Co-linearity: What is it? What does it involve? Can it be achieved?


I certainly would not propose to do it over the Internet. Only for those who can physically meet in the same place.
Ah, I must have misunderstood you then, my apologies.

The thing with in person meetings, is that we usually discourage them, despite all of us being here in the forum, and possibly knowing a bit of what material is available for members to read, a lot of assumptions can be made about what brought someone here and what interests them in reality.

As such, it becomes a risk of dynamics to develop and that can lead to trouble. In the interest of looking out for the well being of the forum, and its members, meetings such as these are generally discouraged. It becomes very difficult to have a good oversight.
That’s one assumption I wish people would get rid of. People arrive here for all types of reasons, and they’re clearly described in many of the introductory threads. Many of them have clearly never done any “serious looking at themselves” and further we know it’s impossible for OPs to ever do that.

We can go ahead and assume these things, which for the souled individual is sort of an automatic process. Your brain will fill in something that isn’t there regarding your interactions with another person. Removing those types of programs becomes essential if you want to progress, or at least see things clearly.

I think it’s just natural what’s happening now on the forum, I’ve seen the same sorting process with my blue collar friends. Some “get it”, some don’t….. but regardless of what we do, eventually the wheat will separate from the chaff. There’s just a lot that can be learned now because of the turmoil, if we choose to do so. Well I'm still here I'm just realized that I need to focus and develop attention and discipline in order to but it's too not be so disruptive but I'm fully committed to the group and I know as I grow and develop that I have faced it I can participate in a Harmonious manner That isn't ego driven So for me I'm really committed to learning to connect Even if it seems like I am not participating as much.
Here’s a thought: the forum is like Mouravieff’s unmagnetized being. All the forum members are the many “i’s”; The many iron filings. Co-linearity is a potential; the possibility for some type of fusion.
That is quite apt I would think, in this case each filing has to bring itself to the fusion status, so the personal and individual work in order to be able to fuse with the rest.
Here are some geometrical definitions of the terms collinear and collinearity:

Collinear: (of points) lying in the same straight line.

Collinearity: In geometry, collinearity of a set of points is the property of their lying on a single line. A set of points with this property is said to be collinear (sometimes spelled as colinear). In greater generality, the term has been used for aligned objects, that is, things being "in a line" or "in a row".

It got me thinking about putting people on the step behind you. In part, it involves energy exchanges via networking and moving towards a unified aim, tempered with love, knowledge, patience, understanding, and sharing with those who ask. Here are the transcripts where it mentions it:

3 May 2014 said:
(Menna) Okay, so, I've been introduced to the work about five years ago. I've practiced three or four things, like getting the correct knowledge, EE has had realizable progress in clearing negative emotions, and diet and lifestyle changes and staying away from drinking and drugs has also helped. My question basically is: Is there any other aspect of the Work I can do to help the process or make life more efficient?

A: Helping others to learn and put them on the step behind you.

(Menna) Okay. I get the reference because of Gurdjieff, and the teachers are above you on the rung on the ladder, so it's important to share knowledge. And maybe if you share knowledge with others, you get other knowledge that comes to you from helping. So, I think I understand what they're getting at.

(Perceval) They're saying you gotta look for some Padawans and help them! Find the Padawan.

17 May 2014 said:
A: Hello. Xopvila of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay. I'm going to start the discussion with what's on my mind. Actually, there are two things. The first thing is that I noticed that after the last session, a lot of people discussing it in the forum thread volunteered information about what they were doing to help to do this, to do that, and the other thing. We had the impression here that when the information came through that a person must put another on the step behind them, that that meant directly in terms of the Work... That it had to be someone on the ladder, or on the stairway, or on the path so to speak. So, could you clarify that? Is that, in fact, what was meant? That you meant somebody who was really asking and engaged in working on themselves, etc?

A: More than that, it means that total engagement in energy exchange with the network. If a person benefits from the efforts of others and there is no return energy, there will be blocks of all sorts in their lives.

(L) Okay, when you say, "There will be blocks of all sorts in their lives"... Blocks of what kind?

