Clif High-

This is also interesting in the context of Israel. Is this a part of some psyop or maybe Clif's "white hats" in action?

Relevant session fragments:
Welp, at least one list I ain't on šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
This event that Clif recently commented on in a Tweet/X is starting to manifest itself.

According to Clif these anti-Semitic events or sentiments would begin to manifest after the IDF began its massacre in Gaza. Something he called "scalping of children". (Which is a clear reference to the children beheaded by Israeli artillery, unfortunately there are too many pictures of it in the networks).

The data forecast a 'poster child' who is described as 'surviving being scalped'. This, and the upcoming 'Reservists run Amok' incident(s) will set global humanity against Israel, and jews by default. These Temporal Markers were shown as preceding huge, giant boycotts against all things Israeli, and Jews in general.

We have seen, in the weeks following the Israeli bombardment of Gaza, mass demonstrations around the world in support of Palestine

The events Clif describes, following the global protests, seem to tell us of a future "hunt for Jews". This began to manifest itself at an airport in Russia on October 29.
The data had it being so severe a backlash that corps in USA & western republics set about 'scrubbing' their ties to both Israel & jews. They specifically will be 'divesting' from Israel, & letting their jewish members of board of directors walk away. There were data sets going to corporations having to hire people to do genealogy to prove to customers that they had 'no name stealers' running their company.​

The data had it being so severe a backlash that corps in USA & western republics set about 'scrubbing' their ties to both Israel & jews. They specifically will be 'divesting' from Israel, & letting their jewish members of board of directors walk away. There were data sets going to corporations having to hire people to do genealogy to prove to customers that they had 'no name stealers' running their company.

this for me is so pertinent to what is unfolding / being revealed .
shooting themselves in the foot -so to speak...

This event that Clif recently commented on in a Tweet/X is starting to manifest itself.
Hi @Emerald Rob for those of us who don't have much time to listen to it, could you give us a short summary of what he said.
Hi Jaques - apologies its not that short! - i also dont have much time so this is the best I can do right now .!! so I used an AI function to transcribe the audio file

bit of a learning curve - as ive never attempted this before - but will come in handy no doubt- i used this app Cockatoo - Convert Audio and Video to Text with AI -

disclaimer i dont agree with cliff on all of his info ;) but some of it i resonate with.

