Clif High-

rawtruth said:
Mel: What is your view of TPTB and their psychopathological influences over humanity and the potential for these to be purged through scientific study and rational measures to identify and neuter or isolate such influences?

Clif: I think we can do that, and the data actually supports the idea of re-education camps for a lot of the minions and a lot of TPTB that survive the upcoming change. They’re just humans that are as sensory-bound and as twisted as any other humans on the planet (perhaps more so), and they need care and nurturing to become self-actualizing human beings. They are not our enemy—they are poor, deluded schmucks that are doing harmful things, thinking that they are doing good for themselves and their people. And they just need to have the error of their ways pointed out to them.

So, basically, we need not be violent with these people; we need to “aikido” the moment. We need to invite TPTB to assault us such that we can then “roll” them into a position of subservience, and, when they’re down there, to suggest to them that they need to pay attention to us as we show them what the Universe really is like and why they should stop these actions.

Mel: How do you prevent your data from being skewed by the significant portion of humanity who are being vectored (consciously or unconsciously) by these psychopatholgical influences to promulgate disinformation and misinformation throughout internet forums, social networks, websites, etc.?

Clif: I don’t try, because I think that’s what allows my system to work. Basically I think, at some level, it’s the control of the conscious mind and the alteration of the perception of the Universe of the humans by TPTB that Universe, probably in one of its elegant, self-organizing, self-balancing ways, when they dumb us down and make us stupid and cause all this stuff to happen, our “psychic-ness” reveals itself through the internet. If we were all very much more aware and had the internet here, my work probably would not be as effective as it is, because we would all be much more in tune with our intuition, we wouldn’t be acting as idiots, etc. It would be a different world. So the mere fact that TPTB are up there squashing on us means that when they squish down on us at one level, Universe has allowed a little hole for that “psychic-ness” to appear over here and help us out because it’s all self-balancing.

Hi rawtruth. I listened to this interview a couple of days ago. And after Mel asked the above question i thought "this one must be from one of cass forumites" :)

Also it seems to me that Clif is not anymore so much obsessed with Patrick Geryl kind 2012 scenarios as he used to be, especially last year. This is the impression i got. But maybe i'm wrong.
I'm currently listen to the Interview. some things that stand out for me so far:
"something big will happen arround November 14", he thinks Obamas foreign tour has something to do with this, he thinks the Dollar will crash in this time period ......
Once again , I have to say its too bad we
can NOT get Clif to read any cass material ...
( I thought the crying bit was a little too much
especially since it was about an event he see's 20 or more
years from now,, and is not about the size of the suffering
that will be immense shortly )
also the moon stuff he apparently just figured out & the
cass material covered that ages ago ...
I really don't buy the re-educate bankers stuff myself ..
but sorry I really enjoy listening to him .. anyhow..
We will soon see if there is anything to his tipping point on the 14th ...
Hello rawtruth,
thank you very much for submitting your questions to Cliff through Neil. Stick the ferret down the hole....see what comes out.
I found his response to your first one very sobering. Very liberal I thought too. I thought of Dostoevsky's "Doing good without God is diabolical" and of
Solzhenitsyn's description of Mrs. Roosevelt' visit to one Soviet labour camp. With what we know now , that must be indeed the ultimate liberal nightmare.
The extent of evil in the ogre' s lair is a never ending abyss also of delight. It does not need nor want re-education . It is also fully actualised. It nurtures itself.
As for the rest, I am oh - oh so ready. I certainly do not wish to preserve " UGLY" but I also do not wish to curtail infinite possibilities that at the
moment leave me grasping for words that I can barely articulate. I very much appreciate Cliff's work and look forward to giving my attention to the interview.
All can be wrong in their quick judgements whether the result of acceptance or rejection.
As regards Aikido......" Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass,
it's about learning how to dance in the rain". Thank you again mantle.
Laura said:
Well, are ya'll scoping the planet to try to determine if we have reached the "tipping point"??? It is, after all, November 6th!
Web Bot “November Tipping Point” Update: Date Changed To Nov 14 said:
The new information comes in the form of some date changes, and two significant alterations to the release language period. First, the date changes.