A: The blocks will reflect what it is that they are unable to give. If a person cannot be sincere, they will experience people in their personal lives who are not sincere with them. If a person devalues another's efforts, they will find their own efforts devalued. If you need to unblock a certain area of your life, make the effort to give what you want or need yourself.

Q: (L) But are you talking particularly about people engaged in the Work, or just anybody in general?

A: Anybody, but double in the work.

Q: (L) Okay, does this line of questioning inspire any questions in ya'll? Can you think of anything else to ask on this topic?

(Nicolas) This applies in the forum more than it would personally since we're not really interacting with too many people with the Work physically?

A: There are many avenues to interact in the work!!!

Q: [Discussion of letters and misspellings] (L) Just in case ya'll wonder, I'm messing up with calling out letters tonight for some reason.

(Andromeda) Tired.

(L) Yeah. We're going to try to synchronize here a little bit better. I need more tobacco. Okay, so you were saying that you don't how to interact with the Work because you're not physically present. And they said, "There are many ways..." and I would assume that means on the forum and with giving and doing and working on projects and so forth. Whatever's available in small ways, I think, for the moment. And then that opens the door for more direct interaction with others on "the path", I would think.

(Aleana) What about in your daily life? I mean, even if it's just talking about health issues with people... I mean, not forcing on it on them, but just putting things out there just to see what responses you get? Or is it more just confine it to the forum and work as much as you can on SOTT and the forum?

The latter is very important in terms of balancing energy you have received. But you can also extend assistance to those around you if they are asking.

21 June 2014 said:
Q: (Data) Was Gurdjieff a "man" in the fullest sense of the word as he described it himself?

A: Close. Gurdjieff's greatest problem was that there was no one to place on the step behind him at the time, and he slipped a bit.

In statistics, multicollinearity (also collinearity) is seen as a "bad" thing due to lowering the power of statistical inference. But I do prefer the term colinear and colinearity (without the extra "L"), as they're the terms that are exactly used by the Cs and chateau folks!

Much of the heart of these concepts relating to colinearity have been touched on in this thread by many already:

Q: (L) Well, I have several things on my mind tonight. We've got a couple of things. First of all I got an e-mail that came to my website, to my personal blog. Okay, so it says:

Dear Laura,

My name is Svetlana. I live in Russia. My adorable husband started to follow Cassiopaea site three years ago.

Please don't take it unkindly I truly respect the work you do and there are many interesting this there to learn but since that time my husband has been changed. He is not longer want to have a baby and our marriage is almost broken, he is taking all the time about the GREAT TRANSITION, says he is a NEW man who does not love me any longer.

I’m addressing to you as to wife and mother of three children. I pray you to help me to find the way out of this dead-lock. Could you give me some advice or something because I think that now you know my husband better then me.

Please play attention to this letter a matter of life and death.

(L) Well, I kind of think that part of her issue was addressed in last week's session, which discusses people who need to take care of their family responsibilities if they have them and grow where they are planted. However, I would like to know... Even though it seems to be a personal question, it seems to me that it's a universal issue. So, I think if there could be some general all-around advice for such people finding themselves in this situation when their partners come upon the Cassiopaean work... What is the proper response? Is there any general advice?

A: First of all, the writer does not take any responsibility for the breakdown in relations and dumps all the blame on her husband. If there is love and some understanding such an interest will not cause such a breakup. It sounds as if the person wants another baby in the way she writes, but this is a ruse. She already has three. The problem is that the husband has lost interest in his family due to her overbearing control. In general, a person who "finds" answers to questions is not trying to get out of responsibility, so the other partner ought to be able to demonstrate their love and colinearity by joining them on the quest, or at least offering support for what is important and of lasting value. This woman will not complain if her husband's work contributes to her survival and that of her family. In short, each situation can be different.

8 August 2015 said:
(Heimdallr) Is there anything that this group here needs to be doing or focusing on more?

A: Magnetizing.

(L) What does that mean? Magnetizing who or what?

(Galatea) Where? When? Why?

(Heimdallr) How?

A: Fulfilling the function of the lighthouse! If it isn't broke, don't fix it!

Q: (Heimdallr) So, I guess we just continue doing what we're already doing? Man the posts? SOTT and the Forum?

