Corona craziness

I don't understand what your saying here. Do you mean the pic can't be seen without going to the site? Do people see Twitter posts differently? I see the twitter clip fully and there's no need to go to the site. Seems redundant to post something twice. Are you making a political statement? Twitter is compromised and so clips are offensive, I don't know, I'm confused.
In this tread we started to put pics to have a laugh, putting simple links, sometimes multiple links was not the purpose to promote other websites. I tend to skip post with multiple links like this:
There were rules on the forum regarding links to websites, thats all.
I don't know where you get this with political statement.
Exactly, we have to go to twitter to see the pic.

Works fine for me. Twitter and Facebook post embedding should work fine. I think it is a matter of how you have your browser setup. The same issue exists in SOTT news articles. It is generally a matter of privacy settings and trackers in your browser or if you have an extension like Ad Block Plus or in my case I have Duck-Duck-GO search engine and it will see Facebook and Twitter embeds as a privacy breach because of trackers and only show the links and not the full embed object - which generally includes text and pics. I just add the cassiopaea forum and SOTT to the white-list and all embeds show fine and you do not have to go to the Facebook or twitter site.

It is probably still a courtesy to post an actual pic, but you shouldn't have to go to the site to see the tweet or FB post if the browser is configured to allow it. I am not sure everyone knows how to capture pics of tweets and other social media posts that may have trackers in them.
This will make Netflix and Obama's agenda climb.

As cinemas continue to reopen across the US the National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) has launched a voluntary set of health and safety protocols.

CinemaSafe is based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and was developed over several months by a team of industry experts in consultation with leading epidemiologists.

At time or writing NATO said more than 300 companies comprising more than 2,600 locations and more than 30,000 screens across the US had signed on to the protocols.

Unhinged: Worth Returning to Theaters? - Review!

Solstice Studios opens its first release Unhinged starring Russell Crowe this weekend and has targeted 2,000 sites in North America. The film, the first wide release of a new feature in the US since cinemas shut in mid-March, has grossed approximately $8m from international markets so far.

NATO president and CEO John Fithian said, “In this new pandemic world, moviegoers need to know that there is a consistent, science and experience-based set of health and safety protocols in place no matter what theatre they visit. This unprecedented industry-wide effort is a promise designed to meet that need.”

The protocols include:
Masks – mandatory wearing of masks for all cinema employees and patrons while in the auditorium and common areas of the cinemas, with exceptions for to health issues and children under two;

Social distancing – appropriate physical distancing must be maintained at all times between patrons, except members of the same household or those that attend together;

Reduced capacity – cinemas will explore options to minimise the number of patrons in an auditorium;

Air Filtration –HVAC systems should be in working order with increased ventilation whenever possible;

Modified concessions – Minimise cash transactions and encourage credit card or contactless payments. Eliminate communal food and condiments that require shared serving utensils or equipment;

Mobile ticketing – tickets sales should be available online or via phone whenever feasible to reduce queuing. Alternatives to paper tickets should be sought;

Frequent hand-washing –employee training on hand-hygiene practices; employees encouraged to wash hands frequently;

Hand sanitiser – hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol (EPA approved ethanol or isopropyl) to be made easily accessible with hand hygiene signage;

Enhanced cleaning – disinfecting between screenings; high-touch surfaces should be wiped down periodically with EPA-registered disinfectant; and

Employee health training – All employees should be trained on the signs and symptoms of Covid-19 as well as local theatre policies and procedures.

Dr. David F. Goldsmith, an occupational and environmental epidemiologist at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, reviewed the CinemaSafe protocols, and said, “It is important to note that, in my review of the medical literature, not a single case of Covid-19 has been traced to a movie theatre around the world, either before the shutdown, or since theatres have re-opened in many countries and some U.S. states.

“These protocols, and the way they were developed, demonstrate a serious, comprehensive effort by movie theatre owners to examine every aspect of their operations, identify potential risks, and reduce them. Their emphasis on the health and safety of their employees is an indication of their preventive commitment to moviegoer $afety.”

Dr. Joyce Sanchez, an infectious disease specialist and director of the Travel Health Clinic at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin as well as an assistant professor of medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin, also examined the protocols.

“The CinemaSafe protocols include physical distancing, limited capacity in auditoriums, mandatory mask wearing, frequent disinfection of surfaces, specific safety training for employees and optimization of HVAC systems. They also offer a touchless experience.

“As far as duration, the length of a feature cannot be controlled.
However, the length of a movie is similar to the amount of time spent on a domestic flight or dining at a restaurant. While every activity outside the home carries risks, these additional measures can help to mitigate them.” The full CinemaSafe protocols are available here.