  • Hello humans! Hello humans! November 3rd, outward bound, and looking at property and doing chores. It's about 11 something here. Let me get the wind out of here. It's starting to rain again. We had like 4.43 inches in about 17 hours the other day. Anyway, I wanted to talk about everybody freaking out, not right now, but in a couple of days, in a few days, they're gonna be freaking out over the fact that we stand on the eve of destruction. Okay, this is going to be a uh... uh... the paradigms that lots of people live by right so this near-death experience that's coming up uh... will you know or we brushing up against nuclear war is the world good destroy itself and it's not really the world it's humanity uh... you know yada yada yada the sum of all fears uh... right now i'm a paranoid son of a bitch, but I don't have fear. There's a big difference. Anxiety and anxiousness about your personal situation in the future is not necessarily fear. Fear has these other qualities in terms of emotions. But we're going to come up to the sum of all fears right there won't be or there will be people like myself And some other people Will people that won't be participating in this we won't have fear you'll you'll see us acting like oh, okay, nothing happened You know And you'll think we're absolutely fucking crazy But we know that everything is perfect we don't live in the constructed matrix from the Khazarian mafia, so we don't believe the shit they're putting out and what they're trying to do, right? We ignore that. The fact that they're attempting to create nuclear war and annihilate a big chunk of humanity is their concern, so to speak. But while it might technically seem to be my concern there is nothing at all That I could do to affect that right I couldn't stop it couldn't alter it couldn't delay it none of that You know if the Kazarian Mafia is trying to get nation-states to nuke each other One little human out here saying you're a bunch of fucktards Isn't going to delay a lot right and so at some point as a as a human, you say, well, non-attachment. I don't have any attachment to the outcome. Personally, I have a big leg up. I've got a super secret power, so to speak. I'm not a superhero or anything like that. It's just that I have confidence because I've been dead. And so it's like it's not big, you know, it's no longer a big thrill. The thrill is gone, right? And so there's not a lot of emotional attachment to this being dead business. You know, sooner or later here I'm going to be dead again anyway. And I'm not attached to that at that point either. And so I practice non-attachment from attachment from my Zen days. So it's like I put effort out to achieve a particular goal, but if it doesn't arise, if it doesn't manifest in spite of my effort, then that's the way it should be. That's the way the universe wants it. And basically, we're kind of like playing games with the universe to say, okay, I think I have XYZ as a need now and I'll try QRS in order to fulfill that need and see if universe supports it and if it doesn't it obviously won't the won't fill the need and we'll have to address it some other way and so this is like you know the universe decides all this shit but let me tell you the Kazarian mafia is going to be pushing and pushing and pushing. They're into some serious world of hurt. There's all kinds of things breaking open on them. And they don't like it and they're really freaking out. So they're going to push the sum of all fears. They're going to push us to the eve of destruction. To see if they can tip us over. To see if universe would support them having humanity be duped into nuking itself. I personally don't think that's the case. We'll certainly find out, but I'm not particularly worried that they're going to succeed. The level of energy involved that they're able to generate and apply effectively is way down, and they're being rated by the day even yesterday you start seeing on uh... uh... twitter about all of the uh... about you know bill gates being charged with child rape and how this guy could go to jail for the rest of his life uh... you know in this country is for this could have freaked out so many people is this proceeds if you can imagine the kind of legal talent that he can get and stuff but he's he's absolutely fucking guilty uh you can see it in his face and he's been doing evil and so on and so forth so universe wants uh wants his karma dealt with right it wants activities uh that he's been a part of to be out there this is why all this shit's happening and so we'll see in my opinion that the sorry and marty is going to get like uh... uh... that shit fucking crazy uh... running around in circles peon on themselves uh... history on a sh jumping up and down shouting trying to do every fucking thing they can to cause us to uh... go into nuclear warren and have this great uh... distraction et cetera et cetera it's not going to work. The energies have already moved beyond their ability to control them and pull them back in. So we won't have the level of chaos that they're after, nor the form of chaos that they're after. And this is going to go slow here the whole road is covered with smoke. People are clearing brush now that the rains have come so we've got big fires all over. Anyway so, the Kazarian Mafia, the Deep State, they're really freaking out. Their being attacked and being brought to public justice right so there's a couple of issues there with uh... bill gates trial one is you know what if he should be uh... uh... like found guilty and have to go to prison that's that's on the far side of the trial their big worry really is not that you know bill gates may be worried about it but the caesarean mafia doesn't care so much about that but they do care about the trial because of course that brings up f steve and all of those kind of things and then the association around child rape is the control mechanism for the case caesarean mafia uh... for all the non-caesarean okay and so uh... they don't want that shit exposed and it's going to be exposed in a big way with very public names like Bill Gates. Maybe at one point he was like the richest tech person at one point, but he might have been like one of the richest people in the United States. But in any event though, we're going to have this as a public trial, there could be all kinds of stuff coming out, Epstein, Epstein, Epstein, Epstein, and then everybody who was on an Epstein airplane is going to start instantly being suspected after we find out what all the shit is that Bill Gates did, and so on and so forth. The Kazarians are majorly worried, major, major, major, and they're doing everything they can to hold it together. outcome of us entering this 326th year past the Kali Yuga. There's a bunch of Hindus, mathematicians, that sat around in the 1800s and it's not like they had computers or anything to distract them. They really thought about this stuff really deeply and they analyzed previous patterns and stuff. The pattern we're in now is that we were in a 75 year block and we've completed one-third of that 75 years here. Actually we've done almost 25 years now and we'll be entering into the 26th year shortly. I'd have to go back and look at my notes just to see when we actually enter into that. The 75 year block was broken up into thirds. One third was putting behind us and examining, being able to examine and see the themes, the metrics that were overlaid on that 25 years that were the hangover from the Kali Yuga. So you can think of it as 300 years after the Kali Yuga, we're not in any kind of an influence from it really, but we still have the hangover the way you would if you'd drunk too much the night before and you know you had an adequate sleep and you're sort of okay but you know there's still all of the mental hangover from having done that. So that 25 years was the hangover period. We're leaving that hangover period now, and then we're going to come into 25 years where we acknowledge and destroy the effects of the Kali Yuga on humanity. Of course, this is not like there's clear demarcations. We've been doing some of that for a number of years, so it fades from one into the other. The fact that we can split it into 25 years as sort of chunks of a theme is something, an overlay that we put on these 75 years. Because at the beginning of the 75 years, we're in an intense Kali Yuga hangover, and at the end of the 75 years, we are into the bright shining sparkles of the invention period that then is the rest of the Bronze Age. But to get there, we're going to have to go through a number of inventions. We've got like 50 years ahead of us, and over this next 50 years, we're going to examine all of the shit we went through in the Kali Yuga and get ourselves right with our universe. Then in the last 25 years, we're going to start inventing new shit once we've got an understanding of what works, what didn't, where we were lied to, what we discovered to be factual, etc. etc. These are going to be a very interesting 50-year period of time. Right now, I could do a Yukteswar like he did in 1894. This Hindu mathematician said, the Kali Yuga is over blah blah blah. We're going to get into a period of electricity and fine matter Okay He was talking about micro and and nano matter right and now I can say that over I can just make this Statement because I know very factually that over these next 50 years We're going to have an invention bloom like you would not have believed ever. It's never been experienced in our past thousands of years because we've been on a descending track and then ultimately landed up in the 2400 years of the Kali Yuga where our only thoughts about technology are donkeys walking around in a circle pulling a grain grinding wheel, that kind of thing. That's our biggest or maybe we get into sailboats. That's really the biggest thinking we're doing about technology in the Kali Yuga. Then we come out of it, we go through this period of 300 years getting everything sort of opened up, looking at shit. Then we get the hangover period, which is we're getting done with. Then we go into this next 25 years where we say, okay, in the past we used to think that this was true. Now we know that that's not true. Do we have something to replace it or do we have to start thinking about this in order to find something to replace that understanding? Because we know that that understanding is not factual. These 25 years are going to be, a lot of it, very disruptive for people that have any kind to the previous paradigm and those things that support it. So over this next 25 years we're going to re-examine gravity and totally re-do our thinking on gravity and all of the nature of our reality and all of this kind of stuff which will allow us to

