
Excellent news!! Congratulations - you are definitely doing something right. Rock on!!! :perfect:
Strike! :headbanger: :rotfl: When I read it it was about the best thing I've heard in a long time. I don't quite get how they got the stats together and why SOTT ranks that high though. Frankly though I don't care why, since they shoot themselves royally into the foot by mentioning SOTT as one of the main "conspiracy" and "right wing" outlets in such a big and famous paper right along the new big politically party here in germany called AFD. Zeit is among the biggest and most read papers in germany. So them mentioning us in that way and so high up is about the best thing that could have happen. The Zeit article has already over 320 comments by the way, of which many are deleted by the editors of Zeit. Common practise there by the way. The usually delete stuff that mentions the truth.

Laura said:
Wow, that is great news!

I keep saying that steady persistence and doing some promotion when it is appropriate, being consistent, is the key. The website that wakes up and finds itself as the leader wasn't sleeping... or at least, the folks doing it weren't!!!

Yes the above is probably why SOTT came out so high. I think daily postings of the articles on the Facebook page might be one of the reasons why. German SOTT does that with pretty much every article that gets published.

Notice how SOTT is mentioned right together with AFD (the new big "right wing" party that emerged in germany and will probably get much more votes then the mainstream wants to admit, in this coming election on Sunday. And I do wonder how Merkel and Co. want to handle that).

Since they mention us so stupidly (In regards to promoting us to a wider audience, you can hardly get a better promotion in germany, although they probably didn't want it to come across like that!). I'll try to provide a full translation in the next coming days, for your pleasure and delight and maybe to share it on non german platforms as well.
Scottie said:
Congrats to SOTT Team DE!

Note that SOTT is higher than RT, which is something. If RT knew what our "German budget" is, they would all fall to the ground weeping. A budget? What's that?!

So there you have an answer to the question, "But what can I DO??"

And also to: "But it doesn't seem like we're having any effect... What's the point?"

Call me crazy, but I like to think of SOTT as a sort of Special Phorces Alternative Media (SPAM). :lol: There is no glory, there are no shiny gold medals, no interviews with Putin. We just do what we can do because it's the right thing to do and because we can do it, and then see what happens.

:rockon:, then!
Hear hear! :clap:
Yes, that's pretty funny and a better promotion Sott cannot get. Playing with words and the AfD, is one of the alternative (medias) for Germany :P.

I picked two comments from the article that mentioned with a rough translation:

Eine Analyse von ZEIT, ZEIT ONLINE und des Daten-Analyse-Spezialisten Unicepta aus Köln macht diese Entwicklung sichtbar.

An welcher Stelle würde eigentlich erscheinen? Schon etwas verwunderlich, wenn ZEIT die Analyse (mit)durchführt, darüber berichtet und kein Wort über seine eigene Webpräsenz verliert...
Vielleicht sollte ich mich ab sofort auf RT oder (? nie vorher gehört) informieren, wenn das so gerne geteilt wird, muss ja zumindest ein gewisser Unterhaltungswert da sein ;D

An analysis of Zeit, Zeit online and the data specialist Unicepta from Cologne shows that development.

At which place would be It's a bit strange, when ZEIT does the analysis, reports about it and then mentions no word about their own standpoint on the web...
Maybe from now on I should inform myself on RT or (? never heard of them), if it is shared that often at least something of entertainment value must be there ;D


"Internetseite aus den USA,, auf der oft Verschwörungstheorien diskutiert werden – und die rechtes Gedankengut ventiliert"

Was für eine armselige Unterstellung, würde "rechtes Gedankengut ventilieren". Das stimmt nicht mal ansatzweise, denn dort äußert man sich z.B. sehr kritisch gegenüber der Stigmatisierung von Muslimen.
Kein Wunder, dass die etablierten Medien als Fake News bezeichnet werden, wenn sogar offensichtliche Lügen einfach so durchgehen.