The emotional tension level plateau is has grown. It had been previously forecast to start on the 8th, but now shows as beginning on November 5, 2010, at approximately 2:30 PM Pacific Coast Time (UTC =+ 8). Further, the plateau of building emotional tension now extends out further to the 14th of November instead of the 11th. This is the last building tension to accrue. Expect the level to stay maddeningly the same until the breaking point.

Repeat. The ‘break’ in the tension values that indicates the tipping point after which we (the planet of humans) is into emotional release language starts on November 14th at 6:50AM Pacific Coast Time (UTC=+ 8). Repeat – Tipping point starts on 11-14-2010.
The podcast of the previously referenced interview with Clif by Mel Fabregas on Nov. 4 is no longer available at the given link. However, a pdf transcript can be purchased here ($5.50 for members, $11 for non-members): _

On that same page is a MP3 download link for the first hour and 17 minutes. The second 2 hours are now available only to Veritas members ($21 for a 3-month recurring membership).
rawtruth said:
The podcast of the previously referenced interview with Clif by Mel Fabregas on Nov. 4 is no longer available at the given link. However, a pdf transcript can be purchased here ($5.50 for members, $11 for non-members): _

On that same page is a MP3 download link for the first hour and 17 minutes. The second 2 hours are now available only to Veritas members ($21 for a 3-month recurring membership).

Wow! I'm obviously missing out on a cool way to make money!
What is beginning to look like a "tipping point" is the backlash against the body scanners. Either that, or the MSM is now pushing it to drive people to a "tipping point" in order to have more excuses for even harsher crackdowns.

Airport body-scan radiation under scrutiny

Muslim Group Advises Women Wearing Hijabs to Allow TSA ‘Enhanced Pat Downs’ Only on Head and Neck Area

For the First Time, the TSA Meets Resistance

Local man claims TSA pat-down went too far

Pilots and passengers rail at new airport patdowns

Media Advisory: Sen. Doherty, Colleagues to Discuss Opposition to New TSA Screening Procedures

Growing backlash against TSA body scanners, pat-downs
What is beginning to look like a "tipping point" is the backlash against the body scanners. Either that, or the MSM is now pushing it to drive people to a "tipping point" in order to have more excuses for even harsher crackdowns.

Considering the weird 'missile launch', and then the comet or meteor streaking across the sky in New York, I think they're cracking down on air travel for a reason: they won't be able to cover up the comets or meteor impacts if planes start getting blown out of the sky. Making it impossible to fly and diverting attention elsewhere seems to be their 'ticket'.

If people put two and two together on that, and on Russia building bomb shelters, folks might start figuring out that something is major wrong...
Laura said:
rawtruth said:
The podcast of the previously referenced interview with Clif by Mel Fabregas on Nov. 4 is no longer available at the given link. However, a pdf transcript can be purchased here ($5.50 for members, $11 for non-members): _

On that same page is a MP3 download link for the first hour and 17 minutes. The second 2 hours are now available only to Veritas members ($21 for a 3-month recurring membership).

Wow! I'm obviously missing out on a cool way to make money!

Indeed! I for one would be thrilled to subscribe to an internet radio show hosted by yourself and other team members. I'm sure the quality of the guests that you would invite for interviews would be at a wholly distinguished level above any others currently available.

My current favorite, Red Ice Radio (_ ), run by the Palmgren brothers out of Sweden, costs about $13.25 for 3 months, somewhat less than Veritas, and also IMO maintains a somewhat higher quality level. Some of the guests are class acts, such as Neil Kramer, John Lamb Lash, Carl Calleman, Michael Tellinger, Paul LaViolette as well as Clif (in 2009), but much more discernment is required when listening to others, which have included the likes of Michael Tsarion, David Icke, Richard Hoagland, James Gilliland and Steven Greer.

The bottom feeders are willing to pay Rense $5/month for 5 audio shows/week, and $6/month to Alex Jones for his live video stream and access to archives and movies.