  • 13:49

  • 13:50
    fantastic technical leaps in the subsequent 25 years. Now of course we'll be making those leaps long before that last 25 year period. We'll start doing some of this stuff 10 years from now, that sort of deal, right? Because it's not a clear demarcation, it's a gradation. Anyway though, the Kazarian Mafia in 25 years will be part of the history and stuff we are replacing. We'll know about them, we'll know about all of their evil, we'll be able to identify them all We'll have history books written about all the fuckers and what they did And so on right And then we'll but also during that period of time like I say we'll have a complete understanding or a differently a different understanding of our universe and What makes it tick? How it all operates and we'll start operating it and doing stuff. So we can say right now that there will be a generation that will be born So we can say right now that there will be a generation that will be born not of this generation.
In the video linked below, Clif High talks about and agrees with the last book of Ingo Swann (psychic and remote-viewing pioneer), Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy (1998), in which Swann says hostile aliens control us by telepathy, with no need for destruction/invasion, etc. This is not our typical conception of telepathy (exchanging thoughts), but rather, these aliens manipulate our emotions, essentially giving us fear, which, of course, disturbs and distorts our perceptions and we make a mess of things. Very familiar stuff to us here.

He says that the only way to counter this is to be aware of it, have self-awareness when feeling such emotions. This is basically the same as conquering any unconscious program . Bring the unconscious into the conscious so that it may be examined with the rational mind, not simply reacted to by the limbic-system (emotional) mind without a lot of rational thought (basically, doing The Work). But, he says, humans tend to be 90% not examining their own thoughts and are thus unable to control their reactions.