Theater Owners File Suit in New Jersey
This will make Netflix and Obama's agenda climb.

As cinemas continue to reopen across the US the National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) has launched a voluntary set of health and safety protocols.

CinemaSafe is based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and was developed over several months by a team of industry experts in consultation with leading epidemiologists.

At time or writing NATO said more than 300 companies comprising more than 2,600 locations and more than 30,000 screens across the US had signed on to the protocols.

Unhinged: Worth Returning to Theaters? - Review!

Solstice Studios opens its first release Unhinged starring Russell Crowe this weekend and has targeted 2,000 sites in North America. The film, the first wide release of a new feature in the US since cinemas shut in mid-March, has grossed approximately $8m from international markets so far.

NATO president and CEO John Fithian said, “In this new pandemic world, moviegoers need to know that there is a consistent, science and experience-based set of health and safety protocols in place no matter what theatre they visit. This unprecedented industry-wide effort is a promise designed to meet that need.”

The protocols include:
Masks – mandatory wearing of masks for all cinema employees and patrons while in the auditorium and common areas of the cinemas, with exceptions for to health issues and children under two;

Social distancing – appropriate physical distancing must be maintained at all times between patrons, except members of the same household or those that attend together;

Reduced capacity – cinemas will explore options to minimise the number of patrons in an auditorium;

Air Filtration –HVAC systems should be in working order with increased ventilation whenever possible;

Modified concessions – Minimise cash transactions and encourage credit card or contactless payments. Eliminate communal food and condiments that require shared serving utensils or equipment;

Mobile ticketing – tickets sales should be available online or via phone whenever feasible to reduce queuing. Alternatives to paper tickets should be sought;

Frequent hand-washing –employee training on hand-hygiene practices; employees encouraged to wash hands frequently;

Hand sanitiser – hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol (EPA approved ethanol or isopropyl) to be made easily accessible with hand hygiene signage;

Enhanced cleaning – disinfecting between screenings; high-touch surfaces should be wiped down periodically with EPA-registered disinfectant; and

Employee health training – All employees should be trained on the signs and symptoms of Covid-19 as well as local theatre policies and procedures.

Dr. David F. Goldsmith, an occupational and environmental epidemiologist at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, reviewed the CinemaSafe protocols, and said, “It is important to note that, in my review of the medical literature, not a single case of Covid-19 has been traced to a movie theatre around the world, either before the shutdown, or since theatres have re-opened in many countries and some U.S. states.

“These protocols, and the way they were developed, demonstrate a serious, comprehensive effort by movie theatre owners to examine every aspect of their operations, identify potential risks, and reduce them. Their emphasis on the health and safety of their employees is an indication of their preventive commitment to moviegoer $afety.”

Dr. Joyce Sanchez, an infectious disease specialist and director of the Travel Health Clinic at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin as well as an assistant professor of medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin, also examined the protocols.

“The CinemaSafe protocols include physical distancing, limited capacity in auditoriums, mandatory mask wearing, frequent disinfection of surfaces, specific safety training for employees and optimization of HVAC systems. They also offer a touchless experience.

“As far as duration, the length of a feature cannot be controlled.
However, the length of a movie is similar to the amount of time spent on a domestic flight or dining at a restaurant. While every activity outside the home carries risks, these additional measures can help to mitigate them.” The full CinemaSafe protocols are available here.

Theater Owners File Suit in New Jersey
I watched the trailer for Unhinged. Maybe it needs its own thread. Subject is road rage, someone coming unglued in the worst way. The rage might well have been attenuated with a simple apology, when the angry man expressed something about what a bad day he was having. Even the kind of rude lady's young child seemed attuned to the dynamic.
So, this is fiction, but it seem everyone is on edge right now. Something to be learned here just from watching the trailer.
It's obvious that the Mandate of a MASS Mask Demand, is getting more retarded folks!

Aug 18, 2020 Video / 9:40
Well, we’re over the six month hump into this COVID nightmare, and one thing has become abundantly clear: some of you can’t be trusted to do anything right. Like I said, we’re past the six month mark now, and why is that! Why are we still here! Because the stupid government keeps reopening restaurants and bars and schools, and because stupid people won’t wear their goddamn masks!


Edit: Add a few More M&M'S.
The Ski's are not so friendly anymore. The heavens have become the new CheckPoint Charlie.

