Contract Law

Some attachments can go back centuries through our ancestry.
Last year at our healing and training retrat in uk Dr Klinghart went through his Family Constellation Theray combined with Advanced ART.
Here we particpated in, and witnessed the before and after cleansing of ancestral attachments.
The current incarnate can clear this on behalf of ourselves and our ancestors whether karmic or obsession based.
It is very effective but needs the ART for the responses from the spirit and the clarification that the therapy has been successful.
However an important point to note is that if the attachment/obsession is for the lesson of the candidate, and that lesson is still needed, then permission will not be granted to resolve it at that time. And this is communicated too.
Plus we are not always informed of what that lesson/test is as it is part of the learning/journey of the incarnate soul to self discover/ rectify through the appropriate inner self work.
Paweł: I am expressing some possibilities. I do not say how it is. This strange world that I cannot see made me curious and some thoughts are coming but I try my best to keep cool not to like ideas too much and also not to censor myself too much.

Networking - I subject those thoughts to the Forum. Maybe something will come up.

Other thing is if sharing thoughts like I do now (so only as possibilities) has any value to anyone? I hope so.

So basically most humans are basically STS. I am STS. When we take a closer look it is not that simple because I am not pure STS - I am a mixture. I do not say I want to be STS, OK? It is just a fact that it is what it is.
Anyway as an STS I do have STS traits: attraction to people that impress me not necessarily STO way, some sentiments that are STS - indulging in self importance, being navel of the world, living by illusions, feeding of some relations: feel good moments etc.

When you say: deceased relative as an example of STO. Are our dead relatives STO?
Guardian angel: is there anything like that at all in reality? Or is it just a name that we give to some possible situations that fit to our fantasy / belief?

I share some impressions that I am pretty sure I never heard of. I am not able to verify it. Or maybe better: for the time being I do not have idea how could I verify those thoughts.

For example to me this idea could be interesting: is there a possiblity to use attachements to our benefit and use their existence as it already is, I am not saying to invite anybody into our life for sake of experimenting which I believe based on book about demonic possesions would be suicidal, but rather so if we are having attachements right now then maybe they might be useful for the STO direction?
Like a petty tyrant in our life - when it is there I may change circumstances and escape. I may also come up to the situation as a warrior - a stalker :) and try to use it to my benefit.

Well, again, I do not want to be misunderstood - I am not saying that it is like that. That attachements may be used like that - I just pose a question - is it at all possible? And if so then what are conditions? If not: subject is over.

You know it really excited my curiosity: attachement could be so "loyal" and knows so much about us so maybe there is some potential for the work?
Paweł: I am expressing some possibilities. I do not say how it is.
Michał, and I am expressing my thoughts like you asked me to :)

When you say: deceased relative as an example of STO. Are our dead relatives STO?
They may or may not. It depends on the relative, doesn't it?

Guardian angel: is there anything like that at all in reality? Or is it just a name that we give to some possible situations that fit to our fantasy / belief?

The C's said during the 25.02.2023 session:
Q: (seek10) Forum member Boza48 wants to ask about his son's condition: "My son has cancer and I would like to know is it his decision or a consequence of some early trauma? Thank you all, in advance."

A: His decision. Many are leaving the body at this time.

Q: (L) Why are many leaving the body at this time?

A: To act as support for those who will go through trauma in the coming years.

is there a possiblity to use attachements to our benefit and use their existence as it already is
attachement could be so "loyal" and knows so much about us so maybe there is some potential for the work?
I sincerely doubt it. Attachment serves itself by manipulating you so that you serve it. How and why would you want to reverse these roles? Wouldn't that be an act of STS?

You write that attachment is "loyal" to us, I assume because it "loyally" waits for us to reincarnate so that it can spend another incarnation with us. I think of it this way: imagine, for example, a rapist sentenced to prison for hurting a little girl. After 50 years, the perpetrator is released and, using his extensive knowledge of the victim, tries to find her (now a woman) to hurt her again. If you were the woman, you wouldn't want to "take advantage" of this kind of "loyalty," would you?

It is sometimes said "if someone is a nuisance, make use of them" (I think there is even such a verse in the I Ching). But what good can a parasite clinging to you do you...? In my opinion, the only benefit of attachment for an STO being is the growth of knowledge and spiritual strength, once we learn to defend ourselves and release the attachment.
For example to me this idea could be interesting: is there a possiblity to use attachements to our benefit and use their existence as it already is,
In the sense of someone who has learned the lesson, I think so.


You can learn about drugs and addiction in a book to help other people with that, but the person who has been there and gotten out really knows and their help can be invaluable because they understand one hundred percent. It is not an intellectual exercise, they really understand it because they have lived it.