Swann is mentioned in some recent threads:
Clif High on Truth Social today:

A condensed history of the Jewish religion:

Space Aliens calling themselves 'Elohim', came down & conquered human tribes. They abused these humans, murdering many. They did genetic experiments on these humans. They relocated these tribes by forced marches in which many humans perished.

Later, subsequent generations were taught that these Elohim were not murders & human flesh eaters, but were the 'gods' of the tribe. This denial was necessary at the time just to survive in the presence of the Elohim.

This distortion is common to victims of horrific abuse. It is a method of coping with the trauma. This unhealed, denied, trauma motivates all of Judaism. It is affecting their relations with the rest of humanity. The whole of all of the Abrahamic religions are based on the Elohim, viewed as 'gods', and the trauma that they inflicted on humans.

Time now to be adults & face our real history.

Year 5974 of Humanity having an Elohim problem.

Year 5783 years of the Jews denying they have an Elohim problem.

We have all this chaos & murder & war on Earth in Humanity b/c we have an Elohim Denial problem.

It will not change until we get real with religion & the Space Aliens it is based upon
In the video linked below, Clif High talks about and agrees with the last book of Ingo Swann (psychic and remote-viewing pioneer), Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy (1998), in which Swann says hostile aliens control us by telepathy, with no need for destruction/invasion, etc. This is not our typical conception of telepathy (exchanging thoughts), but rather, these aliens manipulate our emotions, essentially giving us fear, which, of course, disturbs and distorts our perceptions and we make a mess of things. Very familiar stuff to us here.

He says that the only way to counter this is to be aware of it, have self-awareness when feeling such emotions. This is basically the same as conquering any unconscious program . Bring the unconscious into the conscious so that it may be examined with the rational mind, not simply reacted to by the limbic-system (emotional) mind without a lot of rational thought (basically, doing The Work). But, he says, humans tend to be 90% not examining their own thoughts and are thus unable to control their reactions.

Swann is mentioned in some recent threads:

I just ordered this book because of Clifs' recommendation.

We have an old thread on Ingo Swanns book here:

Year 5974 of Humanity having an Elohim problem.

Year 5783 years of the Jews denying they have an Elohim problem.
No need to nail it down to specific years since time is ongoing, malleable, hackable, cyclical/helical and indefinite. Most people canā€™t remember last week.
We have all this chaos & murder & war on Earth in Humanity b/c we have an Elohim Denial problem.
This presupposes that if we quit denying the Elohim issue, things will get better. They wonā€™t. But itā€™s a start. One more step in the long struggle to freedom. I think one reason the ā€œalienā€ hyper dimensional gulag managers remain unseen is that if their presence and influence was widely seen and known, a lot of their manipulative illusions that are imposed on humanity would lose a lot of their power on a big chunk of the populace.

A lot of Elohim believers ironically view the gulag managers as demons in their hierarchy of beliefs of the Elohim religions. And those religions are based on the distortion of objective higher level truths, so the Elohim (who are still with us) are playing a tricky game.