The WestJet Group has announced multiple safety updates including the potential for denied travel and a one-year WestJet Group travel ban for those who fail to comply with the airlines’ mask regulation. The WestJet Group also announced the mandatory input of all guests’ contact information at online and kiosk check-in to help the Public Health Agency of Canada and the provincial public health agencies across Canada with contact tracing in the case of infected individuals on board. The WestJet Group includes WestJet, WestJet Encore, WestJet Link and Swoop.

Zero Tolerance Mask Policy

Effective, September 1, 2020, the WestJet Group will implement a zero-tolerance policy in support of the requirement for all guests, over the age of two, to wear masks and face coverings. Non-compliant guests will face penalties including denied boarding, return of the aircraft to the gate to offload the passenger and the suspension of travel on any WestJet Group aircraft for up to one year.

“Canadian travellers and all of our WestJet Group employees are counting on us to keep them safe and it is our utmost priority to do so,” said Ed Sims, The WestJet Group President and CEO. “Masks are mandated by our regulator and the vast majority of our guests are happy to keep themselves and each other safe by complying. This enhanced policy provides clarity on how we will enforce the regulation for those who don’t. Travellers must understand if they choose to not wear a mask, they are choosing not to fly our airlines.”

Non-compliance on board the aircraft will be managed through a three-step process:
  1. Passengers will first be asked to put the mask on in a discussion with cabin crew.
  2. Passengers will be given a warning that masks are required, and compliance is necessary.
  3. Passengers will receive notice that non-compliance will result in follow up notification that they will be placed on a no-fly list for 12-months.
Since April 20, 2020, it has been mandatory for travellers to wear protective face coverings throughout their travel journey, including at the airport and while in flight and at the airport. As outlined by Transport Canada, travellers requiring an exemption to the regulation for health reasons must produce a certified medical note or will be subject to the measures as outlined. Complete guidelines on non-medical masks are available here.

Prior to flying, it is important travellers understand the current regulations and modifications to services in response to COVID-19. Travellers that wish to eat or drink while on board remain able to do so if they replace their mask once finished.

Contact Tracing Enhancements

Effective, September 1, 2020,
the input of contact information for those travelling on WestJet, WestJet Encore, WestJet Link and Swoop will become mandatory at the 24-hour check-in process online and at kiosks. Mandatory information at WestJet check-in kiosks will be phased into the policy change by the end of September.

Once implemented, guests will no longer be able to bypass the information screen and will be required to input up-to-date information prior to the issuance of a boarding pass. It is the responsibility of the traveller to provide accurate information.

“We continue to work collaboratively with our health partners to adapt our procedures,” added Sims. “A coordinated approach is essential, and we are advocating for contact tracing enhancements along with the introduction of testing.”

Since March,
the WestJet Group has been the only Canadian airline to provide full transparency in advising the public of flights affected by COVID-19. Between March 23 and August 25, WestJet has flown more than 725,000 guests on 19,370 flights. Of those, the airline has been notified of just over 230 flights where infected individuals have flown, this accounts for less than one per cent of flights. Swoop has operated 1,070 flights with 103,000 travellers and has been notified of eight flights where infected individuals have flown, accounting for less than one per cent of flights. There have been no reported cases of transmission on board any WestJet Group aircraft.

WestJet (including WestJet Encore and WestJet Link) and Swoop remain the only operators in Canada taking the extra steps to post affected flights to external channels in effort to inform the public at large and to aid the media in assisting public health officials in disseminating information as quickly and as broadly as possible.

WestJet has built a framework to ensure Canadians can continue to travel safely and responsibly. From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the airline invested quickly in hygiene and safety measures to mitigate the risk throughout the entire travel journey, investing millions of dollars’ worth of equipment, cleaning and additional measures to protect those who had to fly. The airline continues to invest, test and trial multiple additional safety measures to ensure safety above all.

Additional Quotes on masks:
“CUPE is very pleased to see the further steps WestJet is taking to keep our members safe and empowered. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the airline in reassuring all guests that air travel is truly safe.”

Van Morrison Protests Against COVID Gig Limits, Says Policy Based on ‘Pseudoscience’

The Australian Soviet: PM Morrison Closes Borders, Imposes New Authoritarian Measures

Australian Woman is Jailed for Six months for Breaking COVID Quarantine Rules

Dr Dolores Cahill Speech in Dublin Destroys Gov’t Argument for COVID Lockdown, Masks and Vaccines

New COVID Study Shows T-Cell, B-Cell Immunity Lasts longer Than Antibodies

Patrick Henningsen @21WIRE
In supermarket in Muzzle-Free #Wales #Cymru. Literally right over border from England, no #mask required. What gives? Is the #Corona on strike here??
Last edited:
A very funny article from Stephen McMurray of OffGuardian posted on sott.

