solarmind said:
Laura said:
Because we have YEARS of experience and a network.
Yes I know that, this is why I asked about this case here, to see what you think, is it really that bad as I was thinking, as I built trust to your experience and opinion on things based on that.
But what is contradictory is that you putting yours experience to see things that are not explicitly shown, to be trustful and trustworthy, but do anyone else can have experience, and build his opinion upon that too?
I know that in those things, comparing to anyone here, my expirience in that is 0%.
There is nothing contradictory at all. Again, your System 2 is attempting to make System 1 feel better about itself.
However, a more direct answer to your question would be obtained by reading the book "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell, and/or the thread(s) that mention it here on the forum.
One of the aims of The Work is to "tune the reading instrument" and this is well described in Mouravieff's trilogy, Gnosis. It is also well described in my series, The Wave particularly the parts about the high road/low road systems of perception/misperception.
solarmind said:
Laura said:
Here again it is all about you.
But it turned out to be about me - as you think she is not like I see her, so ok, that is not what you doubt, but most of you have been questioning my thoughts on her, and after me asking how I can see what you saying about her is right, some guided me to get out of that non objective perspective, so how can I relate to that than by answering like me?
If I think something and I f I am asked to observe or explain how I see it or feel it, how can I relate to that, than saying it I do that, I see that, I expirience that?
You are missing the crux of the matter. It was all about you and YOUR perceptions to begin with. You decided to create a subject heading calling this woman a narcissist. Precisely, you wrote:
This is for me unbelievable that someone can do this. As a person who seen couple of autopsies in my medical school, what affected me a lot, I can't be live it that someone is able to be so detached from humanity to be able to do this for self promotion. Any way I don't know how this is legal? This is for me one of the most ugliest ways of narcissistic self representation use of social networks.
At least we can have numbers of sick psychopath who are folowing her. And styling is incredible. sick.
Now, consider if you had written something like what I changed the subject field to: "Controversial Instagram Account" which is what it really is. And then said something like "This makes me feel terrible and here's why ______ Are my perceptions shared by others or is it just me? And if it is just me, why do I feel this way?"
zlyja said:
Hi solarmind,
I didn't watch the video before looking at her account, because I honestly didn't notice it! I thought it was just a picture. So, before reading this thread further, I viewed it. She still seems very genuine about wanting to teach others about pathology, and I see no harm in what she's doing, as others have noted.
After reading this discussion, I wonder if your reaction came partly from her appearance. You mentioned about how "stylish" and "goth" she looked to fuel your opinion that she's presenting the pictures entirely for self-promotion, if I understood you correctly. Would you have thought differently about her if she wore surgical scrubs without tattoos, makeup, or an eccentric hairstyle? It's common to project our fears and dislikes on people who don't look like us, even if we don't realize it. Thus, it could've been easier for you to create narratives about her because she looked threatening, thereby unconsciously justifying your fear of autopsies. OSIT.
Well, here is an interesting thing: in general, I do NOT like tattoos and I think that they are totally ugly ON SKIN no matter how prettily artful they are. I can accept one or two small, artistic ACCENTS on the body, but when the tattoos dominate the eye, it seems to me that the person is trying to hide something or divert the attention of others. I also have a bit of a problem understanding why someone would go through that kind of pain to "gild the lily", so to say, to "correct nature." It's kind of like circumcision: if nature intended men to not have foreskins, they would be born that way.
But, that is just my own quirkiness. I happen to think that living creatures are, in and of themselves, works of art and such "improvements" should be modest and discreet... to enhance nature, NOT scream at it. So, this girl's tattoos were a HUGE turn-off to me.
BUT, since I know that our culture has created an environment where tattooing is not only accepted, it is encouraged by slick advertising and role modeling and only the truly independent spirits can evade this programming, I set it aside completely while watching the video. I understood that the girl was just a fairly normal member of her age/culture/society bracket. In fact, the most unusual thing about her was her passion for her work and her urge to share it with others.
Anyway, I found it interesting that she was involved so much with both exploring the limits of mortality AND modifying the body. This may indicate a fear of mortality in her that she seeks to ameliorate by facing it down in her job. Or it may have begun that way, and then her interest and fascination was engaged. This reminds me of an exchange with the Cs on 9 Jan 1996:
Q: (L) Was there some connection between JOs murder and "alien" activity?
A: There is always this connection in one way or another, at one plane convergence or another.
Q: (L) Was the murder of JO a "mini-plane convergence?"
A: What did we just say?
Q: (L) It seemed to me that was what you said, and I was trying to clarify it. Is that, in fact, a plane convergence, where one person's plane of reality converges with another person's plane of reality, and one or the other gets annihilated?
A: 4th, 5th and 3rd density is involved.
Q: (L) Is this true with all murders?
A: Discover and yes.
Q: (L) Was my interaction into that reality a sort of entering into a point of plane convergence?
A: Flirting with the edges.
Q: (L) So, when a person is working on a murder investigation, or thinking about it, or applying thoughts, talents, instincts or whatever to the solving of this kind of puzzle, they are interacting with a plane convergence?
A: This represents one manifestaion of the always present desire to return "home" to 5th density.
So, it seems to me that what this girl is doing, whether she realizes it or not, is a rather spiritual activity.
Kasia said:
"Homo sum. Humani nihil a me alienum putto" (I am a human. Nothing human is alien to me).
Does she hurt anyone by putting out these photos? I don't think so.
And even if it's a pure promotion of herself, so what...
Exactly. There is the ever-present box with the X in it at the upper right of the screen.