It will not change until we get real with religion & the Space Aliens it is based upon
I fundamentally agree but there are so many devils in the details. I guess thatā€™s all I am saying.
An interesting analysis of how time and energy are being used to produce results applied to the WEFers, Cabal, PTB plan to depopulate and control humanity. Although tremendous energy/planning has been applied to this goal for many years there appears to be little energy applied for the success of their new society. They are speeding up their timeline in anticipation for the space aliens to arrive who will take over at that time. The C's have told us the aliens are coming but isn't arrival of the wave, 4D shift also a cause for them hurrying along? Hmm.
Med beds, and drunken relatives.
Time, timing, and energy.
In this Matterium, both Time, and energy are precious. At a personal cellular level, all the way up through complete body systems, and out into the larger World of movement, Humanity, and doing shit, we are, individually, and collectively, restricted by energy and time, two of the three sides of the Equation of Life,
Knowing this, my personal approach to navigating much of the Woo of this Life in this Now, is to use energy/time math as a guide. Especially on all things prognosticated, this is a very good way to gather up the chunks of reality in our woo stew, while limiting the losses inherent in the bullshit.
As an example, it is relatively easy to see that the mythical ā€˜med bedsā€™ are NOT in existence at this point anywhere on earth by way of an energy analysis. Take as a beginning the actual micro loads (electrically) within the cells for building new tissue. Estimate by mass (weight) the number of such energy transfers required to alter the condition of a single organ, say the liver, and you have a base line energy amount that would be required for the device to work, without regard to its method of functioning. In other words, a minimum electrical load would be required whether the mythical med bed worked directly with electricity, or converted it to light, or sound, or physical vibration. It is presumed that some other, unknown at this point, form of energetic transfer would also require the energy within such an electrical approach.
Once you get this base reading it is a simple matter to go looking to see if power supplies of that size & capability are being produced. Or you could see if our industry is producing the energy controllers of the required sophistication to accomplish the goal of such an energy transfer to the body.
As you may suppose, neither of these can be found in anyoneā€™s catalog of devices being manufactured for sale now.
Of course, the deluded, hopeful, wishful, and desperate, among the Woo people will insist that such power supplies and power transformers/controllers are being produced in secret for use in secret med bed factories where the employees are either all robots, mind controlled, or ignorant of what they produce such that no definitive trail exists to locate these secret factories. Such is the nature of the Woo and its effect on humans. (sigh).
This same approach of energy, or time calculations, can be used to debunk such bunk as the QFS, or the NESARA lines of wooshit. Many other chunks circulating in the woostew can also be dismissed by even cursory application of energy maths. These include ā€˜black gooā€™, ā€˜Looking Glass/Yellow Cubeā€™, ā€˜prisons (or Nazi bases) on the Moonā€™, and so much more.
Energy calculations can be used very effectively in another manner. Instead of analysis on presented circumstances to ascertain if such could exist, we can reverse it to analyze our enemiesā€™ energy and time expenditures in order to see just what they may be planning.
ā€œOkā€, we say. ā€œOur enemies are putting Y amount of energy, and V amount of time, into L subject areas, what could be their reason?ā€
So this is the point where I step away from many other Woo pundits. In doing my energy/time calculations on our enemies, that is, the mother WEFfers, the Cabal, the [DS], the [KM], the Zionistsā€¦.et al names for the same Hydra, my understanding is NOT the same as others in the Woo space.
It is my conclusion that our enemies have been working for several hundreds of years, and putting an increasing amount of energy into those plans for these last 140 years, not simply to effect control of, and depopulation of, Humanity. Yes, they do want to depopulate, and certainly want totalitarian levels of control, but my thinking is that there is something beyond that which is driving them.
If you think deeply about almost any activity with humans, it is usually a time constraint that drives us to put more energy into a process than would actually be required for its completion. We do this deliberately to attempt to reduce the time involved, for whatever reason.
I have worked in global corporate world for over 50 years, and have observed that inevitably when Management starts throwing bodies and money at a project it is always due to time pressures from external sources.
Thatā€™s what I think is going on now, and here. The mother WEFfers have been working a plan that arguably goes back to the founding of the Freemasons, and other secret societies. It includes refined plans from people such as Pike, and the Rabbinical Council of 1893 (in Moscow, Russia), which are all working towards an unspoken goal. While the goal of these global Zionists is certainly control of humanity, there is no preparation, or energy being expended on any aspect of the success of this effort IF the goal is mere control. Even including depopulation as both a minor goal, and a tool for larger efforts, we just donā€™t see required energy or time being put forward by the mother WEFfers for WHEN they would have succeeded in their plans.
In other words, if my goal was to gently deal with a drunk relative at a Thanksgiving gathering by using a yuko ottoshi judo take-down, in the process of pushing the elbow, and hooking his neck, I would already be preparing my body with energy to roll him while protecting both him, and myself from whatever we would impact on the floor, and around us as we fall. It is a natural, required process of thinking ahead for when you succeed.
Energy and time allocations are necessary constantly in this Matterium, for either success, or failure. One can see people are planning for which they expect to manifest by what they make available in energy and time. Thus it is mostly possible to foresee the outcome of projects of all kinds using this metric. My introduction to this method of thinking comes from R. Buckminster Fuller, most completely described in his Synergetics book.
When I apply energy calculations to our current War with the mother WEFfers, my conclusion is that while their immediate goal is control, they are not now, and have never been, planning for a condition of ā€˜successā€™ for their plan. There is no thought being given for ā€˜what thenā€™, after they have control, even if they have depopulated humanity to some serious extent.
Yes, there have been distractions presented as their presumed goal, for us, as part of their plan. There have been predictive programming efforts that have produce the social memes of ā€˜hunger gamesā€™ or ā€˜throne gamesā€™ā€¦ as a stated global condition of their success. But, these are only distractions. The energy and time allocations are not there if the Cabal/[DS] was intent on that form of humanity as their goal.
All of our enemiesā€™ energy has been placed into getting us to the point that depopulated humanity is controlled by them, BUT there is no expenditures for the afterward part of that time based equation.
Is it a case that the [DS][KM] has never been planning to succeed?
I donā€™t think that is the situation. I can observe the Cabal/[KM] being driven by some very severe time constraint such that they are putting more energy into their immediate goal of depopulate and control. They are throwing people and money at their effort in a manner that is excessive to an extreme level relative to developing circumstances
People will tell you that I am wrong. That what motivates the enemies of Humanity is not an external time pressure, but rather their fear of losing this war. Perhaps, but I donā€™t see any energy being expended suggesting that they know they are losing. There are no ā€˜bolt holesā€™, back-up positions, or escape routes being set up for the [DS][KM]. They do not intend to lose.
BUT they are not putting money/time/people into winning.