Voluntarily seeking it for learning is dangerous, but someone who has had it as a life lesson and has learned the lesson and left it behind really knows about that subject.
I think you are overthinking this, Michal, and for what it's worth.

You are assuming they are "loyal", instead of parasitical. Is a tick that clings to your skin if you don't remove it completely "loyal" to you? ;-D

As to using it to your benefit, well, yes. Say you reincarnated to get over issues having to do with self-pity. And you get an attachment that thrives on self-pity. You could say that that makes your learning that lesson more difficult. On the other hand, it may create situations in your life where your self-pity is SO obvious, you cannot ignore it. In that sense, if you learn and grow, then the attachment could have said to have helped. But the same goes for any difficulties, petty tyrants and suffering. You can be grateful if you wish, but I wouldn't attribute any altruistic motives to the attachment, just as I wouldn't to a psychopath in your life whom you might be "grateful" to for the learning opportunities he or she provided.

Guardian angel: is there anything like that at all in reality? Or is it just a name that we give to some possible situations that fit to our fantasy / belief?

I would imagine that there is, but that they are NOT attachments, and help from other realms because the person has asked.
Hi Guys,
I feel in me some exaggeration but to be clear: I do not analyze that. I just wrote what thoughts came to me.

"Loyal" i put in parenthesis to highlight that it is ... in parenthesis :) that it is actually not but I see that how I communicated here was not talking to myself - sorry for that. Lack of consideration.

For what it's worth - I wish I knew myself - and here I give some description of what was leading me to write so maybe again some more consideration for the worthiness of the material I feel I may share?
1. I thought that this might be interesting as a potential question to Cs
2. Is there any useful thing that may come up from this knowledge?
3. Share or not to share - this is a question but this I ask in few sentences later

So: yes this thing with awaiting dead duds on Earth and having some silent presence through out even few/several lifetimes was very interesting to me.

I first thought: what binds those two: attachment and a host?
So I first thought is that some kind of wish fulfillment? I called that contract but example could be:
- I wish X so much that I would even accept Y in my life to have that
Then comes dead dud... sorry: Mr. or Mrs. Dead Dud and says ha ha ha here I am (like Rumpelstiltskin - well not exactly but kind of) and now you owe me.
It all happens in fantasy world so person thinks that this was "only" my imagination.
But maybe - it is not. Maybe this was contract - the wish = the offer.
Contract - I do not know. But who knows :). Thought came to me that maybe there is a contract when one wishes something really badly and it happens but then it has a price because it was in the contract.

One aspect of it could be to have more hygienic approach to fantasy for example.
By the way - this is probably answering the question at least for me - that I really do believe that asking for something in fantasy and accepting it from Rumpelstiltskin kind of guys is dangerous even those that appear only as voice or inner dialogue.

So for what it is worth: that is the question.
What would you suggest to approach this kind of feeling / strange thoughts? How to discern what could be useful what not for posing on the Forum? Was this topic worth making a separate subject / thread or not? Probably not. Probably if I made some more diligent writing a rough draft - could be more sensible. But would I feel challenged to stop and think about the material?
Maybe next time - so humbly - thank you for having opportunity to write here and take feedback.
You know, I am dreaming of checklists :) - life would be easier. However most of those checklists I have to make myself.
I try to make now alarm in me when I have another feeling of interesting subject to first
1. make a rough draft - do not post it
2. Ask yourself a questions like you would like to attack sense of posting it
3. Try to keep that text for a week or so and read it once again
4. If search brings no results: topic is new but do not know where to post it - post it in "whats on your mind"
Anything else would You add?

And I do understand that ticks and psychopaths have connection to their victims - parasitical connection.
But sometimes I guess we do bring some beings by our own call.

By the way: contract. So contract contracts something like putting limits over something. Limits on relation? Is that how one may think in English about contract?
this is an excerpt from recent cassiopaea substac:
Commenting on the case of Linda (#14), whose abductors told her “You agreed to this,” Terry Lovelace says that statements like this are “documented in perhaps a hundred emails I’ve received from others. The question is, was this agreement made in this lifetime? Or was it perhaps made from the other side in preparation for this life?” Alternately, was a form of “consent” coerced in childhood?

Interesting. How giving word, agreeing onto something is working?
My guess would be that she needed this answer on some level and/or her captors have 'seen' that and used it - so they sent this pattern of thought which "materialised" in her mind as "You agreed to this". I don't remember exact session but it was said that we *agreed to this* when we have chosen to be 3D STS.
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