Hancock's Half-Hour

A brand new TV show has just been announced called Hancock's Half-Hour. Over the course of 30 minutes the main character, Hapless Hancock, playing the part of the Health Secretary, will highlight all the government's absurd policies and fake facts and figures surrounding the covid situation.

Some of the highlights of the show have already been leaked. One of the stories featured will be that of the Seagull on Brig hton beach who is believed to be covid positive. In an interview, a public health official claims that the seagull definitely has covid as a local resident called Bob witnessed the bird regurgitating some chips it had stolen from a couple of pensioners sitting on a bench. This combined with the fact that another witness said it had beady eyes was enough to convince the authorities of its covid positive status.

As a result of this spike in cases, Brighton beach has been sealed off, The Golden Cod chip shop where the pensioners purchased the chips has been demolished, the bench on which they sat has been removed and the surrounding area has been carpet-bombed.

The pensioners themselves have been placed in quarantine for six months and anybody returning from Brighton in the last few days have been told to put a cardboard box over their head whilst self-isolating for fourteen days.

As a precautionary measure all purchases of potato products in and around the South coast region have been banned with a prison term of three months and confiscation of their deep fat fryer for anyone that defies the new law. The head of the local police force was quoted as saying, "We will enforce the law with the utmost vigour. People have got to realise that cooking or consuming chips at this time could kill someone."

The seagull at the centre of the storm was not captured but authorities did manage to fit it with a track and trace ankle bracelet before it escaped. It is hoped that all the birds it comes into contact with will be able to be traced and locked into special nightingale aviaries that have been specifically set up for this purpose. Hapless Hancock was quick to point out that although the new facilities are called nightingale aviaries all species of birds can be accommodated.

As a result of this terrifying event, all local bird owners are now required to ensure their pets have beak coverings when they cannot social distance from other birds. Canaries, cockatoos, parrots and budgies are all subject to the new law but mynah birds are exempt as it was thought that putting a mask over their beak and preventing them from speaking for any period of time would cause them too much anxiety.

In the first show it is also believed Hapless Hancock will announce new, stricter measures to prevent the spread of corona virus. According to the latest science, the virus can now make its way into a person's system via the skin, hair and ears and so it will become mandatory to wear full body coverings when indoors. Recommended coverings are hazmat suits, suits of armour, circa 16th Century or a beekeeper's outfit purchased from a reputable supplier. In the event that you do not own any of these, a home-made body covering will suffice and can be made out of any household material including old rags, toilet rolls or bits of coal. To help with designing your own body covering, a new billion-pound website has been set up by the Department of Health and Social Care.

As well as full body coverings the latest expert advice is that a kipper placed strategically in one's underwear should help prevent the spread of the virus. A study carried out by Poppycock University in Cambridge has shown that the viral load of the virus is inversely proportional to the size of fish used but it is only true for kippers. Other piscine species have been used but without success. Members of the public visiting their local fishmongers will be reminded to stay at least 10 salmon lengths apart at all times.

As new cases and fatalities are falling every day it is thought that the corona virus has mutated to become craftier due to a hitherto unknown gene called the sneaky gene. It is now believed by experts to have changed its modus operandi and is causing a completely different set of symptoms. These new list of symptoms will be revealed on the show but are known to include, 'looking slightly bewildered, walking with an odd gait, looking at other people in a funny manner and talking with a strange accent.'

The police are due to organise a press conference in the next few days where they will be encouraging the public to report anybody showing any of these signs to the authorities, emphasising it is now everyone's public duty to spy on their neighbours and be wary of anyone new in the area, particularly if they have a limp and sound a little bit foreign.

As an incentive, a new scheme is to be introduced called, 'Squeal for a meal,' whereby any member of the public that grasses on another for acting oddly will get a voucher for a free meal at any local restaurant.

The programme will also feature the new virus behaviour modelling expert, Madame Zaza, who will predict the course of the virus by various methods including reading tea leaves whilst blindfolded, counting how many natterjack toads will gather on the trunk of a fallen oak tree before sunset, recording how long it takes a piece of cheese to go mouldy in an enclosed environment and seeing how many boiled sweets she can suck in an hour whilst wearing a Mickey Mouse mask. Madame Zaza's essential work will be sponsored by Mint Imperial college, London.

The latest science says these are the most accurate ways of predicting the behaviour of the virus as opposed to the previous method of thinking of a number, subtracting it from the average height of a giant sequoia tree, multiplying it by the distance between the moon and the earth at the time of a lunar eclipse and then adding a squillion to get the final figure.