It is as though there is something else. A ā€˜something elseā€™ that is going to make any ā€˜success planningā€™, or energy allocations for success, moot, useless in the bigger plan. As though there is no need. Further, the actions of the [DS][KM] are as though their time constraint, their ā€˜dead lineā€™, will arrive without regard to their success, or lack of it.
My conclusion from their actions is that they donā€™t think they will lose, even if they lose. That is, they think something, or more appropriately, a ā€˜someoneā€™, will be coming to take over the reigns of control from them. The [DS][KM][Zionists] are thinking that someone is coming to save their collective asses.
The [DS][KM] thinks that the Elohim are returning. Further, I think, that they think, that this ā€˜second coming of the ELā€™ is imminent.
The timing is not known by them, only anticipated. This is why, in my opinion, we see them moving from Agenda 2050, to Agenda 2030, and now to 2027.
Yes, we do see them putting money and people into a ā€˜contact agendaā€™. The mother WEFfers are very keen on the whole subject of ā€˜space aliens & human interactionā€™. Of course, they think of themselves as the ā€˜humansā€™, and yā€™all as the ā€˜animalsā€™ that they will be selling to the Elohim.
Energy matters. What you do with yours betrays your thinking.
An interesting analysis of how time and energy are being used to produce results applied to the WEFers, Cabal, PTB plan to depopulate and control humanity. Although tremendous energy/planning has been applied to this goal for many years there appears to be little energy applied for the success of their new society. They are speeding up their timeline in anticipation for the space aliens to arrive who will take over at that time. The C's have told us the aliens are coming but isn't arrival of the wave, 4D shift also a cause for them hurrying along? Hmm.
It is as though there is something else. A ā€˜something elseā€™ that is going to make any ā€˜success planningā€™, or energy allocations for success, moot, useless in the bigger plan. As though there is no need. Further, the actions of the [DS][KM] are as though their time constraint, their ā€˜dead lineā€™, will arrive without regard to their success, or lack of it.

My conclusion from their actions is that they donā€™t think they will lose, even if they lose. That is, they think something, or more appropriately, a ā€˜someoneā€™, will be coming to take over the reigns of control from them. The [DS][KM][Zionists] are thinking that someone is coming to save their collective asses.

I wonder if a 4D Transition via the wave is so unpredictable in its results that 4D STS is instructing the cabal to just follow orders and get what it can no matter what? In the case of any major setback, they've told the PTB that they've got their back and will "rescue" them if anything serious threatens them. Maybe Clif is viewing the lies being told to the cabal and not the actual intentions of their 4D masters?
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