I personally like the Veritas/Red Ice model where the first hour of all interviews is offered for free, and a membership is required to hear the second. It's a good way, I think, to get valuable info out to the public at no charge while still maintaining a business model.
What you hear in the interview consists of a big lack of critical thinking from Clif High, mixed with a whole lot of stuff he probably picked up somewhere(Internet)and simply believes it because it fits in his worldview. Every few seconds when he stated another thing that is true, I thought based on what? He adores David Icke, Dr.Richard Sauder is one of the few, if not the only one on earth, who you really can call a doctor, he says. Every now and than he talks about the bad Reptilians, he even talked about "california falling into ocean"?

In the end pretty much nonsense.

just my opinion.

Edit: spelling
From Cliff's report, the tipping seems to be related to the death of the US dollar:

A species significant event relating to the [coagulation] of the abstraction of [paper debt (of all kinds)] will emerge in November causing a planetary currency crises to play out over these next few months. This will change the planetary perception of how the world operates. This change will be more significant than all of the elitists' false flags, and bogus wars or rigged elections of the last sixty years combined. ALL of the tipping point linguistic sets accruing after November 8th contain some sub set revolving around the [dollar coagulation] or [currency destruction (confidence or lack thereof)]. Do not be fooled. The [currency destruction] wave will wash your old life away. Be prepared to be a currency castaway.

Solar system level changes will impact earth. The terrestrial civilization of humans will be altered by the direct and indirect solar system changes. These will include sudden catastrophic climate change, food crop crises, oceanic disruption, and atmospheric well as the mundane such as 1,000 year floods. The solar system will apparently provide a 'disaster sample pack' that will participate in the November tipping point. The sample pack is due to start arriving on October 27.

The good news is that the [isreali mistake] language set is not growing as fast as it has in the past. This may be meaningful, though not necessarily in a good way. We note that one of the constraints against the [zionist attack on iran] will soon be removed, and that is the 'stability of the global economy'. Plus the stock of jet fuel purchased by the zionists from the Americans with American aid money has a finite operating span. It degrades rapidly once the process begins, soooooo if it is used, the sooner (for the fuel effectiveness), the better. Thus the drop off in growth of the language sets could be due to either the fading emotional energy being given to the attack, or to the nearness of the event. We will know soon enough.

A very [disruptive] and [unanticipated social shock] and [political disruption] is coming to the USofA. The [social and political shock to the system] is not related to the elections (at least directly). It will [surface] after the elections. It is coincident with the [dollar death]. It involves the [crime cabal of the Federal Reserve system] as well as a number of very [senior] people in the [upper minion classes]. The [speed] of the [shock] going through the [american social (political) system] will produce a [what-the-f**k!] moment for most of the [populace/usofa] as well as much of the rest of terrestrial humanity.
rawtruth said:
Laura said:
Wow! I'm obviously missing out on a cool way to make money!

Indeed! I for one would be thrilled to subscribe to an internet radio show hosted by yourself and other team members. I'm sure the quality of the guests that you would invite for interviews would be at a wholly distinguished level above any others currently available.

Ummmm... I was being sarcastic. The archives of our podcasts are still free... and will stay that way.
Laura said:
rawtruth said:
Laura said:
Wow! I'm obviously missing out on a cool way to make money!

Indeed! I for one would be thrilled to subscribe to an internet radio show hosted by yourself and other team members. I'm sure the quality of the guests that you would invite for interviews would be at a wholly distinguished level above any others currently available.

Ummmm... I was being sarcastic. The archives of our podcasts are still free... and will stay that way.

Yes, I'm aware of the sott podcasts, but there have been, what, only 6 over the past 4 years? And none for the past 10 months. :huh:

I do realize that y'all are putting a lot of effort into TDC magazine (and it shows!), and I personally am most appreciative of that. :)

But it is nevertheless a sad fact that people these days seem to have more time for listening to downloaded audio (while driving to and from work, for example) and watching video than they do for reading.

Just sayin', FWIW.

Then again, we may soon be doing a lot less driving and have much more time for reading, albeit perhaps by kerosene lamps! :knitting:
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