.
As for Wikileaks I would not go as far as calling it subtle manipulation. Soap operas and farce is what Mr Assange and his team write once you recognise that
Israel needs Iran destroyed. Slowly does it . Their approach. Its very predictable. Once accomplished,either far into the future or the day after tomorrow, they
will also come for you and me because we are also in their way. And how could it not be so.
The tribe they work for is the enemy of mankind and the curse on whomever happens to be their neighbour who just happens to be everywhere. I am talking about the psychopath.Yes. He dreams he owns the place. "The suckers had authority".
I know the charade continues and all is most likely manipulation but I remain open about the subject. Thank you again. mantle.
foofighter said:
Yeah, so that's what they use the new RE2 engine for, code search. Which is not the regular Google search. If you try using regular expressions, or even a subset thereof, with regular Google, it won't work. And the operators that they do support are not part of regular expressions, hence Google search language is not a "subset of regular expressions".

I stand corrected, foofighter. Thank you for explaining this and sticking my nose in Clif's faux pas. I had assumed, incorrectly, a similarity between regular expressions and search engine syntax due to commonality of Boolean logic, inclusion/exclusion and wild card concepts. But upon closer examination, it's clear that there is NO commonality in syntactical constructs between the two, and my statement about search syntax being a subset of regex was plain wrong.

I actually took up this issue with Clif in an email exchange. He was unable to give me any examples of using regex in Google searches and instead fell back on the idea that "there must be a back door" that allows this since Google uses regex in their own search algorithms.

But if so, what good is a "back door" if you don't have the "key" to open it? And why promote something to people listening to your interview which you don't even know how to use yourself?

Pretty lame, if you ask me. :rolleyes:
Laura, thank you for re-posting rawtruth's cliff notes of the latest HPH report. While I've chosen to step back from reading those reports over the last six months (due to the Jay Weidner connection), I was interested to see what the prediction was for this time period.
Hi Mantle,
Just so I understand you clearly, do you think Cliff is sufficiently informed on the role of psychopaths and ponerized society (and has synthesized the information)? It's one thing to be looking behind curtains but another to know what one is looking for.

Yes, that 21 percent tipping point is quite interesting, although I'm certain it was prior knowledge in certain circles and academia came across it only recently by accident. Who'd-a-thunk a study of Hollywood buzz would reveal a deep secret in social manipulation?

It occurs to me that Lobaczewski mentioned that there is a certain percentage (6%?) of people that are instantly mezmerized by the hypnotic affect of psychopaths. Considering the buzz tipping point, I wonder if there is a relation between the two percentages. Perhaps the first 6 percent have an effect on their circle of friends, of which another percentage succumbs.

Food for thought, methinks.

The thing is, if you are parsing net chatter you have to take into consideration the disinfo that is deliberately planted not to mention the billions of bux spent on bloggers and forums where misguidance is planted. Additionally, there is our own work/efforts to propagate truth/research which does have some effect though it is limited at best. There are, I think, better ways of trying to "read" the reality especially one as corrupted as ours and it necessarily would include human decision making at almost all steps to weed out the disinfo. If all things were equal, what Clif is doing would probably be valuable, but as things ARE, it's little more than rolling dice that are loaded.
Hi Gonzo, Do I think that Cliff HIgh is sufficiently informed on the role of psychopaths and ponerized society? If he is, he has not mentioned it. If I was" processing
internet software agents reading vast quantities of texts from the public and commonly accessible areas of the internet , hunting for words to define a context " I
would also be accounting for the percentage of programmed people which according to the C's is two out of every hundred and twelve percent of the two percent
programmed by human means .I would also be taking the lore of psychopathology very seriously into consideration in any linguistic method of analyses. Psychopathology
is central to any true understanding of how society works and of any communication that is worth the telling.
Since he has not mentioned it, I can only deduce that either he is ignorant of it or,that he does not think it is important or that there is something more radical than that. If Russian weapons are inferior are they inferior by design? Truth is always brutal.
Maybe he is unworthy of such a great responsibility. But I do not know. To be certain I would have to ask him to share his insights on this question. I have not.
Have you? What I find also strange is that this knowledge is openly available and more understood, with every day that passes.
" If your right is wrong, then it follows that any attempt on your part to be right will produce the wrong result. It is better to be prepared to be wrong. That leaves the way open for real right to take place."
About the twenty one percent tipping point. I admit it. You wetted my appetite. Exactly which "certain circles" had prior knowledge of this and how exactly
did Academia come across this recently "by accident" ? I am most ignorant about this information.I would be grateful to maybe you sharing your data. I thank you in advance.
"Who'd-a-thunk a study of Hollywood buzz would reveal a deep secret in social manipulation?' Supwi'dat?
What my education in films and Holly-wood has taught me and continues to, is that I may not be hacking and sweating in sugar plantations or eating watermelon
but I am none the less a slave. This magician also removes your wallet. Aren't we all mesmerised.?
Aren't we ALL mesmerised? mantle.
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