"An internet-site from the USA,, where often conspiracy theories are discussed - and right ideas are ventilated"

What a poor misrepresentation that "ventilates right ideas". That's not to some extent true, because they report very critical for example about stigmatization of Muslims. No wonder, that the established News are called Fake News, when such open lies are accepted.
Gawan said:
Yes, that's pretty funny and a better promotion Sott cannot get. Playing with words and the AfD, is one of the alternative (medias) for Germany :P.

I picked two comments from the article that mentioned with a rough translation:

Eine Analyse von ZEIT, ZEIT ONLINE und des Daten-Analyse-Spezialisten Unicepta aus Köln macht diese Entwicklung sichtbar.

An welcher Stelle würde eigentlich erscheinen? Schon etwas verwunderlich, wenn ZEIT die Analyse (mit)durchführt, darüber berichtet und kein Wort über seine eigene Webpräsenz verliert...
Vielleicht sollte ich mich ab sofort auf RT oder (? nie vorher gehört) informieren, wenn das so gerne geteilt wird, muss ja zumindest ein gewisser Unterhaltungswert da sein ;D

An analysis of Zeit, Zeit online and the data specialist Unicepta from Cologne shows that development.

At which place would be It's a bit strange, when ZEIT does the analysis, reports about it and then mentions no word about their own standpoint on the web...
Maybe from now on I should inform myself on RT or (? never heard of them), if it is shared that often at least something of entertainment value must be there ;D


"Internetseite aus den USA,, auf der oft Verschwörungstheorien diskutiert werden – und die rechtes Gedankengut ventiliert"

Was für eine armselige Unterstellung, würde "rechtes Gedankengut ventilieren". Das stimmt nicht mal ansatzweise, denn dort äußert man sich z.B. sehr kritisch gegenüber der Stigmatisierung von Muslimen.
Kein Wunder, dass die etablierten Medien als Fake News bezeichnet werden, wenn sogar offensichtliche Lügen einfach so durchgehen.

"An internet-site from the USA,, where often conspiracy theories are discussed - and right ideas are ventilated"

What a poor misrepresentation that "ventilates right ideas". That's not to some extent true, because they report very critical for example about stigmatization of Muslims. No wonder, that the established News are called Fake News, when such open lies are accepted.

Yes comments like these really make the day brighter. That's the result of articles like these. More people get interested in those websites and the truth is spread even further. We don't even know if the deleted comments (of which there are quite some) mentioned SOTT positively as well.
If I'm understanding it, it's like they are saying that sott carries both "conspiracy" theories AND truth (by their standards, i.e. politcally correct)? Or, are they referring to "the Right" as in political position? Even that is weird because the Right didn't used to go with "conspiracy theories".

I guess our editorial policies are bearing fruit.
Laura said:
If I'm understanding it, it's like they are saying that sott carries both "conspiracy" theories AND truth (by their standards, i.e. politcally correct)? Or, are they referring to "the Right" as in political position? Even that is weird because the Right didn't used to go with "conspiracy theories".

I guess our editorial policies are bearing fruit.

Right ideas (rechtes Gedankengut) is usually mentioned with the meaning Nazi ideas. So right more as political position but with negative direction.
Dirgni said:
Laura said:
If I'm understanding it, it's like they are saying that sott carries both "conspiracy" theories AND truth (by their standards, i.e. politcally correct)? Or, are they referring to "the Right" as in political position? Even that is weird because the Right didn't used to go with "conspiracy theories".

I guess our editorial policies are bearing fruit.

Right ideas (rechtes Gedankengut) is usually mentioned with the meaning Nazi ideas. So right more as political position but with negative direction.

Yes, they were simply trying the old routine of throwing us - or anybody threatening their BS narrratives - into the pot of Nazis and conspiracy theorists: use two labels to deter potential readers, and in the end shoot yourself in the foot, because anybody actually reading what Sott publishes can easily refute those claims. It's really weird though, that they haven't yet figured that one out by now.
I never thought would be mentioned by MSM like the ZEIT. It seems that SOTT team is doing something in the very right way.
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