A: More and better! You will see that united efforts send a signal of which you are not fully aware with ramifications as yet unseen. The important element is the colinearity.
So, in this view, parents, by training their children to live in the same mental framework they do, will be setting their children colinear to them - ie pointing in the same direction, but not necessarily sitting in the same place (on the step behind them). I also think 'direction' in this context more or less could be interpreted as 'world' or 'world view'?
I think a key is to come freely without coercion to discover where you are at and then align, or see who you are aligned with. I think parents attempting to indoctrinate their kids happens on a much lower basic level and is something quite different.
Nice work, Pecha! I like the geometric angle too. For me, those points in a line equate to going in the same direction (but not in the same place)
I was about to echo this, great effort Pecha, thanks a bunch!

I think a key is to come freely without coercion to discover where you are at and then align, or see who you are aligned with. I think parents attempting to indoctrinate their kids happens on a much lower basic level and is something quite different.
I think so too, as far as indoctrination, but not every parent is attempting to indoctrinate, most parents are attempting to teach, in principle at least.

There's also the role of the parent in the life of a child, where in the first few years necessitates a lot more control, and indeed intervening in the "freedom" of the child to ensure his or her safety, something that is to be let go as time goes by and the child becomes more self aware.

So, in this view, parents, by training their children to live in the same mental framework they do, will be setting their children colinear to them - ie pointing in the same direction, but not necessarily sitting in the same place (on the step behind them). I also think 'direction' in this context more or less could be interpreted as 'world' or 'world view'?
Hi Magrathea,

thanks, I think you make a very good point. I also noticed you don't have an introductory post, and I wanted to invite you to create one, so that others may get acquainted with you. You can see how others created theirs here. Welcome!
I want to give my view (as it is all I can really give right now) as someone fairly new to the site. I joined looking to do exactly that (co-linearity), although at the time I did not know that was the term. I'm very much out of sync the group and this was my way of getting off the fence, so to speak.

I know I still have a lot of work to "catch up", and still in the process of trying to assimilate all the information this forum has to offer! I know it will be on me to read what you all have already found and discussed, and there are already starting threads and resources for me to review (the "Helping others to learn and put them on the step behind you"). IMO, this is the "my half" of becoming "co-linear" with the rest of the group who has already done their "half" (the recommended reading list, important threads pin, etc). Leaving the ladder behind for me to use, so to speak.

I was seeing "co-linearity" as a state that can develop during the following: members of the group came to the same conclusion (knowledge) regardless of the path they took to get there (here is where all the different thread discussion is helpful), integrate it that knowledge into their being, then knowing what actions to take moving forward (sometimes pointing newbies to threads). As mentioned with the different layers of the esoteric/exoteric circles, eventually definitions/understanding will align. Reading through many threads, I'm able to see some of this alignment is already there! The catch is that there will be members (like myself) who don't have the proper context or definition or understanding. Perhaps becoming more "co-linearity" here will be finding what blockers are there and whether they can be removed as a group? I have yet to run into anything myself but I'm also in the "assimilation"...

I hope this makes sense and if anyone can frame it better, please do!
I was seeing "co-linearity" as a state that can develop during the following: members of the group came to the same conclusion (knowledge) regardless of the path they took to get there (here is where all the different thread discussion is helpful), integrate it that knowledge into their being, then knowing what actions to take moving forward (sometimes pointing newbies to threads). As mentioned with the different layers of the esoteric/exoteric circles, eventually definitions/understanding will align. Reading through many threads, I'm able to see some of this alignment is already there! The catch is that there will be members (like myself) who don't have the proper context or definition or understanding. Perhaps becoming more "co-linearity" here will be finding what blockers are there and whether they can be removed as a group? I have yet to run into anything myself but I'm also in the "assimilation"...
I think that is a good way to look at it, similar knowledge that then transforms, by choice, into a similar enough view of reality, and this not only means academic intellectual knowledge but also emotional and behavior.

But the key is that choice IMO, because I think that's when it really matters, where one decides for oneself to do the reading, or to work on aspects of the self, or to remain and participate, all on ones own and not because of obligation.

I think true co-linearity can only be chosen, and not forced upon anyone. So, take your time, and I am glad you've decided to jump in!
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