This, of course, was the method employed by Fiddler Ferguson, the professor guilty of fiddling with the figures whilst he fiddled with his mistress.

The programme will also cater for the musically minded as it will feature BoJo the clown, doing a cover version of the Fun Boy Three's hit, The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum, on a dither. (A dither is another form of the zither but is used solely by those who haven't got a clue what they are doing). Accompanying him will be the Health Secretary and the Chief Medical Officer. It is thought The Glum Boy Three will have a regular slot on the programme.

Despite all the measures that will be highlighted in the show, a leaked document from the cabinet office has predicted that the only way to truly eradicate the virus is by culling the entire population so that it has no more potential hosts. To this end, another scheme is being advised where you can commit suicide to avoid catching covid. It will be called, 'Check Out to Help Out.'

It is envisaged that there will be a large uptake as many members of the public desperately want to stay covid safe. However, if demand does not meet the required level, the scheme will become mandatory. Those unwilling to comply will be effectively water-boarded into submission by being forced to wear a dirty, homemade facemask during a heavy rainstorm.

Happy viewing.

* The original Hancock's Half Hour was an excellent BBC radio comedy, and later television comedy series, broadcast from 1954 to 1961 and starred British comedian Tony Hancock. For those of a certain age it was essential viewing - I watched the repeats years later btw! :-D
Weird doings at the super market.

Snip: 8 September 2020
The door at an Intermarché supermarket mists shoppers with a disinfectant as they enter. It comes as Covid-19 cases continue to rise in France, and the government considers changing quarantine rules.

The disinfectant door has been installed as a “test” since the beginning of September in the Intermarché supermarket in Monastier-sur-Gazeille, Haute-Loire (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes).

Shoppers who choose to pass through the door to enter the supermarket are misted with a disinfectant spray.

Store manager David Accaries told France 3 the door was installed to make sure customers felt safe when visiting the supermarket. He said that in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis: “People were afraid, they were panicking. We didn’t know if we had to wear masks, we didn’t know what was going on. It was total uncertainty. We had a very difficult time.”

The door has been installed as a “test” but Mr Accaries believes it could provide useful in the long-term. He said: “It’s something we can reuse in 'flu season, if there are stomach bugs going around, and all year.”

Customers, however, have had mixed reactions. One told France 3: “I think it’s really good. We should see more things like this.”

Another said: “Would you put up a door like this for the 'flu? Or common colds? No!”

Health minister confirms quarantine rules will be discussed
Despite this, French health minister Olivier Véran has confirmed that government advisory body the Conseil Scientifique are in favour of reducing Covid-19 quarantines from 14 to 7 days.

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Dave Portnoy shares COVID lockdown lessons on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
Premiered 9 hours ago / 4:26
The video associated with Z-Hedge post is spot on and recommended. The rest is just wall paper.

Actu17 @Actu17 France
Coronavirus: 2,100 classes and 81 schools in total are currently closed, says Jean-Michel Blanquer

As Coronavirus Rebounds, Europe Rejects New Lockdowns
12:56 PM · Sep 16, 2020 WSJ
"As a second wave of coronavirus infections gathers momentum across Europe, the continent’s governments are determined to avoid large-scale lockdowns and instead seek less disruptive ways to live with the new disease".

they are missing more than the toilets under the chair, soon our schools will look like battery farms of calves!

by Tyler Durden Wed, 09/16/2020 - 09:45 Snip: Rt-9-12 minutes
And then there is the US election. The bookies say Biden. The polls are mixed. And the reality is we don’t know…

Coronavirus and Lockdowns

Yesterday I was bombarded with more articles, comments, graphs, data and YouTube links following a Morning Porridge than ever before. I made a conscious effort to check as many as I could out. Some of them were excellent. Some less so. There is still an awful lot of badly-written unsupported conspiracy-theory corona-denial out there. There is some very good fact-based commentary. There is plenty of data and good science - and I missed much of it till y'day!

I’ve put together a list of some YouTubes to watch and articles to read at the bottom.

RT / 37:35 Sep 8, 2020

My conclusion is simple. The evidence shows the coronavirus is not what we feared it might be. It is not the Medical Armageddon we closed down our economy to avoid. As a result we just hot our Economy in the foot. Lockdowns probably achieved very little – aside from wrecking whole swathes of industry, business and commerce.

Covid-19 is serious, it makes many people very ill, and it has culled large number of vulnerable people. Many people remain in danger. But it is not the Big One. It is not a repeat of the 1918 Spanish Flu or the Black Death. The story of the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic started with the assumption it was going to be a global disaster killing millions, but it’s turned out to be something very different and less threatening.

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